Accident Prevention

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Preventable Accidents, if not prevented due to our negligence, it is nothing short of a murder.

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Controlling Accidents
1. 2. 3. 4. Discover causes Control behaviorist causes Control environmental causes Supplementary activities

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Controlling Accidents

1. Discovering causes
Causes of previous accidents Existing hazard

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Controlling Accidents
2. Controlling behavioristic causes
Job analysis Job training Supervision Discipline Personnel work Proper placement of worker

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Controlling Accidents
3. Environmental causes
Causes that are controllable eg light, heat, noise etc Causes that are not controllable eg requirement of working in extreme conditions, outdoor work

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Controlling Accidents
Work place environment hazards--- Water spillage, water logging, Steam leakages, hot environment Oil leakages, oil spillage, Slippery floor, Unhygienic work conditions, Gas leakages, Dusty atmosphere Open drains, uncovered pits, Unsafe m/cs, high sound level, Lack of awareness of hazards, lack of safety and first aid training, Activators not provided, Frequent change of contract labours etc.
Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Controlling Accidents
4. Supplementary activity
Poster Booklets and other literature Movies Film strips Contests Meeting Committees Suggestion system Employee magazines Safety handbooks

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Controlling Accidents
Three Es
Engineering Education Enforcement

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Controlling Accidents
We can correct a hazard by mechanical means, can eliminate the conditions or change the operation that creates the hazards. We can repair the broken defective part or we can put a guard on the dangerous machine part. We can eliminate the cause by assigning people to other kinds of work. This applies more in relations to accident prone workers. It has been found that probability of an accident can be reduced by a change in the environment The corrective action can be applied through disciplinary measures. This method of approach may be tried only when other methods have failed. We can prevent accidents through the method of instruction and appeal, which is the most effective way to get results.
Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

3-Es : Corrective Action

Accidents Prevention

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Philosophy of accident prevention

Needless destruction of life and health is morally unjustified. Failure to take necessary precautions against predictable accidents and occupational illness make management and workers normally responsible for those accidents and occupational illness. Accidents and occupational illness severely limit efficiency and productivity. Accidents and occupational illness produce farreaching social harm. The safety movement has demonstrated that its techniques are effective in reducing accident rates and promoting efficiency. The legislation mandates management responsibility to provide a safe, healthful workplace.
Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Principle 1

An unsafe act, an unsafe condition, an accident; all these are symptoms of something wrong in management system.
Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Principle 2 Certain sets of circumstances can be predicted to produce severe injuries. These circumstances can be identified and controlled.

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Principle 3
Safety should be managed like other company function. Management should direct the safety effort by setting achievable goals, by planning, organizing and controlling to achieve them.
Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Principle 4
The key to effective line safety performance is management procedures that fix accountability.

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Principle 5
The function of safety is to locate and define the operational errors that allow accident to occur.

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

What an Organization should have

Safety audit

Safety training
Safety promotion Safety Documents

Safety organization
Work permit system Hazard identification

First aid and medical

Employees participation

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

What an Organization should have

Health and safety policy Disaster management plan Appointment of safety officer Use of Personnel protective equipment Participative safety management Safety rules and code of practices Safety inspections and safety audit Contractor safety document conditions Inter departmental co-ordination Accident reporting / recording, investigation and analysis

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Implementation of Safety System

Safety training Hazards, risk and risk assessment Accident reporting investigation & analysis E&M safety rules Safety in construction and erection Occupational health, safety and fire Training on fire prevention & protection, fire detection, fire fighting First aid Handling and storage of hazardous chemicals
Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Implementation of Safety System

Safety training
Handling and storage of oils Handling and storage of inflammable liquids, gases and oils Material handling Safety while working in confined space Accident prevention Disaster management Legal requirements

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007


Implementation of Safety System Employees participation

Safety committees
As per The Factorys Act 48 Clause 41-G, the occupier has to set up a safety committee consisting of equal no. of representation of workers and management to promote cooperation between the workers and management in maintaining proper safety and health at work place and to review periodically the measures taken in that behalf.

Safety task force Safety stewards

Safety circle

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Personal Protective Equipments

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Implementation of Safety System Personal Protective Equipments

Personal protective equipments to be provided to all employees based on functional requirements. Protection of head, face, eyes, ears, respiratory, body, hand, foot shall be taken care while issuing personal protective equipments.
PPEs are required for protection of Head, Face, Eyes, Ears, Protection, Body, Hand, Foot
Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Implementation of Safety System Personal Protective Equipments

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Implementation of Safety System Safety Activators

Safety activators are required to attract attention of employees and workmen to ensure safety at work place as well as while moving in and around plant premises.

The activators are:

Safety Posters, Safety slogans, Safety Signs, Display of Safety Precautions at Hazardous Places / Equipments,

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Implementation of Safety System

Hazard, risk and risk assessment
Source or situation with a potential for harm in terms of injury or ill health, damage to property, damage to the work place, environment, or a combination of these risk, combination of the likelihood or the consequence(s) of a specified hazardous event occurring; Risk Combination of the likelihood and consequence(s) of a specified hazardous event occurring

Risk assessment Overall process of estimating the magnitude of risk and deciding whether or not the risk is tolerable

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Implementation of Safety System PEP Talk at work


Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Implementation of Safety System PEP Talk at work


Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Implementation of Safety System

Safety Audit
Systematic examination to determine whether activities and related results conformed the plant arrangements and whether these arrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable for achieving the organizations policy and objectives Once in a year internally by a group of other project safety officer. Once in two year by external agency like Central Labour Institute, Regional Labour Institute, National Safety Council and LPA.

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Implementation of Safety System

Occupation health and safety
The conditions and factors that effect the well being of employees, temporary workers, contractor personnel, visitors and any other person in the work place Occupational health check up of workers employed in a hazardous process conducted periodically to detect any deterioration in the health according to section 41c of factories act 1948. Projects maintain accurate and up to date health records of workers employed in hazardous process. Its preferable that medical examination of all employees above 40 years of age is also conducted annually irrespective of work.

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Implementation of Safety System Loss prevention

To ensure safety & save the life and property NTPC installs the following:
Fire protection and fire prevention systems , Fire detection systems, Chlorine detection system, Water spray system, Emulsifier system, Carbon dioxide flooding system, Sprinkler system, Fire hydrant system
Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Safety Orgnisation in NTPC

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Safety Documentation
Operation and Maintenance Construction and erection Individual plant and machine

Electrical & Mechanical Safety Rules

OHSAS 18001/IS18001 certification and associated documentation Preparation of safety check lists
Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Safety policy
The company recognise and accept its responsibility for establishing and maintaining a safe working environment for all its employees. Companys moral responsibility to its employees, to provide the best practicable conditions of work from the point of view of health and safety

The obligation to consult with its staff and their representative to implement policies and procedures developed as a result of discussions.
Statutory responsibility in respect of health, safety and welfare of employees emanating from relevant legislations such as the factories act, the boiler act etc.

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Safety Manual
Safety manual is a compilation of circulars issued by NTPC on accident reporting and investigating procedure, safety policy, safety rules, guidelines, MSDs etc.

Important statutory provisions like factories acts; ie rules, the building and other construction workers act. etc are also included

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Safety Rules for Construction & Erection

Construction work has high risk potential, is of temporary nature and has to be performed in general in adverse physical & environmental conditions. Hence in order to effectively manage safety, health and environment (SHE) at site a good safety management system is essential. thus Company should frame safety rules for construction and erection which should be adopted and followed by employees and the contractors engaged for construction and erection activities.

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

E&M Safety Rules

NTPC has prepared Safety Rules for Electrical & Mechanical in association with the National Power, U.K. The experts have visited several times to NTPC Projects to study the implementation of these rules and practicability. They also provided training to NTPC executives to ensure the safety of the employees working on plant and apparatus to which these Safety Rules apply are safeguarded from hazards arising from electrical mechanical systems. The Rules consists of Sections covering General provisions, basic safety rules, safety documents and keys, responsibility of the persons and code of practices. The PTW system should be suitably designed and followed to ensure safety at work place.
Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Disaster Management Plan

On Site / Off Site
As per provisions of section 41-b, Para - 4 of factories act 1948 every factory should prepare disaster management plan and obtain approval of chief inspector of factories of the state. Regular mock drill are to be conducted.

Regular training to be given to team members. Translate the plan in local language and distribute Training to all employees on disaster management (Natural and man made disasters)

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Safety Clauses in General Condition of Contracts

Include safety clauses in

General condition of contracts Operation & maintenance contracts Supply cum erection contracts Civil packages and other bilateral contracts. This ensures the contractors to follow safety systems

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

NTPC Safety Award

NTPC has constituted safety awards scheme for its coal and gas based power projects / stations:

There are two safety awards, one for major projects and other for gas/minor projects. First and second position in each category declared after evaluation of safety performance of the project. Projects not considered for awards where fatal accident/s take place during contesting year.

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

OHSAS/IS 18001
It has been developed to be compatible with the ISO 9001-2000 (Quality) and ISO 14001-2004 (Environmental) management systems standards. It helps to facilitate the integration of quality, environmental and occupational health and safety management systems by the organisations.

It gives requirement of an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system, to enable an organisation to control its OH&S risks and improve its performance.

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Safety module: Accident, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

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