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Kathmandu School of Law Importance of Case Study Method in Legal Research A Research Paper Presented by Narendra Man Shrestha

In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for obtaining the LL.M Degree in Human Rights and Gender Justice

Supervisor: Dr. Shankar Kumar Shrestha Kathmandu June 10, 2003


This is to certify that Mr. Narendra Man Shrestha, a student of LL.M Ist year of the Kathmandu School of Law, has prepared a research paper titled "Importance of Case Study Method in Legal Research" under my supervision and guidance. In my observance, his research paper is found pertinent and research oriented. I believe that this paper will fulfill the requirements as needed by that School and will be helpful for the person and body wishing to acquire knowledge regarding this burning issue of Nepal.

(Dr. Shankar Kumar Shrestha)


I am greatly indebted to my Supervisor Dr. Shankar Kumar Shrestha, visiting Professor and legal practitioner, Chairman, Director, Coordinator and Lectures of the Kathmandu School of Law whose valuable suggestions, guidance, criticism and encouragement made me able to bring this Research Paper into this shape. I also would like to be equally thankful to my colleague of LL. M Program who had provided their valuable contribution and suggestions during preparation of this paper.

Narendra Man Shrestha LL.M Ist year



PAGES (1-4) 1. Introduction 2. Statement of Problem and Justification 3. Objective of Study 4. Research Questions 5. Scope of Study, Methodology and Sources Data 6. Organization of Paper.

CHAPTER 1 1.1 Meaning of Legal Research 1.2 Legal Research 1.3 Sources of Data



Method of Legal Research 2.1 Observation 2.2 Questionnaire 2.3 Sampling 2.4 Interview 2.5 Case Study.


CHAPTER 3 Characteristic Merit and Demerits of Case Study Method 3.1 Characteristic of Case Study 3.2 Merit of Case Study Method 3.3 Demerit of Case Study Method.


CHAPTER 4 Application of Case Study Method in Nepalese Legal System



Conclusion and Recommendation 1. Conclusion 2. Recommendation



Introduction Research plays a very important role in recommending solutions to the existing problems of our society or in solving the already solved problems in a better way. It also helps to discover or invent new ideas and technologies. Observations, interviews, mailed questionnaire, surveys, case studies, project, content analysis, and cause and effect analysis methods are used to carry out researches. Research is an ongoing and continuous process. For pure science, experimental methods are more useful than other methods. For social science, behavioral research, observation and in-depth study methods are mostly used. Selection of methodology for a particular research depends upon the objectives and purposes of the research such as impact analysis, theory building and testing, or behavioral analysis. Research methods are of qualitative and quantitative natures. In qualitative research, information are collected in descriptive forms whereas in quantitative method information or data are obtained in numerical forms. Social research is a qualitative research. In-depth information are obtained by using various tools and techniques and are analyzed through comparative analysis and pattern analysis methods. Very simple mathematical tools and techniques may also be applied. Case study research is a direct method of collecting data as it attempts to derive data directly rather than through the reports of the individuals

involved. Case study has particular importance in the situations that are inherently complex, such as a study of democracy in action as represented by the resolution of a social issue through discussion. Case study research technique would be indicated in investigations and observations of the behavior of society, criminals, Judges, Public Prosecutors and Police, inanimate objects and many other phenomena, which can be investigated only through case study, no matter how imprecise such investigation may be. 2. Statement of Problem and Justification Case study method is one of the most important and extensively used research methods in socio-legal research. This method has been found useful in empirical research, particularly, in order to know how a man becomes criminal or juvenile delinquent; how he can be punished or reformed, what is the condition of a court, prison; how is the perception of police public prosecutors and judges towards gender issues etc. This research technique can be used to study the behavior of society, criminals, Judges, Public Prosecutors and Polices. Neither has any ample studies on this topic, with the objective of imparting theoretical knowledge, been undertaken nor has any worth mentioning legal research been found in Nepal in this area. Due to lack of training and knowledge of research, the concerned researchers are less aware about the methodology. The research works have become increasingly challenging and complicated to such researchers. The Researches, conducted by them, are not found to be in the level as expected by the researchers themselves and organizations conducting the research. Owing to this, it has become necessary to give appropriate training and knowledge to the researchers in order to bring reliable and correct result from the researches.

Hence, while writing this paper I would like to particularly focus on the Importance Case Study Method in Legal Research". 3. Objective of Study The main objective of the study of this paper is to have understanding and discussion over " Importance Case Study Method in Legal Research". This paper will cover the areas as follows: (a) Meaning of research, legal research, sources of case study method. (b) Method of legal research. (c) Characteristic merit and demerit of case study method. (d) Application of case study method in Nepalese legal system. (e) Conclusion and recommendation. 4. Research questions: This paper deals with the questions as follows: (a) What is a case study method? (b) What are the advantages that can be found from research? (c) Whether a case study method of legal research is equally applicable to every research or not? (d) Whether the case study method of research have been used in the legal research of Nepal or not? 5. Scope of the study, methodology and sources of data: This paper deals only with the Importance of Case Study Method in Legal Research in descriptive way keeping in view the documentary sources readily available and the international and national practices undertaken regarding the legal and social researches.

This paper will focus mainly on primary sources. Secondary information published in national and international periodicals, literatures, books and other sources shall be referred as well.


Organization of paper:

This paper will be organized in Five Chapters. The First Chapter will deal with the meaning of research, legal research, sources of case study method. Second Chapter will deal with Method of legal research. Third Chapter will deal with characteristic merit and demerit of case study method. Fourth Chapter will deal with Application of case study method in Nepalese legal system. Finally, the fifth Chapter will deal with Conclusion and recommendation.

Chapter -1 Meaning of Research, Legal Research and Sources of Case Study

1.1 Meaning of research: Generally, the term "research" is taken as an academic activity or as an art of scientific investigation. It is not only an important prerequisite for dynamic social order but also a systematic and objective analysis of information that is discovered. It is an established fact that the research is a foundation of the progress and prosperity achieved and may be achieved in future. Nobody can get specific and deep knowledge on any matter without having research that is why, research plays significant role in gaining knowledge. As a result, research can be defined as a systematic search for attaining deep knowledge. The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary defined the term "research" as a careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any breech of knowledge.1 Encyclopedia of social science defined it as the manipulation of things, concept or symbols for generalizing to extend, correct or verify knowledge,

whether that knowledge aids in construction of theory or in the practice of an art.2 Similarly, some other writers defines it as the careful, diligent and exhaustive investigation of a specific subject matters, which has its aim, the advancement of making knowledge.3 Keeping in view the said definitions, the term "research" can be defined as a method of gaining specific knowledge. It is not only a major factor for human-development but also of civilization. Similarly, research not only plays a signification role in academic scenario but also plays a vital role in practical life of whole humankind. There are various methods used for pursuing research. Method applicable for research depends on the objectives of the research for instance impact analysis, theory inception or experiment, etc. Generally, research methods are divided as qualitative and quantitative, depending on its nature. The former method is understood as descriptive research and the latter as numerical. The qualitative research is most suitable for social research. 1.2 Legal Research: Generally, law is enacted to regulate the human conduct for the welfare of humankind. It is considered that law should be enacted to protect the interest of a person, society, and the county as a whole. The goal of legal research can not be distinguished from the goal of law. As law is directly related with the social science, its research is also automatically related with the research of social science.

1 2

. A S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, P. 996. . D. Slesigner, and M. Stephonson, Encylopedia of Social Science, P. 212. 3 . S.R. Myneni, Legal Research Methodology, P. 1.


This is the age of democracy and good governance. Democracy and good governance depend upon the rule of law. In democratic society, law is changed for welfare of the people and society along with the pace of time. Alternatively, law shall not be constraint for the development rather it be facilitator. That is why law needs charges. Similarly, legal research is essential to have changes in law for socialization and betterment of the people and society. Now-a-days, legal research is not limited only on the analyzing of criminal behavior, activities of public, court, public prosecutors, legal practitioners etc. but it also includes the protection of environment of all creatures in the world and the development as well. As a result, legal research plays crucial role for the welfare of the humankind and is more important than others to bring positive changes in our society and at the end in the whole humankind. 1.3 Sources of case study: Personal documents and life history documents are referred4 as important sources of data for case study method:

1. Personal Documents: Public figures generally keep diaries; write their autobiographies or memoirs. These documents contain the description of the events and their reactions towards them with direct involvement or as a witness of a distant spectator nature. They reveal direct information regarding the structure dynamics and nature of problem. 2. Life History Documents: Life history is the study of various events of respondents life together with attempt to find their social significance. Life history differs from pure historical narrative facts. While pure

narrative facts aim at narrating the facts only, life history aims at revealing

. Supra note 3 at P.216.


the meaning and significance of the events in the context of motivating factors of social life. Life history data is generally gathered through prolonged interviews with the respondents. Various other methods may be adopted to get correct information such as periodical conferences, impromptu conservations, dramatic productions, observation and post experimental interviews, etc. 5 In the course of case study, Thomas and Znaniecki have made extensive use of life history documents and made them their chief instrument in reaching out the actual experiences and attitudes of individuals and groups as well as in securing a cross section of the entire process of their social becoming. They scrutinized a large number of personal diaries, letters, autobiographies and other types of case materials with a view to get at the concrete details of the individual and collective behavior of persons in a given cultural context.

5 6

Id., P 217. T.S.Wilkinson and P.L Bhandarkar, Methodology y and Technique of Social Research, P. 244.


Chapter -2 2.1 Methods of legal research: In pursuing research for disclosing facts or proving a hypothesis true or false, various kinds of methods can be applied for the successful research. The following research methods collectively or individually can be applied for the successful research as the main methods. 2.1 Observation: Information can be received by observing, visiting and viewing the place, society, events or the things pertinent to the study or research. Observation can be taken as primary and reliable source of information. If a researcher is careful, he/she can get the points that may play the significant role in his research or study. Observation is a method that is common in the research of legal and social science. Observation should be guided by a specific research purpose, the information receive from the observation should be recorded and subjected to checks on the trail of reliability.7 2.2 Questionnaire: In questionnaire method, a researcher develops a form containing such questions pertinent to his study. Generally, the researcher prepares yes/ No questions or short answer questions. In questionnaire method, researcher distributes such forms to the people to whom he/she deems appropriate. The people to whom the questionnaires have been distributed, should answer that what they have known by filling out the form and return it to researcher.

.George J. Mouly, The Science of Educational Research, P.284.




When the subject of research is vague,

comprehensive and when each indicator can not be taken by virtue of financial constraint, time and complexity, etc. then the researcher can randomly collect data/sample depending on the reason. This is called as sampling method. For instance, in a demographic research, part of population represent various groups can be taken into consideration.8 That is why, it is said that sample is a method that saves time and money. 2.4 Interviews: A researcher can receive information sought by him/her asking people concerned through interview. It is a direct method of receiving information. Interview can be generally held asking questions in face-to-face contact to the person or persons and sometimes through telephone conversation. This method is common in the research of legal and social science. In this method, the researcher has to use less skill and knowledge to receive information he/she had sought. Interview is known as an art of receiving pertinent information. In the opinion of P.V. Young, interview can be taken as a systematic method by which a person enters more or less imaginatively into the life of a stranger.9 2.5 Case study: Case study is taken as one of the important and reliable methods for legal research. Case study can be defined as a method of research where facts and grounds of each legal issue are dealt with by taking individual case.

8 9

. Id., P. 238. . Supra note 3 at P. 132.


P.V. Young pointed out that case study is a method of exploring and analyzing of life of a social unit such as a person, a family, an institution, a cultural group or even entire community.10 Goode and Hatt states that case study is a way of organizing social data so as to preserve the utility character of the social object being studied.11 Keeping in view to the matters as referred to in above, we can state here that the case study is a method of legal research to explore and analyze the fact and data of a social unit and to organize social data for prescription of useful character and society.

Chapter -3 Characteristics, Merits and Demerits of Case Study Method.

10 11

. Id., P. 157. . Ibid.



Characteristics of Case Study Method: Characteristics of the case study method can be described shortly as follows: 1. Any researcher can hold research into one single or more social unit such as a person, family, society and so on for the accomplishment of the aim of his/her study under this method. He/she can hold comprehensive and intensive study in different aspects of the unit so selected. Under this method, he/she can give the weight and consideration towards all the aspects of a person, group or society so selected for study. All aspects can be deeply and intensively studied. 2. Any researcher does not only hold the study to find out how many crimes have been committed by a man but also deeply hold study into causes that forces or abets him to commit such crimes. In this example, one of the main objectives of the researcher could be to give suggestion to referring the criminals. 3. Under this method, any researcher can endeavor to know the relationship of causal factors interlinked. 4. Under this method, all the related aspects of the unit, which is in subject to study, can be directly or indirectly studied? 5. Case study method helps to find out the useful data and enables to generalize the knowledge also. 6. The main characteristics of the case study method includes continuing, completeness, validity, and data as it deals with the life of social unit or units or society as whole.



Merits of Case Study Method: Merits of case study method can be described briefly as follows: 1. The case study helps to study and understand the human nature and conducts very intensively. As a result, any researcher can formulate a valid hypothesis. 2. Any researcher can get actual and exemplary records of experience that may be useful as guidelines to others life as this method carries out intensive study of all aspects of a unit or a problem selected for research. 3. This case study method is very useful in sampling as it efficiently and orderly classifies the units selected for research based on data and information so collected. 4. Under the case study, any researcher can undertake one or more research method(s) under the existing circumstances. He/she can use various methods as interviews, questionnaires, report, sampling and similar other methods. 5. As this method emphasizes historical analysis, this method is taken as a means of knowing and understanding the past life of a social unit. That is why; it can suggest the possible measures to be taken for having improvements in present life by the lesson of past life. In other words, it is said that the old is gold and morning show the day. 6. Under this case study method, any researcher can find out new helpful things as it holds perfect study of sociological materials that can represent real image of experience.


7. Under this case study method, any research may increase his/her analytical ability and skill of the study of practical experiences. 8. This method makes possible the study, to bring positive changes in the society. As this method holds overall study of life of a social unit, the researcher can know and understand the changes occurred in our society and can suggest to make corrections in human behavior for the welfare, as well. 9. As this case study method holds study of all aspects of a social unit, terms of past, present and future time, it gives the matured knowledge that could also be useful to his/her personal and public life. 10. This case study method is also taken as indispensable and significant as regards to taking decision on many management issues. Case data are also very useful for diagnosis and thereby of practical case issues. It can be taken as an example to be followed in future. 3.3 Demerits of the Case Study Method: Despite its merits as referred to in above, demerits of the case study method can be described shortly as follows: 1. This case study method is a very vague process. There is no mechanism to control researcher. Generalization is almost impossible to a larger similar population. 2. Under this case study method, letters and other documents can be used. A write up is generally prepared to impress and give undue influence to personal matters. It always depends on the personal feeling and thought. As a result, the study of the researcher may be worthless and meaningless by virtue of possible occurrence of distortion.


3. Under this case study method, there is no limitation of study. The researcher always finds difficulties in deciding when he/she should stop to collect data for his/her study. He/she may find all things to be pertinent. 4. This case study method is always based on several assumptions. However, sometimes, they may not be realistic. Under such circumstances, such data should be tested. 5. Under this case study method, the result is drawn up on the basis of all post experiences. Collection of much data and information may lead to confusion to find out pertinent and specific information. 6. This case study method is based on comparison with the post life. However, human value, attitude, behavior, reactions, circumstance are very wide and differ with each other. It is difficult to compare from one another. 7. This case study method always collects post information and data of the society. However, there is no system of checking. 8. This case study method is time consuming, expensive and complex.

Chapter -4 Application of Case Study Method in Nepalese Legal Research.


In terms of any discipline research, Nepal is still in primitive stage. Shruties, Smirties and Dharmashastra are the main source of Hindu religion and Nepalese legal system has been found based mainly on that. Hermits specified the norms as rules to regulate human conduct on the basis of such scriptures. Manu Smriti, Yagyabalkya Smriti are examples of legal research of ancient time. However, they too are limited only in law. Similarly, we can also take Balmiki Ramayan (religious story of God Ram and Sita) as example of case study carried out by Balmiki. Even though he wrote life circle of the King Ram and Sita, he specified some practical and important legal aspects that are still pertinent and solvent. Mundhum was an excellent example of legal research in the Kirant period, which were applied as the law at that time. In the pace of the time, various scriptures had been introduced as the law. In Malla Period, King Jayasthiti Malla had invited four Orthodox Hindu Brahmin from northern India to frame a legal code. They framed a legal code named Manaba Nayasastra (Social Justice). This book is considered as good book of legal research of that time. Jung Bahadur Rana, then Prime Minister of Nepal visited Great Britain and France. He was very much impressed by the Napoleon Code so existed in France at that time. After his return from the said countries, he separated law from dharma and enacted Muluki Ain (Comprehensive Country Code) in 1910 B.S. This code bears the greatest value in the Nepalese legal history and legal research as well. The New Muluki Ain, 2020 (1963) can be taken as good legal research. Many researches have been done in the socio-economic fields, but the researches in the legal fields are still at the primary stage as compared to other fields. The reason behind this is political suppression. When legal


aspects are concerned, no freedom is given to the people, and to governmental and non-governmental agencies to carry out research activities in a free and fair environment. Then, no academic institution was there to provide education in legal research. Tribhuvan University, the only university of that time, used to provide education regarding research in the field of social science but that is also found inappropriate for carrying out the research activities. His Majestys Government of Nepal has established Law Reform Commission on 2039/6/1(Sept 17, 1982) to carry out legislative drafting based on the legal research but due to the lack of training and trained manpower this commission is still unable to meet the objectives as sought by the government and presently it is in a defunct state. Another factor is lack of resources to carry out the legal researches. His Majestys Government has never made any provision to financially assist any non-governmental organization in order to support research activities carried out in the legal field other than to the governmental projects. After the restoration of democracy and promulgation of new Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal (1990) in 1990, the practices of legal research have begun thereafter that is too not in many numbers. In the Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal (1990), human rights, rule of law and independent judiciary have been taken as the basic structure of the Constitution, and Nepal became a party to the international instruments relating to human rights and so on, and democracy, good governance and anticorruption have been undertaken as the nonchallengeable norms of the state policy. As per the need for research in the field of human rights, rule of law, independence of judiciary, democracy, good governance and anti-corruption and to support in the said fields, various donor agencies such as DANIDA, USAID, GTZ, JICA etc. have been providing financial and technical supports to His Majestys Government of Nepal and other non-governmental organizations as such to carry out


research activities relating to aforesaid fields. Over the years, many universities and law schools such as Eastern University, Western University, Kathmandu University and Kathmandu School of Law were established. These universities and schools are putting their efforts to produce best researchers in the field of research so concerned. The initiations of the said universities and schools definitely can produce trained manpower as required for the country. Keeping in view the said matters, it is note worthy to state here that credit of developing researches in the field of law goes to the people of Nepal who restored democracy overthrowing the Partyless Panchayat System and the donor agencies and non-governmental agencies who have made their significant financial as well technical assistance. 4.1 Some Case Study Made in Nepal: 1. Late King Birendra constituted the Royal Judicial Reforms Commission on 2039/6/1 B.S. for recommendation to bring refers in judicial system in order to impart prompt Justice. At first, the Commission collected preliminary data and information from the concerned offices based on the problems prevalent in the judicial system and circulated them to the concerned body, and called for information, suggestions and recommendation from all the people through the media such as Radio Nepal and Gorkhapatra. It also made the spot visits in almost all districts in order to collect data, information, and suggestion.The commission organized number of seminars and workshops with the participation of the concerned stakeholders for getting suggestions and recommendations. It also carried out comparative study of Nepalese legal history and present situation. The commission submitted a report with the comprehensive recommendation for judicial system refers on the ground and of data and information collected by it from its own study,


observation. It can be taken as an example of comprehensive case study method. 2. The Center for Legal Research and Resource Development (CelRRd) carried out a research on a Base Line Survey of Nepalese Criminal Justice System in 2001/2002 through different qualitative research methods. Forty cases of prison were studied from 10 districts with the representation of Hill, Mountain and Terai regions. Interviews and group discussions were applied for collection of data and relevant information. Such cases were studied with views of torture, police behavior, effective court procedures and legal assistance. The CELLRRD reached into conclusion that torture was rampant, police behavior was discouragious, court procedures were not prompt and only two person out of forty case got free legal aid service. 3. Forum for Protection of Public Interest (Pro-Public) carried our research on study on Gender and judges. The main objective of the study was to find out whether the judiciary imparts justice equal to all without discrimination on the grounds of sex. Under this research, 12 District under three regions were selected. Almost 33 judges were interviewed specially on the issues of women and violence, domestic violence, women and secular crimes dowry and (CEDAW). 26 women lawyers, 26 women litigants, 21 women victims were also interviewed. Several different cases concerned with the violence against women, rape, trafficking, divorce, partition, polygamy and establishment of relationship were studied. One of the important aspects of this research was to know the environment of courtrooms while trying the case sued for justice to women. The research had the objectives of examining how the environment prevailed in the courtrooms affect women and to evaluate


the treatment rendered and dealings made with target groups. The study found out that environment of courtrooms were normally noisy and crowded and language particularly used in rape case was very rough.12 It was the main reason for remaining legal research backward in Nepal as there were no academic institutions to carry out such legal researches. 4. His Majestys Government of Nepal, by a decision dated 2057/5/1(Aug 17, 2000), constituted the Criminal Justice Administration Study and Recommendation Task Force in the Convernorship of Attorney-General of the Kingdom of Nepal for reforming the Criminal Justice Administration in consistent with the international instruments to which Nepal is a party and modify the Penal Code and Criminal Procedure Code as per the necessity of the time, which are in practice in Nepal as per the Criminal Justice Administration framed during the period of Rana regime. The said Task Force submitted a Draft and a Report of Penal Code and Criminal Procedure Code, 2058 (2001) on 2058/4/24 (Aug 8, 2002). For preparation of said reports, the Task Force observed 167 numbers of criminal laws prevailing in Nepal, provisions of 14 Chapters of the Part 3 and provisions of 10 Chapters of Part 4 of the Muluki Ain, 2020 (1963) (the Country Code), which had been annexed as state case or non-state case as per the State Cases Act, 2049(1992).


. Forum for Protection of Public Interest, A Study on Gender and Judge, P.


Chapter - 5 Conclusion and Recommendation 5.1 Conclusion: Research is a continuous scientific and systematic process and activity. Research always tries to discoverer new things. Research depends upon its objectives, nature and purpose. Some researcher may take objectives of impact analysis, thereby building, testing of hypothesis and behavioral


analysis and so on. Legal research is regarded as a port of social science. It is directly related with legal reforms and aims to solve the problems. Case study method is property applied in Legal research. Case study method can be applied to study of court proactive, practice of judges, lawyers, prosecutor police and so on. As case study method helps to explore and analyze the life of social unit selected for research, it can play a significant role in legal research. This method always requires a deep and minute study. It can be taken as the best method of collecting relevant information and data concerning an individual, a family or a group of persons. Weaknesses such as generalization regarding case study method can be easily resolved through training attained on the modern method of collecting data and information using the scientific techniques of gathering, classifying and processing of data. Even though this method is most useful it would be better if we could use case study method accompanied by other methods as and when necessary.


Recommendation: Since this paper is not a case study itself, there are a few recommendations to make. Any researcher should know well about various methods of qualitative and quantitative research. He/she should be careful about generalizing any findings. It would be better if academic institutions could be encouraged to hold research for making reforms in law. Before enactment of law, government should encourage and promote academic institutions to conduct research.


Government should take into consideration the outcomes of such researches according to its gravity.


1. A S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 5th edition, Oxford University Press: 1998. 2. Center for Legal Research and Resource Development (CelRRd), A Base Line Survey of Nepalese Criminal Justice System, Kathmandu: 2001/2002.


3. D.N. Jain, and et. al, Legal Research and Methodology, Indian Law Institute, Delhi: 1983. 4. D. Slesigner and M. Stephonson, Encyclopedia of Social Science, Vol. IX, Mac Millan, 1930. 5. Goode & Hatt, Method of Social Research, Mc. Grow Hill Book Co., Tokyo, Japan: 1985. 6. George J. Mouly, The Science of Social Research of Educational Research, 1st Indian reprint, Eurasia Publishing House (Pvt.) Ltd, India: 1964. 7. Naryan Belbase and Suchata Pyakural, A Study on Gender and Judges, Pro Public, Ist edition, Kathmandu: 2002. 8. Report Submitted to His Majesty's King by Royal Judicial Reform Commission, 2040 B.S, Kathmandu: 2040. 9. S.R. Myeni, Legal Research Methodology, 2nd edition, Allabahad Law Agency, India: 2001. 10. T.S Wilkinson and P.L Bhandarkar, Methodology and Techniques of Social Science Research, 4th edition, Himalaya Publishing House, India: 1984.


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