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The Use of Counseling and Discipline to Improve Employee Productivity

Counseling vs. Discipline

Counseling Face-to-face communication Conducted by supervisor Usually, first form of action Discipline Penalization Conducted by Human Resources Typically, second form of action (if counseling fails)

Role of the Supervisor

Balance organizational needs with employee rights on a daily basis Inform employees of their performance on the job

Ensure work is being completed at acceptable levels

Causes of Failure of Accomplishment at Work

The employee does not know how
Lack of instruction or feedback.

Something or someone is hindering work output

Physical or mental restrictions, time or equipment restrictions

Poor attitude, employee is burned-out or unhappy, or does not particularly enjoy the task.

Consequences of Failing to Take Action

Increased workload Department morale affected The employee may never see the problem Problem is reinforced as acceptable

What is Counseling
Direct face-to-face conversation between a supervisor and a direct report Used to help the employee identify the reason for poor performance to improve, not embarrass or humiliate him or her Generally more formal than feedback and coaching and is required of a small percentage of employees

Purpose of Counseling
Communicate concerns to the employee Determine the cause of the employees activities Identify avenues for improvement and/or development Improve employee performance

When to Counsel
When more action is required by the supervisor following feedback and coaching Re-establish Expectations Not all unacceptable behavior warrants discipline: Usually minor infractions, or case of first offense by a long term employee require counseling

The Counseling Process: Before the Session

Define your objectives. Have all documentation available Review all facts Create an outline Arrange for privacy Verbally inform the employee in person and in private what the meeting is about, and where and when it is to take place

The Counseling Process: Session Guidelines

How you behave and what you say during the session can affect the outcome Set a positive tone Describe the problem Ask, then listen Correct the situation Listen Conclude the session

The Counseling Process: Minimizing Conflict

Counsel in a timely manner Counsel in private Look for the root cause of the problem Listen. Do not interrupt Show sincere interest in the employee If you can help, offer it, do it

Writing a Memo: Decision

When making the decision about whether or not to write a counseling memo, consider if any of the following are present: Previous counseling has failed to bring improvement You have little or no confidence that the employee will correct the problem without further encouragement The seriousness of the situation requires it. A multi-step plan for improvement is designed and the memo can serve as a written confirmation and reminder Is it important to have a written record in official personnel file (sunset dates per CBA)

The Counseling Process: Writing a Memo

A structured account of the counseling session that details what was said and by whom Summarizes the performance improvement process and notes when the follow-up session will be held The employee must be informed during the counseling session if a counseling memo will be issued and documented in their personal history folder

Writing a Memo: Format

Address to the employee Be concise and clear Tone should be supportive and factual Date and sign the memo Include signature line for recipient to acknowledge receipt Include all others who will receive a copy (cc:), including the employees personnel folder

Writing a Memo: Content

Date, time, and place of the counseling session State purpose of discussion, including the background which led for the need for the session State reason for the memo Identify what the employee should be doing, what rules are not being followed, and what pattern has been developed

Writing a Memo: Content, contd.

The employees response Identify improvement plan and performance expectations Include provisions for follow-up consultations

Failure to follow these steps or to include all required elements may result in the counseling memo being invalid and removed from the personal file.

The Counseling Process: After the Session

Document: Write a memo, if appropriate Immediacy: Whatever you decide to do after the session, do it immediately after the session do not wait which can cloud your recollection of the events of the session Allow for employee rebuttal if requested Schedule a follow-up consultation Continue to monitor performance



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