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Chronology of Events in the History of English

Pre-600 A.D. THE PRE-ENGLISH PERIOD ca. 3000 B.C.

(6000 B.C?) Proto-Indo-European spoken in Baltic area.
The various branches of Indo-European have become distinctive. Celtic becomes more
widespread in Europe branch. The Roman empire crumbles.
The Celtic peoples, most of which are christen, are pushed more and more marginal areas of the
UK. Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Anglo-Saxons (originally seafarers) are established as farmers
exploring rich farmland in English.
Asia the year 600 A.D. Germanic speech of England includes the dialects of a language other
than the continental Germanic languages. 600 - 1100 B.C. of Old English.
Large organized groups established camps on English soil. Kill the kings of Northumbia and East
Anglia, subjugate, King of Mercia Storm York (Anglo Eoforwic) and establish a Viking kingdom
(Jorvik), Wessex is positioned as the last Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Great Britain. His younger
brother Alfredo who had distinguished himself in battle is crowned king.
According to Alfredo (end of victory) England is divided into a part governed by the
Canute decided to follow in the footsteps of Alfred, with the goal of a peaceful and prosperous
kingdom after the death of Canute the new king is Edward, called the confessor, died without
children and is recommended as his successor Harold Godwinson.
Harold of Norway decided to attack England and he rushes to the north and William is thrown
into the sea., Harold was defeated and killed at the Battle of Hastings in Britain. William
distributes property and titles, many of the English titles of nobility inherited from this period.
The English becomes the language of the lower classes (peasants and slaves). The French became
the language of cutting class and owner.
In 1474, William Caxton brought a printing press to England from Germany and published the
first book printed in England.

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