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Presenting using visual aids

Unit 4

Contents of the unit

Types of visual aids Organizing the visual aids Design of visual support

Types of visual aids

Handouts (brochures, leaflets, user manuals, etc) Product samples Power Point slides

The visual aid

Communicates the main point straight away begins with headline Is short and to the point Is easy to understand Is easy to follow Has a good layout KISS (keeps it short and simple)

Organizing visual support

Use a KISS and get AIDA KISS (Keep It Short and Simple) Attention Interest Decision Action

Design of visual aids

About the presentation but for the audience (Who? Why? What? Where? When? How long?)

Design of visual aids

The text should begin with a headline and should be short. Whole sentences can be used only when presenting scientific facts. If you use bullet points, you should use no more than 4 items on the same slide. Block text should not be more than two lines long.

Do not use fancy animation

Focus on information, not cuteness

Use simple and effective fonts


Use font size that everyone can read

Avoid strange combinations of colours

Be generous with white space, use simple backgrounds

In other words
Do not trust computer program wizards, do it yourselves!

Your homework

Formal letter To: Mrs. Daciana Indolean, Technical University Cluj Napoca, Bd. Muncii 103-105, room A110 From: Request room for presentation (date, time) Specify the title and the type of presentation Mention any equipment that you need

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