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Horoscopes Panchang Bhavan - All in one CD

Contents This CD is for daily home reference and for learned astrologers. The CD contains the program
Lhors for screen viewing of horoscopes in Hindi, Tamil, Kannada and English and also for printing them. It also contains four other programs in English including the Panchang. Following is the program list. LHORS ALLHORS ALDASA XMATCH PANCHANG Kannada, Tamil, Hindi, English. Single Page; Three Pages, English Horoscopes; Ashtakakavarga; Shodasa Vargas; Graha Bhava Balas. Dasas, Bhukthis and Antarams for about 100 years - English Matching Horoscopes - English English - 1902-2000 Abridged; 2000 2010 complete

This program provides a single page horoscope or a three pages horoscope in Hindi, Kannada, Tamil or English. You can view the results on the screen and print them if you choose. Details provided in the horoscopes are given below.

This easy to use Windows program provides a quick method of casting and printing accurate traditional Hindu horoscopes with customary information. Choices available to select the type of Horoscope and the details required. North Indian kundali is also available. The Ephemerides for the horoscope have been computed directly using astronomical formulae and constants. Planets in retrograde motion are shown within brackets in Rasi, Navamsa and Bhava Charts. The X House and the Ascendant (Lagna) are calculated trigonometrically after ascertaining the Sidereal Time directly by determining the Julian Date. All astronomical calculations for the horoscope start from the Julian Day/Date. Sripathis method of determining Bhavas has been followed as outlined in Dr. B.V. Ramans book - A Manual of Hindu Astrology. The circumstances of the sunrise and sunset are directly computed and take into account atmospheric refraction and suns semi-diameter. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have not been included in the horoscope as they are not of significance in Indian Astrology. The Single page horoscope contains all information including Rasi, Navamsa and Bhava charts and graha and bhava sphutas. It also contains Sapta Vargas and Maha Dasas. The 3-page horoscope is more detailed and contains Maha Dasas, current Bukthi, next Bukthi details and details of the Antarams in the running Bukthi.

Sublords are included for those using the KP system in both Rasi and Bhava Tables. Ashrakavarga , Trikona, Ekadipati. Charts accompanied by a table are presented in 4 pages; Shodasa Varga charts and table on 3 pages. Graha Bhava balas are printed in 4 pages. A comprehensive horoscope takes 14 pages. Horoscopes can be cast for any place on Earth provided correct entries are made for Longitude, Latitude, Time Zone and the directions of these. Always double check the entries to avoid errors. Incorrect entries result in an incorrect horoscope and may also cause the computer to hang.

Xmatch -Horoscope Matching

This Windows program provides a quick method of Matching Horoscopes following traditional practices. Muhurtha Chintamani lists only 36 Koota points. Other authorities have prescribed a few additional points. This program looks at 46 kuta points. It also checks Kuja (Mangal) dosha for Lagna, Chandra and Sukra. Acceptability of the Stars, case of Rasis being the same are all examined and judgment arrived at. Dr. B.V. Ramans book `Muhurtha has been consulted. Exceptions to the rules have not been taken into account. Astrologers could consider exceptions taking into account other circumstances,

This CD provides a complete Hindu Panchang for the period 2000-2010. You can find the Indian, Solar, Tamil and Lunar dates and the Paksham. You can note the Tithi, Nakshatra, Yogam and Karana prevailing and their end timings. The Panchang also tells you if the day is auspicious or not the Amruthathi yogas for the day are noted. Festivals and events for the day are displayed. The Rahu and other Kala timings are calculated taking into account the latitude of the city selected are listed. The sunrise/set and moonrise/set timings for the day can be seen. With the click of a button you can view the Nirayana Ephemeris for the day and also the Lagna start times. You can switch to any other date and instantly and view the Panchang for that day. You can set the panchang for the city of your choice. This Panchang is `Drigh Ganith and is based on modern astronomy with ayanamsa adjustment. Chitra Paksh (also called Lahiri) ayanamsa has been used. The Panchang may differ from Panchangs based on Surya Siddhanth, Arya Siddhanth or Vakya systems. It corresponds to the Rashtriya Panchang published by the Positional Astronomy Centre, MET Dept., Govt. of India. The Indian Day is reckoned from sunrise to sunrise. The Panchang also provides browsing facility for Dates, Tithies & Stars, Shub Muhurtha dates, Amruthathi Yogas and Festivals. You can view any of these over a period by setting the From and To dates. Solar and Lunar eclipse databases can be viewed separately. `Panchang Glossary tells you all about the Panchang and the terminology. A complete `Festival Glossary has been included . `Eclipse Glossary gives you an overview about Solar and Lunar Eclipses. Fred Espenaks (NASA) Solar and Lunar Eclipse predictions are included with due acknowledgment. A bibliography is also available. Panchang for the period 1902 1999 is abridged. You can view the various dates, tithies and stars. It provides a quick accurate back reference. `ReadmeFirst provides help for using the Panchang. The Panchang uses Windows Worpad.exe to display RTF format text files. The program assumes that the location of the wordpad.exe is as under:

C:\Program Files\Acessoreis\Wordpad.exe - Windows 98 location C:\Program files\Windows NT\Acessories\Wordpad.exe - Windows XP location In case, the files like `ReadmeFirst, do not display, please check the location of the Wordpad.exe file in your computer and re-locate the file to any of the 2 locations given above which are the normal location of the Wordpad.exe file.

Aldasa - Dasas/Bukthis/Antarams
The ALDASA program tabulates Dasas, Bukthis and Antarams from the current date. Dasas have been calculated on the basis of 365.2422 days a year. Because of rounding of the dates, a difference of one or 2 days may be noticed between ending of Dasas, Bukthis and Antarams. This difference is not important astrologically. The tabulation covers the period up to an age of 100. If a person is 80 and starts the program, he will get results for the next 20/25 years. If the program is initiated when a child is born, dasas, bukthis and antarams will be tabulated for about 100 years. The results are saved in a `Text file and the location is given. The results can be perused at any time by finding the file using the Windows Explorer and double clicking the file icon. It can also be printed completely or portions can be printed selectively.

All the Programs contain a `ReadmeFirst button. Please read this first for guidance and help.

System Requirements
Pentium III Processor or faster; 32 MB RAM; CD ROM Drive; Windows 98 or later version; 60 MB Hard disk space; HP compatible Inkjet or Laser Printer. The programs work best on Pentium IV processors; it will be slow on Pentium III processors.

Insert the CD in the CD drive. Open My Computer. Find the CD drive and Open. You will find 5 folders LHORS, ALLHORS, XMATCH, ALDASA, PANCHANG. Open each folder one at a time. Find the Setup icon (one with a computer picture). Double click to install. Follow the instructions. Setup will create and place icons on the Desktop. Repeat the procedure for each folder. To run the program all you have to do is to double click the icon.

Please check the Regional Settings in the Control Panel of the Windows and ensure that the date format is set to dd/mm/yyyy for both long and short dates. Otherwise, the program will report a `date error. Also ensure that in Printer Settings (Control Panel) A4 size paper is selected and applied.

About the Author - C.R. Subramanian

Retd. Chairman, Bharat Electronics Ltd., Bangalore. Awarded Padma Sri by the President in 1973. Distinguished Alumni, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Author, `India and the Computer published by the Oxford University Press in 1989. Hobby Computer programming for casting Horoscopes and Panchangs. Author - Kundali Matcher -Rediff.Com Astrology Channel. Address: `Rajam House, 6, Palace Cross Road, Bangalore 560 020.

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