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Herbal Medicine: Sambong (Blumea balsamifera L.

Sambong (scientific name: Blumea balsamifera) is a amazing medicinal plant. It is a antiurolithiasis and work as a diuretic. it is used to aid the treatment of kidney disorders. The Sambong leaves can also be used to treat colds and mild hypertension. Since it is a diuretic, it helps dispose of excess water and sodium (salt) in the body. Sambong is one herbal medicine (of ten) approved by the Philippine Department of Health (DOH) in treating particular disorders. Powdered Sambong leaves are available in 250 mg tablets at the DOH's Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC) Telephone # (632) 727-6199. Benefits: Good as a diuretic agent Effective in the dissolving kidney stones Aids in treating hypertension & rheumatism Treatment of colds & fever Anti-diarrheic & Anti-gastralgic properties Helps remove worms, boils Treats dysentery, sore throat Preparation: Boil the leaves as like tea and drink 3 or more times a day. The leaves can also be crushed or pounded and mixed with coconut oil. Ads by Google Detect Liver Diseases Experience Pain-free way of Biopsy Get Accurate Results and Treatment Grundfos Pump solutions Grundfos challenges the standards Go green with energy-saving pumps Diabetic Diet & Meals Free Diabetic Recipes > Breakfast, Lunch - Snack - Dinner - Dessert.

GENERIC NAME: Pinene alpha + beta, Camphene, Cineol, Fenchone, Borneol, Anethol and Olive Oil

BRAND NAME: Rowtinex CLASSIFICATION: Antiurolithic DOSAGE: The usual dose is 1-2 capsules three times a day before meals. MECHANISM OF ACTION: ROWATINEX promotes a diuresis and relaxes urinary tract spasm, thus assisting the passage of stones. The therapeutic effect of the balanced combination of terpenes reduces urinary tract inflammation, stimulating renal blood flow through the kidneys and increasing the output of less concentrated urine. INDICATION: For the treatment of urinary tract spasm and inflammation associated with urolithiasis. Assists in the dissolution and expulsion of stones in the renal system. CONTRAINDICATIONS: SIDE EFFECTS/ ADVERSE EFFECTS: - No side effects have been reported. NURSING IMPLICATIONS/RESPONSIBILITIES: - Liquid intake should be increased during therapy. - Store at temperatures not exceeding 30 degrees Celcius.

9 Ural
Generic Name: Sodium citrotartrate Product Name: Ural

Indication of Ural Action of Ural Dose advice of Ural Schedule of Ural Common side effects of Ural Uncommon side effects of Ural Reference

Indication of Ural: Ural is used to relieve the symptoms of infections in the urinary system or excessive gastric acid. Ural works to reduce the burning sensation when passing urine and the discomfort experienced. Ural can be

used to treat other medical conditions. If you have any questions as to why you were given Ural please consult your doctor.

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Action of Ural: Ural works to increase the pH in the urinary and gastric system, therefore making your urine less acidic.

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Dose advice of Ural:

Before taking Ural, please consult your doctor or pharmacist especially if you have any medical conditions or are taking other medications. To take Ural, dissolve 4 to 8g (1 to 2 sachets) in a glass of cold water three to four times a day or as directed by your doctor.

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Schedule of Ural: Unscheduled1,2

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Common side effects of Ural: All medicines have side effects. Most commonly the side effects for Ural are minor and the benefits of taking Ural outweigh the side effects. A mild laxative effect is a common side effect experienced.

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Uncommon side effects of Ural:

If Ural is used excessively or for prolonged periods, this will result in a disturbance in your electrolyte and acid-base balance which is potentially harmful.

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