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An Open Source multi-blogging platform

ditari. im

Ditari, an open source blogging scriptwanted to have a personal website -I

- I was bored - I didnt want to use wordpress (which is awesome!)

Ditari, an open source blogging scriptwanted to have a personal website -I

- I was bored - I didnt want to use wordpress (which is awesome!)

Ditari as a standalone script was doing ok but not great as a platform. Why? - People who want simple websites dont want to lose
time setting them up - Young people were asking me for hosts and domains - Non-Geeks dont even bother to try build a website - Facebook was losing its importance but people still wanted to share their thoughts, in a community! as a platform. How is it going?

229 registered users 172 active users 483 posts 1927 comments
* Until 10/11/2011

What it looks like?

What it looks like?

What it looks like?

Feature s - Users can post text articles

- Users can post images - Users can post videos - Users can share links - Users can customize its look - Facebook and Twitter integration - Can use a Chrome Plugin to share pictures, videos or links as a platform. Where is it going? as a platform. Where is it going? as a platform. Where is it going?

- A completely new look, keeping its essence - HTML widgets - Follow (new feature) - On-Page administration - Better Twitter and Facebook integration - Faster - Mobile - Business oriented too! With a new domain,

When ? January 1st, 2012

Doing business with it

- Revenue from ads Ads that can be seen from bloggers Ads that can be seen from visitors - Sharing its revenues with bloggers - Only putting ads on blogs when their owner agrees

- Revenue from selling services Custom Domains Custom designs and modifications - Revenue from support - Donations

Jonian Dervishi

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