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Prole of Jurnal Hidro Teknik

Jurnal Hidro Teknik is a scientic journal, published by Civil Engineering Department of Faculty of Engineering of Syiah Kuala University-Banda Aceh, assigned to compile researches and investigations related to hydro-engineering purposes. This journal is scheduled to be published twice a year. All submitted papers will be reviewed by independent peer-group. Area of interest of this journal (but not limited to) are: coastal engineering river engineering water-related structures oceanography hydrology water quality tsunami and storm surges ood and debris ow uid mechanics water resources management GIS and remote sensing numerical simulation, and hydro-related social studies.

Scientists and practitioners are invited to submit their papers to this journal via email and the paper should be composed in .doc le format. The content of the paper could be a report of research or investigation, short-communications, discussion/reply on previous published paper in this journal, or a review on a specic subject. Author(s) should guarantee that the submitted paper is an original work. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited either in the text, presented data, or gures. A template for paper review process is available at the website. Papers should be written either in Bahasa Indonesia or English. A proper writing format will give eect on the paper acceptance time. All units used in the paper should in SI units. Quotations in this journal follow Harvard Referencing System. Since nal version of the submitted papers A will be composed using L TEX, author(s) are required to submit gures in .jpeg,.eps, or .ti format. Colors of the gures should be in white and black colors. For details, prospective contributors are suggested to follow template of the paper. Papers can be sent via email to editors at Yours, Chief Editor Dr. Syamsidik Jurnal Hidro Teknik Civil Engineering Department Syiah Kuala University Jl. Syeh Abd. Rauf No.7 Banda Aceh-Indonesia 23111 email: Editors: Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Masimin Alansyah Yulianur Azmeri Eldina Fatimah Dr. Ella Meilianda Zouhrawaty A. Ari, M.Eng Maimun Rizalihadi, M.Sc.Eng Dirwan, SU Ngajari Bangun, MT Ismail Yusuf, Dipl. HG Ziana, MT Amir Fauzy, Dipl.WRM

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