Chains Chapter 36

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Name: ____________________________________ HR: ____________ Literature 7 Chains Chapter 36 Quiz # 2.

Answer these questions, using complete sentences, directly on this worksheet. Q1. What has happened to Lady Seymour?

Q2. What does Madam Lockton ask the doctor?

Q3. What does the doctor say about Madams suggestion?

Q4. How did Isabel get information about the war?

Q5. What did the town folk donate to the prisoners?

Q6. What did the British promise to give the prisoners every week?

Q7. Who is Miss Wheatly?

Q8. How do people know she is the person delivering food to the prisoners?

Q9. What does the boy in Rivingstons stationary store give Isabel to read?

Q10. What does she tell him after he gives her this gift?

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