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Year 11 Physics Nuclear Power Essay Rubric.

4 Introduction and conclusion fully follows conventions Structure Meaningful sequencing of arguments that supports the final argument Spelling and grammar are correct throughout Pleasant to read and a sophisticated use of language More than five Cited correctly and with insight in the bibliography and text Detailed understanding of bias All facts are accurate Facts Detailed use of facts to support argument All facts are relevant All issues have been considered and accounted for Fair and detailed representation of both sides of the issue Final opinion is comprehensive and convincing 3 Introduction and conclusion largely follow conventions Meaningful sequencing of arguments Spelling and grammar are correct throughout Pleasant to read Five Cited correctly in the bibliography and text An understanding of bias Most facts are accurate Sufficient use of facts to support argument Most facts are relevant Most issues have been considered and/or accounted for Fair or detailed representation of both sides of the issue Final opinion is comprehensive or convincing 2 Introduction and conclusion are present Arguments are sequenced Spelling and grammar are largely correct Easy to read Four Cited correctly in the bibliography or text Limited understanding of bias Some facts are accurate Use of some facts to support argument Some facts are relevant Most issues have been mentioned, though only some accounted for Both sides of the issue are mentioned, though one or neither are detailed 1 Presence of introduction and conclusion is not clear Little structure to sequence of arguments Spelling and grammar are often incorrect Difficult to read Three or less Citations are largely incorrect Bias not accounted for Facts are inaccurate Insufficient use of facts Facts are irrelevant No issues have been accounted for, though some may have been mentioned Only one side of the issue is represented

Use of Language



Final opinion is somewhat valid Final opinion lacking in rigour and depth

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