Xiandai Hanyu Changyong Zibiao

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Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

List of characters
1 stroke
Simp. Trad. Pinyin English y y one second

2 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin r sh dng chng q b bo rn r b ji j j j r -r , lio lio le l ni do yu English two ten fourth factory seven foretell radish person enter eight nine small table almost how many son diminutive particle finish understand perfective particle power then knife again

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

3 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin , sn y y gn gn gn ku sh gng t ci ci cn xi d zhng y y y wn shng xio ku jn shn qin qin q chun y g sho ji fn j x wn English three to, at, toward in, on, at shield, invade dry do fail scholar work earth talent only inch down, descend large ten feet archaic discourse particle and, with participate ten thousand up, ascend small mouth towel mountain thousand swing (playground) beg river hundred million generic measure word spoon long time all, any, every reach evening pill

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

, me gung wng mn y zh sh gng j y z wi y n fi rn x ch m xing interrogative particle wide death door righteousness possessive particle corpse bow self already child guard too, also female fly blade practice, study fork horse rural

4 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin fng fng wng jng ki f tin w yun zhun yn yn z zh zh zh English lush, beautiful abundant king well, pit open male, husband sky, heaven negative, lack first, head monopolize say cloud tie, bind military stationing pierce pull up

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

y m w zh tng b ti qun u q l l yu yu p ch j j y tn b h qi qi w zh sho sho r zhng zhng gng bi ni shu jin w ni shu art, talent tree, wood five pay, support hall, central room no, not very, too, extreme dog a surname area, region calendar history especially, particularly friend measure word for horses cart, vehicle the rook in Chinese chess large tooth village compare mutually, reciprocally cut, slice bite tile stop few, less young sun, day middle, center hit on target ridge seashell inside water see, observe noon cattle hand

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

mo q shng shng chng zhng rn shn sh pin p p hu chu b rng jn jn zhu fn ji f cng jn xing xing fn fn f gng cng yu sh w qin fng dn yn w hair, fur steam, vapor, air liter, rise rise long, length leader, grow humanity, kindness what file of ten soldiers slice, splinter, strip fall forward servant change, convert, reform hatred, vengeance currency yet, still, continuing only ax, shrewd claw, talon reverse, opposite, anti lie between, wear armor father from, since, through now, today, modern culprit, murder fear divide place, position lack, poor fair, public, duke granary moon, month clan, family negative imperative yawn, lack, owe wind cinnabar, vermilion equal crow, raven

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

fng gu wn li fng hu wi wi du du y dng j h rn xn ch yn chu chu b kng du bn y yn y qun shung sh hun male phoenix hook, join, connect literature, writing six square, rectangle fire, flame do, act, be for liquid measure fight remember, memory arrange plan, plot, scheme door, family recognize, know, understand heart, mind, soul foot (measurement) pull, attract, stretch clown ugly greatly desire opening, hole, orifice team, group manage, handle therefore allow, consent give recommend, advise couple, both book, letter, document illusion, fantasy, mirage

5 strokes

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

Simp. Trad. Pinyin y kn sh m wi j d qio zhng zhng p p b p , gng rng q gn sh g ji bn sh zh k bng zu l yu sh b b lng png mi y dng

English jade publish show last not yet hit beat smart, deft first upright hit hit, rush at peel dig contribution, effect toss go sweet generation, era, world old joint, season, festival root, base skill sorghum able third left severe right stone cloth, promulgate spread, proclaim dragon flat extinguish crush east

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

k qi , bi zhn zhn y ji shui gu qi dn m y ji shn dng din ho ho , tin yu sh zh zh yng xing dio jio lng do to tn tn s shng sh h qi f checkpoint strangle north foretell occupy profession old, used commander return moreover dawn eye leaf armor, first explain bite (insect) lightning, electricity cry loudly title, order, number field by history measure word for land animals only center older brother hold by biting call out other overly talkative overly sigh, praise praise, sigh four grow, live, raw, unfamiliar lose cereal mound give, pay

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

, zhng di xin men y bi zi z t t ch gu h cng lng yng shui yn l yu j cng c fn wi ch ch , dng dng nio w bo j j zh sh l shn ln weapon, battle period, generation, replace immortal being plural marker rule, rite, decorum white young careful he He (God) scold melon archaic discourse particle bushes command use fling seal, mark joyful music sentence hurried booklet encroach, break (a law) outside stay place winter onomatopoeia, e.g. sound of drums bird task, duty bag, wrap hunger year of poor harvest master, host, control market, city stand twinkle orchid

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

bn zh hu hu tu hn nng xu t t to xi rng l xn b y xn j yng s n mn ch ch lio ni n ji zho p bin f f yn shng du half juice confluence confluence head Han Chinese tranquil hole it (animate) it (inanimate) ask for write let rite, courtesy lecture, train must discuss information remember eternal manage, agency nun people go out piece of drama distant, expansive milk slave add call for skin, hide side, border launch, start, distribute hair (human and on the head) pregnant holy reply, toward, pair, correct

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

, ti ti ti y mo ji m yu s platform tabletop typhoon I (archaic) spear tangle mother infant silk

6 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin sh xng dng kng s j ku ko tu lo zh gng j ku so d yng chng r gng mng y zh xi p j j English ceremony, type judicial punishment move carry on one's shoulders temple auspicious latch, reduce examination hold up old hold, control reinforce garbage expand sweep ground raise, show plaza, place wikt:ear together awn, ray secondary lingzhi rotten real, natural alder occasion, machine

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

qun gu chn zi xi x y yn zi yu bi cn r y jing ku ku du hu d li s chng ji ji gu xi hu hu hu mi b zh c zhn sh chn jin li power, right pass, mistake, experiental aspect official again cooperate west press dislike at, wikt:in have, own wikt:hundred exist, store and, also wikt:page craftsman boast, arrogance exaggerate, praise rob, take away from ash, gray arrive rank, file die succeed, complete squeeze, clip lined (clothing) gauge, track sinister paddle slice, scratch draw, plan stride end arrive this virginity teacher, army wikt:dust acute weak, inferior

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

gung dng dng zo t t h xi chng q q , , , tun tng dio dio ch yn x ma y fn su hu hu q gng z ru wng nin zh xin di sh zh qin qio wi light, glory, bare, finish take a role, facing apt, pawn, trickery morning, early spit, eject vomit intimidate fear, cause fear bug, insect bend, bent melody, song ball, group wikt:same wikt:hang pay respects to the dead eat reason, because inhale Interrogative particle small island sail year, age return, times turn, return how could just now rule, then flesh, meat net year deep red earlier lose tongue bamboo relocate pretend great

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

chun zhun , png png xi w f yu f yn jin rn shng ji fn hu yng fng hu wi z xu xing xing s hu hu hng xng zhu qun kui hu hu sh h zho q zhng transfer, transmit records, biography ping(pong) (ping)pong rest military, five lie on one's stomach, give in excellent chop (trees) extend component duty, delegate injure price portion flourish, China raise head imitate group of people false, illegitimate self blood toward, direction toward, guide similar queen, empress after, after row, rank, business walk, move boat whole, all calculate a while meet, group, meeting, able kill close, gather omen, trillion tiptoe, look forward to crowd

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

y sn chung chung j du z wi xn zh f g mng du zhng s shi zhung chng chng bng zhung qng y li q jio c y chn ju chng wng b wn chung yng grandfather, lord umbrella wound create flesh, muscle flower, measure word for flowers mixed, complex danger ten days, ten years will, decree bear, betray, lose each name, fame many dispute color, expression, sexual desire dice robust, gallant flush, surge, deep charge, surge, thoroughfare ice solemn, village, villa celebrate also Liu (a surname) aligned, neat, together cross, give, meet ...time, iteration clothing produce, property dredge, burst, decide fill absurdly, randomly close, end ask rush forcefully sheep, goat

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

bng bng bng gun m dng zhu hn hn w jing ch tng mng xng xng y shu zhi z n jing jn x ln nng fng sh fng xn n ni xn jn jn do y sn zhn Shanxi province merge equally, on a level with close, turn off, mountain pass rice grain lamp state, prefecture khan sweat dirty, sewage great river pond soup busy create, prosper interest, happy house, universe guard residence Chinese character peaceful speak military promise, very discuss, describe agriculture, farmer satire establish visit seek that that one rapid as much as possible end, use up guide, conduct different grandson a while, formation

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

yng shu ji yn fng jin jin r f ho ho t m x y gun gun gun mi hng qin xin j yu j ch xn bright, positive, Yang receive, obtain steps dark, negative, Yin defend sinister, traitor rape, adultery as if, if married wikt:woman good to like she mom play (games); play (drama) feather to watch Taoist temple joy buy red towline delicate level constrain, promise, approximately rule, eon run fast (horses, vehicles) make a touring inspection

7 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin shu nng mi xng jn ji tn yun wi English longevity fiddle wheat, barley shape advance warn swallow far break a rule

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

yn f f tn j hui ro j zho p ch zh zu cho b gng gng ch zh zh zhu bn qing xio jn po tu fn kng kng fng du h k zh zh ni kui shng transport hold onto touch softly altar skill bad disturb refuse seek comment pull location run, walk copy dam tribute attack wikt:red bend, lose bend, fold grab makeup rob filial piety equalized throw throw grave resist trough street, shop shake protect shell ambition records twist chunk sound

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

b bo qu ji y hu qn fn cng fng yn l lo k k s s gn gn gng gng d ci cn xng j l yng qi gng gng sh du ling l y chn l fu hold, direct object marker report but rob plant shoot flower celery fragrance deep blue, deep green, gray fragrance severe reed labor defeat exploit, limit perilla, wake wikt:wake, revive rod rod flagpole thick rod obstruct material village apricot extreme plum poplar ask for change more bind bean two beautiful doctor star encourage is not

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

hi hun , jin li lin b jin hn dng chng sh w zh xin l l di yun kung wi ya dn z yu nn kn kn cho chun yun tng fn chu w b ba hu bi bi still, yet give back annihilate come connect wikt:step hard drought stare to present time Wu (region) help county community inside slow-witted garden spacious surround discourse particle ton foot, sufficient mail male trapped sleepy make noise, quarrel string of objects member, personnel listen instruct blow onomatopoeia (for crying, etc.) bar (establishment) discourse particle roar wikt:other bend

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

gng zhng ci zhn dng go w lun l t xi s mi bng g t h dn shn zu b lng yng yng d n n zh wi bn shn zo f jn ch y fn y y sentry canopy money needle nail, peg tell I messy benefit bald pretty private every soldier estimate body what but extend make father's elder brother nimble commission servant low you (male) you (female) inhabit position wikt:accompany body soap Buddha near complete military service return I (archaic) leftover

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

x zu g g tu hn ln ch gn d chng gu min kung yu jio ju shn tio lun do yng fn yn x x j yn dng zhung m kung chung k lio yng yng lng hope sit valley grains, cereals appropriate contain neighbor fork (in a ridge, road, etc.) liver abdomen intestines tortoise exempt crazy as if horn, angle role delete strip, twig egg island welcome meal drink link, succession link bind speech freeze form acre situation bed store treatment should, ought answer cold

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

zh zhi x xn q y wng xin jin jin mn mn pn zo cn d wng sh q w fn gu mi m , shn shn chn hui yu kui wn sng hng lo ji qing zi ling zhng this this one rank hardship abandon metalworking forget idle between, space space, spy smother unhappy judge hearth dazzling younger brother expanse sand steam fertile float, general ditch without submerge Shen (a surname) Shenyang (a city) sink bosom, yearn worry fast, glad finish Song (a surname), Song Dynasty grand jail investigate poor disaster good proof

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

q png b ch sh sh s zhn c y jn lng j cng nio wi ch j gi zhng j j l li chn z f mio yo fng n rn jn jng j q chn begin comment patch initial organization know wikt:tell diagnose word translate sovereign spirit namely, suddenly, approaching level urine tail late agency rectify open hate, fear edge dry land six familiar prefix for kinship terms pander antiquated obstruct adhere ingenious monster harm exert endure effort powerful chicken drive (an animal) pure

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

sh n gng b zng fn zh wn fng l ni silk accept outline rebut let loose dispute paper fabric patterns spin fabric donkey button

8 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin fng wn hun w qng z xin bio bio gu m m m lng b jin dn dn tn y chu gui tu pi zh English offer play ring martial green, blue chastise appear surface watch (time-keeping) rule wipe smear daub draw together pull outward select carry on a shoulder pole shoulder pole flat signature pull out from between abduct drag clap agent noun suffix

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

, dng chi yng d j sh bo l l ln bn xng zho p p b z ti q q k ru mo png mio yng fn fn zh qi jng mo ln zh bi bi gu x summit demolish own withstand custody power hug garbage pull block mix lucky beckon slope drape stir choose raise that take bitter if verdant apple seedling outstanding Fan (a surname) model straight eggplant stem thatch forest branch cup trophy closet break down

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

, bn bn sng sng qing gu ji sh zhn sng sng , hu hu w sh c zo y mi kung m c bn j q fn ti u lng q hng qng zhun zhun zhn ln run do fi board boss pine loose gun structure outstanding describe pillow matters regarding the dead lose or draw lie down matter prick jujube rain sell mineral tally toilet run odd (not even) strange exert situation Europe ridge wife loud noise moment turn change revolve, stroll chop wheel soft arrive is not

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

, sh kn ch xi h l shn xin shng wng j gu wi kn kn gu chng chng mng y ng din g zhng f h mng yng ne n yn yn ti ti ti lu zh lng ki father's younger brother willing tooth some tiger capture kidney sage yet prosper tool fruit taste older brother Kunlun, Kunshan country bright unimpeded bright easy hold high ceremony firm loyal instruct exhale make sound sing discourse particle shore rock cliff obedient document copy (for calligraphy practice) net flag mountain range triumphal

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

bi fn gu t dio zh zh zh chu m w gui gu gu gn h h h hu hu j wi ji sh gng gng sh l bn zh zhn c png qio pi hu y defeat vend purchase picture to fish law manufacture know drop to herd thing well-behaved shave gust (wind) plant stalk harmony, and follow win at Mahjong mix blend season delegate good servant supply offer cause example slab brother's child spy on side lean expatriate wear on ones clothing, belt etc. goods lean

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

de d d , , , p zh xn zhng zhng wng p b jng su sh sh jn mng f b ci ci shu r tn nin nin pn f fi zh zhng zhng png g fi f xi zhu zhu possessive and nominalization particle wikt:indeed aim compel hostage, material joy expedition amass towards crawl that path place dwelling relinquish gold life ax dad color pick, pluck receive milk greedy miss (remember) read impoverished skin lung limb swell (on the body) expand friend thigh fat clothing threat surround, Zhou Dynasty week, surround

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

hn y t h h gu bi sh bo s bin jng xing din y mio f d j jio fi jng mng fng k y zh no zhng qun jun jun , jun dn cho chu kng yn l dim fish rabbit fox overlook dog prepare decorate full (after eating) to rear change capital city enjoy shop night temple government office bottom dose suburb waste clean blind release carve cultivate floodgate make noise Zheng (a surname); Zhengzhou coupon roller scroll roll single stirfry cook on a fire heated brick bed heat stove

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

m qin f f , , xi h zhn zhn li yu b yn po po , zh zh xi yng n fi b p z zh b xng p lin gui xu bo zng dng y shn zhu gun kng lin foam shallow way (to do something) law, way, technique leak river abundant, soak moisten tear (from the eyes) oil to berth (a boat), to park (a car) along measure word for excreta bubble pour annotate gush swim mud boil wave splash swamp govern fearsome characteristic afraid pity strange learn treasure ancestor fix suitable try (at a trial) universe government official empty screen

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

sh sh lng sh jin fng chng chn shn sh hu dn xn gi xing jin s l l j ji shu q xin chng mng g shn jing xing xin mi g ji xng sh ji cn shn filled attempt young man poem shoulder house honest to line (e.g. clothing) clothing see speech birth inquire should, ought detailed establish solemn record subordinate inhabit measure word for events brush bend string (of bows, musical instruments) receive eldest orphan Shaanxi province descend surrender limit younger sister father's sister older sister surname start to drive (cars, carts, etc.) participate ginseng

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

jin xin lin z x sh zh zhng zh tu sho jng gun difficult line practice group thin (not thick) speedy weave end stop camel continue warp (in weaving) string together

9 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin zu chn bng zhn b d xng gu fng ch xing ku ku chng no zhng f zho dng tng ku shun sh English play (a musical instrument) spring (season) help precious glass poison model hang to seal hold neck collapse carry under one's arm city obstruct politics go toward Zhao (a surname) to block prop up include bind pick up

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

tio tio zh din zhng zhng j pn w n hu nu mu shn g jin xing di co jin ch hung mng dng rng g h nn yo bio k bng dng xing xing ch bi li zh choose raise finger cushion struggle earn cram combine dig press to wave shift some, certain quite leather recommend alley belt grass cocoon tea barren expansive swing glory past anyhow south medicine signage wilt handle building reciprocal minister investigate cypress willow pillar

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

sh ln sh yo yo , xin xin wi wi yn zhun l hu q kn min min ni shu qin cn yng qng y ji bi bi zhn din ln ln sh shng xng xio, xu chng sh pn zh persimmon railing tree demand want all salty awe crooked research brick unit of measurement thick lay bricks chop face noodles tolerate play around pull injured harm light (not heavy) crow all back (of the body) carry on one's back battle dot to face view vertical omit wake peel to taste be anticipate blink

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

hng hng xin y mo yng xng zu wi p wi gu ji hng xi y s m, m su pn yn m hu hu zn xing h yo k n ni tn xi f jin ti g cho make noise coax show mute emanate reflect star yesterday fear line prone stomach precious boundary rainbow shrimp ant think (combining syllable for insects) although product swallow scold onomatopoeia make noise we (inclusive) loud exhale bite cough which which charcoal gorge punish worthless to stick bone money

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

zhng zhng gng yo gu xi gng bi kn kn j zn shng xun sh mio xing zhng zhng qi qi k chng zhng f f gn dun bin pin li di shn xi bo c w jin s vessel clock steel key hook unload vat worship watch over look regulation how livestock choose suitable second (unit) fragrance seed to plant autumn swing (playground) subject double heavy again complex bamboo pole segment convenient cheap two loan smooth repair protect facilitate humiliate thrift tradition

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

f xn hung qun gu qn zhu jn dn di l hn x x x jin to sh pn dn shng bo png mi min xi sh d jio y hn mo yun j ro sh jio bng wn captive trust emperor spring (water source) ghost invade chase handsome shield wait rule very must beard account sword flee eat basin gall bladder win compatriot fat artery encourage narrow lion separate sly prison ruthless trade grudge hurry spare (e.g. a life) eclipse dumpling biscuit curve

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

jing jing jing i tng ling d j tng chung fng y b z qn yn d sh wn f g ch ch chi yng mi jing jing pn sng li m qin shu n zng lin zh zh use general (military) prize sad pavilion bright degree trace yard ulcer crazy disease scar posture familial sound emperor carry out hear warlord pagoda difference bad messenger to rear beauty a surname ginger rebel send type to entrance front head reverse overall smelt fry explode

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

, po ln t ji hng s jio zhu dng c x hu pi qi rn j yng zhu hn nng jn hng hu qi no hn j jio ju xun sh gng xin t chun qi k gun gun cannon rot shave clean flood sprinkle to water muddy hole measure wash alive dispatch harmony dye assist ocean continent turbid dense ford eternal restore exact anger hatred raise sleep aware announce room palace constitution protrude wear steal guest crown to crown

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

y bin o z shn zh w yu shu sng kn tu j w zhu fi du mi hi ch xin yun w lo y yn jio n ji k yng yng di ru li bng rng ji ro language flat coat ancestor god congratulate err tempt say recite cultivate retreat since house daytime spend steep eyebrow child remove danger courtyard child grandmother (maternal) aunt (mother's sister) marriage squeamish anger shelf congratulate full brave idle soft pile to tie down (material) knot coil

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

jio hu gi j lu lu ju jio tng arrogant to draw give give network camel end wring unify

10 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin gng ho yn ti zh bn s cn wn zhn fi lo zi b zhn zi zi gn q yn sho ni mi zhu kn jun sn English cultivate expend colorful grand pearl class plain silkworm tenacious cup bandit dredge to plant catch shake year carry hurry rise salt pass squeeze bury catch bind donate damage

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

du d zh sh jin hun wn r kng h i ch dn gng lin m h hu hu jn w zhn kung gu dng tng zh qio to g jio xio h yng gn su g s all capital philosophy pass away pick up exchange pull hot fear kettle to bear shame delay deference lotus not lotus quarry harvest advance evil dislike real frame cinnamon obstruct candlenut stump bridge peach pane proofread school core likeness root rope elder brother speed

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

du l pi ch r chn xi ch p yun to zh li sh g jio jio dn b zh chi zhu l jin jn dng shi min xio y hung hung shng yn wn sho k n hun halt chestnut match up wing insult lip summer fundamental break plains sheath chase harsh sever look behind sedan compare kowtow die cause firewood table consider guard tight political party to sun sleep dawn duck shimmer shake noon dizzy mosquito sentry cry favor call

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

a i b fng yun zi hu qin qin zun zun ti lng qin qu yng t x zo chng chng d chng z j yng zh chng chng m tu b xio sn zhi ji zh y qng ah sigh give up peak circle thief bribe money clamp drill diamond iron bell lead lack oxygen special sacrifice create ride vehicle enemy steelyard rent accumulate seedling order to address weigh secret thorough writing brush laugh bamboo shoot debt borrow worth lean (on) lean

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

do do tng j chng hu f bi jun jin chu sh gng x t x jin cng bn hng t n di i sng wng cu zh xing g zng zng jio no l lng fng li zhu fall over pour if all promote wait bend fold (2-, 3- etc.) tired healthy odor shoot to bow breath walk gradual ship cabin manner voyage route take dad love ode old man crispy fat chest armpit dirty organ glue brain leopard cat wolf meet remain wrinkle

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

lin jing jing shui go x zhn zhn zu j zhng bng j tng p xio l tng z ling zhn pu jng p png l ch yu xi png qun fn lio y jin ko hng fn hungry romance oar liquid decline high seat allow accurate seat spine symptom illness illness pain fatigue result depart Tang dynasty fund chill stand cut open complete part beside journey livestock read shy bottle fist powder material benefit annex roast to dry by heat annoy

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

, sho zh yn d to zh lo ji sh xio ho hi t y f li rn lng jn zhng tng yng w qio hu yu hi kun ji ji xio yn bn zhi rng zi n qng lng burn candle smoke deliver wave Zhejiang flood alcohol wade disappear vast sea mud bath float flow moist wave soak rise scald surge realise quiet regret glad harm wid home fellow night banquet guest narrow accommodate butcher desk invite bright

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

zh d shn shn w xi po bi xing k shi dio tio yun ling tn y b, bo kn zhn j xi ru lng to xin pi y ning tng nng nn nn y sng jun xi yn j every read fan to fan sock sleeve robe quilt auspicious lesson who transfer adjust injustice forgive discuss friendship peel sincere expand drama scraps weak mound pottery sink accompany entertain woman open able difficult disaster beforehand mulberry silk embroider experience continue

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio


11 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin qi l png d mio y yn ji pi dio du tu xin shu jio jio to l pi ji kng tn j ju zh j zh zhu l li hung mng lu jn ci to j English ball, sphere reason, logic, science hold in two hands stop depict, trace land, area cover, ambush win, victory line up drop, fall pile, crowd push lift teach, give teach teaching take out plunder cultivate extend, connect, receive accuse search occupy dig office, duty foundation, base obvious, author tenacious constrain strangle yellow sprout turnip mushroom, microbe vegatable grape chrysanthemum

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

png b yng xi mng sho mi jin sh t tng ji f pio q shung lng x shng xu f ling x qu tng chng ch chn zhng m yn xun y la wn zhu j yu l duckweed spinach army weapon, tool dream tip of branch plum, prune check, examine comb, brush ladder, stair pail, bucket, tub save, rescue, help assist ticket relative cheerful, straightforward deaf raid, inherit abundant snow assist measure word for vehicles empty, false sparrow government office common, frequent spoon dawn open eyes squint eye hang field, wilderness assertive particle evening, night, late peck distance jump plan, outline, summary

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

sh li li chng hun wi yi zhn chng qun tng chn yn tin l l y bn lng d f d mn zu di yu chng u tu nn shu tng pin ji ji d de di xin snake accumulate tired sing, song suffer only precipice steep peak honor circle copper, brass shovel silver sweet pear plow move, change stupid, clumsy cage flute symbol number fast, clever do, make pocket, bag long time, far repay accidentally, idol steal, thief you (honorific) sell stop slant false holiday obtain Post-verb particle must hold in mouth

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

pn chun xi h g x y y ci lng jio b lin tu xing gu ci zh li mo mng xin gun cu jin ho m yng hn lng kng yng l do zhng jng shng z plate boat slant box pigeon, dove know desire, want physical desire, any desire in general color neck foot neck face take off elephant enough guess pig hunt cat violent, cruel filling, stuffing public building assemble decrease hair hemp itch scar porch peaceful usual deer steal, thief chapter, section finally commerce clan, tribe, ethnicity

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

xun xun wng l shui zho zho zhe zhu gi nin c l dun jin shu qng tin ln yn q jin hn y to y dn shn p ling shn qng x cn do j t jng cn revolve revolving hope rate command move (board games), tactic catch fire, feel, touch progressive particle wear, attach cover viscous rough, thick, rude grain interrupt scissors beast clear increase soak drown ditch, canal, gutter gradually mix fisherman cleanse, eliminate liquid tasteless deep grandmother beam of roof, bridge seep feeling pity, regret shame grieve fear cautious frighten cruel

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

gun ku j s xi xi yo m mu hung hu m di gn t dn tn su dn lng yn hn shn jng j x x q shng wi min chu l habit, custom bandit, enemy send stay overnight Chinese constellation overnight stay kiln dense plan lie disaster riddle seize brave butcher pellet, bullet bounce follow egg abundant hide marriage wife of father's younger brother neck, throat spin clue continue, success ride rope maintain cotton silk green

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio


12 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin qn bn t kun kn d t yu chn q cho t d b ji x ch ji su zh yun ci g lu jio w ru s q q lin sn r zng g dng p English zither mottled replace funds to bear to set up tower exceed to take an opportunity tend toward super-, surpass carry dike knowledgeable uncover joy insert to grab from search boil aid to cut fabric to place embrace stir to hold to rub this time period cheat union disperse annoy to inter Kudzu vine direct grape

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

jng cng lu cho zho g ku bng q zh sn y jio k gn min png zng hu hu b ch sh yng qu yn zh li xing zn y bi bi z hu chng shng zhng qng respect scallion to fall to face dawn guilt sunflower club (tool) chess to plant verdant chair chili counter for trees stick (tool) cotton shack brown favour confusion coerce kitchen tall building hard sure wild goose colonise split imposing, heroic temporary graceful generation sad purple glorious open to appreciate palm (hand) sunny

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

sh zu ling ling pn jng l y hn jng jin di po y w zh tng h wi chun hu f mo d pi hi zh p lin xio su ch gu xi fng ru dun zh tn hot weather most to measure amount spurt crystal (combining syllable) encounter shout scenery trample to fall down run abandon frog spider dragonfly shout; drink feed to pant throat width hat gamble reimburse black to cast to lay chain smelt lock hoe wok rust knife edge sharp short wise rug

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

shng sho chng x shu kung dng zh c shi tng d jn zhng o f pi bo j jio bng ch o ji chng y y xn tng sh fn sh qn l p qing l hu goose remain slight extent rare tax basket wait build tactic sift cylinder reply tendon kite arrogant mentor plaque fortress gather charred next to store deep street punish control defend circulate vessel comfort times (once, twice, etc) explain fowl twelfth month of the Chinese calender spleen body cavity rude sly

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

hu rn chn zhung mn ji tng tng ku shn xin p fn zn do cng zng yn gng h ch sh wn k hu wn d yu yu z gi fn hung du ku y ki g hn monkey thus greedy to pack into barbarian thus pain child wide good (vs evil) envy universal faeces respect path once a surname flame harbour lake crumbs wet warm thirst slippery bay to cross swim travel grow irrigate anger panic lazy shame glad emotional cut cold

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

f cun w chung bin y k qn xi yo qin sh l jing qing zhu sh g x x so dng dun hun bin pin yun wealth scamper nest window everywhere prosperous trousers skirt thank rumour humble belong to often stubborn strong congee uncrowded separate space in between loose cotton elder sister-in-law climb shiny fabric slow to braid swindle edge

13 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin ru hn s sh m tin b t g English jade implement spirit anyhow absorb, take a photograph touch fill up wrestle collapse drum

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

bi xi bn yo go tng tn sun qn qu ln m m png x mng mng mng mng mng mng zhng xin jn ch xing hui y lu gi li chu gn i bi su png wn l lay out bring along move sway fiddle with banks (water) lay out garlic industrious magpie blue tomb curtain unkempt store cover, obscure Mongolia cheat, deceive blind misty drizzle nave, dull steam give forbid clear, stark think pagoda tree elm floor (of multi-story building) summary rely reward feel obstruct monument shatter bump bowl busy

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

, , li lng w bo sh d lng jin jin jng shu ci b y nun mng xi n zho ku tio gu l gn qin fng sng zh zu zho cu x lu chu jn jin j i thunder zero fog hailstone transport oversee age scrutiny mirror eyeball sleep take notice of look down on ignorant warm league rest dark shine step over jump kneel road follow send moth bee, wasp throat to place sin cover error tin cymbals hammer brocade key (keyboard) saw (tool) short

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

c chu chu chu qin qin jin hu ji sh cu sh xing du wi y yo yo xng f tng tu ch ji jing tn lin xn yn y ling sh sh jin s c mi hung mn farewell dense worry calculate signature short stick, lots simple destroy mother's brother mouse to harry silly resemble hide tiny more and more far waist odour of raw meat abdomen leap leg touch untie sauce phlegm uncorrupt new rhyme meaning grains count number fry sculpt kind coal glorious filled

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

m yun l ln to x li gn bn ling tn shn y si si jn f qn din p zhng qin ji di fng fng chn desert source filter flood gushing stream slip away roll river banks sorghum beach prudent reputation cork frontier chokepoint cautious auspicious crowd palace open up obstacle dislike marry fold sew gap wind around

14 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin jng b l qing pi ji cu ji sh English quiet blue glass wall cast away commend destroy segment pledge

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

, jng zhi shui j b m m mi mi m m li bng zh g zo k ning sun c yun x b shng k su qng l yng zh zhun qio dun w wn sun lu gun lio realm pluck to fall gather conceal admire dusk look down on libel imitate mold pomegranate announcement board extract song meet with (misfortune) hot ferment sour magnet wish need disadvantage clothing counter for round things cough dragonfly wax fly (insect) spider earn money spade forge dance stable calculate basket pipe colleague

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

b p mo m b png xin y mn gu qio ho go zh f shu l ji dun q jng qin x rng q pio pio pio mn d yn lu mn zhi si ch m p nn nose soul appearance membrane arm bladder fresh doubt mantou wrap to hit talented person paste (substance) conceal rot thin spicy exert endpoint flag refine apology put out (fire) melt paint float around bleach pretty all over the place drip to act leak slow encampment compete inspect honey music score tender

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

cu xing dng lu su green bear (animal) stool mule shrink

15 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin , hu s s q tng chng b zhung ch zng cng xi jio sh hng co yng xing pio c zu zhn mi mi mn t bo xi yng t t English wisdom tear apart scatter interest counter for trips hold up broadcast to ram retreat increase intelligent shoe banana vegetable horizontal trough cherry rubber flutter vinegar drunk tremor mold bad luck to cover up (e.g. truth) topic violent blind shadow kick trample

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

co zng di h zh m zhn ko do l go ji xing jin pin jing tng p d su x tng sh m yn y h zn qin cho dng wi p step on tracks butterfly butterfly advise ink town rely on paddy multitude draft (e.g. essay) to plant box arrow piece of writing rigid lie down out-of-the-way virtue counter for ships knee chest cooked rub face perseverance glue obey dive tide understand forehead console split apart

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio


16 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin co yn yn , , , sh xn bo, b din j zhng rng xng cn zu t q zng m jng zn ln yo hng png dio dio m nng bin bin tng go rn zo j ln b b English grasp northern Hebei province swallow (bird) yam, potato firewood thin, meager upside down orange (fruit) neaten melt wake up meal mouth hoof machine give silent mirror praise basket invite balance swell carve condor grind condense distinguish debate sugar sticky cake burn bathe agitate lazy wall evade

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

jio hand over

17 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin di c j cng zng shung xi qio do lu su fn bin yng zo kng zo b y zu English wear (a hat) wipe to bow to hide treasure frost dawn / dusk glow look dance whorl tassel complicated braided hair win rotten, poor husks hot arm wing sudden

18 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin English bin f bng lin fn yng whip overturn jump sickle turn over eagle

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio


19 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin English jng pn dn chn bn bo jing alert climb squat shake petal explode frontier

20 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin rng yo zo jio rng j m gun English soil shine rash chew shout record demon; magic irrigate

21 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin chn b l English stupid hegemon dew, expose

22 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin English nng bag

23 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin English gun jar

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio


Inferior frequently used characters

2 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin English b dio ladle artful

4 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin gi di g yo ln j rng dng English beg evil dagger untimely death arrange mock extraneous a surname

5 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin a hng t l b j mn o qi sh zh r fng xun English mugwort heavy load convex a surname "ba" sound grumble dish concave prisoner arrow unexpectedly thou a surname mysterious

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio


6 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin bng y xng y bin l y y l yo y tng q ji zhng ln y li x xing f zhung hi xn hu y sng ju ch jng du, tuo2 xn rn English state, nation literal-minded a surname taro peony official, mandarin barbarian implore a surname shout high as a mountain palace courtyard up to now mortar second in seniority human relations he, she, a surname rib rising sun thorax mallard adornment boar flood taboo astonished cheat; false accuse secret formula loosen; unstring a bow pit carry on back tame stitch, sew

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio


7 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin ji m rn ku gng bn ln; ln kn w y n sh f w wi ji, gi xn b zhng shn, sh w ch; ch f xi xun l xio zh fi u; u n yn qing wn hng; kng y English nine (used in documents) a variety of quartz tough, resilient pick; carve grip, guard mercury pull (trigger) sweeping gesture; select small pit entrenchment, depression repress draft, plan express, pour out lotus overgrowth of weeds reed mustard core banana cane, staff species of fir witch, a surname branch of a tree; pitchfork only, at first; courteous title (used in former times) small box lofty; carriage (of former times) rock salt; sauce, stew resemble squeak, chirp to bark expel; vomit shout, cry hum, recite choke, pungent kiss throat; make a sound city

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

tn; dn shn q m yu din c, s cng gng zhu din bi ji tng ji po; bo b ln l rn du zhu m pi ti l ln xing cng H chn z zh hn p zhu j z d to store; storage for grain suck rugged male bless, protect rent land, farmer tenant wait on chimney anus elbow imperial domain, suburb distressed, wretched turtledove red moxibustion dig; plane protect, cover stingy hut odd day in the calendar, leap year devilish; exchange, convert brilliant; scorch, burn bathe, cleanse; receive favors plentiful wash out drip perish torrential rush, tumultuous blue, cold Shanghai sincere curse, swear cheat rare buttocks fall prostitute elder sister be jealous

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

wi latitude

8 strokes

9 strokes

10 strokes

11 strokes

12 strokes

13 strokes

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio


14 strokes

15 strokes

16 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin hn li shn li Xu wi qng hn ch chng pio hung hu sh zh j ru m png mng zo yng qin m cun png go l r English shake beat act without consultation, be expert at bud a surname rose; a type of fern prop up writing brush, writing, a surname shocking cabinet orange ladle leech suddenly a light rain; instant, passing furrowed track; rut hope, a surname trample on toad crab kind of caterpillar, larva chirp; noise parrot black; name for Guizhou solemn usurp sail pole for propelling boat manually wooden fence, hedge scholar, Confucian

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

shn jng yn qu co lio, lio bn hn xi lng jing meal whale addiction lame coarse burn be on verge of regret lax cavity; deficit reins, harness

17 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin ho mio mng yn ln tn jio ln lio shn tng dng sh t x shui ho shn liao4 wi c li hu ju mng English trench disdain lemon eaves of house, brim cross-beam sandalwood reef, shoal rock phosphorous watch wink pupil (of the eye) stare at bright (of sunlight) step on cricket cricket howl financial aid bound, confined a surname, name of a dynasty swarm, cluster injure; puppet emblem, logo; Anhui nobility hazy, misty

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio

so m i nu hu hu tn strong smell, rancid crocodile; alligator dissolved; rice-gruel; wasted cancer coward open, liberal-minded opening, crack buttocks

18 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin u tng zhn xio q li p jn b chu English lotus root rattan cane gaze outcry, uproar fins scab waterfall lapel; in one's heart, aspiration jade with hole in center (used in ceremony) stamp (a seal)

19 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin zn ni m zo bi cng dng b b xi m xun gng English hoard bastard; ill-omen mushroom aquatic plants (as seaweed, algae, kelp) turtle scrape; dilly-dally tread on jostle, separate wheat from chaff ledger crab disperse ringworm soup

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio


20 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin bn rng r wi ln nu p English hair on temple agitate worm, wriggle majestic scales of fish glutinous rice analogy

21 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin p ln su English clap of thunder violate marrow

22 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin zhn xing rng English dip into inlay, set (as jewels) pulp

24 strokes
Simp. Trad. Pinyin English ch lofty

This translation is hosted with different licensing information from that of the original text. The translation status applies to this edition. Original: This work is in the public domain because it is exempted by Article 5 of Chinese copyright law. This exempts all Chinese government and judicial documents, and their official translations, from copyright. It also exempts news on current affairs (the mere facts or happenings reported by the mass media, such as newspapers, periodicals and radio and television stations as defined in Article 5 of the Implementing [1] Regulations of the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China ), and calendars, numerical tables, and other forms of general use and formulas.

Translation: This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio


[1] http:/ / english. ipr. gov. cn/ ipr/ en/ info/ Article. jsp?a_no=1968& col_no=118& dir=200603

Article Sources and Contributors


Article Sources and Contributors

Xindi Hny Chngyng Zbio Source: http://en.wikisource.org/w/index.php?oldid=2191051 Contributors: Amire80, Bryan Derksen, John Vandenberg, Jusjih, Levana Taylor, 46 anonymous edits

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