Comparison Between Electronic Media and Printed Media

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Comparison between electronic media and printed media

Comparison between electronic media and printed media Electronic Media has a clear edge over print media even if new media(for eg. The Internet) is not included in it. Print media is more of a 'habit' with people and still caters to a sizeable population. But electronic media offers a lot of choice to the people, especially to the youth(GEN Y),the largest growing segment of our population and more importantly, has the ability to maintain the pace at which the preferences and demands of the Gen Y changes.The shrinking readership of the print publications perhaps is testimony to the changing media consumption pattern of the people today. Although I dont see an immediate threat to the print media, more so because it is a centuries old media, yet I believe it definitely is not the media of the future. Moreover, electronic media is visually more appealing and more effective in not only conveying a message but by virtue of being a frequency medium,is also effective in registering it,thus ensuring high brand recall amongst viewers & potential customers. For the advertisers and advertising

agencies,it provides exciting opportunities to experiment with new and innovative ideas which reduces the media's dependence on traditional source of revenue like selling Free Commercial Time (FCT), while broadening their horizons and opening up new avenues for generating revenues through 360 degrees promotional campaigns and by providing interactive business solutions. The lack of such scope for experimentation in Print Media would ultimately affect its revenues in a big way and might as well be the factor which decides its future. Add to it the new media (Internet, etc.) which too forms part of the electronic media today,I believe Electronic Media is The media of the future. What are the differences between print media and online media print media are newspapers ,magazines ets whereas electronic media are t.v. radio,etc. print media is cheaper than the electronic media print media is written so only educated people can read it but the electronic media has audio and vedio ,so the educated and non educated people can use it.

The Difference Between Print Media & Broadcast Media

By Naomi Bolton, eHow Contributor The Difference Between Print Media & Broadcast Media Print and broadcast media supply us with the same kind of information. We get the latest news updates, the latest products on the market and are given the opportunity to enjoy interesting stories. Although print is an older medium, both print and broadcast media have

established a place in society. There are, however, clear differences between the two media that should be noted by both advertisers and prospective journalists.

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Sensory Experience

The main difference between print and broadcast media is that the mediums appeal to different senses. Print media is a visual medium only, while radio has audio and television has audiovisual impact. Advertisers use this information to focus on the specific sensory quality of their product fitting to the medium. In print advertisement, a picture speaks a thousand words. For example, in an ad for an automobile, the focus will be on a car's outer design qualities like "shiny" and "sleek." For a radio advertisement the focus will be on how the car sounds and in a television clip there will be more opportunity to tell a more complete story about the car using sound as well as visual imagery to influence the viewer's experience.

Length of Exposure

In a newspaper article, journalists often have the opportunity to provide more in-depth information about a certain event, while a news broadcast has a limited time frame in which information has to be supplied. This substantially influences the article structure, as print media has more opportunity to include detail and description while a broadcast piece typically is a brief summary of accounts. Sponsored Links Technical Writing Tools Compare Tools Such As Frame, Robo and Flare.


Although the target groups of print and broadcast media could be the same, there is a significant difference in how the audience treats the different media. With print media, readers choose the information they want to read. With broadcast media, the audience is exposed to advertisements and news articles chosen by the broadcaster. This influences the impact of the media, as information you read because you find it interesting is often easier to recall than information received involuntarily.

Appearance of Reporters

With broadcast media, the audience often judges the credibility of a story based on the appearance of the reporter---the tone of voice, clothing and physical characteristics. In print media, the reader does not see the reporter so the impression the article leaves will depend solely on the writing style of the journalist.


The content of news stories differ between broadcast media and print media. Only the latest news get broadcast daily, so the stories have to be fresh. Broadcast journalists have very little time to prepare their story and to get extra information on it. Newspapers, however, often contain day- or even week-old news and have more opportunity to elaborate on events. Newspaper articles are thus often more detailed and more informative than broadcast stories.

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Read more: The Difference Between Print Media & Broadcast Media |

Media have always played a major role in our lives. In olden days, people carved stories on stones and temples. Today we have known a lot about those days by seeing the sculptures carved on such stones. With the invention of paper, it made it easier for people to know about the happenings around the world through newspapers, magazines, banners, posters, leaflets, pamphlets etc. But now with the advent of electronic media like Radio, television, Internet, which have moving images, facilitate easy understanding; is it really the end of print media?

Why Electronic Media?

On an electronic media, screen glare, font size and website layout can seriously affect readability. Which of these is easier? Reading a 600 page novel on your laptop or holding the novel in hand and reading it while lying on your bed? If a person does not mind shelling out some money, he/she would choose the second option since LCDs hurt our eyes. But these days with the invention of e-book readers, even this problem does not exist. E-book readers like Kindle use paper-like ink display which makes it easier to read books and carry thousands of books everywhere you go. You can download a newspaper within seconds from the remotest corner of the world. If you do not want to spend money on these costly devices, you can still read news at your fingertips on your mobile phones, which almost every person can afford to buy these days. With the invention of Internet, a person in a different country can read news about his native country just by having an access to a computer or laptop. These days, people can listen to radio on even their mobile phones, thus making it easy to listen to them even while travelling.

There are chances that the paper can deteriorate with time and hence the records can get wiped out. Now that the storage is getting really cheap, it is easier to take multiple backups of data and thus archival is easier with an electronic media. Also with the usage of various search tools, it is easier to search for a file or image on a computer, than searching manually in cupboards. Information is available sitting at home to people, which they would previously find by browsing in a library. It is easier to grab peoples attention by showing them a visual or a video than dumping them with a lot of text and few still images. Not everyone can read print media and for such illiterate people, TV would be helpful. Electronic media is more environment friendly the lesser the paper used, the lesser the trees that are chopped off. It is faster than any other kind of media; for example, if there was an earthquake or a hurricane somewhere, you can instantly watch the damages caused by it on the Television within minutes. Live streaming has helped us in watching tennis/football matches taking place in a different country on TV. Anything that we watch on TV remains in our memory for a longer time. For example, we still remember Sachins ad on TV where he says Boost is the secret of my energy, but how many of us remember Boosts ad that came in the local newspaper? These days anyone can open an account online and start blogging. This way people can use the electronic media to convey a message to hundreds and thousands of people easily. RSS feeds help us in keeping ourselves up to date with the information available of the net.

Electronic media these days includes these: Social Networking sites where one can meet millions of people FaceBook, MySpace, LinkedIn. Information can also be shared via the phones through Twitter. Sharing Audio/Video through YouTube, FaceBook. Digital Photos can be shared using FlickR, Picasa, Facebook.

. Various contests, polls, surveys, asking/answering questions, commenting on information on the Internet. . Searching and watching videos/news clips/interviews on Youtube.

Why Print Media?

The longevity of written media is much more than the electronic ones. It is the written media which has made history recordable and accurate. The age of an old manuscript found while digging a historical site gives information about the era in which it was written, which is not possible with electronic media. Print media is durable, whereas a small virus or a bug in the software can erase the most important data needed from a computer. Anyone can anonymously post articles and raise their voices. It is difficult to track the real owner of an article. With electronic media, anyone can copy any piece of information and present it as his own; plagiarism is at its peak these days. There is no means to determine

which of the two websites have authentic data. Rumors and lies circulate all over the Internet and hence the legitimacy of the information becomes questionable. The information provided by a newspaper is usually more authentic and genuine. TV is a very popular media these days but with so many channels available to watch, there are fewer chances of more people watching an advertisement or a show on a particular channel and hence there is no guarantee about viewership, whereas a family which subscribes to a newspaper would definitely go through it on a daily basis.

Electronic media depends mainly on electricity. In areas with frequent power cuts or in the rural areas, it is not a viable replacement for newspapers. Print media is easily accessible and widely read. Anyone can buy it since it is cheaper and available in the remotest of the villages. In a country like India, subscribing to newspapers is cheaper than taking an Internet connection. Print media is local to the city or the region and carries information about the local events like a play being screened in the town or an inter-school chess tournament. Even if you read a nice article online, what are the chances that you will store it and re-read? Searching for the article will take forever amidst the GBs of data that you have. I read Stanford commencement speech by Steve Jobs and I liked it so much that I took printout of it and kept it in my drawer, because I wanted to re-read later. It is easier to locate a piece of paper in your drawer than locate a file among the 120 GB data that you have on your hard disk. On TV, the quality of news is deteriorating these days because of the competition between the channels. They try to sensationalize the news unnecessarily in an attempt to increase viewership. Even though both kinds of media have their own pros and cons, can we survive without any one of them? I dont think so. When Tsunami attacked, I saw video clips on the TV. Watching the video of the destruction live is better than visualizing it with a few photos in newspaper. But I also read about it in detail in the next days newspapers. The newspapers had the information in greater detail, depth and also had images which were not shown on TV. According to me, both types of media can exist simultaneously and neither of them will perish. These days many print media are also available in electronic forms. I used to read Indian newspapers online when I was in USA. But I also liked reading the local

newspapers there which came in the print media format. Print media has been around from so many centuries and the reason why it has survived for so long is the reason why it will not die in the future. We must not compare these two forms of media as they both have their own importance.

Difference in Print Media Vs. Television Advertising

By Maryam Kidwai, eHow Contributor Magazines feature print advertising. Print media and television advertising are two different forms of advertising platforms that have evolved greatly with the advancement of technology. Both of these have capabilities to promote businesses to higher levels. This is because they are both widespread and entail the visual aspect that enables them to reach target groups effectively, yet remain independent of each other. Read more: Difference in Print Media Vs. Television Advertising |

Print Media

This group consists primarily of newspapers, magazines and yellow pages, among others. With newspapers, an advertisement can reach many people within a particular area, which is preferable since the message can be read many times over. However, the advertising space is expensive and ads compete with several others on the same paper. Magazines can be used to target specific audiences, have better print quality and often feature color. However, they tend to be fairly expensive and they are produced weekly or monthly rather than daily. Also the advert space is higher in cost compared to that of newspapers. Yellow pages are widely used to look up telephone numbers and thus the ads therein are generally cheaper. The ads are easily coupled to telephone numbers and locations and hence responses can be easily rated. However,

the ads are not as colorful and they tend to be cramped into the small spaces.

Effectiveness of Print Media

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Print media easily penetrates over 50 percent of the local market. The ad gets to the masses unchanged thus becoming seemingly permanent. Print media ads are not viewed as an interruption, but as part of everyday reading. Sponsored Links Indian Romance Books 85,761 Romance books & novels get Up to 80% Off + Free Shipping + COD

TV Advertising

This is a powerful tool that has the ability to reach a mass audience at a national level. The ability to combine visual and audio communication makes it a very attractive advertising medium. Reaching people in a short amount of time is both an advantage and disadvantage. Whoever misses an ad, misses it completely and vice versa. The temporary nature of advertising on television requires the advertisement to be aired several time, although the high cost may be prohibitive. The high costs accrue from the creativity involved, production costs and the amount of airtime. Many television viewers tend to change channels when ads are being aired. Ads on television are often considered a nuisance, and so creativity has to be at its peak for ads to work on TV.

TV Advertising Considerations

Several factors should be considered while using TV as a medium of advertising. These include the number of television stations in the market, the number of people watching a particular station and the television viewing mannerisms.

Overall Assessment

Both print media and television advertising have the potential to reach the masses and influence their opinions and buying habits. Therefore, the primary differentiating factors when choosing one or the other are cost, time to reach the masses, and permanency of the ad in the viewers' or readers' minds.

Read more: Difference in Print Media Vs. Television Advertising |

Newspaper Advertising vs. TV Advertising

Television advertising is a prominent source to reach the masses for an advertiser. Local television stations reach out beyond the normal circulation area that most newspapers reach. The market penetration is not as large within the newspapers trading zone, but TV reaches people of all ages and expands the advertisers coverage area. Many advertisers view television as a viable advertising media that drives new customers to their front door.

A great example of the power of television advertising happens every couple of years around election time. Political advertising dominates the local TV stations. We get sick of seeing the politicians bashing one another on every TV station we turn to (especially those of us who sell newspaper advertising). Statewide and national election campaigns spend most of their budget on television advertising. Still, while politicians light up the airwaves with TV advertising, Newspaper advertising is still the most effective media for businesses in your community.

Comparing TV Advertising with Newspaper Advertising

Advertising on a television station generally reaches a broad audience, but does not provide strong penetration within any local demographic group from a single station. The viewing audience is spread between too many stations to have a

widespread reach in to any segment. Newspaper advertising, on the other hand, penetrates the local market by reaching 50% and more of the primary local market.

The advertising message can be completely told (and understood) using the newspaper without the fear of changing the channel every time the advertisement appears.

Consumers are more likely to tell the advertiser they saw the ad on TV than they are to tell them they saw the ad in the newspaper. This is a strong factor in the power of selling television advertising. This is especially powerful when someone from Timbuktu comes in the front door of the advertiser and tells them they saw the ad on TV.

How Many TV Stations Are In Your Market?

Even in small markets, todays television viewer has a broad choice of channels to watch. Rural cable television markets bring at least 30 different channels to customers. Larger market cable providers offer 70 channels.

Satellite Television is becoming a stronger force in both metro and rural markets. Offering 200 channels in their lineup the viewer spends more time changing channels to find a show to watch than they do watching any channel. The cost of satellite TV has dropped significantly to become competitive with cable TV providers. Those small satellite dishes are popping up everywhere.

Heres an interesting tidbit. Most Satellite systems do not offer access to local television stations. They get a feed for NBC, CBS or whatever from national broadcast feeds. They often cant watch the local TV station unless they change over to their antenna system.

How many TV stations are in your market? The answer is lots of them. The most effective way to present this to your advertiser is by creating a list of stations available on cable and satellite. Show this list to the advertiser and let him determine how many households in the local viewing area are watching his commercial when it airs. Even during prime time viewing on a top rated show, probably no more than 10% of the households will see his commercial.

How Many People Are Watching Cable or Satellite TV?

According to the Harris Poll, 65% of all US households subscribe to cable TV. Another 9.3% of households get their TV signal from Satellite, dish, microwave or source other than standard broadcast antenna reception. Nielson Media Research claims that the average U.S. household has the TV on 7 hours, 26 minutes a day. That is still rising despite increased Internet use. (Most other reports claim TV viewership is declining due to increased time on-line)

I dont usually question research results, but this puzzles me somewhat. If we break our day up in thirds, we basically go to work, watch TV and go to bed. Most people I know dont have that simple of a life. However, what this report does not indicate is how the viewership is broken down. Who is watching TV for 8 hours? How many of those hours are spent in front of the tube by Dad? How much by Mom? How much by teenagers watching MTV? How much by young children? The numbers may be correct, but the quality of the desired target viewer watching channels that have local advertising may be substantially less than 7 hours a day.

In Canada, the Statistics Canada and Bureau of Measurement determined that 76% of households subscribe to cable. The average Canadian household watches TV for 22.7 hours each week.

How Many People Are Watching Their VCR?

Video Rental stores are churning out more than 80 million videos or DVDs each week. That is an average of 1 video rental per household. These are just rentals

and do not include the large market of videos and DVD that are purchased. The only commercials you see on a video rental is a commercial for all of the upcoming movies that will be in theatres soon or available on DVD or tape. The average time spent watching a video rental is slightly less than 2 hours.

Television Viewing Habits

An article in Newsweek magazine described television viewers as switchers. In a study published by Newsweek, they reported 43% of television viewers watch 2 or more channels at a time. Of those switchers, more than half watched 3 or more channels.

The key element is when the switchers hit the last channel recall button. When the commercial comes on, the switch is on. This doesnt do a lot for TV viewer advertising retention. One of the key elements in remembering a commercial is watching it.

A television commercial is an interruption. People watch television for entertainment. They dont watch TV to find sales on groceries, homes for sale or the best deal on a used car. They watch TV to be entertained. Commercials are annoying and interrupt the entertainment. That is the time to go to the bathroom, get a snack or switch the channel.

Commercial free television has grown over the past ten years proving the issue that people are willing to pay for premium television without commercials. HBO, Cinemax, Encore, Showtime, the Movie Channel and others have grown to have multiple versions, each charging a premium for their commercial free viewing. PBS has been commercial free and viewer supported for many years.

What Channel Do They Watch?

15 years ago we didnt have much of a problem deciding which channel to watch. Typically, we had a choice of an NBC, CBS, ABC or PBS station to watch. Often, it depended upon the strength of the signal more than the quality of the program that determined which channel we watched.

Today, we have a choice of 30 to 70 cable channels or 200 channels on the Dish network. But the viewing choices dont stop there. How many video rental stores dot the landscape in your city? The average household rents one video a week. Generally they watch this video during prime time instead of choosing a network TV reality show. Another prime time thief is the movie theatre. Record numbers of people are going to the show. Todays cinema offers 6 to 10 theatres; each featuring hit movies showing at 7 PM and 9 PM.

Why Are They Watching TV?

Why do people watch TV? Certainly, they don't watch for the advertising. They watch for the news, the movies, the sports, the music or the talk shows. A commercial is an interruption to their entertainment. It is an aggravation. This is often the time they hit the last channel recall button on their remote to find more entertainment instead of watching (6) 30-second spots at a commercial break. This is the time when the button pushers come out. The toilets are flushing; the refrigerator doors open and the pop-tops make that refreshing sound.

Newspaper readers are reading your paper to find out what is going on around town. They expect to find not only the news reports of what has happened recently but also what is going to happen. They look for this information in both the news articles and the advertising. The advertising is not an interruption in the paper, but an important part of the everyday, or every week, readership.

Breakdown the Numbers

Lets try and figure out how many qualified buyers from households in your primary market will see an advertisers commercial on the local TV station. We are going to make some assumptions but we will be generous on our guesses. It is always better to give than receive.

If your market has 100,000 households, you can assume that 1,900 households dont have a television set in their home. 9,300 watch satellite or dish TV and dont have access to local programming and commercials. That leaves us 88,800 households with possible local television exposure.

43% of those viewers are switchers and seldom watch local stations commercials. We cant just discount all of those viewers, even though they are not likely to watch very many commercials. Lets assume they see 25% of the commercials. This math is going to get a little complicated but taking the switchers into account seeing 25% of the commercials that reduces our overall viewer total to 60,162.

When we deduct video rentals we are down to 56,352 TV viewers. We can probably deduct another 2,000 to 3,000 for theatregoers, but remember we are being generous. We wont deduct anything for the theatre.

Lets figure that 10% of those viewers are going to be watching non-commercial television. These would include PBS, HBO, Disney, Encore or one of the others. This is probably a very low estimate but we are being generous. That brings our total down to 50,717.

If you have 30 stations in your market, the average TV channel has 1,691 households viewing at any given time. Some stations will have more, and some will have fewer viewers. Can you imagine that in a market of 100,000 households that the average station has just 1,691 households viewing their station! Half of the stations will have less than that. Wow! If we did that poorly in the newspaper business wouldnt you wonder why we would bother?

Lets suppose that 60% of the viewers (30,430) left are watching the 4 major networks (CBS, ABC, NBC, and FOX). If we split those viewers equally between the major stations, each station would average 7,607 households as their market share during peak time. Major television stations reaching 7.6% of the households in the market.

This leaves the remaining 20,287 households split between CNN, ESPN, TNT, TBS, Lifetime, MTV and 20 or so other stations. Some of these stations may have as few as 200 TV viewers in a market of 100,000 households.

Ask the customer where his primary trading zone is. How many households are in that zone? The top TV station likely is reaching less than 10% of those households. How many households does your paper reach within that trading zone? Compare the reach of the households with the advertiser. Your market penetration will look awesome compared with even the best TV station. Imagine how good it looks against a cable channel that is reaching less than 500 channels in a market of 100,000 households.

TV Advertising Pros

TV advertising includes local ads, national ads, infomercials and sponsorships. Advantages are an ability to reach a large audience quickly, and when well-executed, memorable images and jingles with word-ofmouth viral activity.

TV Advertising Cons
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However, TV ads are expensive to produce and require a substantial media buy and consistent presence to make an impact. Sponsored Links Learn Trading Online Become A Professional Forex Trader We Cover your Losses for 30 Days!

Print Advertising Pros

Print advertising includes newspapers (local and national), magazines (local, regional and national), direct mail and phone books. Print is generally more affordable than television advertising, and allows businesses to reach narrow, loyal audiences, and offer coupons for increased measurability.

Print Advertising Cons


On the down side, circulation is decreasing for many publications, and magazine ads require substantial lead time, while newspaper graphics are often poor quality.


While both TV and print ads can be effective, television works better to identify and build a brand, whereas print offers flexible solutions to target specific audiences.

Read more: TV Vs. Print Advertising |

Reach of Message

When deciding what type of marketing to pursue, consider what type of target market you are aiming at. You may have a wide target market that is spread out geographically or you may have a very small target market in a particular area. If you have a wide audience, using television ads might be better because TV reaches a wider audience. If you want to zero in on a particular segment in your local market, newspapers can be more effective.

Extra Effects

Depending on what type of message you are trying to get across in your advertising, using television may provide you with extra tools that you can

use to your advantage. With television, you have the advantage of using movement and sound. With a print ad, you can only stimulate your customers visually with a stationary ad. Using these extra dimensions could help you create more interest in your products and services with the viewing public. Sponsored Links Learn Trading Online Become A Professional Forex Trader We Cover your Losses for 30 Days!

Getting Your Customers Attention


With both of these methods, you have to be careful about how you go about placing your ads. Put them in a position that they will be most likely to be viewed. If you are advertising in the newspaper, choose the proper section of the paper to place your ad, based on where your customers are the most likely to look. If you use television, you have to find programs that your target market might be interested in.


When choosing between these two methods of advertising, take into consideration the cost involved. Most of the time, a television advertisement will cost more than a newspaper ad. Besides the cost of the ad space itself, you also have to pay a production company to help create your commercial for you. While the television station might help you with this, it will charge more for it. With newspaper advertising, it is much simpler to create a visually appealing ad for less cost.

Read more: Television Media Vs. Print Media in Advertising |

Requirements of Print Advertising Vs. Televised Advertisements

By Jagg Xaxx, eHow Contributor Print and television advertising each have their advantages. Different kinds of advertising require different approaches to be effective. Things that might result in increased sales in one medium may be ignored in another. Snappy written copy that will catch a reader's eye in a magazine would look ridiculous being scrolled up the screen of a television.

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Print: Convincing Copy


Print advertising features persuasive text written by advertising professionals to convince readers of the value of their product. The art of written persuasion is utterly different than the techniques that are needed on television. In writing, words stand on their own, without inflection, dramatic movement or sound. Writing has to be clear, compelling and able to catch the attention of the reader in a very short time. It's very easy to simply turn the page of a magazine or newspaper. The only thing that written advertising text has to help it do its job is page layout and still pictures.

Print: Graphic Design


Captivating graphic design can make the difference between success and failure in print advertising. Unlike television, there is no movement involved in the advertisement, so the graphic designer has to create a vignette that will convince the buyer solely through a single image. This can be done through shape, color and effective interaction of the design with the accompanying advertising text. Print advertising sometimes uses

interlocking advertisements on successive pages, which is an effective but expensive means of getting the reader's attention. Sponsored Links Learn Trading Online Become A Professional Forex Trader We Cover your Losses for 30 Days!

Television: Actors

Most television advertisements feature live humans trying to sell a product, either real people endorsing a product or actors playing roles that involve the product. Convincing actors who don't irritate the audience are critical to the success of a television advertisement. Some companies create characters that are part of ongoing campaigns who appear in many successive ads. These characters help consumers to feel a personal relationship to the company. Ronald McDonald, The Pillsbury Doughboy and Earl are some examples of fictional characters who serve as the public television face of a company.

Television: Sound

The inclusion of sound makes the world of television advertising fundamentally different from print. Advertisers can use sound for spoken pitches, engrossing music or sound effects that emphasize the sizzling deliciousness of bacon or the indestructible thump of a new truck door. Advertisers labor over each second of a commercial's soundtrack to ensure that they are maximizing its effectiveness in the minds of the consuming public.

Read more: Requirements of Print Advertising Vs. Televised Advertisements |

The first newspaper in India was brought out by an Englishman James Augustus Hickey in 1780 who was stationed at Calcutta. The paper was brought out on Saturdays and was first called the Calcutta General Advertiser or Hickey's Bengal Gazette.

Publishing a newspaper is an expensive business as Hickey realised to his cost. He was losing money faster than the newspapers came out of the printing press. To make ends meet, Hickey decided to take on advertisements or ads.

The earliest ads consisted of simple messages 'classified' into different categories for easy reference with a mailing address from where they could be ordered. These became the forerunner of today's classified advertisements in newspapers. For instance, today's newspaper carry sale of autos, electronic items, domestic services, pets, etc under these headings. Hickey's paper was the first to carry such advertisements but these were mostly from 'patent' medicine manufacturers. The concept of chemists or druggist shops as we know today, came much later. Most medicines then were grandma's recipes, or were concoctions made by so called 'doctors' and were thus sold (patented) under their own names. A few large retail stores like Spenser's (in Chennai), Whiteways & Laidlaw or the Army and Navy Stores also advertised and these were basically targetted at the British and European settlers who were already familiar with mail-order purchases. It took nearly 120 years for someone to discover that companies and individuals needed help in framing catchy copy (text of the advertisements) to attract customers and a right magazine or journal to address the right audience. In stepped B. Dattaram's, India's first advertising agency, from Girgaum, Mumbai, to fill up this vacuum. It didn't take long for others to notice that Dattaram's cash registers were ringing. By the 1920s, other agencies like Gujarat Advertising and Allied Advertising had come up. The first expatriate (foreigners settled in a country) ad agency was Alliance Advertising, set up during World War I (1914-18). Subsequently, L.A. Stronach (then, the agency for General Motors in United States) and D.J. Keymer opened up in India. The first truly multinational agency was J Walter Thomson (JWT) set up in 1926. The

agency was hired to look after General Motors' Indian interests in the country. With the arrival of ad agencies with global branches, smaller agencies began to disappear or got merged with larger ones. L.A. Stronach became Norvickson Advertising while Keymer was taken over by Benson into one of their companies called BOMAS. It finally changed name to Ogilvy & Mather. However, the Calcutta branch of Keymer was taken over by its employees in 1955 and they named it Clarion. One of India's foremost film directors, Satyajit Ray, was at one time employed here as a designer and illustrator. Lever, a multinational consumer product company had also opened its Indian office that had its own in-house advertising department. This later turned into an independent agency called LINTAS (Lever's International Advertising Service). The first Indian advertising agency to offer both creative work as well as space selling was Sista's Advertising and Publicity Services set up by Venkatararao Sista in 1934. Among the first foreign brands to Indianise themselves was Lux and Pears toilet soaps. Lux was sold as a beauty soap of the film stars and in 1941 roped in film actress Leela Chitnis to model for the ad. Today, most of the top film heroines have appeared in testimonial ads for Lux. However, it was the marketing campaign in 1939 for a vanaspati (cooking fat) brand called Dalda, by LINTAS that truly turned brand naming on its head. Conceived by Harvey Duncan, of LINTAS, the tin was designed as were different pack sizes. As an advertising gimmick, a van with a huge round tin did the rounds in the metro cities of Mumbai, Calcutta, Delhi and Chennai. Dalda, with its yellow label and green palm tree, soon became a generic name for vanaspati (just as Xerox, a brand name has become generic with photocopying services). In the 1950s, commercial advertising on radio began with Radio Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) and Radio Goa. All India Radio accepted commercial ads in the middle 1970s when their 'Vividh Bharati' channel took on sponsored programmes like Binaca Geet Mala, Saridon ke Saathi and Bournvita Quiz Contest. Very few of the innumerable advertising agencies can boast of a long agency-client relationship. However, the association with health food brand 'Horlicks', and Hindustan Thompson Associates Limited (HTA, previously J Walter Thompson), has remained unbroken for 68 years. The agency has also been handling Air India's (international air carrier) Maharaja campaign from 1953! Today, India is definitely a country to be reckoned with in terms of advertising with agencies winning awards at the International Festival at Cannes, France and an Indian, Arun Nanda (chairperson of Rediffusion DY&R), even being on the panel of judges.

18th Century Concrete advertising history begins with classified advertising Ads appear for the first time in print in Hickey's Bengal Gazette. India's first newspaper (weekly). Studios mark the beginning of advertising created in India (as opposed to imported from England) Studios set up for bold type, ornate fonts, more fancy, larger ads Newspaper studios train the first generation of visualisers & illustrators Major advertisers: Retailers like Spencer's, Army & Navy and Whiteaway & Laidlaw Marketing promotions: Retailers' catalogues provided early example Ads appear in newspapers in the form of lists of the latest merchandise from England Patent medicines: The first brand as we know them today were a category of advertisers Horlicks becomes the first 'malted milk' to be patented on 5th June 1883 (No. 278967).

The 1900s

1905 - B Dattaram & Co claims to be the oldest existing Indian agency in Girgaum in Bombay 1912 - ITC (then Imperial Tobacco Co. Ltd.) launches Gold Flake

1920s - Enter the first foreign owned ad agencies - Gujarat Advertising and Indian Advertising set up - Expatriate agencies emerge: Alliance Advertising, Tata Publicity - LA Stronach's merges into today's Norvicson Advertising - D J Keymer gives rise to Ogilvy & Mather and Clarion 1925 - LR Swami & Co, Madras 1926 - LA Stronach & Co (India) Pr. Ltd, Bombay starts - Agency called National set up for American rather than British Advertisers - American importers hire Jagan Nath Jaini, then advertising manager of Civil and Military Gazette, Lahore. National today is still run by Jaini's family - Beginning of multinational agencies - J Walter Thompson (JWT) opened to service General Motors business 1928 - BOMAS Ltd (Formerly DJ Keymer & Co Ltd) set up 1929 - J Walter Thompson Co Pr. Ltd formed

Indian agencies, foreign advertising in the thirties

1931 - National Advertising Service Pr. Ltd. Bombay set up - Universal Publicity Co, Calcutta formed 1934 - Venkatrao Sista opens Sista Advertising and Publicity Services as first full service Indian agency 1935 - Indian Publicity Bureau Pr Ltd, Calcutta established 1936 - Krishna Publicity Co Pr. Ltd, Kanpur begins operations - Studio Ratan Batra Pr. Ltd, Bombay established - Indian Broadcasting Company becomes All India Radio (AIR) 1938 - Jayendra Publicity, Kolhapur started 1939 - Lever's advertising department launches Dalda - the first major example of a brand and a marketing campaign specifically developed for India - The Press Syndicate Ltd, Bombay set up Indianising advertisements in the forties

1940 - Navanitlal & Co., Ahmedabad set up 1941

- Lux signs Leela Chitnis as the first Indian film actress to endorse the product - Hindustan Thompson Associates (HTA), the current incarnation of JWT, coins the Balanced Nourishment concept to make Horlicks more relevant to India - Green's Advertising Service Agents, Bombay formed 1943 - Advertising & Sales Promotion Co (ASP), Calcutta established 1944 - Dazzal, Bombay comes into existence - Ranjit Sales & Publicity Pr. Ltd, Bombay started 1945 - Efficient Publicities Pr. Ltd, Madras set up - Tom & Bay (Advertising) Pr. Ltd., Poona begins operations in India 1946 - Eastern Psychograph Pr. Ltd., Bombay set up - Everest Advertising Pr. Ltd, Bombay established 1947 - Grant Advertising Inc, Bombay formed - Swami Advertising Bureau, Sholapur started 1948 - RC Advertising Co, Bombay set up - Phoenix Advertising Pr. Ltd, Calcutta formed

Corporate advertising in the fifties

1950s - Radio Ceylon and Radio Goa become the media option 1951 - Vicks VapoRub: a rub for colds, causes ripples with its entry in the balm market 1952 - Shantilal G Shah & Co, Bombay 1954 - Advertising Club, Mumbai set up - Express Advertising Agency, Bombay - India Publicity Co. Pr. Ltd., Calcutta 1956 - Aiyars Advertising & Marketing, Bombay - Clarion Advertising Services Pr. Ltd, Calcutta 1957 - Vividh Bharati kicks off 1958 - Shree Advertising Agency, Bombay 1959 - Associated Publicity, Cuttack

Creative revolution in the sixties

1960 - Advertising Accessories, Trichur started - Marketing Advertising Associates, Bombay set up 1961 - Industrial Advertising Agency, Bombay comes into existence - Bal Mundkur quits BOMAS to set up Ulka the same year 1962 - India's television's first soap opera - Teesra Rasta enthralls viewers 1963 - BOMAS changes names to SH Benson's - Stronach's absorbed into Norvicson - Lintas heading for uncertainty - Levers toying with giving its brands to other agencies - Nargis Wadia sets up Interpub - Wills Filter Tipped cigarettes launched and positioned as made for each other, filter and tobacco match 1965 - Kersey Katrak sets up Mass Communication and Marketing (MCM) 1966 - Government persuaded to open up the broadcast media - Ayaz Peerbhoy sets up Marketing and Advertising Associates (MAA)

1967 - First commercial appears on Vividh Bharati 1968 - Nari Hira sets up Creative Unit - India wins the bid for the Asian Advertising Congress 1969 - Sylvester daCunha left Stronach's to run ASP; later sets up daCunha Associates 1970 - Frank Simoes sets up Frank Simoes Associates The problematic seventies

1970-1978 - National Readership Studies provided relevant data on consumers' reading habits 1970 - Concept of commercial programming accepted by All India Radio - Hasan Rezavi gives the very first spot on Radio Ceylon 1971 - Benson's undergo change in name to Ogilvy, Benson & Mather 1972 - Western Outdoor Advertising Pvt Ltd (WOAPL) introduces first closed circuit TV (CCT) in the country at the race course in Mumbai

1973 - RK Swamy/BBDO established 1974 - MCM goes out of business - Arun Nanda & Ajit Balakrishnan set up Rediffusion 1975 - Ravi Gupta sets up Trikaya Grey 1976 - Commercial Television initiated 1978 - First television commercial seen 1979 - Ogilvy, Benson & Mather's name changes to Ogilvy & Mather Glued to the television in the eighties

1980 - Mudra Communications Ltd set up - King-sized Virginia filter cigarette enters market with brand name of 'Charms' 1981 - Network, associate of UTV, pioneers cable television in India 1982 - The biggest milestone in television was the Asiad '82 when

television turned to colour transmission - Bombay Dyeing becomes the first colour TV ad - 13th Asian Advertising Congress in New Delhi - Media planning gets a boost 1983 - Maggi Noodles launched to become an overnight success - Canco Advertising Pvt. Ltd. founded - Manohar Shyam Joshi's Hum Log makes commercial television come alive - Mudra sponsors first commercial telecast of a major sporting event with the India-West Indies series 1984 - Hum Log, Doordarshan's first soap opera in the colour era is born - Viewers still remember the sponsor (Vicco) of Yeh Jo Hai Zindagi! 1985 - Mudra makes India's first telefilm, Janam 1985-86 - 915 new brands of products and services appearing on the Indian Market 1986 - Sananda is born on July 31. The Bengali magazine stupefies India by selling 75,000 copies within three hours of appearing on the newsstands. - Mudra Communications creates India's first folk-history TV serial Buniyaad. Shown on DD, it becomes the first of the mega soaps

- Price quality positioning of Nirma detergent cakes boost sales 1988 - AAAI's Premnarayan Award instituted 1989 - Advertising Club Bombay begins a biennial seminar called 'Advertising that Works' - Advertising & Marketing (A&M) magazine launched

Tech savvy in the nineties

1990 - Marks the beginning of new medium Internet - Agencies open new media shops; go virtual with websites and Internet advertising - Brand Equity (magazine) of The Economic Times is born 1991 - First India-targetted satellite channel, Zee TV starts broadcast - Close on the throes of the Gulf War enters STAR (Satellite Transmission for Asia Region) 1992 - Spectrum, publisher of A&M, constitutes its own award known as 'A&M Awards' - Scribes and media planners credit The Bold And The Beautiful serial on STAR Plus channel as a soap that started the cultural

invasion 1993 - India's only advertising school, MICA (Mudra Institute of Communications Ahmedabad), is born - Tara on Zee TV becomes India's first female-centric soap 1995 - Advertising Club of Bombay calls its awards as Abby - Country's first brand consulting firm, SABRE (Strategic Advantage for Brand Equity) begins operations 1996 - The ad fraternity hits big time for the first time by bagging three awards at the 43rd International Advertising Festival, Cannes - Sun TV becomes the first regional TV channel to go live 24 hours a day on all days of the week 1997 - Media boom with the growth of cable and satellite; print medium sees an increase in titles, especially in specialised areas - Government turns towards professional advertising in the private sector for its VDIS campaigns - Army resorts to the services of private sector agencies - Advertising on the Internet gains popularity - Equitor Consulting becomes the only independent brand consultancy company in the country - Several exercises in changing corporate identity - For the first time ever, Indians stand the chance of winning the $ 1million booty being offered by Gillette as part of its Football World Cup promo 1998

- Events assume important role in marketing mix - Rise of software TV producers banking on ad industry talent - Reinventing of cinema -advertising through cinema begins 1998 - Lintas becomes Ammirati Puri Lintas (APL) 1999 - B2B site launched on September 28, 1999 - The Advertising Club Bombay announces the AdWorks Trophy

In the new millennium

2000 - Mudra launches - India's first advertising and marketing Gallery - Lintas merges with Lowe Group to become Lowe Lintas and Partners (LLP) - - a portal offering free and fee ideas for money launched by Alyque Padamsee and Sam Mathews - Game shows like Kaun Banega Crorepati become a rage; media buying industry is bullish on KBC - Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi marks the return of familyoriented soap on TV - French advertising major Publicis acquires Maadhyam 2001 - Trikaya Grey becomes Grey Worldwide

- Bharti's Rs 2.75-crore corporate TV commercial, where a baby girl is born in a football stadium, becomes the most expensive campaign of the year 2002 - Lowe Lintas & Partners rechristened Lowe Worldwide - For the first time in the history of HTA, a new post of president is created. Kamal Oberoi is appointed as the first president of HTA

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