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Ma vie Londres

Evaluation by Stephanie Zantiras

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Conforming to conventions:

I represented the close up shots convention of romantic comedy films by including several close ups in my opening sequence. These close up shots are similar to shots that I noticed in Mean Girls, which is one of the films that I researched when looking for conventions of romantic comedies. I created characters the target audience can relate to: teenagers/students.

The bright lighting in the locker scene reflects the typical mood of a romantic comedy which is happy and positive. This is yet again similar to in Mean Girls, as throughout Mean Girls bright lighting is used.

The font and colour of the title match the happy theme of a RomCom: a soft cursive font thats bright red.

Challenging conventions:

Narrative theories: Levi Strauss Binary Opposition Theory: Chris and Rob are the hero and villain.

I challenged the couple idea thats usually in romantic comedies as there are two guys chasing one girl.

Versimilitude: setting, characters and props, represent a real life school situation. Enigma: the audience is left wondering what happens after the boys run up the stairs.

I didnt immediately show a close up of Monique, I used some long shots to show her first to build up a little bit of suspense.

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