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_1IADDEXC Additional Excise rate table J_1IADDRES Excise Related Address Management J_1IADDRESS Excise Related Address Management

J_1IARE_ATTRB Excise Bonding: Attributes J_1IASSVAL Assessable value table for excise calculat J_1IBILDET Billing Type Determination - India J_1IBOND Excise Bonding: Bonds/UT-/Running Bond mas J_1IBOSDEFAULT Default Blling Type for Export J_1ICALOC Allocation of materials to assets J_1ICERTIF TDS certificate information J_1ICHIDTX Text Table for Chapter ID J_1ICHPTER Chapter ID Master J_1ICOMP Additional company data J_1ICONDTAX Tax Codes for Excise Duties Using Conditio J_1ICUS_BILL_TYP Assign Customer Category to Bill Type J_1IDCLSDET Document class Determination - India J_1IEICOCU Excise indicator determination for company J_1IEICOVE Excise indicator determination for company J_1IEWTCALID Calendar for Payment Due date-EWT India J_1IEWTCALID_N Calendar for Payment Due date-EWT India: S J_1IEWTCHLN Table for Internal and external Challan no J_1IEWTDOCKEY Document Types for Extended Withholding Ta J_1IEWTDTCHLN Document Type for Remittance Challan - Cla J_1IEWTDTPRV Document Types for TDS Provisions -EWT In J_1IEWTDUEDATE Tax Due Dates J_1IEWTECESS Education Cess Codes J_1IEWTHKONT Table for for TDS provisions Accounts / L J_1IEWTJV Document Types for Journal Vouchers J_1IEWTNO No range for certificate Printing-EWT Indi J_1IEWTNUM INTERNAL NO RANGE FOR CHALLANS- EWT INDIA J_1IEWTNUMGR Number Groups For Internal Challan Numbers J_1IEWTNUMGR_1 Number Groups For Internal Challan Numbers J_1IEWTNUMGR_N Number Groups For Internal Challan Numbers J_1IEWTPROV Table for TDS provisions J_1IEWTPROVISACC Maintain entries for accts to be considere J_1IEWTSURC Surcharge Tax Codes J_1IEWT_CERT SAPscript Forms/section indicators for E J_1IEWT_CERTIF Certificate Issued Details-EWT India J_1IEWT_CERTIF_N Certificate Issued Details-EWT India:SECCO J_1IEWT_CERTNO Number Ranges for Withholding Tax Certific J_1IEWT_CERT_N SAPscript Forms/section indicators for EWT J_1IEWT_COMP Surcharge Calculation Methods J_1IEWT_CUST Customer certificates ,Challan customizin J_1IEWT_CUSTV View for Document type for Challan UpdateJ_1IEWT_ECESS1 Education Cess Rates J_1IEWT_ECFLAG Separate Tax code for Ecess J_1IEWT_HC Health check for migration to EWT status. J_1IEWT_MAPEXM Assign Exemption Reasons to Withholding Ta J_1IEWT_MAPEXMPT Table for Vendor type/exemption indicators J_1IEWT_MIGRATE Map Classic tax code to EWT Tax type - Tax J_1IEWT_SURC Maintain Surcharge Calculation Methods J_1IEWT_SURC1 Surcharge Rates J_1IEWT_VENTYP Assign Types of Company to Withholding Tax J_1IEXCACC Excise Account Assignment table J_1IEXCDEF Tax default informations J_1IEXCDEFN Default Condition Types J_1IEXCDEP Excise information of vendor at detail lev J_1IEXCDTL Excise invoice line item details J_1IEXCHDR Excise invoice header detail J_1IEXCREF Delivery document to excise invoice refren

J_1IEXCTAX Tax calc. - Excise tax rates J_1IEXESTA Excise indicator determination for co / cu J_1IEXGRPS Excise Groups J_1IEXMPTCODE VAT Exempted Tax code J_1IEXSRDET Excise / Series group determination J_1IEX_CUST_ACT Define Processing Modes Per Transaction J_1IEX_CUST_FLDS J1IEX: Incoming Invoices field selections J_1IEX_CUST_REF Define Reference Documents Per Transaction J_1IFRDTOT Transaction Table for Forms Tracking-Non S J_1IFRDTPO tranasction Table for Forms Tracking for P J_1IFRDTSO Transaction table for Forms Tracking for S J_1IFRMTYP Form Types J_1IGRXREF Goods Receipt to Excise Invoice Coss Refer J_1IGRXSUB GR reference to subcontracting challans J_1IINDCUS Company Code Settings J_1IITMDTL Item Details - for Capital goods and subco J_1IKONV Excise recalculated conditions J_1ILICDTL Excise Bonding: License detail J_1ILICHDR Excise Bonding: License Header J_1ILICTYPE Excise Bonding: License type master J_1IMATEXP Exceptional materials excise rates J_1IMESG Message Control J_1IMINBAL Minimum account balances J_1IMOCOMP Company and Plant - Excise Additional Data J_1IMOCUST Customer Master Excise Additional Data J_1IMOCUSTEWT Maintain PAN no for Customers -EWT India J_1IMODDET Modvat Determination Table (Input Material J_1IMOVEND Vendor Master Excise Additional Data J_1IMOVENDEWT Maintain PAN no for Certificates-EWT India J_1IMTCHID Combination of Material Number and Chapter J_1IMVMT Movement types versus register relevance J_1IMVTGRP Movement type Group for Subcontrcting J_1INEWJCODE VAT Transition Dummy Jurisdiction Code J_1INEXCGRP excise group for no range J_1IPART1 Excise part I detials J_1IPART2 Excise Part II details J_1IQEXCISE Quantity based AED, NCCD and SED J_1IREGSET Excise Registrations J_1IREJMAS Rejection Codes J_1IRG1 Excise RG1 details J_1IRG1RNG Group table for RG1 - Number Range Object J_1IRG23D RG23D register for the depot J_1IRGSUM RG23 Summary of receipts and issues J_1IRSNCODEM Exemption Reason Code; e-Filing India Loca J_1ISERVC Service tax details J_1ISRGRPS Excise Document Series J_1ISSIRAT ssi concessional rates J_1ISTAPPL Tax applicability J_1ISTATECD State Codes; e-Filing, Localization India J_1ISTATECDM State Code Mapping; e-Filing India Locali J_1ISTATECDT State Code Texts; e-Filing India Localiza J_1ISTRATE Sales tax set off percentages J_1ISUBATT Subcontracting Scenario Attributes J_1ISUBBYP Subcontracting Scrap/ Byproduct J_1ISUBTYP Subtransaction type text J_1IT030K India Tax account determination ( T030K + J_1IT030K_V India Tax Account Determination J_1IT059A Indicator to mention tax exemption J_1ITAXDEP Depreciation computation as per Income Ta J_1ITAXIND Excise Tax Indicator

J_1ITCJCMAP Tax code and Jurisdiction code mapping J_1ITCJCUPDATE Updatation table for open documents J_1ITDS Classic TDS - reference table J_1ITDSDUE TDS Payment due date customization J_1ITDSSEC TDS Sections J_1ITDSTXC TDS - Withholding taxcode and section rel J_1ITRAN Transaction code J_1ITRNACC Transaction code vs accounts J_1IUTILIZE Utilization Determination J_1IV2ARE_ATTRB Make Settings for ARE-1 Procedure J_1IVARE_ATTRB Make Settings for ARE-3 Procedure J_1IVATDATE Maintain Valid from date of VAT legislatio J_1IVATDATE_V Maintain Valid from date of VAT legislatio J_1IVATINVOICE Billing type determination for VAT J_1IVATREGIO States Under VAT regime J_1IVCHID View of Chapter ID and text J_1IVEXGRP Help view for Excise groups J_1IVEXGRPS Excise Group Maintenance J_1IVFRMTY Help view for Form type J_1IVFRTYP Maintenance view for Form Types J_1IVREGID Help View for the register id J_1IVSRGRP Help view for serial group J_1IVT001 Document types for TDS JV J_1IVTDSDU Payment due date in TDS J_1IVTRAN Help view for the transaction type J_1IVTTXID Text maintenance J_1IVTTXOB Text object maintenance J_1IVTXNOR Excise tax rates - normal J_1IVTXRAT Tax rate maintenance J_1IVTXSPL Excise tax rates J_1IV_INVC Help view for Vendor Excise invoice J_1IWRKCUS Plant Settings J_1I_BCKEXCSUS Customizing table for background capture o J_1I_CUST_CERT Data table for clearing doc on customer ta J_1I_EWT_RETURN Annual returns - Documemnt View J_1I_INBDELV INBOUND DELIVERY DETAILS FROM sus J_1I_SECCODE Section Codes for Extended Withholding Tax

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