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Manpower Management OVERVIEW

Manpower recruitment Manpower selection Manpower Placement Manpower Evaluation Manpower Development Manpower Evaluation

Hiring and firing

Objectives of Manpower planning

To ensure that optimum use of existing human resources To forecast future requirement To provides control measure( when required should available) To asses the surplus and shortage of human resources To anticipate the impact of new technology on job and human resources

To anticipate surplus and shortage of staff and avoid unnecessary dismissals. To estimate the cost of human resource and housing needs of employees To meet the need of expansion and diversification programs To ensure high level productivity To ensure that career planning of every employee of the organization and making succession programs

Importance of human resource planning

Defining future personnel needs Coping with change Determining number to be employed at anew location Retaining our highly skilled staff Managing an effective downsizing programs Matching the gap between current and future Forcing top management to involve in HRM

Manpower recruitment
Demanding application for the post is the initial stage of recruitment. Considering 4 Rs (Right people, Right place, Right condition, Right time) Sorting application and interview

Manpower Recruitment views

Good work life balance flexible Work efficient Obedient Regular Rational good

Work life balanced person

Flexible Employee

Work efficient employee


Manpower management overviewscont..

Manpower selection and placement Manpower Evaluation A. Performance appraisal B. Potential appraisal Manpower development (Training)

Manpower development
Manpower planning is the process including Forecasting Developing and controlling by which a firms insures that it has the right number of people and right kind of people at the right place and the right time doing work for which they are economically most useful -Geister

Manpower Evaluation Hiring or firing

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