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( )ISO 7803 " "

" " .

7803 73


. :
( : )7101
: .7103

73 ()

%31 ()
7118 . .


: )7118( 7803
ISO 1087 International Standard/Norme internationale
Terminology Vocabulary / Terminologie - Vocabulaire
.7 ( )
scope / domaine dapplication
Language and Reality : Langue et ralit

1 .7
object / objet

: ( :) ( :).

1 .1 ()
subject field / domaine

: (0)7 (.7

1 .7
special language / langue de spcialit
( 1 )7

.7 (

concept / Notion

7 .7 ( :

concept / notion

: . .

77 .7 ( : ):
borrowed concept / notion emprunte
(7 )7 (1 )1 .

77 .1 :
superordinate concept / notion superordonne
(7 )7 (7 )7
: .

771 .7 ( :)
generic concept / notion gnrique
(77 )1 (737.)1
" :" (1 )7 (7)7

7711 ( : )
comprehensive concept / notion intgrante
(77 )1 (737)7
" : " (1 )7 (7.)7

77 .7 ( : ):
subordinate concept / notion subordonne
(7 )7 (7 )7
(7 )7
: " "

777 .7 ( :)
specific concept / notion spcifique
(77 )7 (737)7
" :" (7 )1 (7.)7

777 .1 ( :)
Partitive concept / notion partitive
(77 )7 (737)1
" :" (1 )7 (7)7

77 .4 :
co-ordinate concept / notion coordonne
(7 )7 (7 )7 .
(7 )7 " ".

7 .1
characteristic / caractre

(7 )7.
(1 )7


(7 " )7 " " : "

7 .7 :
yype of characteristic / type de caractre

(7 )1 (7 )78.
.7 (7 :)1 .
.1 (7 :)1
: .

7 .4 ( :):
(7 )1 (7.)7

7 .1 ( :):

extension / extension
(777 )7 (771.)7
: " " (777.)1

7 .9:
class / classe
( )1.7 (7.)7

7 .3 ( )
)relation (between concepts) / relation (entre notions

73 7 :
hierarchical relation /relation hirqrchique
(77 )1 (77 )7

(7 )3

737 .7 :
generic relation / relation gnrique
(7 )4
(73 )7

(771 )7 (777 )7 (77.)4

737 .1 :
partative relation / relation partative
(73 )7
(77 )1 (1 )7
(77 )7 .

73 1 :
non-hierarcical relation / relation non hirarchique
: 731 7 731.1

731 .7 :
sequential relation / relation squentielle
(7 )7 (1 )7 .
" " " " ".

731 .1 ( : ):
pragmatic relation / relation pragmatique
(7 )7 .


3 .8
)concept correspondence / corresponance (entre notions
(7 )4 (7 )7 .
: (1 )7
(1 )1 .
(7 )4
(7 )4

7 .1

concept field / champ notionnel

(7 )7 .
: (7.)78

7 .78 :
system of concepts / systme de notions

(7 )7 (7 )3
(7 )7 .

Definition / Dfinition
4 .7:
definition / dfinition
(7 )7 (7 )7 .

47 .7 :
intensional definition / definition par comprhension

(4 )7 (7 )4 (7( )7).
: (771 )7
(7 )1
(7 )7 .
( ) :

47 .1 :
extensional definition / definition par extension
(4 )7 (1 )7 (7 )7
(777 )7 .
: .
(7 )7 (777.)7
.7 : .
.1 ( :)1778 .

Terminology / Terminologie

1 .7 ( )
terminology / terminologie
(177 )1 (7 )78 (1 )1.


1 .1
nomenclature / nomenclature
(177 )1 .

1 .7
Representation of a concept / Reprsentation dune cotion

17 .7 :
designation / dsigntion


symbol / symbole
(17 )7 (7 )7

177 .1:
term / terme
(7 )7 .
(17 )7

: (117 )7 [ (11 )1
(11 ])9 (177.)7

177 .7:
(1 )7 .

1 .4
Relations between terms and concept / Relation terme notion

14 .7 :
monosemy / monosmie
(17 )7 (7 )7 (17 )7 (7 )7.

14 .1 :
mononymy / mononymie
(17 )7 (7 )7 (7 )7 (17 )7.

14 .7:
synonymy / synonymie
(17 )7 (7.)7
: =

: (177 )1 (971 )3 (1 )1
(14)7 (971 )3

polysemy / ploysmie
(7 )7 (7 )1

14 1:
homonymy / homonymie

(17 )7 (7)7
(17)7 (7 )7
( ) (

) ( ).
.1 ( ).
: .

14 .9 ( :):
equivalence / quivalence
(17 )7

1 .1 /
Term formation / Formation des termes

11 .7:
variant / variante
(177 )1.
: .

11 .1 :
abbreviated term terme abrg
(177 )1 (177 )1

111 .7:
abbreviation / abrviation
(11 )1

1117 .7:
initialism / sigle
(11 )9 (177 )7
(11 )7 .

: [ ] ( ).
.. : . ( ).

1117 .1 :
acronym / acronyme
(11 )9 (177 )1

11 .7 :
)term element / lment (dun terme
(177 )1 (117 )9 .

117 .7:
word / mot

117 .1 :
word form / forme dun mot


117 .7 :

base form / forme de base

(117 )1 (117 )7 .
.7 (177 )1.

117 .4:
root / racine
(117 )7 .
.7 (117 )1 .
.1 .

117 .1:
stem / radical
(177 )1
.7 (117 )1 (1179 )7 .
.1 "" .

117( .9) :
morpheme/ morphme

1179 .7:
affix / affixe

(117 )9 ('117 )1 (1179 )1
(117 )1


11797 .7:
prefix / prfixe
(1179 )7 (117 )1 .

11797 .1:
suffix / suffixe
(1179 )7 (117 )1 .

1179 .1 :
ending / dsinence
(117 )9 (117 )9 (117 )7

11 .4
Derivative / driv
(117 )9 (1179 )7 (117.)1
: .

11 .1 :
simple term / terme simple
(177 )1 (117 )1 (1179 )7 .

11 .9 :
complex term / terme complexe
(177 )1 (117 )1 (11)7
Fil de fer

119 .7 :
compound term / compos
(11 )9 .
Book fair
Communication adapter unit
.Falult recognition circuit

11 .3 :
neologism / nologisme

(1 )1.
(177 )1

11 .0 :
borrowed term / emprunt
(177 )1 (1 )1.

1 .9 ( : ):
evaluation of Terms / Acceptabilit terminologique

19 .7
preferred term / terme privilgi
(177 )1 .

19 .1 :
admitted term / terme tolr
(177 )1 (19)7

19 .7 :
deprecated term / term rejet
(177 )1 .

19 .4 :
obsolete term / terme dsuet
(177 )1 .

1 .3 :

manipulation of terms / Modification de termes

13 .7:
truncation / troncation
(117 )1 .

13 .1:
permutation / permutation
(911 )1

" " :

Vocabulary, Preparation and Presentation / lqboration et presentation des

9 .7
preparation /elaboration

97 .7 : " " 0.1

terminology work / travail terminologique

97.1 ( ):

excerption / dpouillement terminologique

(971 )1 (177 )1 .

971 .7:
source / source

(97 )1.

971 .1 :
corpus / corpus
(971 )7

971 .7:
token/ occurrence

971 .4:
type / vocable
(971 )7.

971 .1 :
term identification / dcioupage terminologique
(971 )1 .

971.9 :

term list / liste de termes

(177 )1

97.7 ( : ):
terminological record / fiche terminologique
(97 )1 (7.)7

97 .4 :
terminological format / format terminologique

97 .1 :
terminological datum / donne terminologique
(7 )7 (17.)7
: : (971 )1 (971 )7
(971 )4 (971 )1 (971 )9 (4)7
(971 )3 (971 )0 (971 )1
(971 )7.

971 .7 :
main entry / entre vedette
(17 )7 (7 )7 (97)7
.7 (177.)1

(7 )7 (971 )7 .

.7 (911.)1

971 .1 :
grammatical label / indicative de grammaire
(177 )7 (177.)1
: .

971 .7 :
language code / indicative de langue
(177 )7 .

971 .4 :
country code / indicative de pays
(177 )7 .

971 .1 :
terminological acceptability rating / cote dacceptabilit terminologique
(177 )1 .
: :

971 .9 :
subject label / domaine demploi

971 .3:
context / contexte


971 .0 :
illustration / illustration
.7 .
.1 (4 )7 .

971 .1:
note / note

971 .78 :
source code / indicative de source
(971 )7 .

presentation / prsentation
1 .7:
dictionary / dictionnaire

917 .7 ( : )
terminological dictionary / dictionnaire terminologique

(91 )7 (97 )1 (1 )1 .

9177 .7 ( : ):
vocabulary / vocabulaire
(917 )7 (0 )1 (1)7
(1 )1 (1 )1.

91 .1 :
microstructure / microstructure
(97 )1 (911 )1 (91.)7

911 .7
entry term / entre 2

911 .1:
entry / article
(917 )7 (97 )1 (7.)7

.7 (97 )1 .
.1 " " .

91 .7 :
macrostructure / macrostructure

917 .7 () :
entry term list / liste des entres

917 .1 :
systematic arrangement / classement systmatique
(911 )1 (7.)78

917 .7 :
alphabetical arrangement / classement alphabtique
(911 )1 .

917 .4 :
mixed arrangement / classement mixte
(911 )1 (917 )7 (917.)1

917 .1:
index / index
(917 )7

: " " .

917 .9:
transliteration / translitration

917 .3 :
transcription / transcription
: " "

917 .0 :
romanization / romanisation
: (917 )9 (917.)3

3 :
machine-aided terminology work / Terminologie assiste par ordinateur
(7 )7

3 .7 :
word part / partie dun mot

3 .1:
compression / compression
(117 )1 .

() .
(917 )1 .

( ):
3 .7

)parsing (in terminology) / analyse de texte ( en terminologie


3 .4 ( ):
sort key (in terminology) / cl de tri terminologique


3 .1 :
exclusion list / liste dexclusion
(117 )7 (177 )1
( ). (19 )4

3 .9 :
inclusion list / liste dinclusion

(177 )1 " " .

3( .3) ( : ):
terminological concordance / concordance terminologique
(971 )7

3 .0( 1 : )
index2 / index2
(971 )7

3 0 7 :
inverted index / index de vocables
3( 1 )0 (971 )7

30 .1 :
reverse index/ index inverse
3( 1 )0 (911 )1 .

30 .7 :
lemmatized word index / index lemmatis
(3 )0 (117 )7 (117.)7

3 .1 :

terminological data base / base de donnes terminologiques

(97 )7 .

theoretical foundations and practical applications /
Fondements thoriques et applications pratiques

0 .7 :
terminology science / science de la terminologie
(7 )7 (177 )1 (1.)7
.7 :
(7 )7 (4 )7 (17.)7

.1 :
(1 )1
(1 )1

0 .1

terminology work / travail terminologique

(7 )7 (1 )7

01 .7

terminological analysis / analyse terminologique

(7 )7 (177 )1 (0 )7.

01 .1 ( : ):
terminography / terminographie
(97 )1

0 .7 :
standardization of terminology / normalization de la terminologie


07 .7 :
standardization of terminological principles / normalization de principes
" ".

07 .1 :
standardization of terminology / normalization de la terminologie
(1 )7 .
( )

07 .7 :
concept harmonization / harmonization des notion
(7 )7 .
(7 )7 .

07 .4 :
term harmonization / harmonization des termes
(7 )7 ( 177)1

(7 )1 .



017 ISBN 978-9953-86-466-2

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