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protec*on Systems Passive or Ac,ve

Hesham Khairy

Fire System
The re systems in a building are many. There are equipment and systems for monitoring, communica*on, gh*ng re, indica*on, raising alarm, diver*ng smoke and many others. Generally they can be classied into two categories:
Fire Protec*on System Fire Figh*ng System

Fire systems fall under the re codes for buildings. As re codes may vary in dierent countries, no aGempt is made to specify the re codes. Instead, we will be examining the various components of a re system in buildings. Some*mes, there is an overlap of func*ons - the systems may contain elements of both re protec*on and re gh*ng.

Fire Protec,on System

Fire protec*on systems are used to alert people that a small re or some overhea*ng has occurred, and that there is a danger of re happening soon. Smoke detectors, and heat detectors are used to detect such incidents before a big re occurred. Persons detec*ng a re need to sound the alarm to get more assistance. The break glass is the easiest way to sound the alarm. All the re alarm panels, sub-control panels, bells, break-glass, smoke detector, heat detectors can be grouped into this area.

The re gh*ng system will be used when a big re has already started. There is a need to ex*nguish it. Sprinkler systems, and hose reel systems are some of the systems used for re gh*ng. Wet risers are pipes which distribute large volumes of water to canvas hoses.

Fire Figh,ng System

Fire Figh*ng Systems Elements

The re gh*ng systems contain pumps, Motors or diesel engines drive the pumps tanks, and their own distribu*on piping.. Hose reels and canvas hoses are terminated with nozzles for spray or jet. Sprinkler systems have special glass bulbs and sprinkler rose. Flow switches are installed to cause bells to ring when the sprinkler systems are ac*vated.

Fire Figh*ng Systems Elements

The re gh*ng systems contain
pumps, Motors or diesel engines drive the pumps tanks, and their own distribu,on piping.. Hose reels and canvas hoses are terminated with nozzles for spray or jet. Sprinkler systems have special glass bulbs and sprinkler rose. Flow switches are installed to cause bells to ring when the sprinkler systems are ac,vated.

Fire Figh*ng Systems Elements

The re gh*ng systems contain pumps, Motors or diesel engines drive the pumps tanks, and their own distribu*on piping.. Hose reels and canvas hoses are terminated with nozzles for spray or jet. Sprinkler systems have special glass bulbs and sprinkler rose. Flow switches are installed to cause bells to ring when the sprinkler systems are ac*vated.

Fire Figh*ng Systems Elements

The re gh*ng systems contain pumps, Motors or diesel engines drive the pumps tanks, and their own distribu*on piping.. Hose reels and canvas hoses are terminated with nozzles for spray or jet. Sprinkler systems have special glass bulbs and sprinkler rose. Flow switches are installed to cause bells to ring when the sprinkler systems are ac*vated.

Fire Figh*ng Systems Elements

The re gh*ng systems contain pumps, Motors or diesel engines drive the pumps tanks, and their own distribu*on piping.. Hose reels and canvas hoses are terminated with nozzles for spray or jet. Sprinkler systems have special glass bulbs and sprinkler rose. Flow switches are installed to cause bells to ring when the sprinkler systems are ac*vated.

Fire Figh*ng Systems Elements

The re gh*ng systems contain pumps, Motors or diesel engines drive the pumps tanks, and their own distribu*on piping.. Hose reels and canvas hoses are terminated with nozzles for spray or jet. Sprinkler systems have special glass bulbs and sprinkler rose. Flow switches are installed to cause bells to ring when the sprinkler systems are ac*vated.

Automa*c CO2
Automa*c CO2 ooding system will discharge CO2 gas into electrical rooms to stop any re. Portable re ex*nguishers are installed at strategic loca*ons so that they can be used to put out small res. Fire intercom systems are used by re ghters to communicate with re control room personnel. Fire escape doors are indicated with Exit signs, and emergency lights are installed to give a bit of light if the main electrical supply has been cut o. Firemen who have to ght res will face the danger of electrocu*on if they use hoses and water. The reman switch can be switched o to avoid this problem. Smoke spill fans and exhaust fans are some*mes installed for controlling smoke in a burning building.

Portable Fire Ex*nguishers

Automa*c CO2 ooding system will discharge CO2 gas into electrical rooms to stop any re. Portable re ex*nguishers are installed at strategic loca*ons so that they can be used to put out small res. Fire intercom systems are used by re ghters to communicate with re control room personnel. Fire escape doors are indicated with Exit signs, and emergency lights are installed to give a bit of light if the main electrical supply has been cut o. Firemen who have to ght res will face the danger of electrocu*on if they use hoses and water. The reman switch can be switched o to avoid this problem. Smoke spill fans and exhaust fans are some*mes installed for controlling smoke in a burning building.

Fire doors
Fire escape doors are indicated with Exit signs, and emergency lights are installed to give a bit of light if the main electrical supply has been cut o.

Smoke spill And Exhaust Fans

Smoke spill fans and exhaust fans are some*mes installed for controlling smoke in a burning building.

Fire Alarm System

The re alarm system is used to generate alarms whenever there is any occurrence of re. All the alarm signals can be linked to a central loca,on where humans can carry out ac,vi,es to handle the re.

Fire Alarm System

The main func,ons of all these Fire Control designs are: Indicate fault signals triggered by: Sprinkler ow switches Break glasses Smoke detectors Heat detectors Fire pump opera,on Air condi,oning AHU opera,on Smoke spill and ven,la,on fan opera,on CO2 system opera,on Indicate the loca,on or zone of the signal Provide intercom communica,on from it to each oor Provide public address announcements Acknowledgement of alarm signals Provide a printout of the alarm signal Provide direct alarm signal link to the local Fire Brigade Provide direct telephone communica,on with the local Fire Brigade

Fire Intercom System

The re intercom system is used for communica*ons from several loca*ons to the re control room. It can be used by the public as well as remen to give valuable informa*on on the state of a re. A typical re intercom network serves all the staircases from the basement right up to highest oors of a building, the liT motor rooms. Below is some informa*on on how it works: As soon as somebody picks up the handset in any staircase, the buzzer located at the re alarm control room will ring. A LED will light up to specify the loca*on of the calling party. Once the operator at the re alarm control picks up the phone, communica*on can start. From the re alarm control room, calls can also be directed to a specic loca*on in the building using the loca*on address number. The handset at the staircase will then ring. As soon as a person picks up the phone, communica*on can start.

Passive Fire Protec,on Design

For Building & Systems

Building and site planning

From the beginning of the construc*on project, the building designer therefore should contact re experts to elucidate the following ac*ons:
to describe the re problem specic to the building to describe dierent alterna,ves to obtain the required re safety level to analyse system choice regarding technical solu,ons and economy to create presump,ons for technical op,mized system choices.

Structural design based on classica4on or calcula4on

A well-established means of codifying re protec,on and re safety requirements for buildings is to classify them by types of construc,on, based upon the materials used for the structural elements and the degree of re resistance aorded by each element.

re compartment is a space within a building extending over one or several oors w h i c h i s e n c l o s e d b y separa,ng members such that the re spread beyond t h e c o m p a r t m e n t i s p r e v e n t e d d u r i n g t h e relevant re exposure.

The re resistance required by a compartment depends upon its intended purpose and on the expected re

Interior nish
Interior nish is the material that forms the exposed interior surface of walls, ceilings and oor Interior nish is related to re in four dierent ways. It can aect the rate of re build-up to ashover condi,ons, contribute to re extension by:

ame spread, ncrease the heat release by i adding fuel roduce smoke and toxic gases. p

Materials that exhibit high rates of ame spread, contribute fuel to a re or produce hazardous quan,,es of smoke and toxic gases would be undesirable.

Evacua,on of Occupants

Evacua,on of Occupants

Course Project
Group Project No more than 3-4 Students.
Choose one of your design studio Projects. Analyze the System in your design. Conceptualize the system integra*on and BIM. Revise your Schema*c Design Report your Systems.


3 A2 size sheets scale 1/100 ( 5mm Foam ) 6 A4 reports. ( Includes, Material, devices , data sheets, .etc )

Schedule: Week 1: Project Analysis Week 2: Project Conceptual Design Week 3: Project Schema*c Design Week 4: Project Schema*c Design Week 5:Project Evalua*on

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