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GENERIC NAME: PANTOPRAZOLE SODIUM Route of Administration: IV mg DRUG CLASS Pharmacolog ic Class: gastric acid pump inhibitors Therapeutic Class: antiulcer agents MODE OF ACTION
Chemical Effect: Binds to an enzyme in the presence of acidic gastric pH, preventing the final transport of hydrogen ions into the gastric lumen. Therapeutic effect: Diminished accumulation of acid in the gastric lumen, with lessened acid reflux. Healing of duodenal ulcers and esophagitis. Decrease acid secretion in hypersecretory conditions.

Dosage: 40 mg ADVERSE REACTIONS TO WATCH FOR Headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea, eructation, flatulence, hyperglycemia DRUG INTERACTIONS May alter the bioavailability and effects of drugs for which absorption is pH dependent. May increase risk of bleeding with Warfarin (Monitor INR/PT)


May cause abnormal liver function tests, including increase AST, ALT, alkaline phosphate, and bilirubin. Patients receiving pantoprazole IV should be converted to PO dosing as soon as possible. Reconstitute each vial with 10 mL of 0.9% NaCL for a concentration of 4 mg/mL. Reconstituted solution is stable for 6hr at room temperature.

INIDCATIONS/ CONTRA INDICATIONS I: Erosive esophagitis associated with GERD. Decrease relapse rates of daytime and nighttime heartburn symptoms on patients with GERD. Pathologic gastric hypersecretory conditions. C/I: Hypersensitivit y. Lactation. Use cautiously in pregnancy and children

HEALTH TEACHINGS Advise patient to avoid alcohol, products containing aspirin or NSAIDs, and foods that may cause an increase in GI irritation. Advise patient to report onset of black, tarry stools; diarrhea; or abdominal pain to health care professional promptly.

(safety not established).

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