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Joe Warburton OUGD203 - YCN

Brief The Graze brief required us to re-address and ultimately refresh the aesthetic of the box. They requested a contemporary and distinctive redesign to coincide with a new logo. The brief also outlined us to devise a marketing campaign to help Graze reach a greater and diverse audience.

Solution / My involvement Throughout the YCN project, we both worked simultaneously. We decided to strip back the Graze aesthetic and recreate the logo based on a simple and concise approach. To communicate the extensive product range and artisan tone of voice, we devised a set of 100 minimal icon designs which we split to even the workload. Using the brand aesthetic we devised, we both worked on the entire product range with Luke focusing on the direct mail marketing campaign and myself working on the app design.

Joe Warburton OUGD203 - YCN

Iconography We decided in the early stages of the project to design 100 minimal icon designs to convey the extensive product range Graze has to offer. To distribute the work evenly, we designed 50 icons each, using the same design aesthetic to keep it consistent. These are the ones I designed.

Joe Warburton OUGD203 - YCN

nature delivered

nature delivered


nature delivered

Initial logo designs In the initial development stages, we both looked at various logo designs with the intention on decising which one seemed the most effective or what aspects we could combine. I focused on a simple aesthetic to reference the iconography.

Joe Warburton OUGD203 - YCN

Product range For the product range, me and Luke worked collaborateively as we constantly pitched ideas to one another. We had already clarified the design aesthetic therefore it was simply a case of ensuring brand consistency throughout. These are the final printed deliverables we produced.

Joe Warburton OUGD203 - YCN

App design Using the brand aesthetic we devised, I created an app design as part of the marketing campaign the brief requested. The user would be able to order on the go, see the contents of their last and next box and browse the many products Graze has to offer.

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