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1 Elect/Fit Paper-III A Random Access Memory (RAM) is:Volatile memory Non volatile memory Temporary memory Permanent memory.

A 2 Elect/Fit Paper-III The memory which is also called as 'Read Write Memory' is:ROM RAM PROM EPROM B 3 Elect/Fit Paper-III The memory in which MOSFETS are used is:ROM PROM EPROM Static RAM C 4 Elect/Fit Paper-III In a computer application window, the status bar displays:The menu for the application The name of the application The font size, types of styles and alignment Message, page number and section number. D 5 Elect/Fit Paper-III In computer application window, the bar used to change document style and font size is:Status bar Standard tool bar Formatting tool bar Menu bar. C 6 Elect/Fit Paper-III In MS EXCEL, a formula can be a maximum of :255 characters long 235 characters long 245 characters long 275 characters long A 7 Elect/Fit Paper-III An EXCEL FILE is known as:Note book Work book Work sheet Document. C 8 Elect/Fit Paper-III In MS EXCEL, the [+] of mouse pointer stands for:Start menu Copy and paste Cut and paste Entering the data. B 9 Elect/Fit Paper-III An EXCEL workbook has a number of:Pages Documents Worksheets Workbooks. C

10Elect/Fit Paper-III A worksheet is also known as:Page Spreadsheet Document Workbook. B 11Elect/Fit Paper-III In MS EXCEL, the (arrow) shape of the mouse pointer indicates:Entering the data Cut and paste Copy and paste Start menu. B 12Elect/Fit Paper-III In MS EXCEL worksheet, rows are denoted by:Alphabets Numbers Asterisks Arrows. B 13Elect/Fit Paper-III A chart data series is a collection of:Related values Functional values Collected values Resulted values. A 14Elect/Fit Paper-III A chart that exists on your worksheet is known as:Radar chart Embedded chart Scattered chart Column chart. B 15Elect/Fit Paper-III In Binary subtraction, subtract 11011 from 10111 :- 11011 - 00100 + 11011 + 00100. B 16Elect/Fit Paper-III Complement of a complement equal to; Zero Complement One Original. D 17Elect/Fit Paper-III The 1's compliment of a binary number is the number that results when :Each 0 is changed to 1 and vice-versa. Each 0 is changed to 2 and vice-versa. Each 0 is changed to 4 and vice-versa. Each 0 is changed to 8 and vice-versa. A 18Elect/Fit Paper-III Binary equivalent of 34.4 (8) is : 10100.1100 11000.0011 10011.0101 11100.100 D

19Elect/Fit Paper-III Flip Flop is also known as :Astable Multi vibrator Mono stable Multi vibrator Bi stable multi vibrator Tri stable multi vibrator C 20Elect/Fit Paper-III For production of voltage pulses without any driving pulse of all most square wave shape, occurring periodically, the circuit used is Free running multi vibrator Mono stable multi vibrator Bi stable multi vibrator RS flip flop. A 21Elect/Fit Paper-III Among the following ,the output device in a computer is; Key board Printer Mouse Joy stick. B 22Elect/Fit Paper-III Many dot matrix printers are:Unidirectional Tri-directional Bi-directional Quadra-directional. C 23Elect/Fit Paper-III Dot matrix printer is an example of:Line printer Laser printer Drum printer Character printer D 24Elect/Fit Paper-III A keyboard is a most common:Memory unit Input device Control device Output device. B 25Elect/Fit Paper-III Unit of current by which the rate of flow of electricity is measured is:Volt Ampere Coulomb Ohm. B 26Elect/Fit Paper-III One Joule is equal to :One watt second One watt hour One watt minute One watt. A 27Elect/Fit Paper-III Ohm'S Law states that:R= V/I V = R/I I = R/V R = VxI A

28Elect/Fit Paper-III The practical unit of Conductance is ;Ohm Coulomb MHO Volt. C 29Elect/Fit Paper-III The unit representing power or by which the rate of doing work is measured is :Joule Watt Ohms None of the above B 30Elect/Fit Paper-III The symbol of Impedence is ;R Z I V B 31Elect/Fit Paper-III The value of Milli ampere is:0.01 ampere 0.1 ampere 0.0001 ampere 0.001 ampere D 32Elect/Fit Paper-III The total opposition offered to the flow of current in an AC circuit by resistance inductance and capacitance is known as;Ohm Conductance Impedance Watt Hour. C 33Elect/Fit Paper-III If the Voltage applied and the resistance of a circuit are doubled the circuit will be:Doubled Halved Four times Remaining same. D 34Elect/Fit Paper-III A capacitor consists of two:Insulators separated by a dielectric Conductors separated by an insulator Ceramic plates and one mica disc Silver coated Insulators. B 35Elect/Fit Paper-III A force that tends to drive electricity through a circuit is called:Ampere Wattage RMS value EMF. D 36Elect/Fit Paper-III The meter, which is used for measuring and comparing the emf of different cells for calibrating and standardizing voltmeters and ammeters, is known as:Potentiometer Bonding tester

Ammeter Multi meter. A 37Elect/Fit Paper-III The resistance 'R' offered by a conductor depends upon:R = L / A A = L / R L = R / A P = L / A A 38Elect/Fit Paper-III To specify the magnitude of resistance, colour code is used. Certain colours are used for certain numbers. Number used for 'Black' band resistance is:1 5 0 2 C 39Elect/Fit Paper-III One mega ohm is equal to:10 to the power 2ohms 10 to the power 3 ohms 10 to the power 4 ohms 10 to the power 6 ohms. D 40Elect/Fit Paper-III When different resistances are joined end on end, they are said to be connected in:Parallel Series - parallel Parallel - series Series D 41Elect/Fit Paper-III The current flowing through a conductor is proportional to difference of potential at the ends of the conductor, provided the temperature remains constant is defined by: Coulombs Law Ohms Law Joules Law Kirchoffs Law. B 42Elect/Fit Paper-III VHF frequency band ranges from :300 MHz to 3000MHz 300 KHz to 30MHz 30 MHz to 300 MHz 300 KHz to 3000 KHz C 43Elect/Fit Paper-III Medium frequency ranges from 30 MHz to 300 MHz 300 KHz to 3000 KHz 30 GHz to 300 GHz 3 GHz to 30 GHz. B 44Elect/Fit Paper-III High frequency (HF) ranges from:3 MHz to 30 MHz 30MHz to 300 MHz 300 MHz to 3000 MHz 3000KHz to 30MHz D

45Elect/Fit Paper-III Ultra High Frequency (UHF) ranges from:36GHz to 30 GHz 30 GHz to 300 GHz 300 MHz to 3000 MHz 30 MHz to 300 MHz. C 46Inst/Fit Paper-III Computer which doesn't compute directly with the number is called : Mini computer Micro computer Digital computer Analog computer A 47Inst/Fit Paper-III Flip flops are clocked to achieve : Synchronization Optimization More propagations time 'O' as output of all flip flop A 48Inst/Fit Paper-III The number 17 octal is equivalent to binary : 111 1110 10000 1111 D 49Inst/Fit Paper-III Which of the following is not octal number: 19 7 15 101 A 50Inst/Fit Paper-III Junction diode is a : Bipolar device Constant voltage device Unipolar device Constant current device A 51Inst/Fit Paper-III A register stores : One word of data A byte One instruction 4 bits data A 52Inst/Fit Paper-III Not gate is known as : Converter Inverter Rectifier Amplifier B 53Inst/Fit Paper-III Computer hardware usually refers to : Hard metallic component of a computer Various associated program CPU Central processor input/output devices and backing storage A 54Inst/Fit Paper-III In high level language, the source program is translated into object program with the help of :

Computer Converter Compiler Translator C 55Inst/Fit Paper-III When an input electrical signal A=10100 is applied to a NOT gate its output signal is a: 01011 10101 10100 00101 A 56Inst/Fit Paper-III Truth table of a logic functions : Summaries its output value Tabulates all its input conditions Displays all its input/output possibilities Is not based on the logic algebra C 57Inst/Fit Paper-III A static memory is one that Is capable of storing binary information indefinitely Requires periodic restoration of information Is volatile Has destructive read out A 58Inst/Fit Paper-III A counter where all the flip flops are fed altogether at the same time with the clock is called Ring counter Serial counter Synchronous counter Decade counter C 59Inst/Fit Paper-III Semi conductor memory in computer is based on Magnetic circuit operation Transformer operation Transistor operation Non magnetic circuit operation C 60Inst/Fit Paper-III A half adder is called so because it : Can add half the bits in a binary number Works for half time only Performs addition in two halves Can not accept a carry from previous additions D 61Inst/Fit Paper-III A half adder can be constructed from : Two XOR gates only One XOR and one Or gate with their Outputs connected in parallel One XOR and one OR gate with their Input connected in Parallel One XOR gate and one AND gate D 62Inst/Fit Paper-III The only function of a NOT gate is to: Stop a signal Re-complement a signal Invert an input signal Act as a universal gate C 63Inst/Fit Paper-III In a half adder when the input signal A=1 and B=1 the : Sum =1,carry=0

Sum =1, carry =1 Sum=0,carry=0 Sum =0,carry=1 D 64Inst/Fit Paper-III A full adder consists of : Two half adders cascaded together Two half adders and one OR gate Two half adders and one AND gate Two NAND gates B 65Inst/Fit Paper-III The type of memory, which provides very large storage capability with a moderate operating speed, is known as : Dynamic memory Magnetic disc memory Magnetic memory Bi polar memory B 66Inst/Fit Paper-III The first generation computer was introduced with: Solid state transistors Vacuum tubes Chips IC's B 67Inst/Fit Paper-III If an electron moves from the conduction band in to the valance band, so that a mobile electron hole pair disappear, then this process is known as: Collision Re combination Partition Thermal agitation. B 68Inst/Fit Paper-III Peak to peak detector is used: In measuring instrument In oscillator In amplifier For regulation of voltage. A 69Inst/Fit Paper-III Series inductance in smoothing circuit: Bypasses AC variation Opposes DC variation Opposes AC variation Gives fluctuating output. C 70Inst/Fit Paper-III In clipping circuits, the clipping level is primarily determined by: Shape of input wave form. Battery voltage Value of the resistor Knee voltage of the diode. B 71Inst/Fit Paper-III A device that can rectify frequencies above 300 M Hz for beyond the capacity of the bipolar diode is: Zener diode Step recovery diode Schottky diode Pin diode. C

72Inst/Fit Paper-III In a CC amplifier, voltage gain: Cannot exceed unity Depends upon output impedance Dependent on input signal Is always constant. A 73Inst/Fit Paper-III The main use of class C amplifier is: In RF circuits of a TXR above 20 K Hz As stereo amplifier In communication sound equipment As distortion generator. A 74Inst/Fit Paper-III The value of Alpha (Current amplification) in junction transistor is: Less than one More than one Equal to one 0.707 of one A 75Inst/Fit Paper-III The unwanted screen current in a pentode valve is prevented by: Capacitor Suppressor grid Control grid Choke. B 76Inst/Fit Paper-III If the control grid in a triode as an amplifier circuit is open circuited, it will work as: Amplifier Rectifier Oscillator Rectifier or an amplifier. B 77Inst/Fit Paper-III If by mistake, AC source in a bridge rectifier is connected across the DC terminals, it will result in burning of: One diode Two diodes Three diodes Four diodes. B 78Inst/Fit Paper-III The additional energy required by an electron to overcome the surface barrier of the metal is known as: Surface barrier Work function Transfer of electron Electron emission. B 79Inst/Fit Paper-III A bypass capacitor produces an: Ideal ground DC ground Virtual ground AC ground D 80Inst/Fit Paper-III The common base PNP junction transistor has reverse biased arrangement between: Emitter and base Emitter and collector

Collector and base Base and emitter C 81Inst/Fit Paper-III When the emitter/ base junction of a transistor is reverse biased, collector current: Is reversed Increases Decreases Stops. D 82Inst/Fit Paper-III The transistor circuit used to couple a low impedance source to a high impedance load is: Length of the vertical deflecting plates. Distance between screen and deflecting plates. Deflecting voltages Separation between Y Plates. D 83Inst/Fit Paper-III The deflection sensitivity of a CRT depends inversely on: Length of the vertical deflecting plates. Distance between screen and deflecting plates. Deflecting voltages Separation between Y Plates. D 84Inst/Fit Paper-III The voltage across the depletion layer due to diffusion of the carrier is called: Energy hill Fermi level Depletion voltage Potential hill. D 85Inst/Fit Paper-III Magnetron is used as : High frequency high power output oscillator Low frequency and high power output oscillator High frequency low power output oscillator Low frequency low power output oscillator A 86Inst/Fit Paper-III Reflex klystron is used as: Low frequency low power output oscillator Low frequency high power output oscillator High frequency low power output oscillator. High frequency high power output oscillator. C 87Inst/Fit Paper-III Radar works on the principle of: Doppler Echo Electromagnetic induction Transformer B 88Inst/Fit Paper-III Out -put of short C.R. differentiation circuit for a square wave input is : Sine wave Square wave Saw tooth wave Peaky in nature D 89Inst/Fit Paper-III Position of satellite in the sky is known as: Geo stationary orbit

First orbit Second orbit Last orbit A 90Inst/Fit Paper-III Loud speaker is: An electrical device Mechanical device An electro mechanical device A pneumatic device A 91Inst/Fit Paper-III The process of separating signal in frequency is called: FDM TDM PDM MDM A 92Inst/Fit Paper-III The range of LOS communication is : 600 miles 40 miles 30 to 40 miles 250 to 600 miles C 93Inst/Fit Paper-III In amplitude modulation, wave shape is maintained at a very broad band in: Audio telecast Video telecast PA telecast Live telecast B 94Inst/Fit Paper-III Marker are used to : Indicate the position of the aircraft with respect to touch down Help pilot to take off the aircraft Avoid heavy landing To make sure accident free landing A 95Inst/Fit Paper-III Radio compass is used to find out the : True north Relative bearing of the station tuned Altitude Speed of the aircraft. B 96Inst/Fit Paper-III The range of AC voltmeter on 11.25 KVA set is ; 0 to 150V AC 0 to 230 V AC 0 to 250V AC 0 to 300V AC D 97Inst/Fit Paper-III The range of airport location Beacon is : 150 Km 100 Km 50 Km 20 Km C 98Inst/Fit Paper-III When the Perspex is warmed it can be : Easily moulded Tendency of facture Malleable

Ductile A 99Elect/Fit Paper-III Erasable PROM (EPROM) is:Temporary memory Permanent memory Volatile memory Non volatile memory. D 10Elect/Fit Paper-III In Erasable PROM (EPROM), data can be erased by exposing it to:X' rays Alpha rays Infra red rays Ultra violet rays. D 10Elect/Fit Paper-III In secondary memories, an amplifier and comparator are used to convert:Small signal to large signal Large signal to small signal Small signal to standard logic levels Standard logic levels to small signal. C 10 Paper-III Indicate the false statement. Modulation is used to reduce the bandwidth separate differing transmissions ensure that intelligence may be transmitted over long distance allow the use of practical antennas AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 10 Paper-III The modulation index of an AM wave is changed from 0 to 1. The transmitted power is:Unchanged Halved Doubled Increased by 50% AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 10 Paper-III In communication system noise is most likely to affect the signal At the transmitter In the information source In the channel At the destination AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 10 Paper-III In a broadcast Superheterodyne receiver, the local oscillator operates below the signal frequency Mixer input must be tuned to the signal frequency Local oscillator frequency is normally double the IF RF amplifier normally works at 455 KHz above the carrier frequency AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 10 Paper-III One of the following cannot be used to remove the unwanted sideband in SSB. This is the :Filter system Phase shift method Third Method Balanced Modulator AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 10 Paper-III The value of a resistor creating thermal noise is doubled. The noise power generated is therefore :-

halved quadrupled doubled unchanged AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 10 Paper-III Indicate the noise whose source is in the category different from that of the other three Solar noise Cosmic noise Atmospheric noise Galactic noise AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 10 Paper-III In a low level AM system amplifier is following the modulated stage must be Linear devices Harmonic devices Class C amplifier Non linear devices AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 11 Paper-III If the carrier of a 100% modulated AM wave is suppressed the percentage power saving will be 50 150 100 66.6 AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 11 Paper-III One of the following is not a useful quantity for comparing the noise performance Input noise voltage Noise temperature Equivalent noise temperature Noise figure AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 11 Paper-III A carrier is simultaneously modulated by the two Sine waves with the modulation indices of 0.3 and 0.4; the total modulation index is 1 cannot be calculated unless the phase relation s are known 0.5 0.7 AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 11 Paper-III In the spectrum of frequency modulated wave The carrier frequency disappears when the modulation index is large The amplitude of any sideband depends on the modulation index The total number of sidebands depends on the modulation index The carrier frequency cannot disappear AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 11 Paper-III A pre-emphasis circuit provides extra noise immunity by boosting the bass frequencies amplifying the higher audio frequencies pre-amplifying the shole audio band converting the phase modulation to FM AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 11 Paper-III Indicate which one of the following is not an advantage of FM over AM better noise immunity is provided lower bandwidth is required the transmitted power is more useful

less modulating power is required AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 11 Paper-III Indicate the false statement regarding the advantage of SSB over double sideband, full carrier AM More channel space is available Transmitter circuit must be more stable, giving better reception The signal is more noise resistant Much less power is required for the same signal strength AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 11 Paper-III The most commonly used filters in SSB generation are Mechanical RC LC Low-pass AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 11 Paper-III In a radio receiver with simple AGC an increase in the signal strength produces more AGC the audio stage gain is normally controlled by the AGC the faster the AGC time constant, the more accurate the output the highest the AGC voltage is produced between stations AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 11 Paper-III The local oscillator of a broadcast receiver is tuned to the frequency higher than the incoming frequency To help the image frequency rejection To permit easier tracking Because otherwise an intermediate frequency could not be produced To allow adequate frequency coverage without switching AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 12 Paper-III If the intermediate frequency is very high (indicate the false statement) Image frequency rejection is very good The local oscillator need not be extremely stable The selectivity will be poor Tracking will be improved AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 12 Paper-III One of the following cannot be used to demodulate SSB product detector diode balanced modulator bipolar transistor balanced modulator complete phase shift generator AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 12 Paper-III Distance near The skip distance should be used for sky wave propagation to avoid tilting to prevent sky-wave and upper ray interference to avoid the faraday effect so as not to exceed the critical frequency AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 12 Paper-III Frequencies in the UHF range propagate by means of Ground waves Sky waves Surface waves Space waves AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 12 Paper-III The ground wave eventually disappears, as one moves away from the transmitter, because of interference from

loss of line of sight conditions maximum single hop distance limitation tilting AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 12 Paper-III To provide two or more voice circuits with the same carrier, it is necessary to use ISB Carrier SSB with pitot carrier Lincompex AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 12 Paper-III In EM waves polarization is caused by reflection is due to the transverse nature of the waves results from longitudinal nature of the waves is always vertical in an isotropic medium AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 12 Paper-III The emitter of a transistor is doped to a lesser extent than collector depends upon specification heavily so that most of emitter injected electron ea go to the base of transistor. AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 12 Paper-III Basic drawback with base bias circuit is the base and collecter power supplies are same. base and collecter resistors are returned to collector supply. it cannot be used in switching circuits. Beta dc varies with current and temperature. AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 12 Paper-III In the collector feedback bias the Beta dc generally varies. the base resistor is grounded the base resistor is returned to the collector than to power supply. difficult to set a stable Q-point. AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 13 Paper-III Amplification factor for triode is given by = rp/gm = gm.rp = gm/rp+gm None of the above. AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 13 Paper-III The transistor used in power amplifier have large current ratings large voltage ratings large power dissipating capacity neither of these characteristics AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 13 Paper-III The input and output signals of a CE amplifier are Always equal Out of phase Always negative In phase AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 13 Paper-III A Flip Flop is a Astable Multivibrator Bistable Multivibrator Monostable Multivibrator

None of the above AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 13 Paper-III In a Transistor if the base resistance is shorted it will be : Saturated Cut off Destroyed None of the above AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 13 Paper-III The transistor of Class B push pull Amplifiers are biased at : Cut off Center of DC load line Saturation Biasing is fixed by manufacturer AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 13 Paper-III The varactor is usually F Biased R Biased Unbiased In the breakdown region AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 13 Paper-III For nomal operation of the transistor the collector diode has tobe F B R B Non conducting Operating in breakdown region AFTC/Electrical, Instrument & Radio 13 Paper-III Modulation index in FM is :directly proportional modulating voltage Inversely proportional to mod. Frequency Directly proportional to modulating frequency Inversely proportional to the mod voltage CTI/RT 13 Paper-III The amount of energy required for an electron to jump from valance band to conduction band is equal to:1.1 eV 1.2 eV 11 eV 2.1 eV CTI/BE 14 Paper-III A lower IF helps :To reject Second Channel frequency To reject adjacent channel frequency Increase tracking difficulties Better image frequency rejection CTI/RT 14 Paper-III When the power O/P of an amplifier is 15 W and input power is 0.5 W, the Gain in dB is :15.5 30 14.5 7.5 CTI/RT 14 Paper-III Indicate the false statement. Modulation is used to reduce the bandwidth

separate differing transmissions ensure that intelligence may be transmitted over long distance allow the use of practical antennas AFTC/ 14 Paper-III The modulation index of an AM wave is changed from 0 to 1. The transmitted power is:Unchanged Halved Doubled Increased by 50% AFTC/ 14 Paper-III In a broadcast Superheterodyne receiver, the local oscillator operates below the signal frequency Mixer input must be tuned to the signal frequency Local oscillator frequency is normally double the IF RF amplifier normally works at 455 KHz above the carrier frequency AFTC/ 14 Paper-III One of the following cannot be used to remove the unwanted sideband in SSB. This is the :Filter system Phase shift method Third Method Balanced Modulator AFTC/ 14 Paper-III In a low level AM system amplifier is following the modulated stage must be Linear devices Harmonic devices Class C amplifier Non linear devices AFTC/ 14 Paper-III If the carrier of a 100% modulated AM wave is suppressed the percentage power saving will be 50 150 100 66.6 AFTC/ 14 Paper-III Indicate which one of the following is not an advantage of FM over AM better noise immunity is provided lower bandwidth is required the transmitted power is more useful less modulating power is required AFTC/ 14 Paper-III The most commonly used filters in SSB generation are Mechanical RC LC Low-pass AFTC/ 15 Paper-III In a radio receiver with simple AGC an increase in the signal strength produces more AGC the audio stage gain is normally controlled by the AGC the faster the AGC time constant, the more accurate the output the highest the AGC voltage is produced between stations AFTC/

15 Paper-III The local oscillator of a broadcast receiver is tuned to the frequency higher than the incoming frequency To help the image frequency rejection To permit easier tracking Because otherwise an intermediate frequency could not be produced To allow adequate frequency coverage without switching AFTC/ 15 Paper-III If the intermediate frequency is very high (indicate the false statement) Image frequency rejection is very good The local oscillator need not be extremely stable The selectivity will be poor Tracking will be improved AFTC/ 15 Paper-III One of the following cannot be used to demodulate SSB product detector diode balanced modulator bipolar transistor balanced modulator complete phase shift generator AFTC/ 15 Paper-III Distance near The skip distance should be used for sky wave propagation to avoid tilting to prevent sky-wave and upper ray interference to avoid the faraday effect so as not to exceed the critical frequency AFTC/ 15 Paper-III Frequencies in the UHF range propagate by means of Ground waves Sky waves Surface waves Space waves AFTC/ 15 Paper-III The ground wave eventually disappears, as one moves away from the transmitter, because of interference from loss of line of sight conditions maximum single hop distance limitation tilting AFTC/ 15INST/FIT Paper-III If JK flip flop changes its state more than once during propagations Racing Toggling Running Mixing A 15INST/FIT Paper-III A counter where all the flip flops are fed altogether at the same t Ring counter Serial counter Synchronous counter Decade counter C 15INST/FIT Paper-III A half adder can be constructed from: Two XOR gates only One XOR and one Or gate with their Outputs connected in parallel

One XOR and one OR gate with their Input connected in Parallel One XOR gate and one AND gate D 16INST/FIT Paper-III A 8 bit parallel binary adder consists of: 8 full adder 7 full adder and 01 half adder 4 full adder and 4 half adder 8 half adder B 16INST/FIT Paper-III Complement adder / substractor is based on: 3's complement 2's complement 1's complement 0's complement 16INST/FIT Paper-III A group o flip flop wired as a shift register is used for shifting a b Into the register Out of the register Out of the flip flop Both a and b D 16 Paper-III In MOPA system, antenna is not coupled directly to the tank circuit of the oscillator to avoid :Reduction in level of transmission use on both CW and RT. Frequency instability increased power transmission. CTI/RT 16 Paper-III Chirps in keying are caused due to :The carrier not droping to zero when key is opened. The use of low grid block voltage. The instantaneous rise of carrier power from zero to full power. Use of undesirable load. CTI/RT 16 Paper-III The type of keying used for eliminating arcing is :Over bias keying Centre filament Keying Anode keying Grid keying CTI/RT 16 Paper-III In time division Multiplexing the frame bit is added for the purpose of :Sampling Synchronization Pulse amplitude modulation Pulse width modulation CTI/RT 16 Paper-III Salient features of low level modulation is :Following stage where modulation takes place has to be linear Power handling capacity is more More numbers of AF stages are required Less efficiency CTI/RT 16 Paper-III Selectivity of a reciever can be improved by employing:More number of tuned circuit More number of AF stages More number of RF pre-selector

More number of IF stages CTI/RT 16 Paper-III The purpose of buffer amplifier in a transmitter is to :Isolate aerial from mixer stage Isolate IF stages from local oscillator stage Connect MO to other amplifying stages Isolate MO from the amplifying stages CTI/RT 17 Paper-III A process in which same active device is used as mixer as well as Oscillator is called : Endodyne Heterodyne VCO Synthesizer CTI/RT 17 Paper-III When the power gain is 0.01, the decibel power gain is :-20 dB 20 dB 10 dB -10dB CTI/RT 17 Paper-III The stage which isolate power amplifier from the Master Oscillator is known as:Divider stage Buffer stage Harmonic Generator Modulator CTI/RT 17 Paper-III In vestigial side band the lower edge of the USB frequency band transmits :Video Carrier Audio Carrier Pilot Carrier Audio and Video Carrier CTI/RT 17 Paper-III Noise which is produced due to random variations in the arrival of Electrons or Holes at Collector of an Amplifying device is referred as :Thermal Agitation noise Gas Noise Shot Noise Flicker Noise CTI/RT 17 Paper-III In amplitude modulation distortion is overcome by :Carrier being higher than modulating voltage. Carrier not be greater than modulating voltage. Modulation index should be between 0 to 2 Modulation frequency should be kept constant. CTI/RT 17 Paper-III The formation of electron cloud near the Cathode can be reduced by :Decreasing the anode voltage Increase the distance between Anode and Cathode Decreasing the distance between Anode and Cathode By introducing a heated filament under the Cathode CTI/BE

17 Paper-III A gate gives 1 out put when all the inputs are 1 is known as :OR Gate NOT Gate AND Gate NOR Gate CTI/Digital Theory 17 Paper-III The ratio of small change in plate voltage to the small change in plate current with grid voltage constant is known as:_ Trans conductance Plate resistance Plate current Cathode voltage CTI/BE 17 Paper-III The amplification factor of a pentode ranges from :70 to Over 5000 40 to Over 800 20 to Over500 70 to 500 CTI/BE 18 Paper-III The ratio of DC collector current to DC emitter current is called :Beta DC I c I b Alfa DC CTI/BE 18 Paper-III Transistor is always operated in :Saturation region Active region Break down region All the above CTI/BE 18 Paper-III The kind of coupling in which power loss is more :R C Impedence Direct Transformer CTI/BE 18 Paper-III A modified discriminator circuit to provide limitting is called:Phase discriminator Slop Detector Balanced Slop Detector Ratio Detector CTI/RT 18 Paper-III While designing large signal amplifiers with maximum AC out put compliance the 'Q' is to be located :-located above the centre of DC load line. located below the centre of DC load line. located at the centre of DC load line. located above and below the centre of DC load line. CTI/BE 18 Paper-III The resistance of Carbon is affected by :Light Magnetism Mechanical Stress

Humidity CTI/ET 18 Paper-III The forbidden energy gap of insulating material is :1 Electron Volt 6 Electron volt 3 Electron volt 8 Electron volt CTI/BE 18 Paper-III The collector feed back bias circuit is designed :So that emitter voltage has direct effect on base voltage To have a direct effect on Grid voltage To improve frequency response at high frequencies To reduce the effects of Beta variation on Q point CTI/BE 18 Paper-III The outer most shell of an atom is : Valance shell Conduction shell Valance Band Conduction band CTI/BE 18 Paper-III An important valve constant which determines how much control the control grid voltage has over the plate current is known as :Amplification factor Plate resistance Trans conductance Grid anode capacity CTI/BE 19 Paper-III In a balanced modulator the modulating voltage (V2) and carrier voltage (V1) are applied at the gate of FET :In phase Out of phase by 180 degree Mod Vol V2 by 180 degree out of phase and carrier vol V1 in phase Modulating Voltage V2 in phase and Carrieer Voltage V1 by 180 Degree out of phase CTI/ 19 Paper-III In frequency modulation the modulation index is :Inversely proportional to the Modulating frequency Directly proportional to the modulating frequency Equal to the modulating frequency Twice that of the modulating frequency CTI/RT 19 Paper-III Forward resistance of a transistor should be :500 Ohm 100 K Ohm 1 K Ohm 10 K Ohm CTI/BE 19 Paper-III After the input changes, the time taken for the output of a gate or a flip-flop to change its states is known as :Set up time Propagation Delay time Holding time Hold Delay time CTI/Digital Theory 19 Paper-III If the length of a director is 65 feet and its frequency is : 7 MHz

5 MHz 9 MHz 14 MHz CTI/Aerial Theory 19 Paper-III A+[ B+C] = [ A+B] +C ( OR Operation ) and A. [ B . C] = [A . B] . C ( AND operation) are :Commutative Law Associative Law Distributive Law Octate Law CTI/Digital Theory 19 Paper-III Each AND ed term is sum of product of a Boolean expression is known as :Max term Pair method QUAD method Min term CTI/Digital Theory 19 Paper-III A Boolean expression which is formed by considering the rows of truth table for '1' output condition is known as :Maxterm Standard product of sum Standard sum of product Minterm CTI/Digital Theory 19 Paper-III The amount of time it takes for the output of a gate or a flip flop to change the states after the input changes is called :Hold time Propagation delay time Set up time Preset time CTI/Digital Theory 19 Paper-III A+AB is equal to :A+B A+B A+B A.B CTI/Digital Theory 20 Paper-III A small Capacitor connected in series to a coil to provide small frequency correction generally towards lower side of frequency band is called :Trimmer Padder MIXER PLL CTI/RT 20 Paper-III Convert Hexa-Decimal number D A D. B( 16) into Binary Number :110110101111.1010 101011110101.1100(2) 111000101011.1001(2) 110110101101.1011(2) CTI/Digital Theory 20 Paper-III An array is one in which the principal direction of radiation coincides with the direction of the array axis is called as :Parasitic array Broad side array

Driven array End fire array CTI/Aerial Theory 20 Paper-III A group of Multi vibrators wired to provide shifting a binary Number into the register or shifting out of the register or both functions is called :Shift Register Serial Shift Register Buffer Register Push-Pull Register CTI/Digital Theory 20 Paper-III The octal equivalent of binary number 1110 (2) is:11 13 16 17 CTI/Digital Theory 20 Paper-III The GATE which gives 1 output ,only when any or all the inputs are one is known as :XOR GATE OR GATE NOT GATE AND GATE CTI/Digital Theory 20 Paper-III "NOT" gate is known as :Converter Inverter Alternator All the above CTI/Digital Theory 20 Paper-III An "AND" gate gives out put :When all the inputs are one when one input is one. When any inputs are one When two dissimilar inputs are one. CTI/Digital Theory 20 Paper-III An "OR" gate followed by "NOT" gate , the circuit is called :"AND" gate "OR" gate "NOR" gate "NAND" gate CTI/Digital Theory 20 Paper-III The multiplication sign in Boolean algebra stands for :OR operation NOT operation NOR operation AND operation CTI/Digital Theory 21 Paper-III A wave with continuously rotating polarisation is termed as :Horizontal polarisation Vertical polarisation Circular polarisation & Elliptical polarisation Horzontal and vertical polarisation. CTI/Aerial Theory

21 Paper-III An increase in the number of valance electrons , then conductivity:Increase Decrease Not increase Not decrease CTI/BE 21 Paper-III Power handling capacity is more in:_ Plate modulation Grid modulation Low level modulation High level modulation CTI/RT 21 Paper-III In amplitude modulation when modulating voltage becomes greater than carrier voltage then:Distortion occurs Percentage of modulation increases Level of carrier become high Level of carrier become low CTI/RT 21 Paper-III Inter action of power amplifier with master oscillator is avoided by the use of:Harmonic generator Master oscillator Buffer amplifier Inter stage coupling CTI/RT 21 Paper-III A dipole is the one which has :Two identical halves with one end earthed Two identical halves and the potential is opposite at the ends. Two identical halves with their ends at opposite potential with respect to earth at centre symmetrical halves with ends at identical potential with respect to central earthy point. CTI/Aerial Theory 21 Paper-III Some part of Aerial energy lost due to the surrounding objects during propogation is known as :Absorption Dispersion Diffraction Refraction CTI/Aerial Theory 21 Paper-III A Marconi aerial is cut for a length of 13 feet and frequency that would be radiated is 9 MHz 18 MHz 27 MHz 15 MHz CTI/Aerial Theory 21 Paper-III A half wave aerial is cut for a length of 26 feet . The frequency that would be radiated is :18 Mhz 9 Mhz 9 Khz 13.6 Mhz CTI/Aerial Theory 21 Paper-III The type of feeder line desired in an aircraft for the use with a very high frequency is

Twin feeder Four wire feeder Concentric feeder Open wire feeder CTI/Aerial Theory 22 Paper-III The length of the director is 65 ft and its frequency is :5 MHz 7 MHz 9 MHz 14 MHz CTI/Aerial Theory 22 Paper-III An array is one in which the principal direction of radiation coincides with the direction of the array axis is known as :Broad side array Parasitic array End fire array Driven array CTI/Aerial Theory 22 Paper-III The aerial which are specially used for low frequency ranges are :Quarter wave aerial Half wave aerial Folded dipole Inverted L and T aerial CTI/Aerial Theory 22 Paper-III If the length of the marconi aerial is 13 feet then the radiation frequency will be:9 MHz 18 MHz 26 MHz 36 MHz CTI/Aerial Theory 22 Paper-III The center impedance of a dipole is 80 Ohm and to match with a 600 Ohm line the surge impedance of a quarter wave matching section should be :220 Ohm 110 Ohm 55 Ohm 330 Ohm CTI/Aerial Theory 22 Paper-III The power gain of Rhombic Aerial is more due to :All the four legs are not taking part in radiation All the four legs are taking part in radiation The adding of terminating resistance Counter poise is used CTI/Aerial Theory 22 Paper-III The final stage of audio amplifier is known as :Modulator De-Modulator Power amplifier RF-Modulator CTI/RT 22 Paper-III Radiation resistance of a marconi aerial is :20 ohms 40 ohms 80 ohms

120 ohms CTI/Aerial Theory 22 Paper-III The generator which has the full voltage, applied across its field windings is:Separately excited generator Shunt wound generator Series wound generator Compound wound generator CTI/ET 22 Paper-III A method in which the principle of law of charges is utilised in attracting electrons from an unheated electrons is called:Thermionic emission Secondary emission Field emission Photo electric emission CTI/BE 23 Paper-III When mercury is placed near a powerful magnet, experience a weak repulsion .It is categorised as the substance of :Dia magnetic Ferro magnetic Para magnetic Non magnetic CTI/ET 23 Paper-III The device in which the current set up is external circuit is unidirectional , the machine is termed as :AC Generator DC Generator Synchronous Generator Separately excited Generator CTI/ET 23 Paper-III To have a speed control on series motor , in flux control method , a variable resistance is shunted to series winding . This is called :Armature divertors Tapped field control series field control Filed diverters CTI/ET 23 Paper-III Ratio of RMS value to average value for triangular wave is :1 1.1 1.15 1.12 CTI/ET 23 Paper-III When alternate voltage is applied to a purely inductive coil :Current leads voltage by quarter cycle Voltage leads current by 180degree Current leads voltage by 90degree Voltage leads current by 90degree CTI/ET 23 Paper-III What is the equivalent of 2, 3 and 8 ohm resistance connected in series:10 Ohms 11 Ohms 12 (

13 Ohm CTI/ET 23 Paper-III In capacitors , the capacity increases , when:Paper is used instead of air as the medium separating the plates The distance between the plates is increased The area of one or both plates is reduced By selecting the medium with low permitivity between two plates. CTI/ET 23 Paper-III Where a constant voltage is required in DC distribution system , the type of generators used are:Series generators Compound generators Shunt generators Both series and shunt Generator CTI/ET 23 Paper-III In symmetrical alternating current , the average value is obtained by adding or integrating the instantaneous value of current:Over one half cycle Over two consecutive half cycles Over one full cycle Over first quarter cycle and fourth quarter cycle CTI/ET 23 Paper-III A 100 KVA Generator is fully loaded at its rated voltage of P F=1, Then the true power is :1 KW 10 KW 100 KW 0.01 KW CTI/ET 24 Paper-III One of the symptoms of hydration in lead acid battery is :The voltage on load falls below 1.85 v Low SG at the end of the charge Rust deposit on the plates The bituminous sealing of battery gets cracked CTI/ET 24 Paper-III Switching time for off line UPS is :Less than 100 mS 0 mS Less than 5 mS More than 10 mS CTI/ET 24 Paper-III A magnetic transformer is converted to constant voltage transformer :By connecting a variable diode in its primary winding By connecting a condenser in secondary winding By increasing number of turns in the secondary side By keeping the resistance of the primary winding to minimum CTI/ET 24 Paper-III The process of converting AC voltage to pulsating DC voltage is called :Rectification Inversion Conversion Transforming CTI/ET

24 Paper-III In point law , the current leaving a junction is equal to the current entering at the junction is true because:The sum of the EMF in the path is zero No depletion of current at the junction Of accumulation of current at the junction No accumulation or depletion of current at the junction CTI/ET 24 Paper-III The type of rotor used in high speed alternator is :Salient Pole Smooth cylindrical Rotating Armature Inductor CTI/ET 24 Paper-III For measuring current flowing through a circuit the instrument required to be used is :Ampere meter PD meter Galvanometer Ammeter CTI/ET 24 Paper-III In point law, the current leaving a junction is equal to the current entering at the junction is true because :The Sum of the EMF in the path is zero No accumulation or depletion of current at the junction No depletion of current at the junction Accumulation of current at the junction CTI/ET 24 Paper-III In capacitor , the capacity increases when :Paper is used instead of Air as the medium separating the plates. The distance between the plates is increased The area of one or both plates is reduced By selecting the medium with low permitivity between two plates. CTI/ET 24 Paper-III The value of radio frequency chokes generally range from :2.5 to 125 Henrie 12.5 to 25 Henries 2.5 to 125 milli Henries 25 to 125 milli Henries CTI/ET 25 Paper-III The working principle of magnetic amplifier is:Magnetic flux linkage Mutual induction Core saturation Faraday s law of induction CTI/ET 25 Paper-III Audio frequency transformer are meant to operate on audio frequency of :20 Hz to 20 MHz 20 Hz to 20000 Hz 20khz to 200 kHz 20 Hz to 200 kHz CTI/ET 25 Paper-III When inductance connected in parallel , mutual flux linkage opposing self flux linkage "L" is equal to :L 1 + L 2 + 2M L 1 + L 2 - 2M

(L 1 L2 -M2)/(L 1 +L 2 +2M) (L 1 L2 -M 2)/(L 1 + L 2 - 2M) CTI/ET 25 Paper-III The opposition offered to alternating current by inductance and or capacitance is known as Susceptance Reactance Resistance Admittance CTI/ET 25 Paper-III Residual magnetism in the specimen left even after magnitising force has been removed , is called :Susceptibility Coercivity Permeability Retentivity CTI/ET 25 Paper-III Sulphation in a Lead Acid Accumulator is caused by:Under charging Under charging or discharging to low voltage White deposit on the plates discharging to low voltage CTI/ET 25 Paper-III The state of charge in a battery can be determined by discharging the battery of fixed current flow and measure the time taken to drop the voltage :To an average of 1V/ Cell To an average of 1. 2 V/ Cell To an average of 1.75 V/ Cell To an average of 1.27 V/ Cell CTI/ET 25 Paper-III The diode in full wave rectifier circuit should be rated for :Peak secondary voltage is greater than peak inverse voltage Peak inverse voltage is greater than peak secondary voltage Peak inverse voltage is equal to peak secondary voltage Peak secondary voltage is equal to 2V2 (peak) CTI/ET 25 Paper-III The switching time for offline UPS is :< 5ms > 5ms 0 ms 30 to 100ms CTI/ET 25 Paper-III The phase relation ship of current and applied voltage of AC in capacitor is:Both in phase Voltage is lead by 90 Currents lead by 90 Current and voltage are out of phase by 180 CTI/ET 26 Paper-III The loss due to the resistance of the wire used for the windings in transformer is called:Flux loss Copper loss Iron loss

Hysterisis loss CTI/ET 26 Paper-III In a series AC circuit a current of 1.5 amps flow when the applied voltage is 300 volt If the power consumption is 225 watt then the resistance in the circuit will be:10 Ohm 25 Ohm 175 Ohm 100 Ohm CTI/ET 26 Paper-III The collector feed back bias circuit is designed :Emitter voltage has a direct effect on Base voltage To reduce the effects of Beta variation on Q point To have a direct effect on grid voltage To improve frequency response at high frequencies. CTI/BE 26 Paper-III The source resistance that an amplifier presents to its load is called :Input impedance Out put impedance Gain Zero output impedance CTI/BE 26 Paper-III In Hartely oscillator the frequency tends to destabilize at higher frequency because of :Capacitive coupling RC coupling Transformer coupling Stray capacitance CTI/BE 26 Paper-III The main advantage of a cascade amplifier over other amplifier is :Low input resistance and High input capacitance High output resistance and low output capacitance High input resistance and low input capacitance Low input resistance and Low input capacitance CTI/BE 26 Paper-III In a differential amplifier the common mode operation occurs when two signals of :The same frequency, amplitude and phase are applied The same phase are applied The same frequency are applied The same amplitude and phase are applied CTI/BE 26 Paper-III An Op-Amplifier with negative feed back :Increases the effect of diode off set voltage Amplifies the sum of the two inputs Reduces the effect of diode off set voltage Converts sine wave into pulsating DC CTI/BE 26 Paper-III Excess of maximum operational frequency of an operational amplifier results in:Gain of the amplifier drops to zero Distorted output wave forms Reduced HF response Increased gain of the amplifier CTI/BE

26 Paper-III A device that maintains a constant DC output , regardless of changes in either its input voltage or its load current is called :Inverter Converter Regulator Insulator CTI/ET 27 Paper-III The forbidden energy gap of insulating material is :1 Electron Volt 3 Electron Volt 6 Electron Volt 8 Electron Volt CTI/BE 27 Paper-III A method of biasing which needs split supply is known as:Base bias Emitter bias Collector feed back bias Voltage divider bias CTI/BE 27 Paper-III In an ideal amplifier, as the input impedance Z is infinite, the overall effect will be :Input voltage is equal to the source voltage Load voltage is equal to out put voltage Voltage is divided equally in the out put circuit. Overall gain of amplifier can't be increased CTI/BE 27 Paper-III While designing a circuit , the amplifier that is not preferred , when stability is almost important is :RC Coupled Impedance Coupling Transformer Coupling Direct Coupling CTI/BE 27 Paper-III As source follower is a very heavily swamped amplifier, It Keeps square law distortion to minimum Highly steady Q Point Maximum theoretical efficiency rating of 99 % Eliminates non linearity of Trans conductance CTI/BE 27 Paper-III Increasing the operating frequency of an Op-amp beyond a certain point will :Decrease the maximum output voltage swing Increase the Open-loop voltage gain Increase the maximum output voltage swing Decrease the Open-loop voltage gain CTI/BE 27 Paper-III When two signals of the same amplitude, frequency and phase are applied to a differential amplifier, the mode of operation is called :Single ended mode Differential mode Common mode C. M. M.R CTI/BE 27 Paper-III The conductivity of atom depends on the number of :Electrons Protons

Neutrons Nucleus CTI/BE 27 Paper-III The formation of electron cloud near the cathode can be reduced by :Decreasing the Anode voltage Increase the distance between Anode and Cathode Decreasing the distance between Anode and Cathode By introducing a heated filament under the Cathode CTI/BE 27 Paper-III In BOHR atom model the outermost shell for a given atom is called :Valence shell Conduction shell K shell L shell CTI/BE 28 Paper-III A method of keying which generates Back wave when carrier does not drop to zero but merely reduces to low value when key is open is called:Amplitude ON/OFF keying HT anode keying Filament keying Over bias keying CTI/RT 28 Paper-III Those substances which are being attracted even by weak magnates are called :Para-magnetic substances Diamagnetic substances Ferro magnetic substances Non magnetic substances CTI/ET 28 Paper-III By shifting the brushes in the direction of rotation in DC generator will:Improve commutation Minimise armature reaction De magnetise the main flux Cross magnetise the main flux CTI/ET 28 Paper-III Speed of DC motor is :Directly proportional to the applied voltage Inversely proportional to the main field Directly proportional to the flux Directly proportional to the Back EMF CTI/ET 28 Paper-III The process by which the current in the short circuits coil reversed while crosses magnetic neutral axis is called:Armature reaction Commutation Armature current Prime mover CTI/ET 28 Paper-III The turning or twisting movement of a force about axis is called :Back EMF Eddy current Torque

Armature current CTI/ET 28 Paper-III The type of bias employed in a transistor used as a switch is:Base bias Emitter feed back Bias Collector feed back Bias Universal Bias(Voltage divider Bias) CTI/BE 28 Paper-III The opposition that the capacitor offers to the applied AC Voltage is called:Capacitive reactance Capacitive Inductance Conductance Reactance CTI/ET 28 Paper-III The base - emitter junction and collector- base junction of a BJT are forward biased and reverse biased respectively. The BJT operates on :Cut Off Point Saturation region Breakdown region Active region CTI/BE 28 Paper-III Electron emission by application of heat energy to a substance is known as:Photo emission Thermionic emission Secondary emission Field emission CTI/BE 29 Paper-III The physical location of control grid of an electron tube is :Near to the plate Near to the cathode Near to the anode With the filament CTI/BE 29 Paper-III A doped semiconductor is widely known as :Pure semiconductor Intrinsic semiconductor Extrinsic semiconductor True semiconductor CTI/BE 29 Paper-III In a heavily doped diode , the depletion layer is :Thin Big Broad Narrow CTI/BE 29 Paper-III An amplifier in which the collector current flows for less than 1800 and Q point is selected beyond the cutt off point is known as :Class "A" Class "AB" Class "B" Class "C" CTI/BE

29 Paper-III A type of coupling that does not have any bar for frequency amplification is :Direct coupling Transformer coupling Impedance coupling R C Coupling CTI/BE 29 Paper-III Change of direction of DC motor is achieved by :_ Reversing the main supply lead. Reversing the direction of current both in the field and armature. Reversing the current in the field. Reversing the direction of current either in the field or in the armature CTI/ET 29 Paper-III The form factor for triangular wave is:1.15 1.11 1.71 1.25 CTI/ET 29 Paper-III To creat a new file in MS dos , the command used is :Create New . Com Copy Copy con CTI/Computer 29 Paper-III The register that can make the difference between a simple calculator and an authentic computer is :Accumulator Special purpose register Stack printer Status register CTI/MicroProcessor 29 Paper-III The lowest 8- bit binary number is :11111111 00000000 01010101 11111000 CTI/MicroProcessor 30 Paper-III A Substance capable of being magnetized in either of the two direction, represents a '0' or '1', can be used as component of Computer Memory Core memory Semi conductor memory Main Memory CTI/MicroProcessor 30 Paper-III The Microprocessor's internal data bus made up of :Logic devices Data Signals Internal Devices Control Logic CTI/MicroProcessor 30 Paper-III The complete Set of instructions that allows Micro Processor to manipulate data by moving it or processing it, and to perform house keeping functions is known as :Instruction Set Manipulated Data Microprocessor data

Serial Data CTI/MicroProcessor 30 Paper-III In MS- DOS 'type' command is :External command Direct command Internal command Prompt command CTI/Computer 30 Paper-III Semiconductor memories are used instead of core memories in latest generation in computers because they are :Less expensive More expensive but easy to work Small in size But expensive Less expensive and easy to work with CTI/MicroProcessor 30 Paper-III The number of row in MS Excel are 256 65536 65256 IV CTI/Computer 30 Paper-III Which one of the fo;;owing is not an operating system ? Windows Lotus MS dos Unix CTI/Computer 30 Paper-III When we say that we have cleared or reset the accumulator , we really mean that we have :Shorted out the accumulator outputs Stopped using the accumulator Set the accumulator contents to all logic 0's Set the accumulator contents to all logic 1"s CTI/MicroProcessor 30 Paper-III The document which you type , normally exist in:RAM ROM E PROM EE PROM CTI/Computer 30 Paper-III Making a corrective changes to document is referred to:Re-arrangement of text Inserting text Deleting text Editing CTI/Computer 31 Paper-III DME in an aircraft is basically used to measure the distance of :Aircraft Airfield Inner marker Outer marker CTI/Avionics Equipment/DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT 31 Paper-III The dark brown ring end of Zener diode indicates :Anode Cathode Gate

Plate CTI/Electronic Project 31 Paper-III A logic gate which has its output only when either of the two input is high or both the inputs are low is called :NOT GATE OR GATE AND GATE NAND GATE CTI/Electronic Project 31 Paper-III Zener voltage (Vz) used in SCR craw bar circuit is :20 volt 19 volt 21 volt 25 volt CTI/Electronic Project 31 Paper-III If you hold a transistor in such a way that printed portion facing the body and legs pointing downwards then the extreme left leg will be :Anode Cathode Source Gate CTI/Electronic Project 31 Paper-III A computer programme that enables you to type, modify, print and save test for future retrieval and reference is called:My computer MS ACCESS POWER POINT Word processor CTI/Computer 31 Paper-III Which of the following is not a ALU function :Increment Complement Shift right Power up sequence CTI/MicroProcessor 31 Paper-III Binary equivalent of decimal number 25(10) will be:11000 11001 10111 11110 CTI/Digital Theory 31 Paper-III In MS Excel the mouse pointer of this + shape is for Entering the data Cut and Paste Copy Copy and Paste CTI/Computer 31 Paper-III The audio output of MRU -101 is :15 mw across 600 ohm 10 mw across 600 ohm 101 mw across 60 ohm 600 mw across 100 ohm CTI/Avionics Equipment 32 Paper-III A spring loaded switch which works in conjunction with test meter to read 400 hz recorded testing signal is known as :Bulk erase

Test switch button switch Test meters Test switch CTI/Avionics Equipment 32 Paper-III When a number of transmitting NDB are operating in near by area with closely spaced frequency , the error of giving wrong bearing is known as :Mountain effect error Night effect error Antenna effect error Station interference error CTI/Avionics Equipment/ARC -610 A 32 Paper-III The loop antenna must be mounted on the fuselage of aircraft with its:longitudinal center line Vertical center axis Horizontal axis Vertical axis CTI/Avionics Equipment/ARC -610 A 32 Paper-III The signal to the RF Loop amplifier is derived from :RF sense amplifier Phase splitter Goniometer search coil IF amplifier CTI/Avionics Equipment/ARC -610 A 32 Paper-III In VUC-201 A , the injection signal for VHF and UHF band is provided by:Local oscillator Power amplifier Frequency synthesizer PLL CTI/Avionics Equipment/VUC-201 A 32 Paper-III The reference voltage by phase lock loop to the synthesizer is :50 hz 25 hz 30 Hz 75 hz CTI/Avionics Equipment/VUC-201 A 32 Paper-III For the basic timing signal to synchronize all of the microprocessor's operation the control logic uses the :I/O write signal Memory read signal Clock signal Logic Signal CTI/MicroProcessor 32 Paper-III The 25 kHz reference signal and output of programmable counter are compared in:Guard RXR Power amplifier Frequency synthesizer Pin switch unit CTI/Avionics Equipment/VUC-201 A 32 Paper-III The data can be erased by exposing it to ultra violet light is known as :ROM EPROM

EAROM PROM CTI/MicroProcessor 32 Paper-III Length of a transmitting aerial is :Depending of the characteristic of the carrier Depending of the level of the carrier Inversely proportional to frequency Directly proportional to frequency CTI/RT 33 Paper-III The grammar we use while typing a command is called :SYNTAX FORMAT PRINT PROGRAM CTI/Computer 33 Paper-III The location of outer marker from the runway thresh hold is :3 1/2 mile 4miles 4 1/4 miles 4 1/2 miles CTI/Avionics Equipment/INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEMS 33 Paper-III The range of localizer beacon is :25 Miles at 2000 ft high 25 Miles at 4000 ft high 25 Miles at 5000 ft high 30 Miles at 6000 ft high CTI/Avionics Equipment/INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEMS 33 Paper-III When the instruction register is loaded by starting the microprocessor on a Fetch/Execute cycle also called : An instruction cycle A memory cycle An explanation cycle A control cycle CTI/MicroProcessor 33 Paper-III The register that can make difference between simple calculator and authentic computer is :Stack pointer Status Register Accumulator Special purpose Register CTI/MicroProcessor 33 Paper-III The memory address register point to :CPU location Memory register Memory's contents Memory location CTI/MicroProcessor 33 Paper-III While working on computer if power supply fails and UPS is not available the memory which retain the stored data is :MOS FET EPROM Dynamic RAM Static RAM CTI/Computer 33 Paper-III The RF power modulated during BITE and A2 mode of transmission is :-

1 MHz 1.1 MHz 10 kHz 1000 Hz CTI/Avionics Equipment/VUC-201 A 33 Paper-III According to the associative law, the equation A.(B.C) is equal to:A.(A+C) (A.B).C B.(C.A) A+(B+C) CTI/Digital Theory 33 Paper-III Which of the following pin number of IC 7805 provides the audio output via C 3 coupled to the speaker :8 9 7 5 CTI/Electronic Project 34 Paper-III A Doppler shift caused by satellite drifting in orbit due to gravitational pull of moon and sun is barely minimum incase of satellite placed in:Equatorial orbit Polar orbit Inclined orbit Geocentre CTI/ADVANCE ELECTRONICS 34 Paper-III In a JK flip flop , when J is low and K is high then :It resets It sets Toggles Depends on the last value CTI/Digital Theory 34 Paper-III A Boolean expression which formed by considering the rows of the truth table for 0 out put condition is known as :Standard sum of product Min term Max term Standard product of sum CTI/Digital Theory 34 Paper-III Binary equivalent of decimal number 25 (10) will be:11000 11001 10111 1110 CTI/Digital Theory 34 Paper-III Binary equivalent of decimal number 22 will be 10110 11001 11000 10010 CTI/Digital Theory 34 Paper-III The XOR GATE operation is called:MOD 1addition MOD 2 addition MOD 3 addition

Mod addition CTI/Digital Theory 34 Paper-III A basic logic circuit also known as inverter is:NOT GATE OR GATE AND GATE NAND GATE CTI/Digital Theory 34 Paper-III The minimum amount of time that the data bit must be present before the clock edge hits is called :Propagation delay time Set up time Hold time Pre set time CTI/Digital Theory 34 Paper-III A controlled counter counts :Square pulse Saw tooth pulse Synchronous pulse Sinusoidal pulse CTI/Digital Theory 34 Paper-III The minimum amount of time that the data bit must be present before the clock edge hits is called :Propagation delay time Set up time Hold time Pre set time CTI/Digital Theory 35 Paper-III A Boolean expression, which is formed by considering the rows of the truth table for `0', output condition is known as :Min term Max Term Standard Product of Sum Fundamental Product CTI/Digital Theory 35 Paper-III Higher side of the frequency band is used in up link in order to:Reduce the size of the satellite antenna Increase the size of the satellite antenna Obtain high RF power To avoid Doppler shift caused by satellite CTI/ADVANCE ELECTRONICS 35 Paper-III A device that distributes light from a main fiber into one or more branch fibers is known as:Connectors Splicing Optical coupler Optical attenuator CTI/ADVANCE ELECTRONICS 35 Paper-III An OR Gate give 1 output When:All the inputs are 1 All the inputs are`0' Any or all the inputs are 1 Inputs are similar CTI/Digital Theory 35 Paper-III An alternative method of making a permanent connection between fibers is called :-

Fusion splicing Connectorisation Mechanical splicing Electrical splicing CTI/ADVANCE ELECTRONICS 35 Paper-III A communication satellite is capable of accommodating more number of channel as it uses:Long Range More Number of repeaters and directors Microwave Transponders CTI/ADVANCE ELECTRONICS 35 Paper-III A controlled counter counts :Square pulse Saw tooth pulse Synchronous pulse Sinusoidal pulse CTI/Digital Theory 35ELECT/FIT Paper-III Thoriated tungsten cathode is designed to work at : 5 to 10 volts 5 to 50 volts 50 to 500 volts (a) 500 to 5000 volts D 35ELECT/FIT Paper-III The additional energy required by an electron to overcome the surface barrier of the metal is called : Electron emission Work function Thermionic emission Surface emission B 35ELECT/FIT Paper-III The purpose of grid in a vacuum tube is to control the : Input voltage applied to cathode Input voltage applied to anode Flow of electrons between cathode and anode Flow of electrons from anode to cathode C 36ELECT/FIT Paper-III Intensity of the light spot, in an ESCRT is controlled by : Focusing anode accelerating anode control grid electrostatic deflecting plates. C 36ELECT/FIT Paper-III The main function of accelerating electrode in an ESCRT is to : Control intensity of light spot Eliminate highly divergent electrons Focusing the beam into a spot Deflecting the beam into the screen. B 36ELECT/FIT Paper-III The focusing adjustment in an ESCRT is achieved by : varying first anode voltage varying second anode voltage varying grid voltage varying accelerating electrode. A

36ELECT/FIT Paper-III The substance which have overlapping valance and conduction band are termed as : Semiconductors Insulators Conductors Di-electric C 36ELECT/FIT Paper-III A PN junction diode can be formed by doping silicon with : Antimony and phosphorous Arsenic and antimony Boron and gallium Arsenic and indium D 36ELECT/FIT Paper-III When silicon is doped with Arsenic, the type of semiconductor formed is : N type extrinsic P type extrinsic N type intrinsic P type intrinsic A 36ELECT/FIT Paper-III In a lightly doped reverse biased PN junction diode, at break down voltage flooding occurs due to electric field causing collisions of charge carriers results in : Zener breakdown Transient current Avlanche breakdown Forward current C 36ELECT/FIT Paper-III To obtain recombination current as well as larger collector current, a NPN transistor to be biased : Forward Forward Forward Reverse Reverse Forward Reverse Reverse B 36ELECT/FIT Paper-III A medium in which an electric field can exist without creating a current or it is a non-conductor of electricity or insulator is called:Dielectric strength Breakdown voltage Breakdown in electric field Dielectric D 36ELECT/FIT Paper-III The tetrode valve has the disadvantage of : Inter electrode capacitance Inter electrode inductance Shielding action of grid Kink effect at low plate potential D 37ELECT/FIT Paper-III In pentode valve, suppressor grid is inserted between : Cathode and plate Plate and screen grid Cathode and screen grid Cathode and grid B 37ELECT/FIT Paper-III The purpose of screen grid in a tetrode valve is to reduce inter electrode :

Capacitance between anode and grid Capacitance between cathode and anode Inductance between cathode and grid Inductance between cathode and anode A 37ELECT/FIT Paper-III The reduction in plate current with increasing plate voltage is called: Mutual characteristics Kink effect Amplification factor Power factor B 37ELECT/FIT Paper-III For deflection of the electron beam around the center of the screen is obtained in an ESCRT, by applying the signal to : x-x plates Control grid Final anode y-y plates D 37ELECT/FIT Paper-III The process of adding impurities to a semiconductor is known as :a Doping Mixing Biasing Super imposing A 37ELECT/FIT Paper-III Barrier potential of silicon at 25 Deg C is: 0.7 V 0.5 V 0.3 V 0.03 V C 37ELECT/FIT Paper-III An atom is said to be stable when its valance orbit contains : 16 electrons 8 Electrons 4 Electrons 2 Electrons B 37ELECT/FIT Paper-III The inherent property of an atom is to : Attract another atom Stay as free atom Accelerate at high speed Achieve stable state D 37ELECT/FIT Paper-III Barrier potential of Germanium at 25 Deg C is: 0.1 V 0.2 V 0.3 V 0.7 V C 37ELECT/FIT Paper-III Barrier potential decreases with temperature at the rate of : 0.2 V/Deg celsius rise above room temp 0.02 V/Deg celsius rise above room temp 0.002 V/Deg celsius rise above room temp

0.0002 V/Deg celsius rise above room temp C 38ELECT/FIT Paper-III The purpose of suppressor grid in pentode valve is to : Reduce inter electrode capacitance between cathode and grid Reduce inter electrode capacitance between cathode and anode Eliminate undesirable kink effect Eliminate electron cloud C 38ELECT/FIT Paper-III The reverse current, when a PN junction diode is reverse biased, that drops to zero after thE depletion layer stops growing is known as : Surface leakage current Minority carrier current Transient current Reverse breakdown current C 38ELECT/FIT Paper-III The value of bulk resistance of a silicon diode, when forward voltage drop is 1.2 V for a forward DC current of 100 mA , is equal to : 5 ohm 50 ohm 25 ohm 0.1 ohm A 38ELECT/FIT Paper-III The knee voltage of a PN diode equals to: Barrier potential Applied voltage Cut-in voltage Breakdown voltage A 38ELECT/FIT Paper-III In a reverse biased PN diode the point at which reverse current rises sharply is known as : Knee voltage Applied voltage Barrier potential Reverse breakdown voltage D 38ELECT/FIT Paper-III The value of bulk resistance of a silicon diode, when forward voltage drop is 1.5V at a forward DC current 2 A, is equal to 4 ohms 0.4 ohms 40 ohms 10 ohms B 38ELECT/FIT Paper-III The purpose of filter circuit in rectifiers is to : Convert AC into DC convert DC into AC Convert pulsating AC into a steady DC Convert a pulsating DC into a steady DC D 38ELECT/FIT Paper-III The heavily doped region in a transistor is : Base Emitter Collector Depletion layer B

38ELECT/FIT Paper-III If an NPN transistor is Reverse Reverse biased (ie, emitter is reverse biased and collector reverse biased ), then the emitter and collector current will be : Zero Maximum Zero an maximum respectively Maximum and zero respectively A 38ELECT/FIT Paper-III In an unbiased transistor, the width of emitter depletion layer when compared to the width of collector depletion layer is : Equal Smaller Larger and smaller respectively Larger B 39ELECT/FIT Paper-III The minority carriers in a CE configurated NPN transistor collector region causes : Base current Emitter current Breakdown of transistor Leakage current D 39ELECT/FIT Paper-III While analyzing the DC load line of a transistor, the point of intersection with the calculated base current is known as: Saturation point Cutoff point Quiescent point Breakdown point C 39ELECT/FIT Paper-III The process of applying appropriate voltage to a transistor is called : Voltage regulation Forward biasing Biasing Reverse biasing C 39ELECT/FIT Paper-III Connecting transistor in a circuit, whereby, the input is fed between common terminal and one of the other two and output is taken between common and one of the remaining terminal is called : Biasing Configuration Feed back Coupling B 39ELECT/FIT Paper-III The method of biasing, in which gain reduces due to negative feedback is : Base bias Emitter feedback bias Collector feedback bias Voltage divider bias C 39ELECT/FIT Paper-III A coupling capacitor connects : A grounded point to an un grounded point An ungrounded point to a grounded point A grounded point to another grounded point an ungrounded point another ungrounded point D

39ELECT/FIT Paper-III A by pass capacitor connects : A grounded point to an ungrounded point An ungrounded point to a grounded point A grounded point to another grounded point An ungrounded point to another ungrounded point B 39ELECT/FIT Paper-III Mingling of AC quantity with DC quantity during amplification of a signal avoided by the use of : Capacitor Resistor Inductor Thermister A 39ELECT/FIT Paper-III One common feature of capacitors when used for coupling and bypass is that they : Block AC and short DC to ground Block DC and short AC to ground Improve current gain Are used only in output stage B 39ELECT/FIT Paper-III A saturated SCR can turned off only by : Removing the gate pulse Reducing the gate trigger Increasing the gate trigger to saturation Reducing the load current below the holding current D 40ELECT/FIT Paper-III The phase difference of 180 Deg between the input signal voltage and output signal voltage in a common emitter amplifier is called : Amplification factor Voltage reversal Phase reversal Current reversal C 40ELECT/FIT Paper-III The small signal amplifiers are rated for a maximum power output of : 1/2 Watt 1 Watt 5 Watts 10 Watts A 40ELECT/FIT Paper-III The maximum possible collector efficiency of a class A amplifier with resistive load is: 15 % 25 % 45 % 50 % D 40ELECT/FIT Paper-III The maximum possible overall efficiency of a class A amplifier with resistive load is : 10 % 25 % 50 % 75% B 40ELECT/FIT Paper-III The process of directing a fraction of sampled energy from output to input, out of phase to the input signal is called: Feed back

Gain without feed back Positive feed back Negative feed back D 40ELECT/FIT Paper-III The process of directing a fraction of sampled energy from output to input in phase with the Positive feed back Negative feed back Feed back Gain with feed back A 40ELECT/FIT Paper-III Feed back is a phenomenon in which a fraction of : Amplifier input is fed to the output Amplifier output is fed back to the input circuit Sampled energy from output to input but in phase Sampled energy from input but out of phase B 40ELECT/FIT Paper-III In Colpitts oscillators a phase shift of 180 Deg is achieved through : Capacitors Inductance An auto-transformer Tank circuit A 40ELECT/FIT Paper-III The Wien bridge oscillator is the most widely used oscillator for frequencies in the range o 5 HZ to 1 MHZ 15 HZ to 2.5 MHZ 20 HZ to 3 MHZ 30 HZ to 30 MHZ A 40ELECT/FIT Paper-III The Q factor of a crystal circuit is in the order of : 5000 and above 10,000 and above 15,000 and above 20,000 and above S 41ELECT/FIT Paper-III In Hartley oscillators, a phase shift of 180 Deg is achieved through : A tank circuit An inductance A capacitance An auto-transformer S 41ELECT/FIT Paper-III Epitaxial layer in a IC is a layer of : N type semiconductor on the P substrate P type semiconductor on the N substrate PN type semiconductor on the P substrate NP type semiconductor on the N substrate A 41ELECT/FIT Paper-III The input terminal of OPAMPs are marked + and - . + mark indicates : Non-inverting terminal Inverting terminal Positive terminal Input terminal A

41ELECT/FIT Paper-III Minus ( -) mark on the input terminal of an OP Amp indicates : Input terminal Negative terminal Non-inverting terminal Inverting terminal D

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