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OUTLINE: Its been almost a million years since the world began changing.

Several discoveries were lost and others were found. Some of these were quite extraordinary. Magic filled the reformed world and quickly replenishes the dead lands. From there, the Espers emerged. Espers are beasts made of pure magic that lives in the heart of these magic-infested lands. Most of them quietly reside on their sanctuaries but there are those who tend to wonder around. When humans discovered these beasts, these deemed them dangerous and a threat to humankind. They began to isolated themselves from the outside world. They began constructing barriers and gigantic walls that quarantine themselves from the dangerous Espers. Though they may have successfully fended themselves from the beasts, their communications from other countries became severed. Theyve lost the ability to import and export goods due to the dangerous possibilities and encounters that can occur in the outside world. After a long time has passed, people began to fear the Outside world. They hid under the shadows of their walls and tried to live without the aid of the other countries. Thats when their problem began. Food became scarce and peoples number began to grow. They began to call out to others but every attempt to help ends with terrible obstacles. Trees as grown too much, the landscapes have changed drastically and no maps have been proven useful in the new world. It is as if the world began anew. Other obstacles are the Espers who feed on those who trespass on their territories, which was almost the entire Outside World.

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