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Chapter quiz #1 Review Questions

Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. There will be 30 questions on the quiz. ____ 1. In-line skating and tap dancing skills would be stored in ____ memory. a. implicit b. semantic c. episodic d. athletic ____ 2. Loftus and Palmer showed people a film of a car crash and then asked them to fill out questionnaires that included a question about how fast the cars were going at the time of the accident. The participants who reported the highest speeds had been asked to estimate how fast the cars were going when they ____ one another. a. "touched" b. "bumped into" c. "smashed into" d. "brushed" ____ 3. Cognitive psychologists define learning as a ____ change that may or may not be associated with a ____ change. a. mental; behavioral b. behavioral; mental c. positive; behavioral d. behavioral; negative ____ 4. John Watson proposed a definition of psychology that omitted all of the following EXCEPT a. mental process. b. behavior. c. consciousness. d. feelings and thoughts ____ 5. Diagnosing the severity of mental illness and behavior problems is usually the job of a(n) ____ psychologist. a. clinical b. counseling

c. school d. educational ____ 6. While sitting in her Jeep at a red traffic light, Lauren heard a loud screech. One second later, a cab smashed into the back of her Jeep. Now when she hears a screeching sound, she feels anxious. In this example, the screech became an effective ____, and her anxiety in response to the sound became the ____. a. CR; CS b. US; CR c. CS; CR d. CS; UR ____ 7. Encouraging the members of a dance class at the completion of each individual step best describes a. approximating. b. forming. c. performing. d. shaping ____ 8. The psychodynamic theory of human motivation centers on a. insight. b. the unconscious. c. behavior. d. introspection ____ 9. Which of the following is not likely the concern of sociocultural psychologists? a. alcohol abuse among ethnic minority groups b. racial bias c. gender roles d. color perception ____ 10. Any stimulus that, when removed, increases the likelihood that a behavior will continue is called a(n) a. positive reinforcer. b. negative reinforcer. c. conditioned stimulus. d. unconditioned stimulus

3 ____ 11. The typical maximum number of chunks of information that can be held in short-term memory is a. seven. b. ten. c. four. d. none of the above ____ 12. Explicit memory, also called ____ memory, can be clearly stated or explained. a. declarative b. implicit c. iconic d. sensory ____ 13. Little Albert's experienced generalization of his fear to a a. rabbit b. fur coat c. santa claus mask d. all of the above ____ 14. According to the ____ perspective, an organism learns the association between two stimuli because they are paired together, not because the organism knows that one stimuli will follow another. a. cognitive b. behaviorist c. psychoanalytic d. observational ____ 15. Food, water, and warmth are examples of ____ reinforcers. a. primary b. secondary c. delayed d. partial ____ 16. A conditioned response is a(n) a. reflexive reaction to meat powder. b. learned response to a previously neutral stimulus. c. neutral stimulus that elicits a response.

d. operant reaction to a bell ____ 17. Your front doorbell has a higher pitch than your back doorbell. When one rings, you always know which door to answer. This is an example of a. discrimination. b. generalization. c. higher-order conditioning. d. response generalization ____ 18. Cognitive psychologist describe and explain behavior using concepts such as a. structures and schemas. b. templates and information processing. c. association and reinforcement. d. all of the above ____ 19. According to Atkinson and Shiffren, the third stage of information processing is a. short-term memory. b. long-term memory. c. sensory memory. d. semantic memory ____ 20. Psychologist believe that we possess a sensory register for a. only visual information. b. only auditory information. c. each of our sensory systems. d. none of the above ____ 21. Psychology is defined as the scientific study of a. behavior and mental processes. b. diagnosis and treatment of behavioral disorders. c. conscious and unconscious mental processes. d. the mind ____ 22. Extending the semantic meaning of something you already know refers to a. metamemory.

5 b. elaborative rehearsal. c. retrospective memory. d. maintenance rehearsal ____ 23. According to behaviorists, ____ is any relatively permanent change in an organism's behavior that occurs because of experience. a. extinction b. higher-order conditioning c. acquisition d. learning ____ 24. ____ memory is recalling information that was previously learned; and ____ memory refers to remember to do things in the future. a. Prospective; retrospective b. Retrospective; implicit c. Retrospective; prospective d. Prospective; implicit ____ 25. Stimuli that increase the frequency of behavior are referred to as a. reinforcers. b. extinguishers. c. modifiers. d. none of the above ____ 26. John B. Watson established ____ as a school of psychology. a. behaviorism b. functionalism c. structuralism d. psychoanalysis ____ 27. For the Gestalt psychologists, learning was largely a matter of a. trial and error. b. insight and understanding. c. rote practice and repetition. d. habit and environmental adaptation

____ 28. Memory traces of sounds a. decay faster than those of visual stimuli. b. decay at about the same rate as those of visual stimuli. c. decay more slowly than those of visual stimuli. d. do not decay ____ 29. Theories allow psychologists to make ____ such as a client's chance of recovery. a. descriptions b. explanations c. predictions d. beliefs ____ 30. In ____ amnesia, the trauma prevents patients from remembering events that took place before the accident. a. retrograde b. infantile c. anterograde d. dissociative ____ 31. By mentally repeating a telephone number after looking it up for the first time, Jim was engaged in a. encoding. b. retrieval. c. visual coding. d. maintenance rehearsal ____ 32. Ivan Pavlov is best known for his research in a. operant conditioning. b. classical conditioning. c. insight learning. d. contingency theory ____ 33. Tim can remember what he had for lunch yesterday. This is an example of a\an a. episodic memory.

7 b. nondeclarative memory. c. semantic memory. d. implicit memory ____ 34. Using the phrase "Elvis' Guitar Broke Down on Friday" to remember the lines (EGBDF) in a musical Treble Clef is an example of a. metamemory. b. elaborative rehearsal. c. retrospective memory. d. maintenance rehearsal ____ 35. During Pavlov's classic experiments, after conditioning, the bell was the ____, and salivation was the ____. a. CS; CR b. US; UR c. CR; CS d. UR; US ____ 36. Dana liked to watch her mom prepare dinner when she was a little girl. As a grown-up Dana now enjoys preparing gourmet meals for her family. It can be said that her mother was a ____ for learning to cook. a. reinforcer b. programmer c. shaper d. model ____ 37. In operant conditioning the manner in which the first reinforced response is made can a. happen at random. b. can happen by chance. c. can be done even while receiving physical guidance. d. all of the above ____ 38. Benjamin can remember exactly where he was and what he was doing when he heard about the death of his big brother. This is called a. repressed memory. b. flashbulb memory. c. elaborative memory.

d. painful memory ____ 39. Spontaneous recovery of extinguished responses in operant conditioning supports the notion that the a. behavior was not permanently lost. b. behavior was innate. c. behavior was forgotten. d. behavior was not adaptive ____ 40. The idea that long-term memories are not reliable representations of past experiences finds support in evidence that a. recollections of a car crash can be influenced by the way in which it is labeled. b. short-term memory delays the passage of information into long-term memory. c. eyewitness testimony is for the most part accurate. d. eidetic imagery is rare among adults ____ 41. The school of psychology that places unconscious impulses and desires at the center of human behavior is a. psychoanalysis. b. humanism-existentialism. c. functionalism. d. Gestalt psychology ____ 42. The clinical psychologist's aim in applying prediction and control principles to a client's behavior is to a. decide the treatment. b. help the client meet his or her goals in treatment. c. allow the client a narrow range of options for his or her behavior. d. use a database to formulate a treatment for the client. ____ 43. During World War II, B. F. Skinner was to head-up "Project Pigeon," where a. he would train pigeons to carry messages between army camps. b. he would train pigeons to guide missiles to their targets. c. he was to train pigeons to drop bombs on the enemy. d. pigeons were used as projectiles and shot out of cannons ____ 44. Your mother has a fear of cats. The psychologist repeatedly pairs her love for classical music with the gradual exposure to a cat. This is known as

9 a. higher-order conditioning. b. counterconditioning. c. operant conditioning. d. cookie conditioning ____ 45. Which of the following illustrates continuous reinforcement? a. You become less thirsty every time you drink a glass of water. b. You go to the movies even though you only enjoy about 25% of the films you see. c. You buy a weekly lottery ticket. d. None of the above

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