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4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

o Create a profile of your target audience (male and female)

Name: Emma Age: 23 Favorite genres of films: Comedy, Action, Crime, Romance Music Likes: Kings of Leon, The Beatles, The Kooks, Lilly Allen Occupation: Media Industry What I like about watching films: the gripping storylines always interest me!

Name: Jake Age: 17 Favorite genres of films: Comedy, Thriller, Crime, Horror Music Likes: Cold Play, The Black Keys, Paulo Nutini Occupation: Student What I like about watching films: Films that make me have to think about what will happen

What certification is your product? refer to the classification of the BBFC and connect the criteria of their classification descriptors to your product - Our certification of our product is 15+. The BBFC website states that Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse. With this information in mind, we are able to identify that the conversation of drugs along with the short-takes of the drugs and money (in the lead up to the flashback) are able to be shown. We have not included any use of the taking of drugs within our production although it has been claimed this would be granted acceptable. The BBFC also claim that The misuse of easily accessible and highly dangerous substances (for example, aerosols or solvents) is unlikely to be acceptable so the fact we have not included any taking of drugs within our opening sequence, it is sure that there will defiantly be no misuse of highly dangerous substances. With the BBFC asserting that Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. We are sure that the quick shots of the punching towards the camera may highlight future use of violence in the film but that it would be tolerable to use shots of it but not to, quote dwell on the infliction of pain or injury.

Example of my questionnaire I used to gather audience reactions to our product:

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