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The translation of English legal texts into Arabic

Dr. Abdel Hadi Professor of legal translation University of Geneva

Abstract The translation of legal texts is a discipline in itself, which seeks to determine applicable rules of methodology. It gives rise to a great number of problems. Firstly it raises queries of a general nature relevant to general rules of translation with which translators should be well familiar, irrespective of their specialty. Secondly, this category of translations requires special legal knowledge of administrative and judicial institutions in the country of the source language and knowledge of the same institutions in the country of the target language.1 This knowledge is qualified by traductologists as "pre-knowledge", an essential prerequisite for specialized translators. It corresponds to Louis Truffaut's II commandment.

See, Claude Bocquet, La traduction professionnelle des textes juridiques, C.B Service SA, Prilly, Lausanne 1992; Claude Bocquet, Pour une m6thode de traduction juridique, Edition C.B, Prilly, Lausanne 1994; Translation and the law American Translators Association Scholarly Monograph Series; Dr. Basil Hatim, Dr. Abdullah Shunnaq, Dr. Ron Buckley, The Legal Translation At Work: Arabic-English Legal Translation, A practical guide; Ed. Irbid, Dar Al-Hillal for translation and publishing 1995; Jean-Claude Gemar, La traduction juridique : art ou technique d'interpr6tation?, Meta, journal des traducteurs, vol.33, not, p. 305-319 1988; Jean-Claude Gemar, La traduction juridique et son enseignement, Meta, journal des traducteurs, vo1.33, no2, p. 3553, 1988; Jean-Claude Gemar, Traduire ou fart d'interprdter, langue, droit et socidtd. Eldments de juris-linguistiques, Tome 2: Application, traduire le texte juridique p.232, Presses de 1'Universitd de Qubec, Montrdal 1995; La traduction juridique : Textes prdsent6s au 12e congr6s de 1'Acaddmie internationale de droit compar6, tenu en aoiftt 1986 aux universit6s de Sydney et Monashmen Australie

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