Modern Firearm Silencers

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ODER BIRANRIN, SILENCERS GREAT DESIGNS, _.GREAT DESIGNERS eas i ae ee os pe 6 Also by J. David Truby: Improvised Modified Firearms: Deadly Homemade Weapons (vith John Minnery) ‘The Lewis Gun Whispering Death: Secrets of Improvised and Ststc-of-the-Art Silencers (video) ‘Modern Firearm Silencers: Great Designs, Great Designers ‘Copyright © 1992 by J, David Truky ISBN 0-87364.6665 Printed in the United Suaies of America Published by Paladin Press. «division of Paladin Entesprises, In. PO. Box 1307, Boulder, Colorado 80306, USA. (23) 449-7250 Direct inquires andfor orders to the above adress, Allright: reserved. Excopt for wo in aroview, no portion ofthis book mey be reproduced in any form ‘without the exprest written permission of the publisher [Neither the euthor nor the publisher assumes ‘ny responsibility for the use or misuse of {information contained in this book. Contents Preface... vii Silence Is Golden Again... Testing and Evaluation. The Man Who Brought Us Quiet Killing ... 11 Hear No Evil... 21 The Baffling Radiologist... 29 . He Says He’s Number One... 43 Do-It-Yourself Silencers... $3 Boobs, Tubes, and Dollars Wallow in Politics ... 69 . The Terrorizing Sound of Silencers... 77 10. Omertaat the End ofaGun ... 85 11. Into Every Book Some Miscellany Must Fall... 91 12. Sources ... 107

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