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Piezoelectric sensors
Piezoelectric sensors have proven to be a versatile tool for measurement of pressure. These sensors generate a voltage or current when it get deformed. These sensors can be used to detect force applied. Here we are having this to detect vehicle crash.

Fire sensors

Here we are using bimetallic strip to detect fire. This strip consists of two strips of different metals, which expand at different rates as they are heated.


Atmega8 micro controller is 28 pinned. It has built in ADC. Analog data from the piezoelectric sensors can be converted to corresponding digital data. By using Atmega8 serial communication can be possible.

RF module
RF module comprises RF transmitter and RF receiver. The transmitter/receiver pair operates at a frequency of 434MHz. An RF transmitter receives serial data and transmits it wirelessly through its antenna connected at pin4. The transmission occurs at a rate of 1kbps to

10kps. The transmitted data is received by RF receiver operating at same frequency as that of transmitter. It is used here to communicate between base station and the vehicle.

LED indicator

A light emitting diode is a semiconductor light source. LED is used to indicate mode of accident to the base station.


A buzzer or beeper is an audio signaling device, which may be mechanical, electromechanical, or piezoelectric. Buzzer is used in base station as an accident detection alarm.

GSM module
GSM module is a wireless modem that works with GSM networks. A wire modem behaves like a Hayes compatible dial up modem. The main difference between a standard Hayes modem and GSM modem is that a Hayes modem sends and receives data through a fixed telephone line while a GSM modem sends and receives data through radio waves. Here GSM module is used to give information to friends and relatives.

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