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Quinn Office Hours: Monday 4-5

Quadrants I-IV Counter clockwise, beginning on top right.

1.1 + 1.2 from the textbook, due next monday.

Graphs of function Def's A function f is increasing on an open interval (a,b) if and only if for all x1 < x2 in the interval, we have f(x) < f (x2). A function f is decreasing on an open interval (a,b) if and only if for all x1 < x2 in the interval, we have f(x) > f (x2).

on an open interval (a,b), for all x1 < x2 in the interval if and only if for all x1, x2 e (a,b) we have F(x1) = F(x2) Increasing: (-oo, -1) Decreasing: (-1, 1/2) Constant: (1,3)

A function f has a relative maximum at n, if and only if there exists an open interval (a,b) containing n, such that, for all x1e (a,b) where x1 =/= n, we have f(n) > f(x1) A function f has a relative minimum at n, if and only if there exists an open interval (a,b) containing n, such that, for all x1e (a,b) where x1 =/= n, we have f(n) < f(x1)

A) At what numbers does f have relative maximum? B) What are the relative maximum>

C) w/ minimum D) w/ minimum

A function f is even if and only, for all x, f (-x) = f(x). A function f is odd if and only if, for all x, f(-x)=-f(x) Motivation: Ex: f(x)= x4+3x2+2 f(-x)= (-x)4+3(x)2+1n f(-x)= x4+

Symmetry Even means symetric about the Y-axis.

Piecewise functions Ex. ( 2; x < -4 f(x){ x+1; -f < x < 10 ( x2 ; 10 < x

Difference Quotient of f is f(x+h)-f(x) h

Ex: f(x)=x+2 = [(x+h)2+]-[x2+2] h

Linear Functions f(x)=2x+5 DQ(f(x))= 2(x+h)+5-(2x+5) h = 2x+2h+5-2x-5 h

Slope: The slope of a line, through ponts (x,y) + (x2,y2) rise over run Point-slope form of a line. m=y-y2 y-y2=m(x-x2) x-x2

Slope intercept form y=mx+b

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