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Cyber Crime Investigations -Techniques

Submitted to:
Mr. Pankaj Dadheech Deputy H.O.D Lect. Cs Dept.

Presented By:
Keshav Kumar Meena CS-B (8th sem) 09ESKCS201

Cybercrime Types of cybercrime Problems in cybercrime investigation Techniques of investigation method Conclusions Future Directions

Internet has offered us a much more convenient way to share information across time and place. Cyberspace also opened a new venue for criminal activities.
Cyber attacks Distribution of illegal materials in cyberspace Computer-mediated illegal communications within big

crime groups or terrorists

Cybercrime has become one of the major security issues for the law enforcement community.

Illegal computer-mediated activities that can be conducted

through global electronic networks. [Thomas, 2000]

Cyber crime is an evil having its origin in the growing

dependence on computer in mordern life.

A simple definition of cyber crime would be unlawful acts wherein the computer is either a tool or a target or both.

Types Of Cyber Crime

Cyber crime refers to all activities done with criminal

intent in cyberspace. These fall into three slots:1. Against persons. 2. Against business and non-business organizations. 3. Crime targeting the government.

Problems in cybercrime investigation

Data collection
Huge amount of online document

Rule Forming
Difficult to discern illegal document

Identity Tracing
Difficult to trace identities due to the anonymity of cybercrime

Techniques Of Investigation Methods

There are different methods-

1. Hi-tech cops 2. Cyber squad 3. Online under cover

Hi-tech Cops
Computer forensic investigators have software and

electronic device that allow them to track and collect evidence against online criminals.

used these techniques to catch child pornographers and hackers, whose tools of trade include bots worms viruses or malware causing billions Of dollars in damage annually .

Investigators can use that is know as pen/trap device to

intercept real time on line communication. This is part of the federal wire tap law which were beefed up after the september 11 terrorist attacks. Forensic techniques also can used techniques that allow them to decode encryptions and passwords on suspects seized computer.

Cyber Squad
The FBI and U.S. department of justice head unit focused

on internet criminal The cyber crime unit uses computer experts and investigate tools in its effort to fight computer intrusion and the spread of malicious code, child pornogropher and hackers. The FBI also uses infragard a program in which government investigators partner with technology industries to share and gather information on cyber crime.

Online Undercover
Agent often pose as children in internet set room hopping

to lure pedophiles. Who often are arrested after setting up metting to with some one. They must believe to be a child.

The under cover agent can communicate with chat room

users. But must wait for another visitor to pursue sexual conversations and meeting with what are believed to be minors.

Another Methods Of Investigation

1. Give command to computer to show full header of mail. 2. In full header find out the ip number and time of delivery of number and this ip number always different for every mail. from this ip number we can know who was the internet service provider for that system from which the mail had come. 3. To know about internet service provider from ip number take the service of search engine like,, apnic.

4. After opening the website of any of above mentioned search engine, feed the IP number and after some time name of ISP can be obtained.
5. After getting the name of ISP we can get the information about the sender from the ISP by giving them the IP number, date and time of sender. 6. ISP will provide the address and phone number of the system, which was used to send the mail with bad intention. 7. After Knowing the address and phone number criminal can be apprehended by using conventional police methods.

The experimental results indicated a promising future for applying the analysis approaches in cybercrime investigation to address the identitytracing problem. Structural features are significant discriminators for online documents. SVM and neural network techniques achieved high performance. This approach is promising in the multilingual context.

Future Directions
More illegal messages will be incorporated into our testbed. The current approach will be extended to analyze the investigation of other cybercrime-related materials, such as bomb threats, hate speeches, and childpornography. Another more challenging future direction is to automatically generate an optimal feature set which is specifically suitable for a given dataset.

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