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Imran Mansuri Project Officer (LS) INFLIBNET Centre An IUC of UGC Ahmedabad Date 24th May 2012 To Administrative

Office (P & A) Project Officer (LS) INFLIBNET Centre An IUC of UGC Ahmedabad Sub: Leave Application for Religious purpose for the period of 4 months Dear Sir, I my self Imran Mansuri working in your organization as Project Officer since 1st Jan, 2010. I am associated with Database division under supervision of Rajesh Chandrakar Scientist B. This is to inform you that I want leave date 7th June 2012 to 7th October 2012 due to religious obligation. Islam is a complete way of life and a Muslim is he who surrender himself to the commandments of Allah and Prophet Muhammad's way of life and as we all know that everything in this world should be learned first for better implementation and the one who started practicing without learning from the experts brought havoc on him as well as on those who surrounding him. Now as being a Muslim we believe that this life of this world is nothing but a test and the real is hereafter (Life after Death ) and it depends on the thought,speech and action of this life. So our Islamic scholars have introduced a short term course and derived its principles from the Holy Quran and prophetic way of life to bring reform in a life of an individual at all levels. In this age ,the movement is called as Tabligh (To Convey) Jamaat and it's founder Maulana Ilyas called every committed believer to leave his home and give up his occupation for a period of time, in order to rehearse the faith on the pattern of the life of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad. During this journey we have to stay in the Mosques and have to learn and practice Islamic way of life and to meet the Muslim brothers of the localities and convey them what we have learned by this outing so that they can even think of sparing some time to learn Islam. During this stay we have to practice six principles are based on the universal personal character traits of the Sahaba ( Holy companions of the Prophet PBUH). All these six principles are usually presented with stories and incidents from the lives of the Sahaba. These six principles are the following: 1. Faith ( Shraddha ): An article of faith in which the person accepts that there is no god but Allah and Prophet Muhammad is His messenger with complete and practical conviction. (Every

Muslim must be able to recite Shahadah correctly in Arabic. 2.Namaz ( Prarthna ): Five daily prayers that are essential to spiritual elevation, piety, and a life from the ills of the material world (A Muslim must learn how to perform Namaz perfectly). 3. Ilm and zikir ( Gyan & Dhyan ): The knowledge and remembrance of Allah conducted in sessions in which the congregation listens to preaching, perform prayers, recites the Quran and reads the Hadith (To learn the basic teaching of Islam and to do zikir). 4. Ikram (A'adar): The treatment of fellow Muslims with honor and respecting Non Brothers alike as well as the rights of all creation. Muslim

5.Ikhlas-i-Niyyat (Ni'swarth Seva): Reforming ones life in supplication to Allah by performing every human action for the sake of Allah and toward the goal of self-transformation (To inculcate honesty and sincerity of purpose on such endeavors). 6.Da'wat [Shanik (Time Being ) Sansar Tyag] : The sacrifice of time and wealth of oneself to live a life based on faith and learning its virtues, following in the footsteps of the Prophet, and conveying His message . The purpose of the movement is thus not to remake the world through restructuring key social, economic and political institution in society rather to reshape individual lives and make them an asset to the society. Some ask: Why must we go out?, Can we not stay at home and reform?, We are where we are, have we improved?. When a person is sick, he is taken out of the home environment and put into hospital. The new place will allow for change, proper treatment and recovery. The more sick the patient is, the deeper he goes, from the general ward to special care to intensive care. Thus a person who is spiritually not well also needs to go out, to change his environment, to go to better surroundings and in better company to be with those performing Salaah, making Dhikr, thereby getting proper direction in life. He should be with those who are trying to gain closeness and proximity unto Allah, who are trying to reform, change and link themselves to Allah. He should be with those who are inviting towards good and doing the good, who are invited to good rather than to bad and evil. Thus one needs to go out. In almost 200 countries of the world and from all different walks of life Muslim brothers whether he's a Doctor, Engineer, Professor, Advocate, Government Servants, Cab Drivers, Chaiwallas, Auto Drivers, Businessmen, Ministers..etc..are all sparing their precious time to reform oneself. So It's my humble request to grant me 4 months leave as it's incumbent for every Muslim to treat this world as a temporal place and herafter as an eternal abode and to secure a berth in the life to come one have to strive hard to be a perfect Muslim as in the words of Prophet Muhammad Surely a servant will not be counted as one of the Muslims until other people are protected from his hand and his tongue; and he will never reach the stage of a true believer until the people is safe from his evil and annoyance, and his neighbor is protected and safe from his harshness and anger; and he will never reach the stage of being one with Allah until he keeps away from those erroneous actions which cause him to spiritually pollute himself. Hoping for your assistance as usual.....

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