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Obama and the Shadow Socialist Group Behind Egypts Fall?

By Michael Savage and Greg Lewis 2011 by Savage Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved Barack Obama has been playing a critical role in making sure that Egypt, one of our staunchest allies in the Middle East, is positioned to become the next member of the Union of Iranian Radical Islamist Republics headed by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Every single word out of the presidents mouth, every single move hes made has had the effect of stabbing Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in the back, of opening the door to Islamist radicals taking another step on their way to restoring an unholy caliphate in that region. The historical precedent for Obamas actions can be found in those of another weak liberal Democratic president, Jimmy Carter. In the late 1970s, the Shah of Iran ruled that country in much the same way Hosni Mubarak has ruled Egypt, through maintaining tight control over the population with a strong military and the support of the United States. When Carter withdrew his support of the Shah in the name of human rights, he enabled the Ayatollah Khomeini to return to Iran from his exile in Paris and assume leadership of the country.

It looks very much like Obama is following directly in Carters footsteps. The problem is that the situation is much more serious today than it was 30 years ago. Blame that on Jimmy Carter. Carters turning over Iran to the mullahs has allowed Islamist radicalism to establish a soon-to-be-nuclear outpost in the region. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is set to expand his influence and power by abetting the overthrow of nations such as Egypt that retain ties with and receive support from the west. There is no doubt that Ahmadinejad sees himself as the leader of an Islamist union that wields power over the entire Middle East and threatens western civilization as well. Since the 9/11 attacks on the United States, the left in America has come out on the side of Islamist radicals. They cheered as the Twin Towers fell and American lives were lost. With the election of one of their own as president of the United States, the left moved even closer to realizing its aim of bringing down our country. It is not out of the question that Barack Obama is actually working to insure that our allies in the Middle East, including Egypt and Jordan, follow in the footsteps of Iran in installing a radical Islamist government. It is not out of the question that Obama seeks the demise of our staunchest ally, Israel.

What is becoming clear is that, like Jimmy Carter, Obama is on the side of Islamist radicals. When Iranian students staged an uprising after the rigged elections in that country insured that the totalitarian government of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would remain in power, Obama was on vacation in Hawaii and treated the Iranian insurrection as nothing more than a nuisance. Instead of intervening and speaking out strongly in favor of the students and the overthrow of a truly heinous enemy regime, Obama declined to take sides, saying it is up to Iranians to decide who Irans leaders will be. By not speaking out and taking the lead in denouncing the Iranian regime, Obama revealed where his sympathies lay. Only a few weeks earlier, Obama had delivered one of his more insipid speeches. Speaking in Cairo, he had called for America to end torture and close the prison at Guantanamo Bay in order to reclaim its moral authority. His insistence that the people of Iran should decide who their leaders are simply ignored the fact that the Ahmadinejad regime had rigged the election. The point was that there was no way the Iranian people could decide who their leaders would be. By saying what he did, Obama came down solidly on the side of the Muslim dictatorship and rigging elections in order to achieve it.

Less than two years later, the Cairo insurrection against one of Americas staunchest allies, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, provided Obama with another chance to speak out against Islamist radicalism. Instead hes again waffled and backtracked and stabbed Mubarak in the back by demanding that the Egyptian president step down immediately. Nobody is saying that Mubaraks government is a paragon of democratic rule. What Mubarack has done, though, is to provide a stabilizing influence in the Middle East. Hes the closest thing to a friend that Israel has in the region. Hes helped Israel secure its borders, and hes kept the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood from gaining power in Egypt by outlawing them. Hes accepted U.S. foreign aid, primarily in the form of military equipment, and used it to maintain his countrys strength. Our foreign aid, which Obama has publicly considered withdrawing to punish Mubarack, represents money well spent. We get back much more in increased Middle East security through the sale of military equipment to our ally than can be measured simply in dollars. After watching silently for several days as demonstrators overran the streets of Cairo, Obama did what he would not do in the Iranian situation: He said that Mubarak must step down immediately in order to pave the way for free elections.

But as it turns out, its not quite as simple as that. Obamas words to the contrary, its highly likely that our president had a strong hand in bringing about the riots in Egypt. Beyond that, he was aided and abetted by the very man who engineered the financial meltdown that enabled Obama to get elected in the first place: George Soros. The U.S. knew as early as December, 2008, that groups opposed to the Mubarak regime were already developing a plan to overthrow the Egyptian government. They received the information from a young dissident who the U.S. had sponsored to attend a meeting for international political activists that took place in New York City. In addition, according to documents exposed by WikiLeaks, U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Margaret Scobey was aware of the plans of the Mubarak opposition group. Leaked documents also show that while the United States publicly supported the Mubarak government, U.S. Embassy officials continued to communicate with the activist in question throughout 2008 and 2009. The problem is that in order for a country to hold free elections, it must have a democratic infrastructure, a democratic culture. In the most important sense, there is no Middle Eastern country that has this, except for Israel. Even our attempts to establish democracy in Iraq have done little to

combat the influence of Iran or to insure that democracy will survive after we leave. When you try to establish a democracy in the Middle East, Islamist radicals move in and take over. Its exactly what happened in Gaza. In the elections of 2005, the terrorist group Hamas was the big winner over Mahmoud Abbass Fatah Party. By 2007, Hamas had drive the Fatah Party out of Gaza. And when Abbas, still the nominal president of Gaza, called for elections in January of 2009, Hamas said that anyone who participated in the election would be dealt with by the [Hamas] ministry or by other means.1 In other words, if you vote you die. Thats what the term free elections means in the Middle East. It means that a radical terrorist organization will move in, intimidate the population, and make sure that its candidates are elected. Its exactly what is likely to happen in Egypt, even if an orderly transition to free elections takes place. First, its very likely that even if the uprising against Mubarak in Egypt began spontaneously, its no longer spontaneous. Ahmadinejad applauded the insurrection loudly when it began, and there is no doubt that his agents are involved on the street and in the backrooms where strategies against Mubarak are being plotted.

To this point: One of the key figures in opposition to Mubarak is Mohamed ElBaradei. Hes the former International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director. In that capacity, he whitewashed Irans nuclear energy program, essentially saying that Ahmadinehad was not pursuing nuclear weapons when its clear to everyone that he is. On January 18, before the uprising in Egypt had begun, AlBaradei, in what was a veiled call to action for Islamists, warned that a Tunisia-style explosion could occur in Egypt. AlBaradei has emerged as a key figure in a shadow parliament that has formed in Egypt.2 The shadow parliament consists of opposition leaders who are trying to develop plans for a transition to a new regime through free and democratic elections. Included in the group are representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood, the radical terrorist group responsible for the assassination of Egyptian Premier Anwar Sadat in 1981 and the seed group for other Islamist terrorist organizations, including Al Qaeda. The Muslim Brotherhood seeks nothing less than a government based on Islamist principles, including the implementation of Shariah Law and waging jihad against the west. AlBaradei, given the fact that he looked the other way when inspecting Irans nuclear facilities, is very likely a puppet of the Iranian regime. In April, 2009, AlBaradei told the press that more U.S. engagement

with Tehrans leaders would increase regional security.3 Although many say hes unlikely to play a key role in the upcoming elections, hes nonetheless one of the agents seeking to give Islamist radicals a voice in the Egyptian government. Its no coincidence that AlBaradei showed up in Cairo only two days after the uprising began and was immediately named a negotiator by the Muslim Brotherhood. In fact, he had been waiting in the wings for quite a while. Hes on the board of an organization headed by George Soros and Zbigniew Brzezinski called International Crisis Group. Brzezinski is the same man who supervised the fall of the Shah of Iran in 1979. Another board member of the ICC is one Javier Solana. Solana is one of the most powerful figures in the European Union. Because of his Marxist sympathies and his support for the regime of Cubas Fidel Castro, Solana was once on the USAs subversive list. Former U.S. National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, who once smuggled incriminating documents out of the Clinton White House by hiding them in his clothing is another Board Member, as is General Wesley Clark, once fired from his NATO command. Monamed ElBaradei also sits on the ICCs Board.

The organizations stated aim is working to prevent conflict worldwide. The group promotes itself as the worlds leading independent, non-partisan, source of analysis and advice to governments, and intergovernmental bodies like the United Nations, European Union and World Bank, on the prevention and resolution of deadly conflict.4 The true purpose of the ICC is exactly the opposite of its stated purpose. It seeks nothing less than the political downfall of moderate regimes in Muslim countries which maintain friendly relations with the United States, with the ultimate purpose of destroying our country and promoting Islamist regimes. Soros continues to exert a strong influence on the policies and pronouncements of Barak Obama and his administration. His influence includes promoting the Muslim Brotherhood to a position of power in Egypt. To that end, Frank Wisner, a former U.S. ambassador to Egypt, met secretly with Issam El-Erian, a senior leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, at the Obama administrations request. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the fate of Egypt after Mubarak was deposed.5 It is also reported that Obama himself met with members of the Muslim brotherhood in 2009.6 While the situation in Egypt is still fluid, with Mubarak proposing to remain in power through the elections scheduled for September, the fact is

that Egypt is the key player in what is almost certainly a larger movement to unseat current governments in the region and replace them with Islamistfriendly regimes. This week, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry said that President Obamas call for an immediate transition from the government of President Hosni Mubarak has incited violence. Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossam Zaki said What foreign parties are saying about a period of transition beginning immediately in Egypt is rejected. He added that such calls inflame the internal situation in Egypt. Tunisias government was dissolved and its president, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, fled the country after protests against joblessness and corruption overwhelmed Tunisias security forces in a situation that foreshadowed what is happening in Egypt. Jordans King Abdullah II has also dissolved the parliament in his country in response to protests similar, although not as violent and widespread, to those in Egypt and Tunisia. Abdullah has also promised free elections within six months. The situation is ripe for Islamist terrorist organizations to move in and take control of the Middle East. And Obama is their enabler. He is the epitome of a weak liberal president. He mouths utopian leftist platitudes


while the governments of our allies in the Middle East are challenged. Obama actually said the Muslim Brotherhood must reject violence and recognize democratic goals in one interview. His lack of understanding of the consequences of this type of rhetoric and of the positions he holds is unfathomable. It may well be that at heart he is true to his Muslim upbringing and is bound to cede the power of the Judaeo-Christian west to Islamic tyrants. He supports the demonstrators when there is a chance that his support will lead to the overthrow of our allies, but he keeps his mouth shut when truly dictatorial Islamist regimes are threatened by popular uprising. His weakness is having the effect of enabling a new caliphate to be formed in the Middle East. Were very likely witnessing the formation of a new Islamist alliance led by Iran. Reaction from people who understand the true urgency of the situation has universally condemned Obamas positions. One article about Obamas betrayal of Mubarak was titled A Bullet in the Back from Uncle Sam. That piece went on to describe the politically correct diplomacy of American presidents throughout the generations as nave.7 Israeli lawmaker Binyamin Ben-Eliezer said, "I don't think the Americans understand yet the disaster they have pushed the Middle East into."8


The United States, upon realizing the seriousness of the situation in Egypt, should have immediately come to the aid of President Mubarack and the maintenance of stability in Egypt and the region. We should have deployed naval assets to the Suez Canal in order to protect that channel through which nearly 10 percent of the worlds goods pass on their way to their destinations. We should also have made it clear that we support our allies, Egypt and Israel, and we will do everything in our power to maintain the status quo, even as Egypt moves toward liberalizing its government. We should also have made it clear that intervention by other countries, especially Iran, will not be tolerated. Obama needed to come down on the side of maintaining our allies in the region. Instead, he sided with Islamists. The invitation to hold free elections in Middle Eastern countries with no history of democracy and no democratic infrastructure or culture in place is nothing less than a naive invitation to Islamist radicals to step in and take control. Such a transition, if it can be made at all, must be very gradual. People with no history of establishing and maintaining democratic institutions must be led into their formation. As Murabak supporters clash with anti-Mubarak forces in the streets of Cairo, the countrys fate rests more and more with the Egyptian military and with Omar Suleiman, Egyptian Intelligence Chief who is now Vice


President. It is just possible that, if the military is able to retain power and if Suleiman is able to take over from Mubarak, that the Middle East can retain its precarious balance. But dont look to Barak Obama for help.

Hamas in Gaze elections warning, BBC NEws, October 28, 2009 ( 2 Levinson, Charles, and Steve Stecklow, Inside Oppositions War Room, Wall Street Journal, February 3, 2011, p. 1. 3 Tirone, Jonathan, Iran Divides Mubaracks Troubleshooter, Oppositions AlBaradei, Bloomberg, February 2, 2011 ( 4 5 Klein, Aaron, U.S. held secret meeting with Muslim Brotherhood, World Net Daily, February 1, 2011 ( 6 Barel, Zvi, and Avi Isacharoff, Obama met Muslim Brotherhood members in U.S.,, April 6, 2009 ( 7 Hamilton, Douglas, Israel shocked by Obamas betrayal of Mubarak, Reuters, January 31, 2011 ( 8 Some in Israel see Obama administration reaction to Egypt as nave, The Western Star, February 3, 2011 (


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