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New / Old invention (unknown)

New : UniKey Opens Doors with Your Phone

2.5 5 false false 0


UniKey Passive Keyless Entry System turns a smartphone into a key, allowing the user to open their door remotely or share keys virtually. The app, which works with all three major smartphones, communicates with the paired UniKey deadbolt lock via Bluetooth. The signal is picked up as the user approaches the door, priming the lock to open when the user touches its surface. The app also allows the user to share -and revoke- keys virtually as easily as sending a text message, or lock their door from a distance.

Old: The Totally Compostable Coffee Cup

3.7 5 false false 0


makers of the Earth Cup call it the most earth-friendly on the planet. They claim to have passed some stringent tests for biodegradability, composting, and marine degradability. It would be nice someday to be able to toss your coffee cup out the window of your car, over the side of your boat, or along your park path knowing that in a little while it won't be litter anymore. Like an apply core. Maybe this is the cup that will make that, if not good manners, at least guiltless behavior. This 100% compostable, petroleum-free Earth Cup is made completely from renewable resources. A new, earth-friendly, bio-based coating keeps the contents from soaking in and through the sides, rather than the LDPE plastic used in other cups. And the inkssoy-based.

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