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Media release

HSU National Office investigation

Thursday, 24 May 2012 In recent days Fair Work Australia has received a number of media inquiries seeking comment in relation to an address to the Australian Parliament made by Mr Craig Thomson MP on 21 May 2012. Fair Work Australia General Manager, Ms Bernadette ONeill, said today she had considered these inquiries and decided it would be inappropriate for her to make comment in relation to the address. The report of the investigation into the Health Services Union National Office prepared by my Delegate, Mr Terry Nassios, speaks for itself. These matters will be the subject of legal proceedings in the Federal Court of Australia and that is the appropriate forum in which to test the evidence and findings set out in the investigation report. The Report into the Health Services Union National Office was provided to the General Manager by Mr Nassios on 28 March 2012 and was subsequently provided to the Senate Committee on Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. On 7 May 2012, Ms ONeill issued a statement in which she said she had concluded her consideration of the report and was instructing solicitors to initiate proceedings in the Federal Court of Australia in respect of the Delegates findings, subject to a legal assessment by counsel that there are reasonable prospects for success. Ms ONeill said solicitors had been instructed to prepare the documentation to initiate the proceedings.

Media seeking further information are asked to contact: Communications Manager Judy Hughes Phone: 03 8661 7862, 0407 920 815 Email:

Senior Communications Adviser Roger Mitchell Phone: 03 8661 7011, 0407 427 431 Email:
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