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Observe body build, height , weight in rel. to age, lifestyle, and health Posture and gait, standing ,sitting and walking Overall hygiene and grooming Body and breath odor in rel. to activity level

Normal Findings
Proportionate, varies with lifestyle

Deviations from normal

Excessively thin or obese

Relaxed, erect posture, coordinated movement Clean , neat No body odor / minor body odor relative to work/exercise; no breath odor No distress noted

Tense, slouched, bent posture, uncoordinated movement; tremors Dirty, unkempt Foul body odor; ammonia odor; acetone breath odor; foul breath (halitosis) Bending over because of abdominal pain, wincing, frowning or labored breathing

Signs of distress in posture or facial expression

Signs of health or illness (e.g. skin color or breathing) Clients attitude

Normal Findings
Healthy appearance

Deviations from normal

Pallor; weakness; lesions

Cooperative, able to follow instructions

Negative, hostile, withdrawn Inappropriate to situation

Affect/ mood; assess Appropriate to the appropriateness of situation the clients responses

Quantity of speech (amount and pace), quality (loudness, clarity), organization (coherence of thought, overgeneralization, vagueness) Listen to relevance and organization of thoughts

Normal Findings
Understandable, moderate pace; clear tone; exhibits thought association

Deviations from normal

Rapid /slow pace; overly loud or soft; uses generalizations; lacks association

Logical sequence; makes sense; has sense of reality

Illogical sequence; flight of ideas; confusion; vaque

Chair scale

Bed scale

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