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A Belief A belief is an opinion, a trust or a faith, it is a confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof.

The world is my mirror and society is my critic. I stand on your stage with my arms by my side, and my shoulders pulled back, and my head in the sky. Yet, to you it doesnt matter what I have in my head, because when my curtain closes theres a sign that reads GIRL. Now what beliefs run through your head? This you believe, The ghastly circles under my eyes had gotten heavier than the day before. I tried putting on my makeup like the girls in magazines, but Despite my efforts I look like a clown, Too much eye shadow, Too much blush, Too much mascara. Except, clowns get paid to look like I do. This you believe, Im starting to look lopsided because my ass is too chunky And my hips are too w i d e, which makes me Clumsily Run Into Things. And when I lift up my ugly, over-sized, hand-me-down shirt, My stomach had withered like a mango left out in the sun. You thought I was smart, Except my looks are on a scale from 0 to below average, Compared to the girls on T.V. This you believe, My lips arent full enough AND My hair isnt smooth enough AND My legs arent long enough AND My nose isnt thin enough AND My skin isnt flawless enough AND My boobs arent big enough AND My torso isnt sucked in enough AND My ears arent pierced AND My nails arent painted AND Im not flexible AND I dont know how to cook AND Im not very tidy AND

I wont wear high heels AND For Christs sakes my legs ARE NOT shaved but Im wearing shorts anyway. And all of this you believe makes me less or more of a woman. Your expectation has warped, altered, contorted, deformed, misshaped, twisted, deviated, brutalized, and misrepresented my mind, my soul, and my body as a human being walking on this earth alongside every other human; with false senses of power and unethical expectation. I believe we can come to the front of the stage and not be hidden or blocked by our gender profiles, I believe we can stand together on the same stage and work side by side in order to reverse some of the bigger issues our planet is dealing with. I believe I can take the first step, can you?

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