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Module 2 Management of Technological Resources for the Teaching and Administration of the English Language (Part I) UTEC Faculty

of Social Sciences English Department Professor: Morataya Martn Ulises Aparicio

Entry # 2. Planning an on line course: topic, audience, objective, and units. Upload the document to scribd or slideshare.

1. Groups members: 1. __________________________________________ (Coordinator) 2. __________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________ 2. Topic of the course:

3. Audience: write a description of the people that will be taught with the course.

4. General and Specific Objectives A. General Objective: B. Specific Objectives: (one per unit of study) b.1 b.2 b.3 b.4 5. Name of the units of study 1 2 3 4 5 6 6. Bibliography

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