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Before opening this book, dear reader, please consider your emotional state. It would be highly undesirable to read it while you are experiencing anger, irritation, or any other negative feelings toward another person. The DIAGNOSTICS OF KARMA is intended to be more than the latest book on a popular topic. It is an attempt to present the reader with a new concept of the laws of the spiritual world - that is, those which govern the material world - and to illuminate the possible ways of entering the world of bioenergetics. The central goal of this book is to broaden the understanding of the world around us while examining its inner workings. It also deals with the problem of entering the realm of bioenergetics, since the spiritual progress of mankind should begin with gaining an understanding of the laws of our world along with an awareness of the self as a part of the unified structure of the universe. We have strayed so far from our spiritual origins that contemporary humanity can be compared to a ship with a damaged engine and massive leaks in the hull. There is no captain to guide it, and the crewmen are fighting among themselves. Some of those on board have begun to become aware of their situation, and are desperately appealing to the others to make peace among themselves and begin repairs. However, they overlook the main danger; they do not know that their ship is moving toward treacherous reefs, and that even a repaired engine will not save it if its course remains unchanged. We are now confronted with a threat even graver than that of nuclear war - the disintegration of the soul. The most terrible losses are those that pass unnoticed; death occurs first on the level of the energy field, and only afterwards on the physical level. This process is almost at a critical stage, since our present spiritual state will soon be transformed into the bodies of our children and grandchildren. Thus, the more our spiritual selves suffer, the more harm will be done to their physical and mental health. The information which I have amassed regarding the bioenergetic structures of mankind is indeed of a critical nature.

The spiritual potentials accumulated throughout the ages by saints, seers, and founders of world religions are now almost completely exhausted; the resulting lack of strategic consciousness presents a serious danger. Unfortunately, instead of using bioenergetics to comprehend our world and avoid future difficulties, we are wasting its enormous potentials on trivial, short-term problems. We are approaching a critical moment at which we must choose between spiritual rebirth and total annihilation. Our only salvation is individual spiritual effort. We are all responsible for the lives of others and for that of the universe. An analogy might be helpful. A would-be driver comes to a driving school where he is confronted with a teacher who begins the lesson by blindfolding him. He then lets him take the wheel, helps him put his foot on the gas pedal, and lets him drive off on his own. As bizarre as this situation may sound, similar instruction is being offered nowadays at numerous schools of extrasensory abilities, where the courses are short and the tuitions are high. It is difficult to make a distinction among these schools. To return to our driving school analogy, the instructors may use different makes of automobiles with various engine capacities, but the process itself is the same. These instructors do not seem to understand that the course should begin with learning the rules of the road and how an automobile functions. Entering the sphere of bioenergetics without serious preparation or a clear understanding of the world around us is perhaps even more dangerous than driving blindfolded. This book, then, presents the rules of the road for the world of the spirit. One more caveat: since my goal is to treat this topic in detail, I must offer some information on the techniques for entering bioenergetic field structures. However, I do not recommend that my readers attempt these exercises on their own. Light-minded attempts to reproduce these experiments would be dangerous to anyone undertaking them, and they would present a danger to their loved ones as well. The exercises are only intended for those with the necessary abilities and the proper training. One last note: Some of my readers will find unexpected and unusual information in this book, perhaps even seeming to border on the fantastic. Please bear in mind that, however incredible the facts and ideas here may seem, they are all based on scientific research, and all the conclusions were repeatedly double-checked and re-validated during many years of experiments.


THE CONCEPT OF BIOENERGETIC FEEDBACK AND ITS HISTORY A young novice had prayed to God for the gift of healing for ten years. When he at last received it, he went to his Teacher and told him of this, the Teacher said Go and pray to God to take this gift away from you, and to grant you instead a clear vision of your sins. The achievements in bioenergy research described here were made possible by 20 years of work in the field, and by the theoretical underpinnings of my philosophy, which were confirmed through clinical practice. A few words about the topic of this book. Humanity is at present confronted with certain crucial problems, and our future depends on our ability to solve them. Although many today believe that these problems are created by external factors like ecological disbalance or the threat of nuclear war, I hope to demonstrate that our problems originate within us. In order to change the world, we must first of all change ourselves. It must be said, however, that this is a much more difficult task than changing the world outside ourselves, since we lack the means to radically transform our thinking, our spirituality, and our worldview. The precepts of modern philosophers and spiritual leaders provide no more than a re-evaluation of well-established facts. Today it is more crucial to focus on understanding the world and discovering ways of continuing our development. So, in order to change the world and influence it, we first have to understand it. But instead we cling to distorted concepts of the world, and in blindly attempting to conquer the world, we in fact destroy it, and in doing so we destroy ourselves. We must realize the degree of our dependence on the world, and our interconnections with it. We must come to know the laws which govern the way the world itself lives and develops. More than anything else, my research is devoted to achieving an understanding of the essence of humanity, the conscious mind, the unconscious mind, and the Universe. We must move away from the overly simplistic materialistic concept of the human being as limited to the physical body. A human being is in fact a complex informational-energy system. The physical body constitutes only a small fraction of its structure, while some 95%-98% represent the informational-energy layers of our subconscious, which are as much a mystery to us as the rest of the Universe is. Since I am concerned with health and the prevention of disease, I always seek the cause of illness. In each case it becomes obvious to me that the spiritual and intellectual

progress of a human being are the most important elements in the healing process. Unfortunately, as things stand today, there is no unified field of knowledge which would allow us to analyze a persons bioenergetic potential without causing harm to that person. Bioenergetics is a powerful instrument, but in the hands of an inexperienced healer it can result in great harm, and so one must enter this delicate field slowly and with great caution, taking care to develop the proper ethical standards. Having high ethical standards and a good understanding of the laws of nature are the best defense against problems in bioenergetics, unfortunately, these are precisely our deficiencies as human beings. Any serious bioenergy work should be carefully planned, or the desired spiritual growth and improved health may be displaced by decline and destruction. I am sad to say that such negative results have begun to occur in the hands of the inexperienced. My intent here is to reveal the true causes of human physical dysfunction, and to show the ways to change a persons physical condition through correction of his field structures. I will emphasize the importance of an enlightened attitude toward bioenergetics in the development of human potential. An understanding of nature, combined with the highest possible level of self-discipline, can help us make changes in our spirits and our souls, and today this is a necessary condition for survival. This book contains information which can help each person to become aware of the problems he faces today, at a time when the energy processes on our planet have become much more active, and Karma, the law of retribution and an essential part of bioenergetics, is now acting with unprecedented speed. My adoption of a new way of understanding the world is the culmination of a process that has been ongoing all my life. Early on in life I felt that I had special abilities, but my intuition led me to believe that learning to understand is more important than developing ones talents, and I put all my efforts into making sense of the world around me. I often had occasion to hear of the existence of a powerful curse that could be passed on within a family for generations, and read about something similar in numerous works of fiction. Over 20 years ago I was especially impressed by a true story told by Blavatskaya in her book From the Caves and Jungles of Hindustan. In a provincial locality in India Blavatskaya met a scion of a royal family that had once been very powerful, and he told her the following story about one of his ancestors, who had been a great potentate. While on a journey, the potentate presented the local sages with majestic gifts, as was the custom, but forgot to give a gift to one of the sages. The sage was deeply offended and placed a curse on the potentate, who. horrified, threw himself at the feet of the sage and implored forgiveness. Next came the most interesting

part of the story from my point of view. The sage told him that it was too late, since the curse had already been set in motion, and no one could stop it now. The potentate would be deprived of his throne, but the sage would try to save his life and the survival of his descendants. And so it came to pass that the potentate lost his throne and his descendants were dispersed throughout India. I was led to bioenergetics while studying the techniques of magic, witchcraft, and folk healing. With each new method I encountered, I focused on analyzing the source of various family-centered calamities - inherited illnesses, why some families are doomed to die out, etc. It was perfectly obvious to me that this information could not be carried through the genes. I felt that it could be preserved and passed on from one generation to another only through energy fields, and eventually all I needed to discover was a missing link in the form of those human field structures which are responsible for transferring this information between generations. I was firmly convinced of the existence of such structures, began to refer to them as stable informational groups, and I spent the latter half of the 1980s attempting to locate them in the human field structure. My efforts were crowned with success early in 1990 at the First Moscow Medical Institute. One of the psychic healers there had asked me to help him with a difficult case - a patient with a ruptured energy field. It had responded to treatment, but soon stubbornly returned to the ruptured state. I agreed to see the patient, and what happened next could well be called a revelation. The patients energy field, which had been puffy (I always perceived this as a kind of emptiness), suddenly became elastic, and I felt that it was reacting to my incursion. My hands felt powerful structures passing through the spot where the rupture was located. Suddenly my whole perception of the matter changed. What I had previously taken for a rupture was actually a stable structure which was causing a deformation of the field structure through which energy was leaking out. I realized that what I had discovered in the field was what we call disease - that which controls the human physical state. This was a serious step forward, and it resulted in a radical change in my outlook, since I could now diagnose an illness before it manifested itself on the physical level. This meant that I could now prevent disease as well as treat it. I decided that the time had come to organize a group of practitioners, train them to utilize this method, and begin the preventive treatment of various diseases. No drugs were necessary. Mastery of the method was enough, and faith. Blessed are the faithful, to quote the Scriptures.

I treated patients with this method for a year, and had the impression that the stable structures influenced only the physical state, but over time I began to gather data which did not fit this conception. I noted that throughout the course of treatment, patients were experiencing personality change, and even things happening in their personal lives were affected. As I analyzed these changes, I came to the conclusion that somehow there is a varying connection between the diseased state, the personality, and the direction a persons life might take. Energy field deformations could have various consequences, including diseases of all kinds, neurotic behaviour, pathological personality changes, traumas, and failure in ones personal life. As I examined the facts more closely, I concluded that karmic structures control health, personality and even the direction a persons life might take (which I will refer to here as his destiny). All the information about a person, including his physical condition, is encoded in the field, and there is a complex interconnection between field structures and physical structures. The personality and destiny of a person are also encoded in these field structures, and major aspects of a persons life can be improved by acting upon the energy field. As I followed this line of investigation, the facts I uncovered were ever more intriguing. I will attempt here to show the enormous possibilities of this method for treating various diseases and solving complex personal problems. I will also show how it can be used to test events, inanimate objects and more. A little background would be appropriate at this point. I began my healing career using the traditional methods of psychic energy treatment, as the following examples will indicate. Once a woman came to me about her mother, who was at that time in the hospital with pulmonary edema. She was in a grave condition, and her doctors had offered no hope for her recovery. Upon the daughters request, I initiated a course of remote psychic treatment (distance healing). Not long after that, the womans mother no longer needed additional oxygen. Her doctors were perplexed. The patient was getting better before their eyes, her cheeks turning pink. She sat up in bed and asked for some food, although she has been refusing any nourishment for several days before that. Another case. My brother, a surgeon, cut his hand while operating on an elderly woman in a weakened state. His hand and lymph nodes began to swell, the symptoms of a blood infection. His state became rather critical, and the antibiotics had no effect. Several minutes after I attempted to treat my brother, he felt an acute pain in the lymph nodes, as if they had been pricked with needles. Then the swelling went down, and in an hour his temperature returned to normal. His recovery had begun.

How did I become a healer? I spent some ten years studying the literature of oriental healing methods and learned about ways of influencing a persons energy field. At one point, an episode from the biography of Rasputin led me to try my hand at healing. The author of the biography tells how a woman came to Rasputin and told him that her friend was dying in Kiev. Upon hearing this, he promised to save her. He stood for some time motionless in the middle of the room, then, all of a sudden, his face grew exceedingly pale and waxy. Several minutes later his color returned and soon he was once again full of life. All is fine. Your friend will live, he told his visitor. A few days later a cable arrived from Kiev, reporting that the woman was recovering. The physicians were astonished, but they admitted that she was out of danger. A little girl, the daughter of a friend of mine, fell ill with the measles; she then developed complications - meningitis and double pneumonia. Under the influence of the story of Rasputin, I decided to try to exert my powers. I had a great desire to make some contribution, even if there was only the smallest possible chance of success. That Monday, at about 2 p.m. I concentrated all my willpower on sending her my sincere desire for her recovery. Almost immediately I had the physical sensation that something had changed and that I had made a difference. In fact, I felt sure that I had helped her. When I met her father two days later, he told me that his daughter was recovering. When did the crisis pass? I asked. Two days ago, at about two in the afternoon, was his answer. In 1988 I was approached by the mother of a little girl whose sight was seriously impaired and getting worse. She was treated at the First Medical Institute, but with no success. The physicians there were not even able to make a diagnosis. They found no sign of infection, and antibiotics were of no help. Meanwhile she had lost half her vision in her right eye, and had only 6% vision in her left. The situation was worsening daily when I began to practice remote healing on her. After the first session I noticed an improvement, so I suggested several more sessions. In 2 weeks the girl recovered completely, and regained all of her lost vision. I had been unable to establish the nature of her illness, but I was able to halt the process and save her vision. Several months later the girls vision remained normal, but she began to have kidney problems. She was taken to the hospital with a fit of renal colic and treated with antibiotics - once again with no effect. She left the hospital in poor condition, and with the same kidney pains. Then I had four sessions with her, and she recovered once again. I was quite happy that I had been able to help her when doctors and medications had been of no help. At that time I did not yet realize that all organs of the body are interrelated, and that an illness can move from one part of the body to another. It goes without saying that I had

no idea that the personality, spiritual growth and destiny are included in the same chain of interdependent phenomena. But the little girl was at last cured. Two years later, when I had expanded my knowledge, I came to the realization that a human being is a unified system in which ones personality, psyche, and destiny are inseparable. When I met the mother of the girl, she told me, much to my distress, that the girl had always had bad luck, despite her earlier perfect health and excellent physical condition. After testing, I found her destiny parameter to be highly negative, and this can often mean serious trouble. It was then that I realized that my views on human nature were narrow and one-sided, because I had been only interested in health and the body, ignoring the other aspects of the system which we call a human being. In trying to improve only one of its elements, I was causing harm to all the other elements. I had in fact cured this little girl, but I had not removed the main cause of her disorder, which, in this case, had moved to her destiny parameter. It was clear to me that I had to heal the organism as a unified system, and only then would it be possible to find the underlying causes for all kinds of things. Testing showed that the girl suffered because her mother had been angry at her father while she was pregnant. As a result, the field structures responsible for the health and future of her daughter became seriously deformed. For several yeas I did remote healing with my hands, but I discovered the shortcomings of this system about 5 years ago. I was treating the children in a certain family, when I noticed that their grandmothers health was also poor. She turned down my offer to help her, explaining that her angina pectoris required her to call the ambulance service five or six times a week. Since she had been in this condition for a long time, she believed that no improvement was possible. I analyzed her energy field and found her heart perfectly healthy. Eventually, I convinced her to allow me to give her several healing sessions. During the third session, I detected a serious field deformation in the area around her heart. I moved my hand along this area several times, and the field became normalized. However, my success was short-lived, and each time, after a few days there was a new onset of the illness. I then decided that all these symptoms were caused by some mysterious process unknown to me, and I became determined to discover it. As I analyzed her condition, I had a vague idea that the illness was connected to some previous event in her life. What happened to you two years ago? I asked. My sister died. And how did you feel about that at that time? I said to myself: She was so healthy and she died, while I am so ill, yet still among the living.

At this moment I discovered the true cause of her disease. The death of her sister produced great stress in her, which manifested itself in the fits of angina pectoris. In order to remove the stress, I had to change this womans outlook on life and death. I explained to her that death was nothing more than a transformation into a new state, and it should not be perceived so tragically. It is senseless to deplore the past; in doing so, one is making a futile subconscious attempt to change that which it is completely impossible to change. Such attempts lead only to some great and uncontrollable energy losses with the most undesirable consequences. But our organism tries to block the process with disorder on the physical level. I had a few sessions of auto training with this woman, and the attacks of angina stopped entirely. Heavy stress, psychological conflict or regrets about the past are reinforced by emotional states and stored in the subconscious. They then deform the structures of the field and, as a result, provoke serious illness. A healer sometimes manages to restore the structures through energy correction, but this is no easy task, since the real cause of an illness cannot be eliminated in this way, and it can reappear afterwards in some other way. The case I discussed above makes it clear that the treatment becomes useless if there is no sound diagnostic method, and if the true causes of a disease remain obscure. If I cannot tell how I am treating a patient and what I am using to treat him with, I am only wandering around in the dark. I continued to develop my method at the First Medical Institute, where I had sessions with patients and at the same time was working there on problems connected with the issue of defending healers from the influence of negative fields. I worked hard for many months, but my results were insignificant. Once I treated a woman who was obviously suffering from a jinx, the so-called evil eye. I saw the structure of this jinx in her energy field and realized that with the elimination of this structure, its influence would be also stopped. But at that time, I had no idea that those influences were in fact the products of karmic structures. I saw in them only the result of a negative influence on her energy field by some other person. I had cured many such jinxes, but then I met patients whose field deformations could not have been the result of jinxes. Let me offer an example. A woman with a small child came to me for help. I analyzed their situation and found out that the same deformations were present in the fields of mother and child. They were obviously caused by some event in the mothers life, and it was clear to me that she had begun to suffer from these deformations a few years earlier than the child. I knew that such deformations appeared only when a person hated somebody or held a grudge against another human being. I could cure these anomalies through magic with a spell, a look, or with my hands. I did not yet realize that the

deformations themselves existed on the level of the informational field, not on the level of the physical body. So my healing remained traditional in the bioenergetic sense of the word. I concentrated my willpower, made movements with my hands, and the deformations disappeared. At that time I had the ambitious idea of determining the highest level of my abilities, so I worked with thirty or even forty patients every day. It was a very unusual experience. But after only one week of such intensive work, I noticed that I came home at the end of the day completely exhausted. Something strange happened to my energy field; it seemed to me that my brain was boiling. I decided to treat myself as an experimental subject, working with a maximum load. I was curious to find out what my organism would do to get out of this situation, and, unfortunately, I found out. But I did not realize what was happening immediately. I had sessions with a young woman. After only two visits she felt completely cured. I asked her to come once again for a routine examination. But when she showed up, I noticed that she was very pale, she had some allergic reactions and her psyche was somehow impaired. I could not understand what was happening: I took her home phone number and tried to treat her at a distance by phone. And I asked her mother to write to me about the state of her daughter. The case was unique because never before had a patient felt worse after my treatment. But this girl was much worse off. When I moved my hands at a distance of 20-30 centimeters (8-12 inches) from her body, her skin was almost immediately covered with an itchy rash. After I read the short note the girls mother had written, I was horrified to realize what was happening to me. I was subconsciously practicing vampirism! I lost a great deal of energy exhausting myself with hard work, and to compensate for these losses I began to take energy from my patients. I had to give up my practice immediately because my organism had grown accustomed to taking energy from others in critical situations, and I was dangerous to my patients. Also, since I practiced remote healing, I could take energy from virtually anyone. It was obvious that there was no other way out of this situation. I decided to give up bioenergetics forever. I had abided by the classic principles of modern psychics, but after creating an overload, I discovered that my methods of energy pumping and non-contact massage were of no use, since they were not creating the healing effects which I had been working toward all my life. I had learned numerous important techniques for influencing energy: I could treat patients from a distance using my will power: I had learned various types of pressure-point massage; I knew much about breathing exercises and diet. Still, it was clear to me that all these methods could only alleviate the sufferings of a patient, not cure him.

A female colleague, a doctor who worked with me, urged me not to make any hasty conclusions, to get some rest, and to rethink my situation. Just at that moment a physician from a hospital in a small town near Lake Onega invited us to visit him and spend the Easter holidays there. The invitation came just in time; I really needed some rest and had an intuition that a sign from above would help me make the right decision about whether I should continue with my work. We came to a village near Lake Onega and visited a wooden church built in the 16th century. The weather on this Easter day changed quickly. First there was snow, then rain and after that, it became clear and sunny with a majestic rainbow in the sky. I swam in the lake and felt regenerated. I realized that I could go on with my work, but I had to find a method to treat patients without exerting any influence on their energy fields. My search for such a method began at that moment. First of all I tried to influence the karmic structures of a patient by dealing with the person himself. I would discover the causes of the deformation of his karmic structures and explain them to him. I gave up the use of hand movements to influence field structures during my sessions. It was an agonizing period, especially since I was too inexperienced with my new method and its results were initially far less spectacular than those I had gotten using my hands. But after a few months of perfecting the methodology, I realized I had made the right choice and that in the long run my influence on patients would be more profound and beneficial without my hand movements. I wanted to understand the real reasons for karmic deformations, to analyze them, and then pass this information on to the patients themselves. I saw that this technique had the most promising future, as I could cure hundreds of patients and through my study of karmic disorders and teaching people how to overcome them, I could perhaps even be helpful to millions of others. It was this realization which led me to devote my life to pure research. My personal experience with vampirism had helped me to understand that illness attacks a person due to some transgression of ethical laws, that curing a person meant first helping him become aware of his own violations of these laws and changing the persons view of life. Disease is one of the means of development of the human spirit. We knew this for centuries, and now we have only temporarily forgotten about this truth which was written down centuries ago in the Holy Scriptures. The main thing is to become aware of our own errors and to seek harmony with the Universe and the Divine through the purifying process of repentance. When analyzing karmic structures, I am able to evaluate any kind of medical treatment. I see the changes in a persons physical and bioenergy structures as he becomes aware of his own acts, since the spirit governs the body but is also influenced by it. Treatment should affect simultaneously both body and soul, but the spirit and the soul are primary.

When people become aware of the deformations in their field structures, their physical state of health immediately improves. Moreover, as illness begins at the level of the energy field and only then descends to the physical body, our method is very helpful in early diagnosis of physical disease. Every new case became an opportunity for me to attempt to fathom the origin of the illness and its function in the life of a particular person. I analyzed the human energy field using my hands, metal rods, and pendulums. In 1986 I met Vadim B. Polyakov, who was running a laboratory of biodynamic measurements with remarkable results. He successfully used the method of ponderomotoric writing for the medical diagnostics, and he achieved a great degree of accuracy in both remote energy field diagnosis and contact field diagnosis. Polyakovs experiments contained what I valued most: diagnostics took precedence over exerting influence on patients. After mastering the method of ponderomotoric writing, I still tried for some time to cure illnesses instead of their causes and continued my search for informational fields. By the end of 1990 I had come to feel that illness is caused by energy field disruption, and that a healer should treat the field itself rather than the diseased organ. I had always known subconsciously that physical troubles originated on the level of the subtle field structures, and Eastern philosophical teachings confirmed this conclusion. I saw how deformations of the field influenced the physical state of a person, and I noted the informational structures that emerged during various illnesses. I managed to correct these structures which resulted not only in a transformation of physical health, but also of other parameters of a patients informational-energy structures. I tried to discover the main elements of a system that would be powerful enough to cure a persons current diseases, and even those he will have in the future. Pathological field structure deformations originate five to ten years earlier than the disease makes itself felt on the physical level. When it became quite clear to me that energy field deformations could well produce a considerable number of inflictions on the physical level, I gave up exerting influence on the energy field. I believed that my task was to analyze the situation and discover the genesis of disease. A disease is always a red flag that warns us that we are moving in a wrong direction. Modern medicine has always had the idea that an illness is something extremely bad, when, in fact, it is only a sign indicating a persons shortcomings. This is what helps him to recover. An ailing patient should try to discover what his failings are, and then seek new routes of spiritual development. At that moment, I decided to undertake the systematic study of the parameters of spirituality.

My method of revealing the laws of karma can be called graphic clairvoyance. I do not see the events themselves; I try to trace the laws that have been violated, resulting in physical illness. I analyzed the initial connections between human behavior, ethical principles and health. When a deformation in a persons energy field became clear to me, I could help that person overcome the disease. I based my practice on the classical theory of karma, that an illness attacking a person in this incarnation is a result of a violation committed in previous lives. As it was extremely difficult to study the previous incarnations of a person, I limited myself to analyzing the patients present life. Possessing such information, I could assess the illnesses of my patients, and the results were better than a few years before, when I had treated people with hand movements. There were, however, difficult moments. If a baby of two or three months old is seriously ill, it would be easy to proclaim that he is being punished for a misdeed in a previous life. In cases like this, I discovered that the deformation of the field structures observable in a child had much in common with similar distortions in the field of the childs mother, and I was unable escape the conclusion that the field structures of parents were inherited by their children. This was something new in my understanding of the informational processes that connected one generation with another one. When I managed to correct a womans field deformations, her babys health improved without delay. I became convinced that the physical health of a child was simply influenced by the behavior of the mother, especially during the last few years before the childs birth. When a pregnant woman experiences strong hatred, the child as a rule will suffer from a disease connected with the head, such as sight impairment or deafness. If a woman had refused to forgive someone for some offence during pregnancy, her baby will be a person who is easily offended. Everything that a mother does or feels exerts a considerable influence on the health and destiny of the human being whom she is bringing into this world. Initially, I was only interested in the mothers actions, but then I realized that the father was also responsible for the body and spirit of his children. Parents pass on to their children the sum total of the information of their own behavior and the behavior of their ancestors, and this information forms the childs destiny, body, personality and spiritual potential. Going on with my studies, I found increasing evidence for the unity of our world, where animate and inanimate nature are closely connected, as are organisms of higher and lower levels of development. I had felt this sense of oneness intuitively throughout my entire life and observations of things happening around me confirmed this idea time and time again.

I spent my childhood on the shore of the Azov sea. I frequently saw how small newly hatched fishes danced moving in a vertical position over the sea surface on the tips of their tails. Seeing them enjoy themselves in that way, one could only think that these were the young of intelligent beings, which remain mysterious and incomprehensible to us. Once, while on a fishing trip, I saw a small fish which seemed to be trying to commit suicide. It was lying on the ground near the water and breathing heavily. I had wanted to put it into the water, but it jumped, its scales sparkled, and it disappeared in the river. A minute later it returned to the shore and then once again jumped into the river. I was intrigued and began to watch. It was the same fish who was obviously trying in this strange way to know something about the world around it. It jumped to the shore and then back into the river again and again persistently risking its own life, for after a jump it would be too weak to return to its natural element or would choose the wrong direction. But the fish resumed its exercise and never made a wrong move. And who among us has not been confronted with the strange ability of animals to give warnings? Once while working as a tourist guide at Lake Ritsa, I saw a snake which had been stoned on a trail. I felt sorry for this reptile and put it into a plastic bag to take it to the forest where people could not hurt it. The snake was small with whitish skin, and for some reason I thought that it was not poisonous. The snake lay motionless in the bag, and from time to time I touched it with my finger. Then it suddenly moved its head and bit a hole in the bag. I realized that the reptile had wanted to warn me, and, so I hastened to carry it out away from the trail and put it on the grass. The snake tried to crawl under a heap of stones near by, but I playfully caught it by the tail. The reptile tried to break away but in vain. Then it coiled up with lightning speed and almost pressed my hand with its head. The snake made no attempt to bite me - only to warn me. A few days later, an instructor delivered a lecture to us on the snakes living in the Caucasus mountains. He showed us a picture of a snake of the same kind as the one I had played with in the forest. It was a Koznakov viper whose bite is deadly to any human being! Now I will speak about one of the first cases in which I managed to change both the physical and the psychological states of a patient. A young girl came to me for help. She had been very much in love with a young man, but something prevented them from being together. They parted, but the girl was haunted by something elusive connected

with this romance. She realized that she should not be attached to him, but she was. This attachment was literally destroying her, and it felt more like a curse than love. She began dating several other men, hoping to meet someone she might like, but it all led to nothing. After doing some tests, I realized that the guilty person was the girls grandmother. I was surprised to find that the girl well understood what I was referring to. Her grandmother had been deeply in love with one man but then married another for some pragmatic reason. This woman had destroyed her true love, and her granddaughter was now left to work out her grandmothers problem. After I helped her, the grandmother became aware that she had destroyed love and, in doing so, violated higher laws, and the girls sufferings ended. I realized then that my method was much more than simply an instrument of physical healing. I could also alleviate the sufferings of the soul and improve human destinies. Everybody who is at least vaguely familiar with the literature of Eastern philosophies knows that there are 108 laws governing the Universe. I spared no effort to find the complete list of these laws in the literature on the subject, but in vain. Perhaps modern humanity is not fully prepared for this kind of knowledge. After many years of work and experimentation, I have realized that among the many sins committed by us in our soulless everyday existence, the gravest of them is destroying love. All other misdeeds are secondary - they are caused by the lack of love, be it love for God, to the Universe, nature, relatives, children, or others generally. Now I will describe a case that did much to strengthen my belief that karmic diagnostics provide us with the power to heal the soul. A woman I treated suffered from a mania: her fixed idea was suicide. She was unable to stay in her room by an open window without thinking of throwing herself out the window. She would beg her relatives to restrain her by tying her to the bed. These fits got worse and began to occur more often. She feared that her illness had reached a critical stage and that her life was seriously endangered. I analyzed her case and found out that her sufferings were caused by her mother, who had shown disdain for a man who loved her and took pleasure in exerting her complete power over him. The mother had been gradually destroying this mans love for her, and in essence his life. But the result of her behavior returned later to the womans daughter. Such negative programs always return, even though the process may be slow and it chooses as its object not the initiator, but a relative. This particular story had a happy ending, since the girl helped her mother to become aware of her guilt. As a result, her daughter was completely cured and her fits stopped once and for all. This case illustrates once again how our health and luck can be directly influenced by the morality of our parents, brothers, sisters and other relatives.

Each new case helped me to discover new elements of the system that I now call bioenergetic feedback. This is the feedback system of the Universe. Any action by a human being, be it good or bad, returns back to him through the unity of the information-energy field of the Universe. We are told all our lives that good deeds are rewarded and bad deeds are punished. But if everyone knows this to be so, why do the proportions of good and bad deeds in the world stay the same? An explanation given once by St. Augustine offers the best possible answer to this question. The evil deeds are always punished by the Lord, wrote Augustine, but as this process takes a long time, a sinner manages to commit many new sins before the punishment reaches him. This idea well corresponds to the principle of the transmission of information through energy field structures. These workings of bioenergetic feedback do not recognize individuals. There is only a negative process which must be stopped. The blocking mechanism of this system acts automatically to restore balance. In the past this mechanism acted slowly and retribution fell on the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those actually to blame, who were sometimes themselves punished in subsequent incarnations. Now the situation is different, and one who commits misdeeds often repays the debt during his lifetime through his own illnesses or those of his children. Why should a childs health suffer for the sins of a parent? From the human point of view, this seems ridiculous. However, on the level of the energy field there are no individuals, only ideas. Each human being is a combination of certain programs. Blocking mechanisms act to protect the world from harmful negative ideas and programs. A child inherits the negative programs of his parents and they are even intensified, so his sufferings are especially hard. However, for reasons that are as yet unclear to me, in the last five years personal responsibility has dramatically increased. Children are a magnifying glass for the sins and shortcomings of the adult world. It has often been noted that in the presence of his parents, a child behaves worse and is more aggressive than with other people. The presence of parents strengthens both the good and bad programs the child has inherited from them. Recently I found out that not only do children pay for the sins of their parents, but the reverse is also true. When a child is eight-and-a-half years old his thoughts, words and behavior begin to influence the state of his parents energy fields, and therefore their soul, health and destinies. Two thousand years ago the same influence began when a son or daughter was 13 or 14 years old.


Since I began to analyze and to cleanse my karma, I never became sick, but I was confronted with another problem. My energy field became so strong that it became dangerous. It was hard for me to maintain a balance, since any bad feelings I harbored toward anyone caused harm to that persons health and destiny. To solve the problem, I had to control all my emotions, and, with the course of time, I managed to get rid of anger, hate and other negative feelings, but I faced an even more serious problem. I now had to keep others under control, since anyone harboring the slightest bad feelings toward me was in danger of serious harm. This situation helped me to understand one of the sources of the misfortunes that befell my country in this century. A person with pure or closed karma is closely connected with the Divine and therefore aggression against him is aggression against the Universe. If a human being commits such an act on his own behalf, he is punished on a personal level. However, if it is committed in the name of society, the whole society becomes responsible for it. For this reason, the merciless war that was ordered by Lenin in the 1920s against the clergy, monks, churches and monasteries was equal to an attack on the Universe. Such a crime had to be followed by an outbreak of violence and bloodshed. The highest ethical laws were broken and the society paid for it with millions of lives. The errors of society are present in each of us. Its sins and misfortunes are preserved in our subconsciousness and in our karma. We have not yet forgotten the infamous words of the hymn of the Communist Internationale: We will destroy the world of oppression. This song contains in its energy field an intense program of destruction that is leveled at our future and the whole Universe. When, as often happens, I am asked to help children who suffer from bedwetting, I explain to the parents that this disease is only the tip of the iceberg. It originates, as a rule, when the mother tries to suppress her love for a certain man. If this continues over a long period of time, her field structure near the first chakra becomes seriously deformed. This means that the child will also have problems in his private life, heart disease and disorders in the area on and around the head. Bedwetting can also be caused by the forced termination of pregnancy, because in this case a woman becomes guilty of the same crime: she destroys love. Mothers of children with enuresis dont know about this, and may consult a psychotherapist or hypnotist to help their children. These professionals can cure this disorder, but the results would be dramatically negative. The child inherited a program of destruction from his mother. This program was directed against love and life, but for some time it was blocked by the disease. Once the blocking mechanism is removed, there is a danger that the child, upon becoming an

adult, would carry out the program of destruction on an even greater scale than his mother could ever have done. A woman regularly visited physicians complaining of bad health, but all the tests and analyses failed to discover anything wrong. She received a clean bill of health. Sessions with the wise old women, the traditional healers from the Russian villages, provided no better results. You are suffering from the evil eye, they explained, but all their efforts to cure the patient were in vain, and some of the healers themselves fell ill after seeing this woman. I call this phenomenon the evil eye in reverse, and as far as I know, it cannot be neutralized with old Russian spells and incantations. You wanted to harm a woman you work with, but as a result you became ill yourself, I told my patient. The ill wish returned to you and badly affected your health. But what about this other woman, did anything happen to her? No, but her child is seriously ill. She even took some time off to care for him. I checked her colleagues energy field, and that of her child. The program of the ill wish was present in both fields, but the child was more vulnerable, and he was the one to succumb to illness. You were doing a lot of harm to this boy. Do you have children yourself? I have a son. I also analyzed his field. The situation was the same: it was deformed by the program generated by the ill wish. This is a typical example of how we harm ourselves, our children, and other people without knowing what we are doing. I had just begun to work with karmic structures when a woman came to me for help. She complained of severe headaches and a general deterioration of her health. Five days ago you wished ill to your husband and you really meant it, I said. Nonsense! exclaimed the woman. I love my husband very much and I could never wish him ill. I held my ground. You wished him ill. I feel a strong ill intention. It happened five days ago, in the evening. How could that be so if my husband came home late that day and I was seriously worried? At that moment I understood everything. And how did you feel? Some ridiculous ideas came into my head. Do you get the point? When you imagine that something terrible might have happened to your husband, you are in fact attracting misfortune. And the more vividly you imagine these misfortunes, the greater the harm. Our energy potential is now greater

than in the past, so discipline of the conscious mind is especially important. One of the most fundamental ethical rules at the Universe reads: do not do any harm, even in your thoughts. Today this cannot be an abstract principle. It must become the basis of all our actions. My ongoing research in extrasensory diagnostics and healing has led me to believe that maintaining high morals is a key factor of our existence. It is our only chance to survive. We see danger in the outer world, but the main cause of all troubles is always within us, and it remains unnoticed. A person is destroyed from within by ignorance, an inability to comprehend the true laws of the Universe, and misdeeds. Catastrophes and misfortunes that surround us are produced by our own spiritual imperfection. We are struggling with phantoms and the consequences of our actions, while paying no attention to the origin of all these troubles - our own spiritual disintegration, which few people know anything about. The next case did much to broaden my field of research. A woman called and told me that she was suffering from a serious malady. She felt ill, nobody could help her, and all the people who tried to help her soon became ill themselves. A friend of this woman was familiar with bioenergetics, and after he had some sessions with her, she complained that she was experiencing strong psychic pressure. She consulted a wise woman, a psychic, who was able to improve her condition for one day, but felt that she would not be able to do much else for her. I began to treat her, and soon she felt much better, but then I noticed that my own relatives became ill and with the same symptoms - pain in the joints and a lack of energy. I began to look for a cause, and discovered that someone was deliberately causing harm to this woman. When I was attacked (along with my relatives), I had the desire to strike back and punish the guilty party using the techniques of what is commonly called magic. I had to make a choice about the right thing to do. Rejecting violence was not an easy solution for me, especially considering that, after many years of bioenergetic practice and studies of esoteric literature, I had a great variety of skills in this art. But I decided to try to help my adversary, instead of hurting him. When one is the victim of a bioenergetic attack, the only possible cause is ones personal guilt or that of ones ancestors. Fighting back provokes a chain reaction, since this is a serious violation of natural law and a new punishment must follow. Using extrasensory testing I discovered that the man who had attacked my patient was in his turn a victim of a certain chain of karmic events. The real guilty party in this case was my patients grandmother. Many years ago she fell in love with a young man, and got pregnant, but she had an abortion because she didnt want a child. She had killed

both her love and the child, and, as a result, her daughter, her granddaughter and all her descendants had to pay for her act, and in all kinds of ways: through physical illness, disrupted destinies, or mental disorder. I won a victory over myself when I overcame the temptation to use violence against violence. I realized once and for all that a human being has no right to act this way. When I gained more knowledge of bioenergetic feedback, I realized how dangerous such violence can be, even though from the point of view of our limited everyday experience, it would seem to be a reasonable basis for selfdefense. Civil laws are different from those of the Universe. If somebody hits you with a fist, it would be only natural to fight back. But on the level of bioenergetics the situation is completely different. If you hit somebody with a fist, you are doing harm only to this particular person. If you deliver an energy blow, you are striking at all the persons relatives, including his children. Also, the aggressor himself and his family would be punished. I realized then that when a human being has a very strong bioenergetic potential at his disposal, he should be very cautious about his actions, emotions and thoughts. Even a mere phrase offered in a fit of temper can cause great misfortune, which is why meekness and submission are spoken of so often in the Bible. It is a reference to strict control of energy potential. But why then do sorcerers and practitioners of magic use all kinds of influence, including violence? When I began to think about this problem, I realized that these people only saw a small part of the whole. They were curing the body and lowest levels of the energy field. This usually resulted in a temporary improvement, but the main cause of illness remained untouched and was ready for a new offensive somewhere in the future. They were quite unlike saints of the past who, with their moral purity, were able to see the true causes of events, and comprehend the interconnection of the laws of nature. Saints saw the whole picture, and sorcerers only a fraction, which is why they are able to exert their healing powers only within the narrow limits of their specialization. And, more importantly, sorcerers must possess high abilities and sufficiently pure karma. Therefore, their violations in the practice of magic do not hit them personally but are accumulated in their fields to bring trouble for future generations. I was especially interested in what happens when a sorcerer or psychic draws negative energy from his patient. He can direct it into water, plants, wax figurines, cattle, a company of healthy young soldiers, into the center of the Earth or into outer space. He can also have it combust in a number of ways. But what happens next? The flow of aggressive energy hits its object and deforms it, then it automatically moves back to stay within the field of the healer and his relatives.

All the methods of healing that are not based on the spiritual development of a healer lead finally to degradation. Such healings deal only with the symptoms of an illness, but symptoms disappear and the illness stays. A woman told me recently: Three months ago you treated my friend and her fibroma dissolved completely. I never imagined that asking forgiveness could be enough to recover from such a serious disease! Nothing strange about it, I replied. Our method is being improved and by now we can even cure some organic defects. The results of a treatment depend on various factors. The healer first of all should be able to find the true causes of an illness, and he should be in good shape both physically and mentally. The patients karma is also of vital importance, as well as the patients awareness of his transgressions. When I first began treating people, I lived the same as everyone else. I ate meat, drank vodka and could be easily get irritated. Non-contact massage was my main method at that time. But then I realized that I should change my habits. Now, on the eve of a session, I take only a minimum of food, and on the day of the session I eat nothing at all. When I get very involved in diagnostics and the development of my method, I sometimes forget about danger. However, since I am working on the subtle energy levels, I should be cautious all the time. Recently a friend of mine asked me to talk to a woman and help her with her problems. I had about forty minutes free, so I agreed. A graceful, very self-confident woman entered the room, took a seat and began to eye me with curiosity. She had many problems. An almost unlimited ego and an excessive interest in material benefits were seriously endangering her health. Treating such people is a very difficult task; their skepticism and lack of faith come between them and me. I tried to explain the causes of her illness, but she attempted to turn our meeting into a kind of discussion. Still, it was my duty to convince her. Such difficult cases could be a good thing, since they helped me find new arguments and explain the causes of illness more precisely. If a cell absorbs all the organisms nourishment, I told the woman, it prospers for some time, but its activities destroy the organism, it dies and the cell dies all the same. Egotism is natural on a certain level of our existence, but a person who thinks only about himself is trying to destroy God and the Universe. Such a program of universal destruction sooner or later must be stopped by disease, trauma or other misfortunes. And what do you want me to do - believe in God? Your beliefs are your personal problems. I am only trying to explain to you the causes of your disease. You can be an atheist, but you must love the Universe and its soul. Egotism and an unlimited striving for material wealth kill the love that is our most

important emotion. You are carrying a program for the destruction of the Universe in your bio-field, and you dont even want to stop it. That I regard as really tragic. Our verbal duel went on and on. All my arguments failed, but I began to perform an action which I call karma cleansing. It was successful, the field became clear. Still, I did not feel satisfied and had a sense of unease. The woman regarded our meeting simply as an entertainment. You say that we should not be concerned only with material needs. Life forces us to be concerned with them. I could earn a lot of money, I told her, but then I would have to give up my research. I am forty years old, I live in a tiny room (14 square meters) in a communal apartment with three other family members. Nonetheless I go on with my work. As a result, I am able to help you, and not only you, but also myself. When we put material benefits above our spiritual requirements, we are buying shortlived success at the cost of spiritual death. Please imagine that you are sitting at a restaurant that is on fire, everything is burning, but you are enjoying a delicious meal and paying no attention. Nowadays there are many people for whom a food on a plate is more important than everything happening around them. And is this the way you heal all your clients? Yes. Understanding is the most important part of the treatment. But despite all the seeming simplicity, it is a very dangerous business. Dangerous for whom - for me or for you? Basically for me. What do you mean? Listen to this. When you came into this room, your program for the destruction of the Universe amounted to 550 units and the disease factor amounted to 350 units. At the present moment the disease factor is eliminated, but the program of destruction amounts to 350 units. This means that I cured your body but not your soul. In other words, I violated the main principle - to treat through understanding. As for my own field, after meeting with this woman, my right lung, kidney and the lower part of the stomach showed up black. That means I will have to pay for my failure to explain the causes of your illness to you. And what are you going to do now? Ill try to find a way to convince you. If I find the reason why I was unsuccessful, Ill be healthy, but if it remains a mystery, Ill have to pay for it. And just at that very moment I found my mistake.


I should have given you all the information about your health, but I took pity on you. Have I told you that if you remain in a state of disharmony you will, perhaps, suffer from other illnesses as well? Yes, you have. Do you know that you have the beginning of cancer of the uterus? I always anticipated something like that and I reconciled myself to this thought. I am ready to die quietly. Your heroic death wont help. You will leave your program for the destruction of the Universe to your children. You should be thinking about how to save your soul and your childrens souls. For a few minutes we were silent, and I saw at last how the deformed karmic structures of my patient began to straighten. The womans aura, which had previously been covered by a dark stain, was gradually filling with a golden iridescent light. By now her program for destruction of the Universe had disappeared, as had the disease. And my lungs and liver were also clean. I realized that in the womans field there was no trace of a cancerous tumor. I said nothing to her about it, but I realized that in the womans field there was no trace of cancerous tumor. She must understand that by showing her love to God and the Universe, and laying no claims to the world that surrounds her, she is saving herself from any serious illness. A woman came to me for help and she told me with tears in her eyes the following story: I divorced my husband, because I felt that he was having a kind of negative influence on me, and I noticed that something bad was going on with my psyche. When we divorced, I felt so much better, that I even began to sing around the house. I have three children, but still the divorce brought me great relief. I didnt see him for half a year, and then quite recently he came to my place. At this very moment I felt very ill, my daughter had a fit of hysterics, my sons bedwetting returned, my younger daughter also began to feel ill. Is it possible that all these troubles were somehow connected with my husbands visit? This case was simple. No long and scrupulous examinations were necessary. Its unfortunate, I said, But all these misfortunes in your family were by no means accidental. Your husband was a vampire. He was stealing energy from your children, which undermined their health and destiny. And, whats more, he exerts a bad influence on their personalities, and introduces his own negative programs into their field structures. He is very self-centered. The very fact that he takes so much energy from his own children shows that his karma is extremely negative. And as far as his energy field is concerned, it is obvious that his ties with the Universe and with Love are severely

damaged and that his soul, which is full of aggression and egotism, is rapidly disintegrating. Hence, he is forced to become a vampire. This is a classic case of vampirism. There were vampires on both sides of your husbands family. The problems the children were having can be resolved easily, but they should be kept away from their father. My analysis shows that vampirism is a serious illness, since it destroys a persons soul and is then inherited by his or her children and grandchildren. Its consequences may not be immediately evident, sometimes its destructive power continues over several generations. Vampirism is based on an incorrect understanding of the world. A young girl asked me once whether her way of accumulating energy was right: she saw the energy as a stream of blue flames that was flowing into her. I analyzed her karmic structures while she was exercising and realized that they were against some basic laws of nature. I attempted to explain why it was a mistake. Many people think that they lack energy and so they try to get it from other sources, such as nature, the Sun, or the Cosmos. This idea is, in fact, the basis for the development of vampirism. It is wrong to try to separate energy and spirituality instead of trying to unite them. When we are full of love for the whole Universe, we receive a tremendous amount of energy. If we can reach the highest energy levels such as spirituality, nobility of spirit and love, we will be given as much energy as we need, but we must always act in accordance with these great principles. If we think about energy as an isolated entity that has nothing to do with such notions as spirituality and ethics, our own spiritual structures are doomed to be exhausted. We are then giving energy only to our physical body. Each person should realize that the energy which comes to him through our highest emotions is the best cure for the body, destiny and the soul. A purely mechanical approach and striving for crude energy ultimately results in the deformation of subtle spiritual structures. Becoming a pure consumer of energy leads to degradation. I remember another case. A young man mastered a technique for taking energy from the Cosmos, and was practicing it several times a day. Finally he started to vampirize his teacher for energy. The results were unfortunate: his spiritual structures began to disintegrate. Then I decided to do testing to discover how the same exercise had influenced people two thousand years ago. I found that in those ancient times the same practice gave the most encouraging results and was very productive. But just as one never swims in the same river twice, so we cannot repeat the same age-old techniques endlessly. We forget that we have changed, along with the world around us. Physical methods of internal perfection are no longer effective, so we should concentrate on our spiritual progress. Time is not a linear category, and if the speed of these processes has changed, imagine how the energy structure of the world must have changed. But we

behave as though nothing has changed, and try to rely on the same old ideas and methods. The more I learned about the immense possibilities of this method of testing, the clearer I realized how complicated it was. It became obvious that my original plan to gather a group of students and train them was impossible. This method requires a high level of ethical maturity and spiritual advancement, and it imposes a rigid code of behavior on those who use it. Very few people would have been able to live up to these demands. I found out that I should come in contact with the karmic structures of a patient only if my own karmic structures are free from the irregularities that I intended to heal. And so, before the beginning of the treatment, I usually ask myself whether I have the right to treat or not. If the answer is negative, I first pray to cleanse my karma and then I close it. After a few months of work, a deeper cleansing of my karma followed by fasting is needed. But even this is not enough. Healing without causing damage to the healer or the patient is possible only if the healers own karma is blocked. This is what is lacking among the vast army of modern healers, and their extrasensory certification does nothing to close their karma. The only thing that can help is constant purifying and strengthening of the spirit combined with complete freedom from all impulses that keep a person earth-bound. And this is vital not only for a healer, but for everyone, especially in our times. One morning a woman had a session with me, and a day later she felt very poorly. She was having fits of nausea and a strong headache. Did you feel angry at your husband yesterday about 7 p.m.? I asked. Yes, I did. He had an accident and he dented the car. I took the unpleasant news calmly at first, but in the evening I told him everything I was thinking about it. When your karma is being diagnosed and treated, you experience a very strong influence. And you have no right to any kind of negative emotions until your field becomes stabilized and balanced. At the moment when your soul contacts the Divine, the field structures are attaining their initial harmony, and any negative emotion at that time produces strong irregularities. Your personal appeal to God is not just something to get a pleasant sense of satisfaction from. It is a complex and highly responsible process, but it is absolutely necessary. Now I want to tell you an interesting story that is closely connected with the present situation in the world. I have always felt an intense attraction to the Divine, one of my friends told me. And every time I deviated from this path, the results were dramatic. Twice I was almost

killed. The connection between my rejection of the Divine and the following punishment was so obvious that there was no way it could be explained by any kind of coincidence. I realized that I had been punished by God. Youre right, I answered, and I can explain the causes of your misfortunes and the very system of punishment in detail. Somebody said once that the clock was the invention of a particular man, but this did not imply that this very man was present in every clock mechanism. The Universe is created by the Lord and is controlled by Him, but this does not mean that every punishment is sent by God. There is an excellent feedback mechanism. Much that people attribute to the sphere of mysticism can well be analyzed and explained. You were the third in your family and your birth was not planned; without meaning to do so, your parents gave you a strong program of self-destruction. From the earliest years of your life your energy potential was very low and so you often fell sick. You were born with all these difficulties because in your previous lives you rejected the love for children, and now, judging by your energy field and karmic structures, you were doomed to an early death. Only a strong internal attraction to the Divine and to the highest emotions could save you. Your subconscious has always known about this and tried to lead you in the right direction, but your conscious mind worked according to a different program. As soon as you deviated from your true vocation, your destiny structures started to disintegrate and you were on the verge of destruction. You managed to survive because your denial of God and spirituality were only on the level of consciousness. Your programs of self-destruction failed to enter your subconscious, and so you survived the two times you were almost killed - in a fight and in a car accident. The structures of your destiny had not completely disintegrated. But if the outcome had been different, and if your negative attitude toward God and spirituality had become ingrained in your soul, this program would have entered your subconscious and it would have blocked the disintegration either by an incurable illness or by a grave trauma with much physical suffering. And why would your death have been so painful? Because spiritual and physical torments make the subconscious pure. The only way to overcome these sufferings is to make your spirit rise up above them. In other words, you must turn your attention from the suffering body to the spirit. This natural process happens automatically. One who suffers becomes more spiritual. While trying to understand how field information is being transferred from one level to another, I got the impression that the whole human race is now in a situation that is very close to one I described above.

I analyzed the karma of mankind, even though entering this sphere is very dangerous. Mankinds chief violation of the highest laws was the rejection of the Divine and the embracing of pragmatic ideas beginning in the 10th century A.D. This violation has now been incorporated into the soul of every ordinary human being on Earth. The karma of our so-called socialist society includes, apart from above-mentioned ills, a few packages of negative programs. I am referring to the program for the elimination of people, both men and women, that originated as a result of a strong addiction to material benefits that affected the Soviet people between 1929 and 1937. There was a program of hate for the human race that was introduced at the end of the previous century and also a program for the extermination of fathers, brothers, and sons, that was produced by the same inordinate appetite for material benefits. That is why life in Russia is so hard. If we remain unaware of these programs and are unable to overcome them, we will be doomed to divide up our factories and industry endlessly, until pain and suffering enable us to work through and eliminate all these destructive programs. And so this has been the road that I took, from the study of magic and extrasensory healing through medicine and ethics to a philosophical understanding of the modern world. The existence of the Universe is based on information exchange processes. Information exchange processes lie in the basis of the Universe. In the beginning was the Word is another way to describe this. What we call the Universe could emerge, I believe, only through the transformation of the Unified Initiator, which has existed eternally and which we refer to as God, when this entity was divided in two parts, one of which was substance and the other was the information field. Each of the two includes an element of the other one, but it remains undeveloped. Two oppositions can exist only when they are constantly transforming themselves into each other. So a field tends to become substance and substance to become field. When the energy connections within substance have accumulated in a certain amount, the material component transforms into information. The reverse process manifests itself as an increase in the density or mass of a substance. In some cases, there emerges a more complex form of organization. If we examine the Solar System, we see that its goal is obviously to create more complex elements within the Sun, to form new and more complicated information structures through the emergence of new planets, and to create some complex information structures on the basis of organic life on the planets as a higher level of

information density. Any stellar system has as its goal the creation of life. The entity we are calling spirit is above both the information field and substance. Upon achieving a certain density, substance is transformed into information. Singularity (the state of matter when it was concentrated into a single point) is the Universe. The subtle levels of the field can be described as the absence of matter, time and space, that is, a point. A point tends to become infinity and infinity tends to become a point. Each point in the field of the Universe contains, in an unmanifested form, information about the whole Universe, or in other words, a point is an unmanifested infinity, and infinity is an unmanifested point. There are two hypotheses about the origin of stars. According to the first theory, connected with the names of Kant and Laplace, stars appeared as a result of the congealing of interstellar matter. The second theory, suggested by Soviet academician Ambartsumian, implies that stars were born within black holes. The instability of new stars and strong explosive processes taking place within them proves, according to Ambartsumian, that they contain some remnants (residues) of anti-matter. In the light of the above-said conception with which my own investigation is connected I propose a different hypothesis that the emergence of a star can be a result of the transformation of information into substance, that is, interstellar substance was fertilized by an information block that is turned into substance by a black hole. Thus, stars were born through the interaction of two different principles: the manifested and unmanifested states of the Universe. The processes that take place within the Universe and in a living organism are identical. They are the processes of the transformation of energy into substance and vice versa. The development of the Universe is the rupture of unity on the physical level with a concomitant strengthening of unity on the level of the information field. In other words, there emerges an increasing diversity on the physical level and an increasing unity on the level of the field. At a certain stage the differences between the physical and information phenomena become nonexistent and a new stage of development begins. And so there is a contradiction: The Universe remains a point on the subtle level of the field and at the same time it is expanding, and as a result it creates new substance, time and space. This development has much in common with the movement of a pendulum; sometimes deviating toward the information unity, then toward physical diversity. Any object in the Universe can be regarded as a process, but each process can, in its turn, be regarded as an object. In each of them there is an oscillation from information unity to physical diversity and vice versa. Physical differentiation should be in strict coordination with spiritual unity. Those two opposite tendencies can exist and develop only when a certain third element is present, the element that makes it possible for one

opposition to be potentially present in another. This third element is energy and it is an intermediary agent that enables the Universe to develop. Information, matter and energy constitute an indivisible unity. This understanding has long existed, ancestors knew long ago though called it differently, for example, in the Christian concept of the Holy Trinity (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.) Each object repeats in its development the cycle of the development of the Universe. While remaining absolutely unified on the subtle level of the field, it becomes diversified on the physical level. But differentiation on the physical level is possible only on the basis of a preceding spiritual process which serves to preserve it despite physical diversity. The spiritual component, therefore, is obviously the most important. And consequently, the law of the unity and the struggle of opposites should be formulated in the following way: an existent nothingness gives birth to its own opposite to turn itself into a somethingness which is something completely new. Let us now discuss the issue of the origin of life. As the physical world becomes more and more differentiated, the level of unity reached by the field becomes higher and higher. This process starts from the most subtle layers and goes down to the more crude ones. The principle of unity makes itself felt on the levels where it could not be traced before. When the physical world becomes more and more heterogeneous, the degree of unity in a certain segment of space is so great that an object tends to separate itself off from the Universe and become independent. To force it to conform to the average level of unity reached in this part of the Universe would mean to destroy it. The information has now become so dense that there emerges an opposition between the object and the outer world. What we call life is the strategic unity of the object with the Universe reached through its tactical negation. We can say that life emerged simultaneously in the whole Universe and constituted a single organism that has been continuing its differentiation with constant interconnection and interaction among all its components. This physical diversity can continue only if it is oriented toward the initial universal processes of unity. Matter, time and space are the forms of this process, information and spirit are its content. The content is materialized in form, while the form develops the content. . Each object in the Universe exists on the basis of the oscillating motion that is directed sometimes toward the information process, at other times toward the physical processes. As a human life is a microreflection of the Universe, the processes of the transformation of information into matter and vice versa are transpiring within it with much greater speed. A living thing differs from an inanimate object mainly by the fact that the level of unity in the former is much higher than in the latter, and that the transformation of

information into matter takes less time. It is quite probable that the increase in unity and the increased speed of interactions are the reasons for the development of living things. The higher the level of an organisms internal unity and the density of its information, the more alienated it becomes from the surrounding world. This is what we call the development of consciousness and the individual. However, physical alienation is possible only if there is a growing degree of unity of the organism and the Universe. The process of unity of a living being and the Universe is called culture; the process of alienation is called civilization. Culture gives birth to civilization. Civilization starts by rejecting culture, but then, to avoid destruction, returns to it like a prodigal son to repeat the same cycle on a higher level and on a larger scale. If a society returns to culture on an inadequate level, the civilization is doomed to perish. Such an outcome is inevitable if the tendency toward unity, and the feeling of love that is its basis, are being negated. It is generally considered that the essence of the law of the unity and struggle of opposites is their reconciliation without mutual destruction. But such a process wholly depends on how quickly one opposite is being turned into another. The main difference between animate and inanimate matter is the fact that this transformation is realized in the animate world much quicker than among inanimate objects. And hence the goal of life is to intensify the presence of spirit in matter while increasing the speed of this transformation. Let us return to the pendulum. It is always in one of two mutually exclusive states, as it moves either to the right from the center or to the left. Those two opposite states can coexist without mutual negation only because of the fact that they are separated in time. If one tries to combine both positions into a period of one second while the pendulum is oscillating at a rate of five seconds, it would stop the movement and end the development. But let us imagine that the same pendulum is moving at a rate of a few oscillations per second. Then two opposite states can coexist with each other without negating one another. Life emerged on Earth as a way to preserve its unity with the Sun. When the Sun separated the planets from itself, it diminished the level of physical unity, while increasing the unity of information processes to compensate for the physical alienation. In a larger sense, then, there was no separation at all. Each object in the Universe tends to release a part of itself that became its opposite on the physical level, while enhancing its unity on the level of information that is necessary to allow the system to develop. A woman giving birth to a child and a star giving birth to planets are in fact doing the same thing. A physical division should be always compensated by spiritual unity. Life on Earth simply confirms the initial unity of a new planet and the Sun. So the Solar system at the same time tends toward maximum physical differentiation and information

unity, and the life that emerged on Earth is developing according to the same laws. We can see intense diversity and the creation of new species on the physical level, and at the same time an ever-increasing unity on the level of the energy field. Life on Earth started out as a single organism, and is in fact still a single organism governed by a system of feedback that is realized on the informational-energy level. The goal of this system is to reconcile the activities of the part to the interests of the whole. The higher the energy abilities of a unit, the more it should conform to the center. If the connections between a part and the center operate with delays, or if there is increasing autonomy of the parts, the whole system is in danger. Therefore, the parts that impair the unity of the system must inevitably be eliminated. The behavior of all objects should conform to the information structures of the organism as a whole. If the physical, emotional and informational behavior of an object comes into conflict with the program contained in the information field of the system, the systems field attacks the objects field. The fields of the object are deformed and the system inserts a program of destruction into them to bring the things back to the initial state. A single organism as well as a group violating the laws of unity can become such an object. To put it in medical terms, the health of spirit determines the health of body. The information field is a primary factor in its relationship with the body, as it determines its destiny, personality and physical condition. So we can conclude that physical health is possible only through knowing and observing the laws of the information field of the Universe. These are the laws of Unity, Spirituality and Love. In our time all the processes on Earth are moving ahead with such increased speed that physical adaptation should be also enhanced dramatically. The biogenosphere is changing at a tempestuous pace. As the information processes in the Universe precede the physical ones, the problem of physical adaptation is connected first of all with its influence on the human informational or spiritual structures. It is for this reason that so many people now are so obsessed with magic, occultism, yoga and various religious movements. People are ready to praise any new Messiah or guru who promises salvation or new truths. Everyone hopes for easy solutions, forgetting that regeneration is possible only through a hard and painful labor. We have long been aware that we must try to understand the world around us, to analyze its laws, and to behave in accordance with them. The human bioenergetic level has increased dramatically during the last few years. In the past, people spent years of hard labor to attain the same results that now can be reached in just a few months. Human potentials have increased so drastically that each of us can be compared to a cyclist who has found himself in an airplane cockpit. If we, as pilots, retain the mentality of cyclists, all our new abilities will be useless or wasted.

There should be an even greater difference between the psychological level of an ordinary person and that of one who has access to the abilities of enhanced energy influence on animate and inanimate objects. My studies make it clear that today we can harm animate and inanimate nature by a strong emotional outburst, or even with a careless thought. And while the energy potential of the human race is increasing dramatically, the damage caused by negative influences is increasing in geometrical progression. Influencing animate and inanimate objects on the informational-energy level is a truly dangerous enterprise. Aggression toward another human being creates a program for the annihilation of his children and all his relatives. And, since the mechanism of energy field feedback is always at work, the negative influence is reflected back on the aggressor and his/her relatives. Since the psychological education of a modern man lags far behind his energy potential, we can say that the human race now is on the way to self-destruction. The symptoms of this fateful tendency can be seen everywhere. But why is the psyche of modern man in such a conflict with the realities of the world around him? It is because the psychology of a modern Westerner and the majority of mankind today follows the ways of Western civilization - is dominated by pragmatism. The main accent in this philosophy of life is put on getting something from information, rather than just accumulating it. As a result, the less productive or less profitable process of understanding the world - through the creation of new cognitive or ethical structures - is rejected as a common goal. Modern man does not want to spend a lot of time achieving the new stage of the intellectual development. He prefers some quick recipes that, as he believes, would guarantee the maximum practical effect. If we analyze the development of religions, magic and yoga, we find everywhere the following stages of development: (1) An attempt to understand the world as it is at that particular moment. Negation of the surrounding environment and ones dependence on it, possibly including a refusal to interact with this environment. (2) Formulation of the laws of the evolution of the world; creation of a system of behavior that is in harmony with these laws. (3) Practical application of knowledge obtained previously. In the past this process took hundreds and thousands of years. As in the old parable of the three blind men and the elephant, people were unable to see this process as a whole. Today this unity does not elude us. . At the present time our spiritual aspirations are characterized by disintegration. There are some religious tendencies that stop at the first stage of development, i.e. the accumulation of information. The followers of these groups avoid real life and deny

the idea of civilization as such, and these also reject the next two stages of religious development. The Krishna Consciousness movement is a perfect example of this attitude. The second trend is based on an impulse to return to fundamental principles of ethics and good conduct. A number of present-day religious movements can be attributed to this tendency. The third trend is pragmatic and practical. Its adherents use their knowledge for gaining some material benefits, as in the use of magic and sorcery. The transformation of the extrasensory movement is an interesting case. It began with elements of knowledge and ethics, but as soon as its followers - our psychics and healers - gained access to money, it began to degenerate, and now it is mainly oriented toward magic and sorcery. This is, after all, quite natural and even reasonable, since today people can reconstruct all the processes in a short period of time and are able to see the whole elephant instead of just its parts. We are now able to see and understand the processes that caused the present situation the human race finds itself in, and the problems it has to face. The main condition for survival at present is the dialectical principle of combining that which previously could not be combined. This means that it is possible now to renounce the world, reach unity with the Cosmos, transform the information received into moral laws and apply it to the practical aspects of life on all its levels. Ye cannot serve both God and Mammon, Christ said. Two thousand years ago such a union of opposite tendencies was impossible, at least during the lifetime of a single man. Now the world has changed, the pendulum swinging has also changed, with the result that the two opposites co-exist without destroying one another, i. e. without the transformation of information into substance and the other way round. Matter and information do not turn into each other. All this means that one who manages to survive in the near future should be simultaneously a saint, an ordinary human being and a man of business. The mind of a modern man should combine two opposite processes. He should renounce the world, strive for oneness with the Cosmos and saintliness; at the same time, he should use his acquired knowledge for practical purposes, be very active and highly pragmatic. This is a new type of consciousness that will determine the physical and spiritual structure of the new type of human being. So the complete list includes saintliness, renouncing of the world, attaining knowledge, realization of the knowledge on the level of intellect and emotions, and actualization of this knowledge in social and technological structures. This union should not be simply mechanical, or the pendulum will stop. It should be a homogeneous process going upward through all three stages. Each human being should become a saint who is constantly perfecting his saintliness, his knowledge of the world and his unity with the Universe. At the same time he should

actualize himself emotionally as well as in practical activities. Civilization should always be nourished by culture. But the ideal of saintliness should have a higher priority than practicality, since the Cosmos is more basic than civilization. All earlier civilizations in human history were guided by saints, not by sorcerers. According to legend, in the past people could see with a third eye. They had an access to the psychic information beyond space or time, but then the third eye closed. We dont know why, but the reasons were perhaps very simple: people acquired some knowledge, but they failed to abide by the necessary rules of ethics. It seemed to them that ethical norms were not directly connected with the process of acquiring primary knowledge. After some time, the moral and psychological level of mankind lagged so far behind their abilities that the very existence of civilization was endangered. Therefore, the closing of the third eye was salvation for them. It is unfortunate that the majority of modern schools of spiritual and physical development simply ignore the first two levels, i.e., knowledge and morals. These two levels would take up 95 percent of the time and energy expended without any tangible practical results. Many of these schools are going in the opposite direction now, and will ultimately degenerate. The evolution of living organisms occurs exponentially: it starts with a long process of accumulation of knowledge which is used for practical needs much later. If we hope to survive in our time, we must unite the accumulation of information with its practical use, without allowing one opposite to destroy the other. Businessmen, politicians and scholars must become saints. All should regard ethics as the top priority. This problem is even more vital in the sphere of bioenergetics. When a healer uses magic and sorcery for his own selfish interests, he is acting against the highest laws of the Universe. It usually ends tragically, but the victim usually doesnt realize the consequence of events, since the process goes slowly and smoothly, and the cause and the effect are separated in time. When a girl tries to lure a would-be fiance using a love spell, she hasnt the slightest idea that in this way she is destroying the psyche, destiny and physical state of her future children. A tendency that has become prominent in recent years is the development of occult and magical abilities to use them for profit. This is a case of the units of the system acting by themselves, without taking into consideration the interests of the system as a whole, and in such a way endangering the existence of the entire system. Also we should remember that tribes with strong traditions of magic and occultism ceased their development and eventually died out. Our civilization is based on the world religions, i.e., the systems that direct all the energy of the human race to form and to develop subtle spiritual structures intended to

preserve the world. When a person realized that he was united with all other people and responsible for them, as taught by religions, he could feel an internal connection with his children, parents and other loved ones. He had a sense of responsibility for the future destiny of his descendants. The Bible warns, though indirectly, that children pay for the sins of their parents. We know now that when the subtle field structures responsible for ties between the members of a family are cut away, it results in the gravest illnesses and deformation of ones destiny and personality. The world religions took care of these structures and safeguarded their development. The commandment to love everybody, even ones enemy has great bioenergetic significance. It blocks the program of destruction of another human being, and, consequently, the program of self-destruction on the subconscious level of the field. A person who knew nothing about the laws of bioenergetic feedback and who did not realize that his own hate could harm his children and their health, was nevertheless well defended by the religious commandments of love and kindness. These commandments in fact enabled civilization to develop. The system of bioenergetic feedback operates automatically. As a result, only those who knew and abided by the laws of unity and the Universe, and whose highest spiritual structures were evolved enough, could indulge in magic and occultism without endangering the health of their children and the integrity of their personalities. But others, without the proper spiritual background, who tried to follow the same path suffered tremendously. Their ethical, psychological and spiritual structures turned back - they began to degenerate and disintegrate. In those days many thought that black magic was a normal phenomenon rather than a pathological one. The spiritual backwardness of many healers who dare to enter the complex levels of influence leads nowadays to the spiritual and physical degradation of the healers themselves and their loved ones. I know of a few cases when the spiritual disintegration of a dishonest healer seriously harmed his children, relatives and even close friends and students. Since spiritual structures contain hundreds and thousands of times more energy than physical ones, spiritual degradation can evolve for a long time and pass unnoticed. But when physical disintegration becomes obvious, attempts to cure a person are usually blocked by the degraded spiritual structures. This is why mainstream medicine so often proves to be powerless today. Many are naive enough to believe that by paying a sum of money and taking a course, they are sure to become sorcerers and magicians. But in this particular sphere, unlike scientific disciplines, only few students can really master it. They must be kind-hearted and have with a sufficiently clean karma, well-developed spiritual structures, strategic thinking and immense selfdiscipline. If we analyze various occult and magic techniques, it will become obvious that the personal qualities of the Master and the student should be stressed. Practical skills are secondary. Many modern would-be healers are trying to gain an access to the

highest abilities, skipping the stage of long and painful exercises in spiritual selfperfection. Such attempts often end badly. Since human destiny, the personality and physical state are determined by the field structures, irresponsible experiments in this sphere can bring harm to the whole human race. The human subconscious was always well defended. The process of entering the subconscious was a slow one. Negative programs were canceled by the ethical rules of society and systems of religious defense. Psychotherapists from various schools of psychology have been attacking the human subconscious over the last few decades. This process is occurring on an unprecedented scale. They rupture and influence the field structures in the most violent way, paying no attention to the remote consequences of this psychological intervention. On the whole, researchers are not interested in what the subconsciousness really is and how it reacts to such incursions. They need only quick tangible results. They have no intention of studying or analyzing the processes which determine the health and destiny of a person and his relatives. This reflects an obvious lack of strategic thinking in bioenergetics and an obvious preference for short-term considerations. Imagine a student driver, who, instead of learning the rules of the road, spends his time re-building the engine of his car to increase its velocity. His results can be called spectacular, but they are still risky and unpredictable. I would like to discuss the problem of defense in more detail. For a long time people simply did not know that it was possible to influence the human psyche in a bioenergetic way, and this lack of knowledge was a kind of defense. The wise ones were surely aware of this danger and they founded closed schools to study bioenergetics. A powerful system of defense was built by the ethical religious teaching that propagated doing good, even in thoughts and emotions. Strange as it may seem, even science did much for this cause, since it denied the very existence of bioenergetics and all forms of bioenergetic or informational influence on the human mind. There were also some social mechanisms to defend people from those who practiced magic and sorcery too actively or aggressively. Now all these barriers are destroyed, and the human brain is open and defenseless. The all-out attack on the subconscious (which governs the physiological and psychological processes of the organism) began in the 19th century. At first it was spontaneous, but now it has become a fully conscious and purposeful process. Psychotherapists, healers, sorcerers and hypnotists are violently invading the subconscious, and they are interested only in achieving obvious results to solve practical problems. All this is being done by people who know nothing of what the subconscious really is and how it works.

My own research shows that the subconscious and the bio-field are the same. Any influence on the bio-field structures is an influence on the subconscious, and on all the systems of physiological and psychological feedback. Researchers are only interested in deeply entering the subconscious and the feedback mechanism. They are even prepared to use mechanical devices to intensify their influence. Bioenergetics has been transformed into a science of practical influence on the human psyche. Nobody takes into account the obvious fact that while healing the body we can harm the soul, and that an illness is often an instrument to block wrong behavior and wrong ideas about the outside world. Nobody realizes that a healer should first of all reveal the real causes of illness, help the patient understand his errors and teach him to avoid them in future. When bioenergetics is limited only to its physical parameters, such important stages as knowledge and ethics are abolished for the sake of some short-term practical results. A person who sincerely believes that he or she can be saved by pills or sorcery is already ill. The best defense from illnesses is to abide by the highest ethical laws. When nature was following the path of physical defense, for example, by increasing the weight of the dinosaurs and developing the turtles shells, their evolution stopped. But the animals who survived better were those who had a weaker physical defense, and a stronger spiritual one. These were the ones who were ready to change their behavior and psychological structure in accordance with the processes that were taking place on our planet. Yesterday, ethics was a luxury, today it is a necessity and tomorrow it will be the only way to survive. People who think only of their physical health in the coming years may well meet the fate of the dinosaurs. What we call immunity is the integrity and the quality of our bioenergetic field. A person who sacrifices ethics, love and understanding of the world to practice magic is destroying himself, his children and relatives. If nowadays a man is lacking in strength, he should limit himself to living as a saint; if he is stronger, he can combine saintliness with secular life. And if a man is ready to perform painful labor for the sake of obtaining the highest abilities, he is ready enough to study bioenergetics.




It was not so long ago that the medical establishment was embroiled in a controversy over whether the term biofield had a right to exist. All the strong supporters of the biofield theory were bluntly called quacks and severely criticized. Today it is difficult to find people who dont know that the dense physical body of a man is surrounded by the real (though invisible for many) informational-energy layers of its biofield. But what is a man from the bioenergetic point of view? The bioenergetic aura of a human being consists of several layers, and their function and interrelation are quite complex. Many years ago when I first started to work with a metal rod; this is a metal rod bent at a 90- degree angle. It can be compared to a dousing rod. >, I decided to analyze the field of a human being. While my hand was moving parallel to the body, everything went fine, since I was able to distinguish the limits of the field: at such places the rod made a 180-degree turn. But when I tried to examine the form of the field above the head, I discovered that while standing on the floor, I could not reach the end of the field. I stood on a chair, raising the hand holding the rod, but with no result: the rod stubbornly refused to make a turn. This meant that the upper end of the field was even higher above the ground. Then I had an idea to continue my experiment using the phantom representation of a human being. I drew a figure of a man on a piece of paper and then tried to find the boundary of the field with a rod, but the hand holding the rod went beyond the edge of the paper. I began increasing the scale of my measurements, trying to detect the deviations of the rod first in meters, then in kilometers, but the rod stubbornly refused to turn. I began to wonder whether the human field goes upward until the end of the universe. At the same moment I formulated this question in my mind, the rod turned 180 degrees. I realized that the human field covers the whole Universe, it goes upward and downward from the limits of human body and its remote borderlines are lost in the infinity. This field includes several layers that differ from one another by their density and the scope of the information they contain.

The layer where the energy is more dense than in all others contains information about the state of the physical body and its organs. It is used for medical diagnostics. The karmic structures belong to the layers that are more subtle and are placed in accordance with a sophisticated system of internal hierarchy. The most superficial among them contain information on the actions, emotions and thoughts that a particular human has had during his or her present lifetime. The layers that are a bit deeper contain structures of the persons family karma containing information about his close relatives from paternal and maternal sides and about his children. An individuals karma and his behavior in previous incarnations is reflected on even subtler layers of the field, and the deeper a healer can affect the human field, the stronger his influence on the human psyche will be. This very fact is both the strength and the weakness of karmic diagnostics. I believe that at present no one can fully enter the human field. Any such influence creates an interaction and such an interaction can be safe only if the healer is a perfect person with cleansed karma. During the last two years I cleansed my karma every day, but still I know all too well how limited my abilities are. Before each contact with another persons field, I check whether I can start my healing sessions. If I get a refusal, it means that in my own field there are certain deformations similar to those that I have to overcome, and until they are eliminated, I have no right to heal. If I acted otherwise, my deformed structures could harm the patient or his structures could invade my field, and my relatives and I would then have to work out my patients karma. Only a completely perfect person can be a good healer, and, as in our earthly life such an ideal is unattainable, the second way, the way of knowledge is so important. Only this way enables us to use and to develop bioenergetic healing techniques in the interest of a patient without harming him with various possible pernicious forms of bioenergetic contacts. Rabindranatt Tagore once said that if one is really strong and powerful, it does not mean that he is stronger than others, it only means that he can raise the weak one to his own level. Why is it that so many healers cannot convey their method to their students? As for myself, I decided once and for all that my main task is not to develop unique abilities, but to know how to convey them to others and teach them how to use them. I used to think that many healers do not reveal their secrets only because they want to stay in the limelight and to get the maximum benefit for themselves. Now I realize that it was not that they didnt want to, they simply could not do it. Their methods usually were a sum of various skills and techniques while the most important component - the impulse to understand the world and then the laws of the Universe - was ignored or overlooked. The only exception was Jesus Christ, whose

healing was always closely united with the highest wisdom that He revealed to people in the form of parables, commandments and advice. Despite the fact that my book deals mainly with scholarly investigations, it abounds in such notions as the Divine, a sense of the Divine, and saintliness. I believe that even if human science reaches some almost unimaginable heights in the future, there will always remain the sphere of the Unknown, which cannot be grasped by our mind with its mathematics and logic. When I analyze some borderline zones that are beyond the limits of logic and mainstream science, I use terms that have a specific meaning in the system I am trying to describe here. So, when I speak about divine emotions, each reader can understand them in his or her own way, in accordance with his or her outlook and level of spirituality. But the higher these emotions are in the individual hierarchy of values, the better. The term inanimate nature is used collectively and includes first of all the material wealth of our world that is exploited by mankind. Healing can help thousands, but an understanding of the world can save millions of human beings. This understanding is closely connected with the mechanism of repentance, the influence of which I was able to trace while observing changes in the karmic structures. When I realized how much a persons physical state is determined by the karmic structures, I tried to influence them by various means including magic, sorcery and the precepts of popular and traditional medicine. I tried everything, but the results were superficial. Then I reached an extremely important and at the same time simple conclusion: by exerting stronger influences, a healer is only traumatizing his patient. This kind of treatment can produce an impressive and short-lived improvement, but it cannot solve the problem in a radical way. Violence remains violence, no matter how it is packaged. I found out that the most effective and the safest method of all is one that has been known to people from time immemorial - repentance. When I enter the spiritual structures of a patient with my own programs, I act in accordance with my logic and my view of the world. As I am also a part of the Universe and I am in contact with the Universe on a subtle level, and because of my own imperfection, I always bring something of my own into the field of a patient. This influence should be exerted in accordance with the laws of the Universe and it is possible only with the help of the mechanism of repentance when the repentance is addressed to the soul of the Universe, which is God. Why God and not the Universe? Because when we pronounce the word universe, we think of something of an enormous extent and embracing space, time and matter.

It is very difficult for us to visualize the Universe as a unified whole. Only through the process of spiritual elevation can we put aside all the separate components and perceive the Absolute Unity. When a person addresses God mentally and begs forgiveness for his misdeeds, his soul and body are being changed in the most astonishing way. At this moment he admits his own imperfections, opens his soul to the One who created us all and receives from Him all the forces he needs to change himself and achieve harmony with the Universe. No outward influence can replace the personal initiative of a human being. In evaluating the state of karmic structures I use psychic testing which enables me to determine the dimensions of the parameter we are measuring in relative units. The karmic structures that we know at present can be divided in two groups: strategic, or long-term, and tactical, or short-term, structures. Strategic structures contain vast amounts of energy, and influence exerted on them remains imperceptible for some time. These structures determine the future of a person and his children, and any attempt to misuse or destroy them switches on the defense system of energy feedback, often in the form of serious illnesses. The main strategic parameters are spirituality, soul, spirit and love. The tactical structures are much poorer in energy and they change faster. As all the parameters of the human field are interconnected, an influence on one of them changes the importance of the others. We can see many cases today of peoples strategic resources being sacrificed for the sake of short-term improvements in physical health. There are countless examples of such treatment today. A persons main task today is to broaden his knowledge of the world, to strive to understand its processes and how they interact. We should always keep in mind that the human field reacts immediately to any thought or emotion, and if they are negative, the field has an immediate sharp negative response. All this takes place on the level of the subconscious. People are often deaf to the subtle energies and their distortions; they do not realize that a change in their physical state is a reaction to this. As a result, they cannot understand the real logic of events in their life and ignorance creates problems of a physical nature. There is also another danger. The power of the human spirit and its ability to influence has increased tremendously. If two thousand years ago the average value of influence was 10 points, by the times of the Renaissance it reached 23 points, and at the end of the nineteenth century it increased to 38 points. Now it amounts to 88 points and is continuing to grow. It is no wonder that any negative influence has very serious consequences in our times. The level of conscious and subconscious aggression has become one of the most important parameters of the tactical structures.

We feel conscious aggression immediately and we react to it, but subconscious aggression is very dangerous, since it is impossible to control on the physical level. Meanwhile our field reacts to it with counter-aggression, and, as the bioenergetic powers are now much greater than they have ever been, we are participating in unseen warfare. We know nothing of it but we are very much affected by its consequences. Subconscious aggression is a parameter in the system of human field parameters. It should have a negative value, and the higher the number of this negative value, the better. It is the basis for ones true kindness and his defense against aggression from the others. Human contact with the Cosmos is an extremely important aspect of the biofield. Its level depends first of all on the ethics of the individual human being and his ancestors. The main factor that can undermine this structure is the destruction of love. The feeling of love is multi-faceted, and the most important place among its various aspects should be attributed to our love for God and the Universe. These divine feelings enable us to be united with the Universe as well as with our parents, our children, the person we love and with ourselves. No animate or inanimate being should be devoid of our love. When we realize this, when we strive for it through painstaking labor every day and every hour of our life, and when we judge ourselves, our actions, emotions and thoughts honestly and truthfully, our lives will become much happier. The mechanism of karma regulates the unity and interrelation between man and the Universe, and the more we understand it, the shorter will be the road to overcoming the present crisis. And from the broad historical point of view, we can state that the mankind has had all the necessary information about these laws of interaction almost from time immemorial, since they are laconically stated in the commandments given to us by religions. But, like Doubting Thomas, we persistently beat our foreheads against the walls that we ourselves constructed. In this way we destroy the world and ourselves, and we continue to come to the wrong conclusions. Today, we can check the validity of the universal laws as epitomized in the religious Commandments, combining science with religion. In this way we will be able to describe the results of our influence on the world using the language of numbers that is so familiar to us, and we will attempt to find our way to universal Harmony.




While studying the human biofield, I came to the conclusion that our physical body and our field structures exist as two opposites constantly influencing one another. However, the transfer process of the field structures into the physical body and vice versa may go at different speeds. My own experience treating various illnesses has demonstrated that healing becomes far more effective if we exert influence on the cause of the illness, rather than treating the diseased organ, or even the entire body. You can treat some particular illness for a long time, but if its cause is not eliminated, it will continue to nourish the illness which, as is obvious from our clinical experience, can even move from one organ to another. Eliminating a disease is not like shoveling the snow away after an avalanche. It could be better compared to a running faucet which must be shut off if we hope to eliminate the illness. While analyzing the field structure deformations that emerge in the human field, I discovered that many illnesses start on the level of the field, and often many years pass before their symptoms materialize on the physical level. The deformations of the field are caused by a conflict between the field of a particular person and the fields of the Earth and the Universe. Thoughts, emotions and actions in conflict with universal harmony produce deformations of the field structure; therefore, in order to cure a person, we should first remove all the causes of these deformations. At the beginning, I thought that there were only 5-7 deformation-causing structures, but later, in the course of my studies, I discovered that there is a vast number of them. Any negative action, thought or emotion produces a kind of commissure, and only when it is removed do the field structures become harmonized, and the patients physical health starts to improve. After analyzing hundreds of cases, I realized that illnesses, traumas, personal failure, personality disintegration and psychic breakdown are nothing more than different kinds of redemption or efforts to remove the causes of the field deformations and its harmonization. I found out that this structure goes beyond the body, this stable aggregate of various organs which influence one another. It also includes interconnected spiritual structures, such as the psyche, the personality and ones destiny. When we influence one of these, we change the others. The spiritual progress of a person, for example, simultaneously improves his health, psyche and destiny. All the problems we face in our life, whether they be personal troubles, physical illnesses, mental illnesses or

traumas, are in fact caused by the system of energy feedback. This system blocks the process of the disintegration of the field structures, the strategic structures that are responsible for the survival of a human being and his progeny. While treating a patient and influencing his informational-energy complex, I always tried to check the results of my work. Otherwise while helping his body, I could easily destroy his main karmic structures. Bioenergetic influence is much stronger than any medicinal substance, but it is also much more dangerous, so a healer should always have a control mechanism. I worked out the main principles and elements of a system of psychic testing designed to check the parameters and to act as a control mechanism for the results of the bioenergetic influence on field structures. While analyzing the interconnection of the main parameters of the system of feedback, I began to understand the laws of the development of the organism much better. As a result, I discovered karmic structures that defend a person against troubles and traumas as well as the structures of success and luck that are always reconstructed and rebuilt by the organism. But those structures are destroyed whenever a person denies God, his parents, his children or someone he loves. Our field includes certain structures responsible for our ability to love, and their deformations result often in serious illnesses, including ontological disease. As a physical body constitutes a uniform process together with the karmic structures, it can be tested and diagnosed and it is possible to predict its future and to check all kinds of influence that are exerted upon it. This method enables us to test large groups of people, to work out sociological programs, to test entire countries, to make long-term forecasts and to predict the future of both animate and inanimate objects. In our time, when the consequences of any catastrophe are much more severe than ever before, this method makes it possible to find out about critical situations before they happen, whether they affect an individual, a group of people, an organization or an industrial enterprise. The further development of this is not only proper, but even necessary for our collective survival. Using the method of psychic testing, we are able to analyze the physical parameters of an object and its field structure. As future events in the material world are conceived in the field structures, events on the physical level are nothing more than a realization of programs that exist on the level of the field. The events that take place in the Universe are not just a chaotic interconnection of different objects; they are the realization of certain programs that are encoded in the informational-energy field of the Universe, and as such they constitute a succession of events that is being transferred from the information structures to the energy structures. It is then realized on the physical level. The mechanism of karma reflects within itself the principle of the unity of the individual with the Universe.

. Using my own experience in healing, and analyzing the complex problems of my patients, and summing up the information I collected through testing various programs and objects, I will try to show how effective and productive my method of psychic testing can be. I will also speak about the main errors that alienate us from the Universe and are the true causes of all our illnesses, sufferings, and misfortunes. Cause Number One Many processes in the modern world tend to obliterate any blocking line between the conscious mind and the subconscious. Everything that enters the subconscious is a guide to human action and starts functioning immediately. A century and a half ago the subconscious was vigorously assaulted mainly by art, philosophy and certain schools of esoteric knowledge, but now medical science has begun to play an active part in the same process. Conscious logic serves the principle of the physical survival of the body, but the logic of the subconscious has a different goal, - to preserve and develop our spiritual potential. The attempts at fusing these two can lead to the destruction of one or the other. The human subconscious at present absorbs all kinds of energy pollution with incredible speed, and not just because of the assault on the subconscious mind. Modern man is in such a state of confusion that he has become exceedingly gullible. But if skepticism were exercised on at least one percent of the information received, the subconscious would be saved from its pernicious influence. When negative feelings and emotions enter our subconscious, we cannot control them, but as our physical health is closely dependent on them subconscious, this leads to some extremely complicated consequences. A man consulted me for help. He was suffering from constant headaches. I found out the true cause of his illness: ten years previously he had held something against his wife, even though this feeling was justified by the behavior of his wife, the husband was also punished. I explained it to him and he asked me in amazement: Youre right, but how could you know? I have no right to guess. I analyze the causes of disease and I simply see them. Holding something against another person is one of the commonest transgressions of the universal laws and it can seriously harm both the offender and the offended. I was visited by a woman with a ten-year-old daughter. The mother complained that other girls in her daughters class avoided her and did not want to befriend her. Give me the names of these girls. I prompted her. I tested them and saw that all these girls treated my visitors daughter very badly.

In 1974 you offended a woman seriously, I explained to the mother. And do you know what happened? Your field was deformed by the offense and the deformation entered the field of your daughter. It is directed against women. The girls feel it and so they are avoiding your daughter. After the mothers structures were corrected, I realized that the girls attitude would change, and next day the other girls would become the daughters friends. The mother herself participated in this correction. Though she was not a healer, I pointed out to her the particular parts of the field that should be affected. I helped her to enter the spiritual level of contact with the Universe, and the result was achieved. I once treated a grandmother of a young man. She confessed that she had felt seriously offended at her mother, who had somehow hurt her at a difficult moment. Perhaps she simply could not have behaved differently, but the daughter was angry with her for many years. The fields of parents and children are closely connected and so when a child holds something against his parent, the subtlest structures are deformed, and this produces the most undesirable consequences. The womans son and grandson had inherited the deformation and were unhappy. The son, for example, had been married six or seven times. It is interesting to note that he remained friends with his wives even after the divorces, but his family life was always a disaster. The grandson had similar problems. He is a fine young man and meets nice girls but he is unable to establish a family... The study of karmic structures gives an energy-field confirmation of the Biblical commandment: Honor thy father and thy mother, and long will be thy days on Earth. The attitude toward ones mother and father must always be respectful. The code of laws and rules of social behavior which previously existed protected the subtle human field structures. Today this protection has been lost. An interesting thing happened recently. A woman called me and told that her husband had a strong fit of radiculitis and was about to leave for a long trip connected with business. I did a remote examination of his condition, and saw that he was in a serious trouble. Not long ago he had been on the verge of having a heart attack, and now had acute back pain. He had planned to see a physician, but had no time. As it turned out, this was a blessing in disguise: the doctors would have removed the pain, but his heart would have been critically endangered. This young man inherited a serious karmic disorder from his parents in the form of a strong subconscious tendency to get offended at others. Although he was unaware of it, he often attacked others on the energy field level, and suffered from their counter-attacks. He was a kind-hearted and outgoing

person with rather high spiritual parameters that served as a good defense, and so it was his body rather than his soul that took the punishment. His soul was saved by his physical sufferings. The serious deformation of his fields could well have led to a dangerous ailment of functional or organic nature, and most probably it would have been a heart attack, but the pain in the back averted this dramatic outcome. Physicians could have helped him with massage and painkillers, but then the main danger would have become imminent. I received all this information while analyzing his field structures from a distance. Now I had to cleanse his karma in such a way as to remove the true cause of his illness. I called him hourly, explaining to him the transgression of his parents. His energy level, which had been critically low, gradually began to rise. My goal was to normalize his main parameters and to rid his field of karmic deformations. I did not try, of course, to eliminate his physical pain, because he would have had to pay dearly for that. But it always takes time to harmonize karmic structures and he and I had to have patience. I called him till midnight. The next morning I discovered that his energy was once again at a low level, and his fields remained deformed. This was caused by his getting offended at me. During the night he went to get up, fell down and lost consciousness from the acute pain. He did not understand my method of treatment and felt that a healer should relieve the patient of pain immediately. I explained to him that there was no point in getting offended at me. He had violated the highest laws for so many years that it was impossible to cure him in a few hours. I went on with my treatment, and that evening the pain stopped and he left town for his business trip. But a few days later his wife called me and asked to examine her daughter. She had lost consciousness at school and the doctors had been unable to make a diagnosis. The guilty party was her father, who had gotten offended at me again. Since my karma was relatively clean, the offense returned to him and struck his child. In the old days there were real saints who abided by all the highest laws, and any man who harbored anger toward them was punished immediately. This prevented problems, since people came to realize that harboring anger is a serious sin. Now we all have negative karma, and, as a result, the anger is absorbed by the field and there is no such thing as immediate punishment: we die slowly. We cannot see the true processes of life due to our lack of knowledge and emotional response. My next patient, a woman, told me how she divorced her husband. She placed the blame for the divorce on her mother-in-law. This woman did everything to destroy their marriage, though it seemed that she had nothing against her daughter-in-law. I investigated the case and found out that the mother-in-law had hated her husband when her son was not yet born. She harbored her anger for a long time and created a program for separation from her husband. Now she had forgotten it completely, but the

information block existed in her field and had begun to destroy her sons family life. He had inherited the program with all its inevitable consequences. The mother-in-law could regard the situation as a consequence of her own dislike of the daughter-in-law, but, in fact, it originated with the preservation of the evil mechanism that had been set in motion by her subconscious program. This was natural, since evil acts never disappear on their own. They are preserved in the subconscious and sooner or later affect another person. And the victim is often the person most cherished and loved by the initiator of the evil. A woman asked me to help her child, who had a bad case of food allergy rash. I told her that the reason was her anger against a certain man, but she could not remember anything of the sort. I started to treat the childs field which was seriously distorted, but his condition soon became worse and the illness grew stronger. I tested the mother and the son once more, and quickly realized that at my first testing I saw only the upper level of the energy disorder. The real cause lay deeper. The woman had lost her first child. His death and the second childs food allergy were caused by her strong enmity toward her husband. After some correction, the child felt better, but the field remained distorted. You are still angry at your husband, I said to her. But he was the guilty party! I explained to her that he could not have been guilty. A relationship between two human beings is formed by their fields. Our fields contain the sum of the programs that control our relations with other people and the world. The love or hate we invoke in others strictly correspond to the qualities of our karma. There are people who are always getting offended, others who often get hurt, and still others who constantly experience envy toward others. Our field contains the program of our own attitudes to others and their attitude to us. If somebody harms us, it does not give us the right to respond with harm. We can fight back an attack on the physical level, but on the spiritual or energetic level we must always be full of love, patience and submission. We must always remember that all our troubles are caused by our own imperfection. This heals our karma and our ailments, and it helps us to be healthy and happy. Irritability and hate in ones attitude toward other people are in fact an energy attack against the whole Universe, and it does much harm to ones own field structures. Pray for those ones who curse you and bless those ones who despise you... This maxim is our best defense from misfortunes, illnesses, and what we call the evil eye. My assistant, a young woman, wanted to help her cousin. I explained to her that he was suffering from a sin committed by his mother. She went to church and felt sick there. I looked through her field and discovered that it had disintegrated completely. This

happened because in the church she had approached an icon to pray for the sins of her cousins mother while she herself was full of resentment toward this very woman. Even the slightest subconscious resentment or enmity when a person is in the field of a temple or an icon, the natural symbols of love and unity, can seriously distort ones field structures. A woman asked me to do a remote test of her office. She had become practically afraid to enter this room. I did so, and discovered three strong negative zones created by different people. The most unpleasant and dangerous among them had a radius of approximately one meter. It had been produced by a man whose appearance and age I described to her at once. The woman was shocked, since this man (whom she recognized immediately) was a very pleasant and polite person. He treated her very well, and she felt that it was impossible that he could have been responsible for the program of destruction and hatred present in that room. My continued investigation showed that the woman was both right and wrong. Her colleague was in fact a woman hater, but this negative program existed only in his subconscious mind. He knew nothing of it. Such a situation can be created by some misdeeds of ones ancestors or by sins committed in previous lives. In this particular case the programs initiator was his great-grandmother who had not wanted to get pregnant and had wished for the death of her own daughter. Unfortunately, the program was very strong, and it had survived through several generations of this family. The man was a victim of this curse, and so became a subconscious enemy of all women. This fact had a profound influence on his own family life. His first wife told how she had suffered from strange fits of hatred toward her husband, and once she even tried to stab him. He was happier with his second wife, but five years later she died in an accident. I tested the field structures of both women and discovered that both cases had the same cause: the autonomous program for the destruction of women preserved in the subconsciousness of this man. The more love he had for the woman, the more effective it was. It was no surprise that he had no children. The birth of boys was inhibited by their tendency to inherit the same fatal program, thus destroying many women. Female children would be too weak to survive. My visitor wanted to help her colleague. She asked me to correct his field with a drawing, since she knew that I had this method at my disposal. I agreed and, using the remote method, pushed the program out of the mans field. This is one of the methods of sorcery, and I dont usually use it, but in this particular case I decided to do so. Perhaps I wanted to help the woman, and at the same time show off my great abilities. It felt good to know that I had the power to make a difference in someones life. I was very pleased with the results, but after four hours passed I sensed the presence of a

serious danger. After some investigation, I realized what had happened. A program of destruction can be eliminated only through repentance. If it is cast out by magic, it preserves its power, and can function in some other place. So I had to find out where it was functioning, and soon realized that it had moved to my own field. I understood then why sorcerers cast an illness into water, the ground, plants and various objects. Otherwise, it might strike the person who displaced it. My next discovery was even more unpleasant: it became apparent that the program would harm me through the field of my son. He would inherit the karma of the man I tried to help and would be forced to destroy the women he would love. I could not leave this program in my sons field, but I still pitied this man. At last I found a compromise. I neutralized about sixty percent of the program and returned the rest to him, since he had already confirmed it by his actions towards women. Casting an illness into water or various objects is also a mistake, but I will discuss this topic later. Many illnesses are caused by the fact that people do not realize how dangerous it is to have negative thoughts or feelings at moments of great emotional elevation, such as when one is overjoyed by something or in love. In these states a persons energy level is extremely high. Once a woman asked me to help her child who had a problem with bedwetting. I tested him and said to the mother: You harbored ill feelings against someone and wished him or her ill in such-and-such year. The woman could not remember. I made it more clear. It was on the 11th or 12th of February. But that was my wedding day. And what happened on your wedding day? The woman could not remember anything bad connected with this day, but her energy bore a strong ill feeling against some other woman, a relative of her husband. Perhaps you quarreled with your mother-in-law? The woman remembered that she was a bit offended by something her mother-in-law had said, but it had not been serious. Then I began to understand what had really happened. You were very happy on your wedding day and your energy level was enormously high, so even feeling a little offended at your mother-in-law harmed her very much. And then this involuntary attack returned to you in the form of your childs disorder. Bedwetting is a complex disorder which manifests the first symptoms of a profound dysfunction in the childs spiritual structures. It is a time-bomb that can explode into a serious physical ailment or an unhappy life. The childs emotional and psychic structures are distorted.

Any resentment that a person harbors for a long time presents a grave danger if it is not ovecome. People intuitively try to dissolve such feelings of resentment by crying, breaking dishes, cursing and much more. But if the resentment goes deep into the soul and is kept there for many years, it becomes much more dangerous and can harm the offender, the offended and the children of both. People who are mentally healthy usually dont feel offended for a long time. In the Christian and in Judaic traditions there is a day set aside for atonement, when a person begs forgiveness for all his sins against others. If he atones sincerely, the mechanism of repentance is put into motion and the subconscious becomes cleansed. I think that today we have only a vague idea of what the word repentance really means. While studying the history of world religions, I tried to grasp the true meaning of this term. First of all, it has nothing to do with useless pangs of conscience, self-flagellation, or regrets about the past. Such emotions can only be harmful. Repenting means directing all ones inner forces toward self-transformation with an obligation never to repeat the mistakes of the past. It is the ability to use to energy burst accompanying the awareness of ones sins for a creative purpose. Repentance means that the chain of events, with its causes and consequences, is finally broken. The mechanism for the transfer of field information (the accumulation and activation of programs through human actions) is halted. A repentant sinner in Judaism and a thief on a cross in Christianity can ascend higher than a saint, since their repentance is a more difficult task than living all ones life according to the Divine law when one has a clear karma. A person with a clear family and personal karma can easily perform great deeds, while with dark karma he sometimes needs a much more persistent effort just to become an honest member of society. That is why all world religions insist repeatedly that ones personal aspirations toward the spiritual are more important than ones natural abilities. In order to repent, one must understand the real structure of the world. Only those who know the law can be aware of its violation. At the beginning of my studies, I thought that repentance destroyed only the programs that were formed by negative emotions, such as hate, resentment and ill will, but now I realize that its power is much greater. And what is even more important, repentance means a radical change in the field structures and a constructive effort to harmonize them. Each human being is in contact with the Divine on a subtle spiritual level, just as each cell is in contact with the organism as a whole. This contact cannot be broken, even by the darkest karma and the most sinful behavior. The field structures of each person

preserve information about all the violations of higher laws and misdeeds committed by his ancestors, and those he committed in previous lives. The more serious the transgressions, the more subtle is the level of the field where they are located. Some view human nature as innately sinful; others speak of humanity as being innately pure. These two principles only seem to be contradictory, as they correspond to different levels of the field structures. That is why our efforts to reach the Unknown and the Divine through repentance enable us to experience the subtler levels of the field, to grow spiritually and to cleanse our karma. In our world everything is connected and often we come across this principle in the most unexpected way. A woman called me and said that her dog had accidentally eaten a poisonous substance and was on the verge of dying. I tested the animals energy from a distance and discovered black spots in the dogs stomach and head. The poison obviously had started to affect the brain, and the dog was motionless. Could you influence the poison with your energy? asked the woman. It is possible, I answered and began to destroy the poison bioenergetically. After testing again, I knew what medicine would be proper. Dissolve aspirin in water and administer it to the dog, I told the woman by phone. Half an hour later the spot turned grey. It began to diminish and the dog slowly returned to life. Its energy also became better. But I wanted to know why the dog had eaten the poison. It seemed that the trouble had been caused by the woman, the dogs mistress, who had recently violated the highest laws of the Universe. This problem will be discussed in detail in Book 2. I was treating a young woman who had suffered a concussion in an auto accident. One of her fingers was numb. I found out that the true cause of this incident was connected with her behavior, and I explained all this to her. But what about my physical condition? she asked. This was a typical situation. When a patient comes to me unprepared he expects that I will heal him or her by passing my hands over his body. The patient cannot realize that my method of explanation is much more effective. The resentment which the patient then experiences can unfortunately have harmful consequences. After a few days the woman felt better, but when she visited me for the second time, it turned out that her field was deformed because at the first session she had not trusted me and subconsciously attacked me with her energy field. I explained this to her. But thats impossible! she protested.

Well, ten minutes after you left my office, you experienced a feeling of dissatisfaction, and, since your karma is not very clear, and you had inherited some field deformations from your parents, it turned into a violent attack against me. Have you had problems recently? Yes, my dog was nearly hit by a car. I tested the field structures of the woman and her dog. They were identical. Pets always depend on their owners, and their illnesses and injuries are often caused by them. The dogs field was clear, but after the woman met me, it became distorted in the areas of the head and paws. I made a drawing and showed it to the woman. Here you can see the dogs paw, it is injured, I said. And you are to blame, since it is your dog. You were angry with me for fifteen minutes, but, since I was not guilty of anything, your attack returned back to you and struck your dog. You were lucky that it did not harm your husband or your son. I corrected the womans field, and the dogs health improved, but there was a distortion in the area of its hind legs, because the woman still did not accept all my arguments. But after some time this black spot was also gone. Our loved ones as well as our pets depend on us, and when we violate the laws of ethics, they can be punished along with us. I have received a lot of calls from friends lately to ask about medical problems. After twenty days of bronchitis, one friend called me. His doctor had tried all kinds of medicines, but his state only worsened. A month ago you got angry at your wife, I explained. But she was the one to blame. I was so angry that I almost hit her. Remember, you should not harbor anger at your close relatives for long, and you especially should not let it enter the depth of your soul. This would be the same as holding a grudge against the Universe. Two days later this man called me and told that he had recovered completely. My consultation saved him from a lot of medical procedures that could have helped him with his bronchitis but would have endangered his future, since the initial cause of his disease would not have been eliminated. Tsiqun gymnastics and medical diet may be an acceptable treatment in such cases, since they can affect the psyche and subconscious of a patient and destroy the pernicious programs formed by anger. But as these types of therapy cannot control the mind and the subconscious, they offer only a partial and temporary recovery, and after some time a patient can once again find himself in the same miserable condition. Let us discuss the same subject from another perspective. If my friend, after a month or two, had been completely cured of bronchitis by means of modern medicine, the anger

would have remained in his subconscious. If at that time, or even a bit later, his wife were to give birth to a son, his field would inherit this program of anger and destruction of others from his father. It would be preserved in him like a time bomb and years later even a slight resentment against a relative could produce an explosion. To block this program, his energy field would use a serious illness such as tuberculosis, a heart attack or a tumor in the lungs, stomach or esophagus. In our time human behavior is not guided by a healthy outlook of a cultural and ethical level achieved through the Biblical commandments. Each of us bears such a time bomb within, and the explosions occur more and more often. That is why so many have fallen victims to cardiovascular and ontological diseases over the last few decades. Physicians know nothing of this mechanism and so they try to rationalize these problems by alluding to poor ecology, unhealthy diet and stress. A single case like the one described above shows that future Chernobyls in the field of human health could be avoided if only modern medicine could stop limiting itself to eliminating the consequences of problems. The logic of our conscious minds and the logic of the Universe, its development, and life unfortunately are far from identical. The human conscious mind and the lower levels of the subconscious often act against the harmony of the world, and almost all the cases I describe in this book confirm this truth. A young man came to see me for the second time. During our first meeting I had explained to him that his wifes infertility was caused by his internal aggression against women. I had made a correction and his level of aggression went down, but during the second session I saw that his negative program again was very intense. You switched on the program for the destruction of your wife again. Why? I asked. Recently I met my first wife and we had an argument. You should put aside all your anger and resentment against her. You should forgive her and treat her without any negative emotions. I have forgiven her for everything, but I cannot remain indifferent to some of her actions. Resentment, like hatred and envy is a kind of energy attack against another human being and an attempt to destroy that person. If you fail to understand this and cannot balance your feelings toward your first wife, I will not be able to help you. The program of destruction does not react to a name like Masha or Luba. It is directed toward the woman you consider to be your wife. Your first wife is not your wife on the level of the energy field, and this has been so for some time. Thus your anger toward her destroys your second wife. If you do not wish to destroy one another, you must forgive the one you consider to be your enemy.

If you do not do this, all of your accumulated subconscious hatred and resentment against your first wife will be activated at your slightest quarrel with your second wife. If they are not blocked, these same programs will move to the fields of your future children, harming their health. Otherwise, they will influence your wife and she will remain childless permanently. In harboring anger at your first wife, you are killing your own children, though they are not yet born. The Christian concept of meekness is by no means slavery, as it has often been described, but, rather, a means of spiritual growth. Through internal meekness we are finding harmony with the Universe on a subtle level. Recently I was visited by a man who said that he and his wife were on the verge of divorce, but could not understand why, since they got along well. I sensed that the whole conflict was created by the mans mother who had disliked her first daughter-inlaw, and she had done everything possible to break up his first marriage. When her son married the second time, she had been very happy, but the program for the destruction of love remained in her subconscious, and was now directed against her new daughterin-law. In fact, she was doing her best to destroy this marriage, though on the level of consciousness she knew nothing of this. The conscious mind is like a small wheel that can be easily rolled in both directions. The subconscious is more like an enormous wheel which is heavy and difficult to put into motion, but even more difficult to stop. Our ancestors moved this wheel with their spiritual zeal, kindness and love. During the last three centuries mankind has existed by the inertia of this movement, doing little to sustain it. And now we can help ourselves only through repeated conscious efforts on the path of spirituality, love and harmony. The reserve of human karma has been exhausted, and we can be saved from misfortune only by aspiring to the highest goal. A friend of mine, a woman, called me and said: I had an argument with a girl-friend of mine and my resentment is stifling me. I have repeatedly prayed for forgiveness for this offense, but with no result. This is quite natural, I explained, As you should pray for forgiveness not only for yourself, but also for your girl-friend. She also needs forgiveness, since she feels resentment toward you. The woman was silent for a moment. But she was much more at fault in our quarrel. I did nothing to offend her, she said at last. I paused, trying to find the proper words to convince my friend. You see, we are always the first to subconsciously offend those who will offend us later. You offended women in your previous life and created a program of aggression

that is now working automatically on the subconscious level. Besides, your father offended your mother during the first month of her pregnancy. As a result, your mechanism of offense can be switched on at the slightest pretext, and your conscious mind is simply unable to register this. When someone offends you, you should first of all beg forgiveness for yourself, as if you were the offending party, and this act will block the karmic programs that are responsible for this situation, whether they emanated from you or your parents. Then you should beg forgiveness for the fact that you failed to forgive another person and instead took offense yourself. And only then should you beg forgiveness for the one who offended you and was also offended. Only in this way can you block the karmic programs of destruction and disintegration and preserve your own health and that of your children. All that I discussed above is connected with the peoples internal states. The external realization can vary, but the only thing that matters is that this process of repentance should go on in a human soul. Cause Number Two Once I asked one of my patients, a woman: What do you think is the greatest crime a human being can commit? She thought for a moment and answered: Killing another person. No, there is an even greater crime, killing love, for to kill a human being, you must first kill your love for him. By killing the feeling of love, we create the soil in which various crimes and misfortunes will grow in abundance. A provincial couple, a husband and wife, once came to me for advice. Their fifteenyear-old son had been watching a well-known comedian on TV and laughing, then went out and hanged himself. The parents could not understand how this could have happened. I analyzed the situation to find out the cause and discovered out the following facts: His mother had a friend who had loved her dearly, but she was indifferent to him and deliberately destroyed his love. He could not stand it, threw himself under a train and died. So, as it turns out, this woman killed the love and life of a man who loved her. In accordance with the law of karma, this intense program of annihilation of life returned to her, remained in her field for years, entered her sons field and exploded when he was fifteen years old. The field structure of a human being contains hundreds of different programs formed by his actions, emotions and thoughts, along with those of his loved ones. In Eastern philosophy there is a saying: There are no human beings, only ideas. Socalled unmotivated crimes, murders and suicides are often motivated by latent programs

of destruction and self-destruction created by the ancestors of the criminals and their victims. These programs are preserved subconsciously for decades, where they are strengthened by the similar actions of the children and grandchildren of the authors of these programs, unless they are blocked only by ethical standards and sincere aspirations for the Divine life. A woman came to me complaining of infertility. She had visited several healers, but with no positive results. I explained the causes of her problem to her: You had suicidal thoughts four times, this program of destruction was very strong and your organism tried to block it. By suppressing love and other feelings that could connect you with mankind, you were bringing harm not only to yourself, but also to others. The woman interrupted me: I am not interested in other people. I want to know whats wrong with me. I patiently went on with my explanation. Now you are rejecting others to protect yourself, and your are defying love once again. If you persist in this attitude, your infertility will be the least of your problems. But I want to know what can help me. Can you guarantee that you will help me? I worked very hard that time and each incorrect question made me feel tired. I cannot guarantee anything, because so much depends on you. The woman stood up and went away in silence. I looked through her emotions: at least she didnt take offense, and so saved herself from more harm. I was visited by a 20-year-old girl. As usual, I did not ask the patient about her problems and analyzed the situation myself. I found out that the girls physical state was perfectly adequate, but her spiritual structures were badly deformed. In general you are in excellent health, except for a minor tachycardia. The girl looked at me with indifference. I have diabetes. Several years ago I would have been shocked that I made an incorrect diagnosis. A patient was seriously ill, and I had told her that she should feel fine. But as I learned more about the genesis of diseases, I realized that diabetes was not an illness, but a defense reaction of the organism. It occurs when the organism attempts to block a program for the destruction of others. The more dangerous the program is, the stronger the defense, that is, the disease. As I studied this case in more detail, I found out that when the girl was fourteen years old, she had been very much in love with a young man, but they parted because their information fields were incompatible. In the physical world this can manifest itself in different ways. The girls love turned into a mortal hate.

She killed her love and wished this man severe misfortune, which meant that she severed her ties with the Cosmos and, as a result, fell ill with diabetes. To defy one of the highest emotions means to seriously deform ones own field structure, and on the physical level this often takes the form of an incurable illness. An ailment can have a number of different functions. The first one is to warn a human being, the second to stop an activity that is harmful to him, the third to eliminate the mechanisms which transfer the negative information. We should always keep in mind that we are the cells of a unified organism called humanity, which in its turn is a part of an unified system called the Universe. The main commandments of world religions are nothing more than encoded information on the structure of the world and the rules of our own interaction with it. Today we are able to broaden our knowledge of the world and to grasp truths that in the past were revealed only to the Great Initiates. Another patient, a woman, told me that she was quite healthy, but she had problems in her private life. She was in love with a man who loved her, but their relationship was always troubled by various complications. She could not understand why it was so, but she suspected that Providence itself tried to separate them. I tested her and found out that her problems originated from some events that took place at the beginning of the twenties, when her grandmother rejected love as a Divine gift, and did everything possible to destroy it. She (the grandmother) married an influential man trying to preserve her material wealth, which turned out to be pointless, since her family still lost everything in the process of collectivization. She left her husband without remorse, and confessed to her granddaughter that she had never loved her husband, but that he had always loved her and suffered with this love for a long time. My visitor retold this story with tears in her eyes. And now Peter and I are not getting along at all, she said. And what was the name of your grandmothers husband? The woman looked at me in astonishment and answered: Peter! I was studying field structures and doing medical diagnostics. Once a woman came to me with gynecological problems. Eight years ago a man fell in love with you, I told her. Yes, she replied. Did you like him? No. He suffered because of you and you destroyed his love. Instead of doing it tactfully and showing that it wasnt your fault, you got rid of him in a harsh way. Yes, I behaved differently than I would have today.

Your behavior was the cause of your present illnesses and more. Have you had any other troubles? Any miscarriages? Two times, even though I wanted to have children. You would have given birth to boys. Yes. But why did it happen that way? You killed love in a man. Therefore, your male children could not survive. Do you have any children now? I have a daughter. Perhaps you tried to have more children? I injured my hip and broke my pelvis in an auto accident, and now I cannot have children. Do you realize that this misfortune was not accidental? Yes, I do now. Sometimes it is difficult to believe that our actions have such a direct influence on our physical health, but each case gave me more proof of this rule. Illnesses can be cured by discovering their true causes. Once at a party I was shown a videotape from the previous year of the wedding of the hosts niece. The wedding party was obviously a success: the bride was young and beautiful, the bridegroom was very happy, and all their relatives were in high spirits. Looking at the bride, I automatically tested her and realized that there were many troubles ahead for the new family. Please, have your niece come here immediately, I said to the host. She should be treated, since she can have serious complications connected with childbirth. Three months ago she had a stillborn baby, he remarked. I still want to see her. This is only the beginning. I investigated the nieces problems very thoroughly and discovered some radical field deformations caused by one of the gravest violations of the highest laws. This was a classic case of a line doomed to extinction. Do you know that your family is cursed on your mothers side? I asked the young woman. Yes, a fortune-teller once told me something about that. And did she explain what caused it? No. Fortune-tellers are not very strong on causes. Then urgently gather all your maternal relatives together. The deaths of children, incurable illnesses and other grave misfortunes in your family are all due to one and the same cause.

The next day all her relatives were gathered in front of me. I began by addressing my friends niece. Your grandfather on your mothers side committed a violation when his wife was pregnant and you are all paying for it. He rejected his child in the fifth month of pregnancy. You may wonder why the punishment was so severe. The fact is that in the fifth month of pregnancy the child is one with the God and the Universe. All of us can normally exist only when we periodically establish contact with the Universe. In order to make this contact, we use our recollections of the fifth month, which are encoded in our field. If a parent rejects a child at that time - and during a family quarrel this could happen spontaneously and subconsciously - the child will inherit a program for the destruction of his own progeny along with a program for the annihilation of the Universe. He is like a cell bearing the program for the destruction of the whole body. The organism reacts to a cell like this accordingly. One can block this program only by Divine aspirations and dedicating oneself to love. If this is not done, the family is doomed to die out. I saw that the people before me were turning to God in their thoughts. I saw their field structures straighten out as the curse left their field. This was one more proof that healing is best done by achieving understanding. Our children now have dozens of times more energy potential than the children of our ancestors did a few generations back. Unfortunately, we pay little attention to their spiritual growth and are too preoccupied with their professional training and material well-being. Recently a friend of mine, a gifted healer herself, was having trouble: her dog had been paralyzed in its hind paws. She asked me to find out the cause of this misfortune. I tested the animal and was amazed. The woman was three months pregnant and her yet unborn child had become jealous of the dog and switched on the program for its destruction. I analyzed the origin of the childs aggressiveness, her mother prayed for him and the next day the dog recovered. Your child has great abilities, I told the woman, but they are not directed in the right way. You should pray every day for your child to be kind and love God more than earthly things. You should carefully review your whole life and change your attitude toward many things. If you fail to make your child more spiritual, his great abilities will be blocked by the system of energy feedback, and he will have a difficult life. Put the Bible on your stomach and let us see how the child reacts. If the reaction is negative, the situation is really grave. Fortunately, the reaction was positive, though the child reacted better to the New Testament than the Old Testament. Numerous studies have shown that a child interacts

with the external world even before his birth, and his physical health depends on the spirituality and ethical standards of his mother. In the fifth month, the child is one with God and receives his abilities directly from Him. The third and fourth months of pregnancy are a crucial time for the mother as she passes through various ordeals. Almost any situation can be turned into an ordeal for her, and the outcomes form the character and destiny of the child, and the mother must always bear in mind that spiritual values should take priority over everything else. I was visited by a physician acquaintance of mine. In the past I cured her child of a food allergy rash by explaining to her that the disease was a punishment for a violation of the highest law which she had committed a few years before the childs birth. Now she wanted to know whether her field was free of distortions. Unfortunately, her anxiety was fully justified: I discovered some serious deformations that were having a negative influence on her life. As I tested further, I found that she had destroyed the feeling of love in another human being with her words and, as a result, she and her children could have serious problems. The woman could not remember anything of the sort, but after an hour of talking and testing, we managed to reconstruct the story of her harmful action. My visitor had a male friend, a young physician, and they often spent time together. Once he showed up with a girl who he loved and hoped to marry. After seeing her, my friend told him that this girl would leave him saying, You wont live with her for long. Youre not the kind of man she hopes to marry. After some time her prophecy came true: he and his girl broke up. This happened because the young man received a program for the suppression of love from his friend, and this program stuck with him. It was present in his field and destroyed his relationship with women. We often forget or simply dont realize how easily we can ruin another persons life, and simultaneously bring harm to ourselves. A casual remark by this woman had a destructive impact on at least three people: the young man, herself, and her child. And this ominous chain could have been prolonged further and further with time. I recently analyzed a womans field and found the structure of a curse caused by her mother. The woman nevertheless was relatively healthy. Did you have a conflict with your mother in 1972? I asked. Yes, she didnt approve of me getting married. She was against it? In a most uncompromising way. But I told her that I would marry this man anyway. I studied her karmic structures and found out something really interesting.

I would like to ask you about something that might sound incredible. Have you ever heard about past lives? Yes, I have. In your previous life you died of cancer. The man who is now your husband was then your fiance. Your present mother was your mother in that life as well. You obeyed her and parted with him, even though you loved him very much. In this life you had the same ordeal, and you passed the test. That is why you are happy despite your mothers unconscious curse. But your mother persistently repeated her error. When a cell is fighting against the entire organism, it turns into a cancerous cell. The woman was lost in thought for a few moments and then said: My mother died of cancer in 1975. I then thought of how all of us, with our pragmatism and earthly-mindedness, are moving further and further from the divine principles of spirituality and love. The most important genetic information is transferred not only through genes, but also through the energy field. The mothers field is connected with her new childs, so her feelings have a direct influence on the child. If she parts with the man she loves and begins to hate him, the result will be a catastrophe for the child. The negative field structure of a mother preconditions many future misfortunes for her children. I treated a woman who had violated the laws of conservation of love. Your daughters have such an accumulation of negative programs that in the future they may perhaps be unable to have children, I said. That is exactly what their horoscopes predict, replied the woman. Astrology is a secondary matter. The time of a childs birth is determined by his field structure, in other words, by karma. In the course of my work I was confronted with a case that showed that, under certain conditions, astrological predictions can be changed, as the following case will show. A TV reporter called me and asked for a meeting with me. During our discussion on the phone, I found her to be an interesting person and a very attentive listener. Her questions helped me to systematize the materials I had accumulated through years of practice, and it was a pleasure to talk to a person who was conversant in bioenergetics at an almost professional level. Still I turned down her request to go on television, since I wanted to avoid cheap publicity and in any case I did not want to interrupt my work. We arranged a meeting for the next day, but something strange happened. We waited for each other in different places, though each of us was sure that it was the right place. Then the woman called my office while I was trying to find her at the hotel. We met

each other only an hour before her departure. The woman was very upset, but she exerted tremendous effort in order to avoid feeling offended at me. We kept in contact after that through occasional phone calls. Once we were talking about bioenergetics, she casually mentioned that according to her horoscope she should die in a few years. I started to analyze her karmic structures. According to the information I have, you will have a child that will die as soon as it is born. His head will be the affected area. This will cause you to have numerous illnesses and troubles, including a mental disorder. Unfortunately, you will die two years after your childs tragic end. So the horoscope is correct? she asked with poorly disguised trepidation in her voice. The horoscope doesnt matter. It is your energy field, in other words, your karma that matters. Your destiny is controlled by the stars, because you were born at a certain moment that was determined by your energy field structure. If you manage to change this structure through spiritual growth and aspirations toward the Divine, your karma and destiny will also change. I told the woman what kinds of disorders prevented her field structure from becoming normal, and I performed the necessary correction. She was pregnant. Some time after that, I felt that she was in serious danger and called her. I told her: If you fail to remove your resentment against your husband, the mechanism of karma will switch on. On the third and fourth months of pregnancy you passed the test and blocked your resentments, but now you and your child are in a very dangerous situation. Forget the logic of everyday life if you want to be healthy and happy. For some time I did a remote observation of her field, and it remained stable and harmonious. When the child was born, the happy mother called me and said: Youre right. My child barely escaped death. The doctors told me that my son was born with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. Three months later, my prediction was further confirmed in a rather peculiar way. When the child was tested with ultrasound, it was revealed that he had a microscopic hemorrhage of the brain. If the mothers ill-feelings had not been neutralized in time, the scenario in the horoscope could well have become reality. The logic of love and forgiveness means more than any horoscope or fortune-telling. A sincere aspiration toward harmony, kindness and the Divine can overcome negative karma. The destiny and character of ones future child are formed in the informational-energy field of the parents even before conception. They are present at the moment of conception and determine the childs future. When the parents are not sure whether they want the child or not, they are launching an attack on the childs field structures that can

deform them or even destroy them. The strict planning of a childs sex, as when one of the parents wants only a son or a daughter, also has the most undesirable influence on the childs field structures. The slightest doubt about the desirability of a child, to say nothing of an effort to get rid of it, would ruin its destiny, health and ability to relate to others. A fifteen-year-old girl proclaims: I dont want to have children, and reinforces this program with a strong emotional impulse. A few years later she can give birth to a seriously ill child, and she will not realize that the tragedy occurred because of a rash statement that she once made. A couple had hoped for a son, but they had a daughter instead. For a day they were in shock, but then they reconciled themselves to the situation and now they love their daughter very much, but she is often ill. The double-strength program of destruction created by the mother and the father did not disappear and is actively functioning in the childs field. A husband said something to hurt his wife when she was pregnant and the idea flickered in her mind that she should not have decided to have a child. After that, he hurt her so many times that the woman had no wish to live with this happiness. All this, of course, entered the gentle and defenseless field of the child. Now he is almost poisoned with various drugs and has been hospitalized frequently, but his health is not improving. When a child is ill, it is very important to do everything that is possible for his recovery. This means that the parents should think first of all about his spirit and only secondarily about his physical state. Pumping him full of medicines or food can only bring harm. Recently I spoke with the father of a girl who nearly died during a critical illness. I checked the childs field before and after the illness and was amazed: all the deformations that had caused the disease had disappeared completely. I looked for a cause for her recuperation, and found that the main factor was the fathers love for the daughter. Almost all the programs of destruction that functioned in her field were neutralized by his love. But I am speaking here of love, not affection. Love heals; affection only does harm. That is why the health of a child depends so much on the behavior, ethics and even the diet of his parents. Avoiding meat, alcohol, rich foods and overeating is even more important for the parents than for the child. And, of course, all the parents anger and resentment toward one another and the world in general should be put aside, as the physical and spiritual states of a child reflect the spiritual state of his parents. To save

the child from disease and misfortune, the parents should first of all care for his spiritual health. A young man told me of his problems. Two years ago he began to suffer from pain in his feet, and he was treated with therapeutic massage and medicinal baths. A few months after he began treatment, the foot pain stopped, but his sight began to deteriorate. This was a typical case. When parents reject a child, be it in words, thoughts, or actions, before conception or during pregnancy, his field structures are deformed in three areas: the head, the first chakra, and the feet. In this particular case his field was damaged on both his mothers side and his fathers side, so, after a supposedly successful treatment, the deformation moved from one area to another, or, to be exact, from the feet to the head. This process, which in the past took dozens of years, is now taking only a few months. This explains the helplessness of the medical profession in recent years. In the past a disease was usually localized in an organ and after a long treatment the patient improved, which simply meant that the disease in fact moved to some other part of the body. Today, when humanitys karma is polluted, the situation is different. A disease is not localized in one particular organ. It floats from organ to organ during treatment. It is the persons entire field which is affected. Concentrating on the physical body, that is, on the consequences rather than the cause, is senseless and dangerous. It is also senseless to spend countless sums of money to fight disease and ignore the causes for disease. I do not want to place the blame on physicians; it is human reasoning which is imperfect. We childishly focus on consequences, preferring not to see causes. All of us are fascinated by the material benefits of modern civilization. We are like children who prefer toys over things of true importance to our lives. Previously religion gave people correct guides for behavior. People knew that everything is done according to the will of the Lord. In this way, the negative influence of our subconscious on other people and the external world was effectively blocked. A person could actively participate in events and defend his personal interests, but his soul had to be at peace with the world, since the soul is an energy field and is united with the whole Universe on this subtle level. Something unexpected may on occasion help us to realize how far we are from understanding the causes of events in our own life. The chief physician of a certain hospital knew a lot about the system of bioenergetic feedback, but was in no hurry to apply these ideas to his medical practice. But once, while he was ill, he had a high temperature for several days. No matter how he tried, he

was not able to lower the temperature. Then he remembered my studies and thought the words: Oh Lord, I am guilty of something. I dont know what I have done wrong, but please forgive my transgression. Help me to know my sin and to abstain from such errors in the future! Two hours later, his temperature returned to normal. The reader could perhaps become pessimistic and decide that mankinds situation is horrible, and that the accumulation of negative actions makes the situation hopeless. But the situation is, in fact, much better than it seems to be, which means that our karma can be somehow blocked and cleansed. To realize this possibility we should first of all be aware that all of the events and people that destroy our equilibrium are a part of the Universe and so our internal state should be as near to the feeling of acceptance as possible. The more subtle a field level is, the more independent it is from our personality and the further it is from the logic of the physical body. Each human being can help himself by displaying a proper attitude towards the world and a reasonable diet. Another important factor is to develop the correct aspirations. In the beginning of the 1970s I was with a group of tourists in the Caucasus, ascending from Lake Ritza to the Gegh waterfalls. We walked slowly and in a measured way. In about 40 minutes, we reached the edge of the precipice. I looked down from the tremendous height and saw the narrow trail where our journey had begun. It reminded me of a human life. I realized how much more could be obtained by a man through steady and repeated effort than by a single brief burst forward. A steady and continuous movement toward spiritual perfection is the best way to block and cleanse our karma. Today we often hear that it is necessary to return to God. But even one who says: I believe in God and goes to church can still remain very far from real contact with the Divine. Faith in God is a process combining both spiritual and physiological elements. I can illustrate this idea with a very simple example. If a cell begins to act against the interests of the whole body, it starts to disintegrate and be eliminated. A simple desire is not enough to restore its initial unity with the organism. This goal can be reached only through regular, ongoing and strenuous work on cleansing the cell and renewing its harmony with the organism. The soul and the spirit of mankind are now extremely clogged with waste products. Sick cells must die out, and the process we see taking place around us proves that this has begun. The conscious striving toward spiritual and physical perfection must be ongoing if we hope to achieve salvation. To quote Father Alexander Men, We must be diligent and spare no efforts every day and every hour. We should struggle against ourselves, and achieve something, but we should also realize that tomorrow the results of our

labors may not be obvious, and we must then resume our struggle. We should reject all complacency and pride... He whose heart is still full of pride, and anger, and who condemns others, is far from God. But how can we understand the term acceptance from the point of view of the energy field? One who confronts lifes ordeals with acceptance saves a great amount of energy that otherwise would have been wasted on senseless complaints and resentments, and this reserve can then be used for internal spiritual change and self-development. I am often asked whether it is possible to enhance the abilities of children to help them study more effectively. But when a child has no desire to study, there is one simple cause for it. His mother during pregnancy denied her love for her husband, her child or the world. This attitude forms a program of rejection of the information field of the Universe, and it blocks the childs ability to absorb information. These children have difficulty learning and do not want to learn. A woman who loves her children, and never permits herself or anybody else to question the highest principle of love and unification with the Divine, gives birth to gifted children. The natural abilities of children reflect the ethical standards of their parents and relatives. Once I tested a child with a high level of subconscious aggression. The guilty party turned out to be his aunt! His fathers sister had done something unethical before the child was born. The old idea of the clan was based, as we can now see, on the laws of bioenergetics. Any family up to the fourth generation exists in a situation of energy unity. How can a given name influence a childs life? When parents choose a name for their child, it takes roots in his or her personal karma and affects his field structures. Some names are neutral, others have a positive effect. This can be analyzed on the level of the energy field. Sometimes it happens that the name in a childs karma does not correspond to the name chosen for him or her. The first time I encountered a case like this came about when I was discussing the problems a woman was having with her son, who was named Yuri. I had had a hunch all along that the boy should have a different name. Yes, said the mother, we wanted to call him Arthur, but then we changed our mind and called him Yuri instead. I checked the energy field and it became clear that the boys true name was Arthur. A name is pressed into the karma of a child and his future depends on the karma of the person in whose honor he was named. It was by no means accidental that in the past

children were named after saints. The clear and pure karma of a saint joined the karma of a child, it defended him and worked for him. When we name a child after a relative, we are taking a risk that the child will be obliged to work out the errors and vices of the relative whose karma he must partly inherit. So when we name a child after a real person, it is necessary to block the negative part of his karma. This can be done if we pray to God that the child will inherit only the good qualities contained in the persons name, that is, those qualities connected with love, nobility, kindness and spiritual aspirations. A story that I heard once in a provincial town is a very convincing proof of how we all are responsible for each other. After my lecture, a woman approached and told me the following story. Her children were already more or less grown when she decided to have one more baby. She was perhaps guilty of many transgressions, as this child died soon after birth. She did not even attempt to bury him. She simply left his body in the hospital and went away without saying a word. A month later a relative died, then another, then a third. It was a small town and her friends began to search for someone who could explain the cause of this plague and somehow help her family. They went to an old woman who had the reputation of a healer and a psychic, but she said that nothing could be done and that the entire family line would die out. This woman had committed such a sin by leaving her dead child in the hospital that it was impossible to avoid punishment. Love for children is one of the supreme feelings of the Universe, and any crime against this feeling, be it the rejection of a child, the lack of desire to have a child or to be pregnant (to say nothing of the termination of pregnancy, especially at the later stages of development and when the child is conceived in union with a man whom the would-be mother really loves) always results in a series of misfortunes. It does not matter whether the woman literally or figuratively rejects the child. Once I treated two patients: a woman with an ovarian cyst and a man complaining of strong back pain and prostate disease. Both had illnesses caused by energy disorders in the area of the first chakra. The diseases had the same cause: the woman had advised a girl-friend to have an abortion, and the man was guilty of insisting that his wife terminate her pregnancy. We can see from these examples that the desire to destroy an unborn human being, even in words and thoughts, is a grave violation of Universal laws, and one who is guilty of this crime pays for it with his health and his future. A young, attractive woman came to me for help. My diagnosis was that she had a serious deformation of the field structures in the area of the head and the lower part of

the stomach. In the future this energy field disorder would result in a gynecological disease. These deformations began to be activated when she began to think of suicide. Then she terminated her pregnancy and suppressed her feeling of attachment to the man she loved, and the process continued. I feel alarmed when I think of what will happen to us over the next few years. We are completely illiterate. Physicians treat a young woman with pills, but even in the best clinics in the world, no doctor will be able to help her, since her ailment is caused by an anomaly in the sphere of the soul and the spirit. A person who has destroyed the love in himself cannot be cured with pills. A young woman had a serious skin disease. I explained to her: When your grandmother was pregnant, she wished to kill her child by terminating her pregnancy. That is impossible, replied the woman. My grandmother had six children who died. The seventh was my mother. I investigated the causes of this trouble. The grandmother for some unknown reason had not wanted her first pregnancy, and her aversion to it was very strong. So she created a program for the destruction of life which entered her subconscious and was realized each time she became pregnant again. This very program was present in the subconscious and the energy field of the woman before me with the skin disease. My next patient asked me to help her son: He suffers from acute pain in his legs. Sometimes his legs even give way, and he can hardly walk. I analyzed the cause of the disease and explained: Five years after you were born, your mother accidentally became pregnant. She tried to give herself an abortion by taking some poisonous drug. The child was born anyway, but the program for the destruction of life and love was formed in her subconscious and you inherited it, despite the fact that you were born before that happened. Now the program has entered the field of your son and he is paying for it with this particular ailment. What a woman does in the five years before her child is born, during pregnancy, and, also, during the period from the childs birth until his sexual maturity, has a strong influence on the childs future and health. When a woman consciously recalls the behavior of her relatives during her pregnancy, she blocks her ancestors negative programs which might otherwise be dangerous to her offspring. A woman told me the story of her life or, more precisely, I told her, and she confirmed what I said. In 1957 you interrupted your pregnancy, and after that your health began to deteriorate.

Yes, after the abortion my life was ruined. I got tuberculosis. And five years later you gave birth to a daughter? Yes, after my daughters birth I felt better, and recovered from the tuberculosis. But the child had a bad food allergy rash and various skin diseases. Many women notice that their health starts to improve after having a baby. They explain this by the fact that during pregnancy their system is regenerated and re-activated. This is partially true, since a mothers love for her child ennobles her field structures and improves her physical state. But there is also another reason that usually remains undiscovered. The mother passes her illnesses on to her child, the child inherits a part of her karma and becomes ill. The karma now is divided between mother and child. Such illnesses as rashes, allergies, chronic pneumonia and kidney problems, are the usual symptoms of disorder on the level of the childs field structures. When a child is ill, he is a victim of deformed field structures inherited from his parents. Patients with complex problems are under my permanent care, I check on them regularly using the remote method. This is necessary to reconstruct the true picture of an ailment and to discover its cause. Healing and understanding go hand in hand. Treating the soul is much more difficult than treating the body. When I am asked to help a child with serious deformations of his personality and his destiny, I often feel perplexed, which makes me aware of the shortcomings of my method, my own imperfection as a healer and philosopher. But after working on a problem for a long time, I get a revelation, and I can take one more step in the development of my method. An acquaintance of mine asked me to examine the child of a friend of hers. The boy was only two and a half years old, but had an unbelievably difficult character. If his desires were not fulfilled immediately, he would throw things at his parents and others, and would get very upset if he did not hit them in the head or face. Recently his grandfather told him: If you behave yourself, I will give you a ride in the car. The boy did, but when they returned home from their car ride, he took a toy car and hit his grandfather in the eye with it. I invited the parents of the boy to see me along with the boy, since his problems were connected with both of them. Fifteen minutes after they arrived, he had made havoc of my workshop and had broken the light fixture. He reached the tape recorder and managed to break a cassette. Then he found a box of oil paints and began to throw them in his parents faces. I investigated the case and found out that the negative family karma of the father was combined with the mothers bad personal karma. During pregnancy the parents had often quarrelled and had unpleasant feelings toward one another. Their common programs of destruction had completely overpowered the childs mind. Nothing could lower his aggressiveness. But the most unexpected thing

was that the childs levels of conscious and subconscious aggressiveness were rather low. This meant that his behavior was determined completely by the world outlook, behavior, and the spiritual state of his parents at any given moment. Cleansing a childs karma is not enough. A childs behavior can be determined by his parents covering up their anger and resentment toward one another. After two sessions, I saw that his field structures and spiritual structures had begun to straighten out, but an immediate improvement was out of the question. It would take three months to achieve true rehabilitation and to change the childs conscious mind. I told the parents that I needed 10-15 days to balance his energy field. After five days my acquaintance called to tell me that the boy was having trouble breathing, and this was making his mother panic. I spoke with the mother and tried to explain what had happened to her son. You wanted immediate results, but the energy capacity of the soul is a thousand times greater than that of the body. This is why, there is not yet any visible change in your son. On the fourth day you became angry at me, and in this way you violated the highest laws. As a result, the childs behavior became worse. You should realize that if I have begun treating your child, I will do everything in my power to help him. Your baseless anger harms me, yourself and the child. Several days later the boys mother visited me and I told her: Each human being is born into this world to develop and perfect his soul and spirit by overcoming worldly temptations and misfortunes. Each person has his own central problem in life, a weak spot which will test him again and again. In previous lives you offended your husband, son and father. You literally trampled on them. As a result, you were born into a family with similar karmic programs. This environment enhances your negative programs and your task is to block them. Your main trial in life is your anger at your husband and your son. The boy is already playing his part actively. Your husbands program may be even stronger when it switches on. If you manage to bear all this without anger against them, the karma will be removed, your trial will end, and all will be fine. If you do otherwise, your misfortunes will be aggravated by additional troubles and illnesses. The woman sat motionless; there was hopelessness in her eyes. I went on: Your main temptation in life is a desire to hurt and oppress your husband and your son. If you overcome it, your son will recover, if not, be ready for punishment. After that, I once again examined the karmic structures of both mother and son, provided a session and we parted for some time. After a few days my acquaintance called me once more. Both mother and son are very ill. The child is having fits of suffocation and cramps. The reason was the same as before. On Tuesday night the mother had begun to doubt whether I could cure the soul as well as the body. She began to make mental demands.

She rejected the Divine and wanted to see immediate results and visible effects of the treatment. This in turn immediately affected the behavior of the child: he bit another child in his kindergarten class. The mother was disturbed and placed the blame on me, thus launching an energy attack. As my field is well-balanced, the attack returned and struck both the mother and the child. I once again had to explain to her the real reasons for these events and to restore the field structures. If you agree to listen, Ill offer you a bit of advice about how to be healthy and live long. Never make demands toward anybody or anything, including destiny, God, your past and other people. Outwardly you can behave as you wish, but internally any discontent becomes an energy attack against those whom you regard as offenders. A cell cannot make demands on the entire organism just for its own interests, since this would be a program for the destruction of the organism itself. This cell would be rejected and become ill. We have grown used to thinking that everyone owes us something, be it the state, our superiors, colleagues, or loved ones. A few more days passed. I inquired about the boy. The mother said that he remained the same, but if she threatened him with physical punishment, he stopped throwing things, previously even such threats had no effect on him. This meant that his field had become balanced and that the process of recovery was under way. I observed the child, using the remote method, and discovered another cause for his aggressiveness: suicidal tendencies. The mutual resentments of the parents had switched on the program of self-destruction, and influenced the child from the moment he was born. In order to avoid being destroyed, he was projecting the program outward and returning it to its initiators. After a correction, his field became milder and warmer. It looked like one of the main reasons for his behavior was gone. Five days later my acquaintance told me: You know, the mother was almost shocked yesterday: her son approached her and held her hand fondly all evening! At such moments I realize that my work is not in vain. Now whenever I treat women I always take a look at their children. A three-minute talk can save a child from many years of ordeals and illnesses. After testing, I tell the mother what I feel is crucial for the child, and what his main weakness is. I once explained to a patient that her sons illness had been caused by her own behavior during pregnancy. She thought that her husband was about to leave her. She had killed her love for him, and she even thought of suicide; therefore the childs contact with the

Divine and the Universe were weakened. This affected both his mental and physical states. I warned her that her major trial would be to preserve her Divine feelings for her husband and for herself. You will be tempted to reject the Divine, but you must remain firm. But how do other people manage all this? she asked. Other people have a reserve of spiritual connection with the Divine. They can reject these contacts on the physical level, but they are preserved in their subconscious minds. Your reserves are exhausted and you need to make conscious efforts. You have already failed the test several times, and that is why you are now suffering from tachycardia, pancreatic pain, colitis, and gynecological disorders. Is my diagnosis correct? Yes, the woman agreed in amazement. I was in the hospital six months ago. At present you are threatened by the fibroma of the uterus which is being formed in your field. If you suppress the highest feelings of your soul because you have senseless expectations, the illness will become a reality. But how did people deal with these problems in the past? Perhaps you know the old Russian proverb: The young eat a golden cake and take it for their daily bread. In those days people did not have to put forth much obvious effort. They simply relied on the good deeds of prophets and saints, the biblical commandments and righteous behavior to unite themselves with the Universe. Now we must earn the same state with blood and by the sweat of our brow. And what will the main trial for my son be? What danger threatens him? I looked through his karmic structures. A drinking problem. The woman looked at me in amazement. He is only three years old but he practically starts shaking when he sees beer and demands that we give it to him. How can I help him? First of all, you should balance his diet. What does it mean that he potentially has a drinking problem? Basically, it means that he is to some extent a slave of his desire, in that he cannot control it. But why is he not able to control it? Because his spirit is too earth-bound. When the spirit is elevated, it is easy to control the body and its requirements. A man owns things, not vice-versa. First of all dont overfeed him. Overfeeding keeps the spirit close to the earth. But I cant help cooking good things for him! the woman exclaimed. When he was born, he cried all the time and I fed him almost continuously to keep him from crying. His subconscious felt that his contact with the Universe was too weak and he was trying to strengthen it by crying. By overfeeding him, you created a false sense of

comfort. He got accustomed to it, as a result, the requirements of the body began to outweigh the requirements of the spirit. The spirit started to become deformed. But what can I do? Do not overfeed him and never give him any snacks between meals. His food should be minimal and meal times must be strictly fixed. Beware of meat. It keeps the spirit attached to the earth. The food should be monotonous, mainly vegetables. Exclude all rich foods, since a child doesnt need them. The requirements of his spirit should come before his physical needs. Salt should be reduced to a minimum, as it drastically enhances subconscious aggressiveness. Never promise to buy the child rich food or toys. A child should dream only of spiritual joys. Promise him to take him to the theater or to a museum. Dreaming of something takes place on the level of subtle field structures, and including material elements in this sphere makes a child unnaturally earth-bound. Give him gifts when he doesnt expect it. A mother who tells her child: If you are a good boy, and study well at school, I will buy you this or that, turns her child into a slave of material objects. In this way, she is creating a program for the destruction of everything that is sacred in order to acquire material wealth. This was the main reason for the fall of the great civilizations of antiquity. Developing a childs spirituality is the best remedy against negative desires. Your own behavior also has a great influence on the child. If you suppress the Divine feeling of love for your husband, your child will immediately be influenced. It seems that my boy is under a spell. He has been very angry at me lately. There is nothing supernatural about it. You yourself are responsible. He reacts consciously to your subconscious demands. I read an article in the magazine Working Woman about Russian sorcerers recommendations for casting spells. They say that it isnt dangerous. Casting a spell on someone means killing in him or her the divine feelings that defend all of us. Magic is an unnatural and violent process that harms the spiritual structures, and it also harms the spirit and destiny of the one who casts the spell. It is especially dangerous for the destiny of his children, especially those who are yet to be born. The woman nodded. I always believed that nothing can be obtained by violence. Certainly not. What is sorcery in fact? One who practices it is using divine abilities for selfish purposes. He is sacrificing the highest karmic structures for short-term, immediate interests. When a single cell regards its own survival as something more important than the well-being of the organism and develops according to its own laws different from those of the organism itself, an ontological process can result.

If someone tries to introduce personal or earthly interests into the subtle layers of the field, where all things are united, the system reacts with an intense program of defense. And the more successful the invasion, the stronger the response mechanism. It sets in motion the mechanism of destruction that can annihilate a single human being, a family, a group of people or even, in the case of especially grave violations, all mankind. But if a woman wants to be with a man she loves, what should she do? Ill reveal to you a terrible secret. Through your own spiritual development you can do more than just enchant your husband. You can make him truly happy. The woman left, and I watched her aura and that of her child for some time. Their field was becoming golden, mild and warm. It seemed that all life on Earth was jubilant because of the spiritual awakening of one of its particles. A child was born with a disorder of the nervous system. Three years before his birth his parents were permanently in conflict and on the verge of divorce, and both even considered suicide at various times. These stable programs of destruction formed by the parents in unison entered the field of the child. An adult has a better defense and the process of destruction takes a great deal of time, but a child in this situation is almost defenseless. So it was in this particular case that the child who had received powerful self-destruction programs had to pay for it with a serious brain disease. The mother had no idea what to do. Do you think that if all this is removed the child can recover? The health of your child depends on your spiritually deformed structures. If they are straightened out, he will have excellent health. A woman asked me for help with infertility. Judging by her energy field, I was able to diagnose ovarian polycystosis. You yourself are to blame for your illness. The woman could not believe me. I went on: A few years ago you did something immoral, and this is the reason for your present state. You killed love in a man who loved you very much, and you did it cruelly and unexpectedly. The channels that connect you with the Cosmos are closed, and your energy level is low. Can you remember what happened? I had a fianc and we were planning to marry but I met another man, fell in love with him and married him instead. Wasnt I right? I loved the one that I actually married more than I did my former fianc. I explained to her that killing the divine feeling of love in oneself or in another human being was a great crime. Everyday logic might suggest that her infertility could be corrected by surgery, and that would have been the solution of modern medicine. But by

killing love and the sense of oneness with the Universe that accompanies love, the woman also destroyed the spiritual structures in herself and in this man. As a result her child would also be born with deformed field structures. Her organism blocked this possibility, since such a child would be either extremely sickly, or would bring harm to others. If the woman herself had been completely undeveloped from a spiritual point of view, she would have produced a child with dark karma, but her spiritual parameters were rather high, and she subconsciously realized how dangerous it would be to her children and grandchildren if she became a mother. We ordinarily consider infertility to be a disease and we struggle against ourselves and the human organism, which is attempting to save the family line from dying out. When I finished this short lecture, I noticed that the womans field structures had begun to straighten out. But what should I do? the woman asked. First of all you should realize that the killing of love is a crime and you must realize this not only in everyday terms but also on a higher level-that of the spirit. When you are fully aware of this, your organism will cancel its defensive measures. The most reliable defense of the spirit against disintegration is the deformation of crude bodily structures. When these structures begin to be destroyed, the person turns to the spiritual aspect of the self and is thus saved. The Bible says that disease stops one from sinning. I remember a young woman with a similar fertility disorder: she suffered from a complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes. The reason was that her great-grandmother had an abortion and the deformation of her spiritual structures finally resulted in her great-granddaughters sterility. She came to me and I helped her understand the internal logic of her problem. After my discussion with her, the blockage of her tubes began to break up. I advised her to undergo medical tests a second time, but the doctors refused to do so, saying that a physical illness cannot be cured by bioenergetics. They insisted on an operation. The woman then went to a private clinic and two weeks later received an x-ray indicating that the obstructions within her fallopian tubes had totally disappeared. Cases like these confirm my idea that many gynecological diseases originate on the field level and that they form a defense against further degeneration of the family line. In destroying this defense system, modern medicine does its best to safeguard physically ill and morally deficient offspring. In saving individuals from specific diseases, our physicians pave the way for the negative processes that would then considerably lower the general immunity of mankind.

The situation with medicine nowadays reminds me of an old parable about a man on horseback. A man on horseback asked a peasant: How can I get to town X.? You are riding in a wrong direction, answered the peasant. But I have an excellent horse. But you should go in the opposite direction, said the peasant, still hoping to bring the horseman to his senses. But I have food enough to last for many days. The better your horse is and the more food you have, the further you will be from the point of your destination. The greater the victory of medicine over disease, the further we will be from our point of destination. We are used to the commonplace idea that the immune system constitutes the main defense of the organism. At the same time we forget the simple truth that the spirit, the soul and the body present an inseparable unity. The conscious and subconscious mind are a field, whereas the physical body is a variation of this field and its dialectical opposite. Defending an organism primarily means defending its spiritual field structures. When the very survival of the organism is in question, its future depends first of all on the survival of its strategic foundations, which are the spiritual structures connecting us with the prime mover of existence. We should not forget the lessons of history. In ancient Sparta there was a tradition of throwing all weak and physically ill newborn babies into the sea to preserve only healthy and robust progeny for the community. As a result Sparta perished through spiritual degeneration. Perceiving a human being as nothing more than a physical body is a philosophical error that considerably narrows the world outlook of modern medicine. Cutting out a diseased organ, cleansing it, straightening it or otherwise correcting it are the main medical methods of treatment. If a human being was merely a body, this procedure would be fine, but a human is also a field, and the field is more important than the body. I am something more than the distance between my hat and my shoes, said Walt Whitman. The laws of the human spirit are simultaneously the laws of the body but the two are not identical. They differ as much as they coincide. When medical science invades the sphere of the human spirit and maintains its methods of influencing the body by dismembering, removing parts, and sewing things back together, graver deformations of the spiritual structures result, though they may initially be imperceptible.

The logic of those who treat the body is first do, then analyze. The logic of the spirit is first analyze, then do. New things happening in modern medicine, such as hypnosis, psychotherapy and psychic treatment, are a mechanistic attempt to combine the logic of the body with the logic of the spirit. In this combination, the latter is doomed to perish. As the philosophy and logic of the spirit are long-term and those of the body are short-term, short-lived success is regarded as the highest goal. Aprs nous le dluge is the logic of the body, but will there be anything after us at all? Here in Russia we have learned how to cure myopia surgically and are now disseminating this method. The operation can now be performed in dozens of towns, and we are ready to help other countries develop the same facilities. But who has analyzed the results of this victory? Myopia usually emerges when the field structures in the area of the head are deformed by hate and other negative emotions. These emotions form some stable structures in the field that are not at all destroyed during the operation, but merely move to other organs or to different parameters of the human spirit. Organ transplants and the removal of organs also have this result. They can be really useful only if a patient tries simultaneously to cure his spirit, be aware of his or her errors and change something in his soul. The results of illiterate energy field experiments can be even worse. In Tarkovskys film The Mirror there is a scene where a boy is cured from stuttering through hypnosis. I was fascinated by this, and I analyzed what was actually happening during the therapeutic procedure. When a person stutters, his or her parameters of destiny are seriously distorted. I checked them before and after the treatment, and the parameters remained the same. Since hypnosis failed to remove the cause of the illness, it could only displace it. I tried to discover where it went, and it became apparent that the disorder had moved to the future and completely destroyed the karmic structures responsible for the next three lives of the child. How can this be anything but a catastrophe? If the cause of an illness is not known, it can only be transferred to another organ or to another sphere, such as persons psyche, destiny, next life or the future of his children. Mechanics is mechanics and nothing more. An illness cannot be cured without a spiritual transformation. I remember a parable I heard once from a young physician. Allah once summoned the people and began to mete out punishment for peoples misdeeds. The most severe punishment was given to a physician. He was indignant and protested: Why? I am a doctor, I help people, I save them from suffering.

Allah replied: I send illnesses to punish people for their sins, but because of you they cannot realize that they are sinners. I believe that religious rules of moral behavior have done more for peoples physical health than medicine has. I met a man who was cured from a serious disease by a healer: he had walked on crutches, but after the treatment he forgot about them. He and his family were jubilant. I talked with him, and intuitively felt that something bad was in store for his son. Upon testing, I saw that the boys life was endangered. This man inherited from his paternal ancestors a strong program for the destruction of male progeny, but it had been blocked by his illness. Then the illness was removed and the fatal program could now function without obstacles. It is very dangerous to cure diseases without eliminating their true causes. Until recently illnesses moved from one bodily organ to another, but now psychic treatment, psycho generators, and other devices which operate on the field level push illnesses from the body onto the psyche, the soul, destiny and even the destiny of remote progeny and future lives. A psycho generator affecting information fields gives a considerable improvement on the physical level and at the dense layers of the field, but, at the same time, it virtually destroys the subtle field levels. On TV I saw a woman being treated by such a device which, as was stated in a commercial, can replace a thousand psychic healers. I did a remote diagnosis of the woman. On the physical level she was completely cured, but the deformations had moved to her spiritual structures and they would negatively affect her future and her next four lives. Some of the deformations would be inherited by her children. When an illness is regarded as an evil, people struggle against it, moving it from one place to another. But when people realize that the main function of an illness is to stop the degradation of the spirit, the illness will go away by itself. The imperfection of our philosophy and our poor understanding of the world are leading us to self-destruction. I was speaking with a friend about modern medicine in the presence of his son, a student in medical school. The young man complained of a strong headache and took several pills, but the pain persisted. With a finger, I pressed a point on his neck, shook him gently, and the pain stopped. The young mans reaction was interesting: Dad, why should I go to medical school if people can be cured this way? His father said it was necessary to study medicine anyway. I remained silent. To answer this question seriously, one needed more than two minutes.

The method I am describing here enables us to treat diseases many years before they make themselves felt by the onset of physical symptoms. There was a time when I thought that karmic diagnostics could replace medicine entirely. Then I realized a simple truth. The essence of the method consists of the anticipation of events, but our minds, which are preoccupied with bodily needs, cannot predict all the processes. We should not, therefore, reject modern medicine, but try to unite, in a dialectical way, medical care for the spirit and the body, and the healing and development of the spirit should be given priority. This also means that the principles of modern medicine must be fundamentally changed. The two distinct approaches to healing should coexist and cooperate without any attempt to replace one with the other. In fixing its attention on the physical body, modern medicine goes further and further from its primary purpose, that of healing a human being, since each of us is first of all a spirit and therefore a field. The physician-philosopher is similar to God, said Hippocrates. In the ancient world, philosophy, religion and medicine constituted an inseparable whole. One person usually embraced all these spheres of knowledge, and he healed people. In our time a physician only gives inoculations, prescribes medication, and abides by conventional medical methods. But is there any alternative? Yes, such an alternative exists. A physician who is morally and spiritually developed cures the soul, not only the body. If a patient feels better after a physicians visit, this physician is really a healer, said the great Russian neurologist Bekhterev. There are many cases of a physician helping a patient just by entering his hospital room. Unfortunately, in recent decades medical authorities have been concerned mainly with medical devices for diagnostics and treatment, rather than the personality of the physician. A woman visited me recently and asked me to test a new device received by a research center where she was working. She spoke with enthusiasm about the remarkable qualities of the device: it could, by affecting the human field, cure patients without drugs. I was intrigued and, using only his last name, tested a patient who had undergone treatment with this very device. He had served previously in Afghanistan and had a stomach ulcer, which was caused by his social aggressiveness and hatred, which he picked up during the war. Intense programs for the destruction of people had formed in his field and his karmic structures were deformed. After treatment with this device, his field became clear, the deformation disappeared, and the physical state of his bodily organs considerably improved. I started to analyze the subtle field structure of his bodily organs and saw that the energetics of the endocrine system and that of the first chakra were worse than before the treatment. I looked through the parameters of spirituality,

love, and aggressiveness and everything became clear. The ulcer was healed, and his external aggressiveness had almost disappeared, but his subconscious aggressiveness became much more pronounced. It was evident that the ulcer had routed the movement of the program of destruction to the deep layers of the subconscious. His aggressiveness after the treatment had simply changed its location and was now in the subconscious. The parameters of the soul and of spirituality had gone down. One of the most reliable parameters, the capacity for love (which is responsible for the health of our children and our own health in the future) had reached a critical level. The situation was the same as all over the world: the strategic resources of the organism were sacrificed for the sake of a temporary improvement in physical health. This device, like dozens others now on the market or in the planning stage, is one of the paramount achievements of modern medicine and was quite in line with its main goals, that is to eliminate the consequences while leaving the causes intact. These devices straighten out the cruder layers of the karmic structures and repress illness instead of eliminating it. In this case, the illness can destroy not only an organ or a part of the body, but the immunity of the whole organism. In conquering a particular disease, modern medical science has doomed humanity to slow and painful degeneration and extinction. And, as a disease blocks wrongful behavior and thoughts, most often on the subconscious level, its elimination would considerably accelerate the process of disintegration. Analyzing the field structures of society and mankind in general, along with information received from other sources, I have come to the following conclusions. During the last hundred and fifty years the level of human aggressiveness has been steadily rising, and, as the dividing wall between the conscious and the subconscious minds have been destroyed, subconscious aggressiveness is now much more intense than before. It is flowing from the subconscious to the level of the field and in such a way affects the entire Universe. To block this process, in the fall of 1995 there emerged a program for the self-destruction of mankind. I calculated this date on the basis of my studies. Only those with well-balanced spritual structures will be able to survive in these unusual circumstances. I wish very much that this forecast would prove to be wrong, but I am afraid that our situation is beyond hope. The lepton psycho generators are undoubtedly the most promising and effective among similar devices, and in the immediate future they will play a major part in medical treatment. My own studies show that the field structures containing genetic information are generally well defended and immune to direct bioenergetic influence. But this rule

has two exceptions: (1) a person endowed with the highest abilities, (2) the psycho generator. Either of these can break through even this otherwise impenetrable defense. While the experimenters are penetrating the karmic structures more deeply, they inevitably will reach the layers of the field where the programs responsible for the genetic codes of plants, animals and human begins are located. This process can well get out of control, and then the genetic karma of different forms of the life will be mixed and transformed into a kind of heterogeneous fusion. At the beginning such a process will involve only beings with similar karmic structures, such as humans and animals, but then all other units of evolution will be affected by this tendency. Mutations combining the genetic structures of humans and animals can emerge in the immediate future. Such anomalies are sometimes created by nature, but under a strong informational-energy influence, their numbers can multiply drastically. The experiments of Tsian Kan-gen in Khabarovsk show that even with a rather simple device it is possible to combine the genetic codes of various animals and plants. It is also possible that in the following years some experts, unaware of the fact that they are preparing the collective suicide of human race, would try to experiment on the genetic codes of a man and an animal. Such experiments are extremely dangerous, as these mixed genetic programs once produced in a laboratory would then enter the bioenergetic sphere and develop independently. This is a crime against the human race, which will turn into a practical program that will be inherited by one generation after another. In this case the system of energy feedback will inevitably take measures to defend the information field. And if the diseases fail to block this process of undermining subtle spiritual field structures, the same goal will be achieved by the most powerful blocking mechanism of this system - death. The next case proved to be helpful in the discovery of another parameter of the feedback system: it concerned love for oneself. A woman who consulted me had rather good health. But in 1978 she had been guity of ill-will toward a woman and as a result suffered from a small physical disorder. That was my own reconstruction of the events. The patient could not remember a similar incident. I had no other option but to test her again and in a more profound way. It resulted that the unknown woman she had hated was herself. How did you come to hate yourself? I asked, continuing with my investigation. Perhaps you were thinking of suicide? No. The woman told me that she almost always felt no will to live. My own testing showed that the lack of the will to live and suicidal thoughts are two different things.

The former means simply that the level of the persons life is low, but in some critical circumstances it can be transformed into the latter. At the beginning of my work I regarded a low level of life energy as a cause, but then I realized that it was caused by a negative family karma, from the sins and errors of a persons ancestors. In this particular case, the mother of my patient had hated a man and wished him ill. This program of destruction was inherited by her children and finally doomed the family line to a slow disintegration. This program itself works slowly, weakly and often imperceptibly, and slowly undermines the family line. With the course of time it radically changes a persons character. Such a person never enjoys life and he becomes indifferent to everything. In this state one can do something dangerous or harmful to one self or to endanger a great number of other people, especially if they depend somehow on the individual with this complex. I tested the field of my patients son and found the same symptoms. Love of himself was completely suppressed, and, as a result, his field was considerably distorted. This young man felt fine, his health was normal and he had not the slightest idea that his life was endangered because of the program created by his ancestors. Still, this program can make itself felt in everyday life at any moment and in the most unexpected and inexplicable way. A woman came to me a second time for a session. During her previous visit I had helped her and her husband. She was very pleased with the results of the treatment, but could not believe that I was able to give her husband a remote healing, especially since I never met him personally. She took a photo out of her bag and asked me to point out her husband. I did so. You are right. But can you point to the man who died five years after this photo was taken? I looked at the snapshot again and noticed among others a person whose parameters of destiny were completely distorted. I pointed at him. How could you guess? Instead of answering I only waved my hand. I was tired of such questions. I am a professional and there is nothing miraculous in my work. All that I had achieved was the result of many years of intense experimentation and of a gradual development and perfection of my abilities. A few months ago a female friend of mine asked me for help. I am at a total loss she said, I have had a girl-friend for many years. I believed that I knew everything about her, but this morning she came and told me that she is in love with me, and is

experiencing some unusual feelings toward me. Is it possible that some kind of deviation is at work? I tested the other woman and confirmed the suspicions of my visitor. But what can be done about it? I dont know what to do. She is literally going crazy. This was an interesting case and I began to study this problem. Is it possible that sexual deviations are caused by karma? Today people all over the world generally regard homosexuality as something normal. There are clubs, societies and organizations for the members of this particular minority. Still, if their behavior is a result of the deformation of the karmic structures and can be corrected, then we can regard it as a kind of disease. I looked through the karmic structure of this young woman and discovered that her deviations were caused by her grandmother. She had once been seriously offended by a female friend whom she loved very much. The friend ruined their relationship with harsh words or some other action, and the grandmother suffered from intense stress. Subconsciously she created in her field an intense program for the destruction of love for women, and it had been inherited by several generations of her progeny. To block it, her subconscious created a counter-program that stimulated attachment to women and in the second generation it resulted in her granddaughters behavior. I did a remote correction of her field structures and saw that the womans emotions were starting to change. Now everything will be fine, I told the visitor. Your friend will behave differently. There will be no more extreme behavior. And so it was. The next day the woman met her friend who, embarrassed, told her that she herself could not understand how she could have said such things. We dont realize how distorted our ideas about the world are. Homosexuality usually emerges as an attempt to compensate a dying love of one human being for another. Each of us should love the whole of mankind, and sexual attachment is only a tiny fragment of this great and limitless love for other human beings as the creation of God and a wonderful particle of the all-embracing Universe. But when this altruistic love is absent, it can be replaced by homosexuality as a kind of compensation. It is a pathological deviation from the norm which results from the death of love. When love is dying in a human community, the number of homosexuals increases, along with the further destruction of true love and disintegration of the spiritual and physical structures of those involved. A woman whose behavior violates the biological requirements of her sex causes the complete degeneration of her progeny on the level of field structures. A man who practices homosexuality faces the disintegration of the spirit and the soul, impairment of his destiny, and critical losses of energy. This process is more pronounced in women than in men. Generally speaking, homosexuality destroys the human field structures responsible for immunity, protection from ontological diseases, and the health of ones descendents. An active homosexual suppresses love

and life in his partner, and his children may be prone to violence and cruelty. A passive homosexual destroys love and life within himself and his children may easily become victims of various crimes, since their field structures would contain a program of selfdestruction. In contrast, people dedicating themselves to true love, have very positive parameters for spirituality, soulfulness, destiny and the capacity for love. These parameters are usually fully developed, while subconscious aggressiveness is at a minimum. When a man and a woman love each other, they improve their karma and heal themselves and future generations. Cause Number Three Every phrase is an information unit. According to a Russian proverb, a word is not like a sparrow - once it gets out, it cannot be retrieved. In fact, the word is an organism which interacts with other programs on the level of the field. When I read in Eastern philosophy that the spirit is the utmost reality, while the body is only an illusion, I could not believe it, and the well-known idea of Lao-Tse that the weak and defenseless triumphs over the solid and strong also seemed to me no more than a metaphor. When treating people by using the spiritual method, one is always amazed at the total dependence of our body upon the spirit and biofield structures. In everyday life we often speak ill of ourselves, of other people and destiny. But we dont know that this habit destroys our teeth. I analyzed dozens of cases and came to the conclusion that angry and critical remarks are especially dangerous when they are leveled at relatives and other loved ones. These transgressions are usually aggravated by the karmic programs of our parents and those of our own previous lives. But the most destructive of all is dissatisfaction with oneself. When a person speaks ill of his father, he is punished with periodontal disease, especially if the persons karma is burdened with past errors and he has a poor diet. Eating green vegetables regularly can be helpful, since they help to balance the emotions and to lower the level of subconscious aggressiveness. In the same way, herbal therapy is helpful, because it affects the body and the spiritual structures. But why are ill words and ill thoughts so dangerous? When we think about another person, we create an energy bridge between ourselves and that person and the process of energy and information exchange is under way. Any negative thought can be transformed into an energy attack and can cause harm. Even silent agreement with a person speaking ill of someone can be dangerous. Angry words and ill thoughts about others bring harm to them and simultaneously destroy the karmic structures of the offender. A word can strengthen any kind of program. At present, the energy level of the Earth is so high that a negative thought about a person is enough to harm him. I came to the conclusion that a few centuries ago mankind started to be

alienated from the principles of harmony and today the information field of the earth is overloaded with negative programs. Everyone thinks ill of others, and the negative layers of karma have become more active. We can now harm other people against our own will. We attack and kill others without noticing it. The process of self-destruction moves ahead like an avalanche. It has no need for new negative emotions, as the negative potential already accumulated by humanity is quite enough. Therefore, it is not enough to simply be good and refrain from harming others. Our subconscious minds are so distorted that this is not enough to preserve our souls and bodies. In these circumstances we will be able to survive only through the conscious and purposeful process of changing ourselves. It is not enough to just be good - one must concentrate his efforts on being good. If a person abides only by the common rules of ethics, he can perish. The ideas and commandments that regulated human life for thousands of years have now been forgotten or put aside, therefore, it is imperative that everyone work purposefully and actively for the revival of spirituality, humanism and the true understanding of harmony in the world. Love your enemies! is a call to all people not to respond to an assault with an energy attack. An ethical individual should never let any negative feeling enter the subconscious. One who begins the day with words: Oh God, give health to my relatives and friends and give me patience! could save himself from many violations. One more example of how a single phrase can influence a human life. A young man offended a girl and she proclaimed: I will never forgive you for this. I analyzed this situation and discovered that with these words the girl created a program of destruction or separation that some call the evil eye. Unfortunately, any harsh and inhumane statement can be very harmful both for the offender and the offended. A man was complaining of weakness and fatigue. His energy level was very low. I tested him and found the reason. Do you have a female neighbor who you often quarrel with? Yes. You have a grudge against her and it is suppressing your energy level. Also you speak badly of her. When this transgression was neutralized, the fatigue disappeared, and the field became balanced. A negative statement about someone causes a serious loss of energy. If a person speaks ill of another human being, he harms him and himself, because such actions deform and destroy ones own field structure and cause a loss of energy. A bad thought about someone or a negative word leveled at him is an energy attack that ensures a

punishment for the offender. As the Gospel proclaims, Judge not, lest ye be judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, so shall be measured to you again. These words of the Gospel were not said in vain. An injury caused by ill words can realize itself on the physical level through various illnesses. It can evoke a disintegration of the subtle structures that will for some time remain unnoticed, though the spiritual structures will be considerably distorted. Then the offender will be punished by various misfortunes. His children may become ill, for example, but he will not guess that the troubles were caused by his verbal attacks. We are killing ourselves without realizing it. Verbal aggressiveness shortens our lives. By destroying us physically and spiritually, it spoils our chances for longevity. I tried to find out what quality was present in those who have survived to advanced ages. It is well-known that their diets vary, as do their behavior patterns, but all of them are friendly and kind-hearted. They never attack other people on the energy level, and consequently are immune to all kinds of attack. We die so early because we are destroying our souls and bodies. The Japanese live longer than people of other nations, and they are the most polite nation of the world. A verbal attack against a person you love is the most dangerous of all. People are more or less close to each other on the level of the field, but the closeness between people who love one another has no equal in the human world. The feeling of love elevates a person, so a negative feeling toward one we love is so extremely dangerous. During my work on this book, I often attended meetings at my publishing house. One of these meetings was attended by a young writer from Moscow named Slava. We exchanged information, discussed and tested the new books that Slava had brought with him. Once, while traveling, he had met a very interesting psychic endowed with some unique abilities. Once he said to one of his patients: Return home now. A pair of scissors with a spell on them is buried near the gate outside your house. Dig it up and all will be well. The patient followed his advice and in fact did unearth a pair of scissors near the gate of his house. Slava discussed his latest book with the psychic, and it was apparent that this extraordinary person could not exert any psychic influence on him. You have a guardian angel who is so strong that I cannot treat you, he told Slava. As we sat and talked, I suddenly realized that somebody was stealing my energy. After a short testing it became clear that Slava was the one at work here. I corrected his field structures without delay, but then I noticed that the women who were present in the room began to feel ill. I checked Slavas parameters and discovered a program for the destruction of women in his subconscious. I told him about it, and he was utterly astonished. If you will, please, tell me something about your intimate life, I said.

It isnt a very happy story, he replied. I got divorced eight years ago and have no intention of marrying again. I explained to him that the divorce had been caused by a program for the destruction of women formed by his father before his birth, which was now preserved in his subconscious. After a correction his field became harmonized. I was doing diagnoses and treatment at a factory. Two hours later, one of the workers there complained of an acute pain in the area of the third eye. I analyzed her case and found the reason: she wished somebody ill and had formed a program of destruction. You said something bad about me after the session, I explained to the woman. Nothing of the kind! I didnt say or think badly about you. I said only: Poor Sergei Nikolaevich looks so tired. You harmed me with your pity. Should one never pity another person? You can help a human being and sympathize with him, but never pity anybody. Pity directed to ones physical state can harm the soul and the spirit. Once, at a session, one of my patients felt pity for another patient. Two months later this compassionate woman began to suffer from the same disease that had afflicted the other woman, and even had to have an operation. Dont forget that all people now have very high bioenergetic level, and this has inevitable consequences. A disease is not an evil, but a means of stopping the process of disintegration of the spirit. When you pity a person, you are commiserating with his disease and misfortune, but you forget about the cause and think only of the consequences. In this way, you enhance the process of the disintegration of the spirit. There is a very fine line between your compassionate desire to help and an assault on the subconscious, which could have the opposite effect. We should admit that a disease is a legitimate and rational instrument for the development of the spirit. This dual attitude, combining internal submission with external help and sympathy, enables us to preserve harmony with the Universe to avoid resentment. A disease is never something simply good or evil, it is always both simultaneously. Cause Number Four Studying the problem of vampirism, I have always tried to understand why a person becomes a vampire. Vampirism is not at all a harmless activity, since the relationship between people on the subtle field level is much more complex than we usually imagine. Vampirism implies an aggressive intake of energy from some other human being and the creation of a hole in the energy field shell which makes further energy losses inevitable. It considerably harms the subtle field structure and then distorts the karmic lines of destiny, health and the psyche. Many times I observed how a victim of a

vampire suffered from a serious mental disorder after losing a large amount of energy. However, the vampire is also punished: his channels of contact with the Cosmos become clogged and he is forced to consume more and more energy, otherwise he is threatened with grave illness or death. Vamipirism originates from an extreme selfcenteredness in thought, emotions or actions; a vampire has no idea that the world is an integral whole. As a result, his channels of contact with the Cosmos are blocked and his energy level becomes extremely low. This process is very difficult to stop, and it dooms the children of a vampire to serious illnesses, since they are in turn born with blocked Cosmic channels. They will either become victims of other vampires who will destroy their health, or they will become vampires themselves and continue the destruction of their souls. Vampirism is a rather complex and serious topic. A woman visited me for the third time about her daughter. Using a remote method, I tested her daughter and discovered that one of the teachers at her music school was stealing energy from her. The ultimate cause, however, was karmic. There was vampirism on her fathers side of the family, and her defense system was damaged. Thus she was an easy victim for vampires in her environment. I tested her father. It turned out that he did steal other peoples energy, but he was not the ultimate culprit. His father had been very selfish with his wife and oppressed her. His wife had given up her energy to him out of fear. Selfishness and cruelty alienate a person from the Cosmos and that person is then forced to steal energy from other people. But this practice destroys the defense system of vampires children; they fall seriously ill and may suffer from mental disorders. In this particular case, the grandfather had partially eaten up the karma of his son and grandchild. A young man once told me the following story: There was once an utterly degraded individual, a drug addict and a thief, who regularly came to my house. He tried to break down the doors, smashed the lightbulbs, cut the telephone wires and openly displayed his aggressive intents. The most recent time, he came and began to bang loudly on my door. As I stood there, I began to pray for him. Then he calmed down, and I heard him going away very peacefully. This had never happened before. Usually when he went away, he banged on doors of my neighbors, breaking windows and lightbulbs. What could have happened to him? My testing showed the strong pacifying influence of the prayer on the spirituality, psyche, destiny and conduct of this troublemaker. It was obvious that praying for the soul of another person can be much more effective than any professional healing, since prayer exerts influence on the subtle structures.

I tested the energy parameters of the troublemaker before the prayer and discerned a high level of aggressiveness and mental deviation with a very low level of contact with the Cosmos. What had determined the behavior of this man? Subconsciously he had felt the high energy level of my visitor, and so he made scenes and irritated him in order to steal his energy, for after making such a scene, his own energy level rose drastically. After the prayer he also received a great deal of energy, but of a different quality, and it began to change him. For him it was strange and unexplainable, therefore he went away peacefully. Something unexpected had happened to him, and he could not fully understand what. I tested his state after the prayer. His level of spirituality remained almost the same, despite the fact that the influence was of a spiritual nature, which meant that it affected some other parameters, mainly behavioral and psychological. Mentally, the man had become normal though the parameters of the body, his physical state deteriorated a bit. A prayer can sometimes make the parameters of the body worse if the body and the spiritual structures are in conflict. When the spirit is elevated, the body can be temporarily weakened, but the character and conduct of this man had become normal. The main cause of his mental disorders, his low level of contact with the Cosmos and aggressive actions were caused by the behavior of his father, who had tried to commit suicide several times. The program of self-destruction created by his father determined the unhappy life of the son. When the karmic structures of the father were finally corrected, the sons contact with the Cosmos became greatly increased. The young mans prayer changed the behavior of the troublemaker, but his harmony with the Cosmos became enhanced only after a more profound correction. I wanted to investigate this case further. At what times did this man usually come to your house? Strange as it may seem, he always came at my happiest moments - at just the wrong times. It was always a real torture for me. Was this accidental? No. He appeared at the most happy moments, when spiritual elevation filled the mans organism with energy. Perhaps he felt it subconsciously and wanted to partake in his energy. How do people behave when they need energy? They try to irritate and torture their victims and seek a way to make them submissive, since it is difficult to steal from an equal. It is much easier for such a person to take something from one who is under his domination. Why, for example, does a person become a sadist? Because his parents defied unity with the world and the highest emotions, which resulted in a complete clogging of the channels connecting their son with the Cosmos. His field structures were in a stage of decay and disintegration, and energy can be obtained only from others.

When this is the case with a child, he starts to irritate his mother and wears her out; she is always shouting and is angry at him, thus transferring her energy to the child. The child also obtains energy by bullying his peers, and abusing animals. He mocks adults and does things to hurt them, and derives energy from this as well. Torturing others physically and mentally is a form of vampirism. Sometimes the mother herself creates favorable conditions for the vampiric tendencies of her child. After taking an intensive course in non-contact massage, she starts to heal her child with her hands even at a slightest indisposition, filling him with crude physical energy instead of spiritual energy. Or she is always irritated and shouts at the child, endowing him with the same crude energy and thereby turning her child into an user of other peoples energy resources. A mother who prays for the health of her child also gives him energy, but it is spiritual energy which heals and helps the child to develop in a healthy way. Sometimes a person purposefully becomes a vampire, directly taking energy from others, but one who does this must have some elementary knowledge of bioenergetics and be able to sense energy. A person with disintegrated spiritual structures is unable to make contact with the Cosmos to renew his exhausted reserves of energy, so more and more often he refers to the energy potential of others. This is the beginning of the process of transforming a person into a vampire. The process then snowballs. He is then cut off from the Cosmos and often ends up with a serious illness. A vampire is like a drug addict, who receives satisfaction today which he will pay for dearly tomorrow. Sometimes poorly trained healers take energy from their children and relatives without being aware of it, causing them to fall ill. One should treat a patient spiritually through good intention and correct diagnostics, and not by artificial injections of energy. The patients subconscious is trying to eliminate the true causes of an illness, while crude energy influence only hampers this process. Few people know how seriously vampirism is punished and how difficult it is to break out of this state. When a vampire exploits his victim bioenergetically, the victims field structures are deformed, resulting in illness. The aggressor and his children and relatives will bear responsibility for this. One of the best ways to defend oneself from an unprincipled person trying to steal ones energy is to say a prayer that will help a vampire straighten his deformed spiritual structures. As the Scriptures say, Bless those who curse you, do good to those who despise you... I would now like to discuss one more case of vampirism. A woman asked me to help her younger daughter and her eldest sons daughter. I began by testing the womans

daughter, a 14-year-old schoolgirl. Her field structures in the area of the head had been critically deformed by a male vampire. Does your daughter often suffer from headaches? Yes. She is very pale and easily becomes tired, correct? Yes, she easily gets tired, especially in the math class. Maths has nothing to do with it. The girls energy is being stolen by a man, perhaps her maths teacher. But the ultimate cause is the behavior of her father, who used to take energy from you. That is why the girls defense mechanism is damaged and she can be a victim of vampires. Then I tested the granddaughters field. She was also under the spell of some unknown vampire. Ultimately, the guilty party was her father who had taken energy from his wife. This unhappy sequence of events had its origin with the grandmother, the very woman who had come to me for help. In 1962 she stole energy from a man. Five years later, her energy was stolen by her husband, who damaged her defense system. In this way, a situation arises in which the victim provokes the criminal. The grandmother lost her defense system and, as a result, her son, daughter and granddaughter suffered. They were doomed to take or to give energy, causing the disintegration of subtle field structures and gradual physical decline. A single unprincipled action by the grandmother doomed the whole family to physical and spiritual decline. Irresponsibility on the level of the energy field ends in tragedy. My next patient was a young girl who had many problems. I explained to her that she was violating the highest laws and that these transgressions were influencing her character, destiny and health. Her channels of contact with the Cosmos were blocked because her father had defied the principle of unity with the Universe. As a result, her own energy level was extremely low. The girl confirmed my diagnosis: yes, her father was an atheist and materialist. It doesnt matter whether a man believes in God or not. A human being is a cell of an unified organism, and he must live in accordance with its laws. If a person does not realize this, his children are doomed to degenerate, first spiritually, then physically. I tested then the spiritual structures of the girl. As her energy level was low and contacts with the Cosmos reduced to a minimum, she had become something of a vampire herself, and was taking my energy. The girl didnt perceive this, but she noticed that children didnt like it when she took them in her arms. The childs field is defenseless and open to a vampires attack, but a kind of intuition sometimes helps children. It is no accident that in the past parents hid their children from a strangers eyes, for an unprincipled person could harm them.

Once, at one of my lectures, I was speaking about vampirism. I explained how a person who started by taking energy from other people ended with self-destruction. My audience consisted almost entirely of psychics and healers. One of them, a rather selfassured young man, declared that he knew an effective way of protecting oneself from a vampire. I asked him to tell us more, as this was quite intriguing. When a vampire takes your energy, you should visualize yourself as a wound full of pus. Then the vampire will take pus instead of energy. But if you were regularly attacked by vampires and you always reacted in this way, you would become a pus filled sore yourself. For when one identifies himself with something, he inevitably becomes that thing in the literal sense of the word. I dont advise you to follow this recommendation. When you feel that someone is taking your energy, pray that this person will be given the divine love and energy that will cleanse him and unite him with the Cosmos. Later I tested the young man: his parameters for spirituality, spirit, soul and behavior had negative values. There was a complete degradation of the subtle spiritual structures. But if he prayed that a vampire be given divine love and energy, then the parameters of his own spirituality would be much higher. A deliberate attempt to help can save a person who takes others energy, whether it is done on purpose or not. This case illustrates that violent methods are now often transferred automatically from the physical world to the world of the spirit. In bioenergetics this is, in fact, equal to suicide. And the person involved seldom notices his complete transformation. After several acts of violence on the spiritual level, he does not feel how his soul has started to disintegrate, for people nowadays pay attention mainly to the state of their body. Most importantly, in a vampire-victim situation, the victim always wins, since vampirism is a sign to him that his contacts with the Divine are at low level. The victim is then forced toward higher levels of spirituality. But a vampire is involved in a reverse process, as his subtle spiritual structures which receive the Divine energy are slowly but inexorably degraded. Cause Number Five Everybody knows the proverb: Say nothing bad about the dead. People say this because the contacts between the subtle world of the dead and our physical world are unfortunately possible, and such contacts harm both worlds. A dangerous proximity between the fields of the living and the dead occurs when there are violations of the highest laws. Religious traditions and funeral rites all over the world tend to divide these two fields. So it is with the last rites of the Christian, or the burning of a corpse in India. All these rituals help isolate the field of a dead man from

that of the living and make easier to transfer the dead mans field structures to the proper hierarchical levels of the Universe. If a person holds a grudge against a dead person, it has a negative influence on him and can result in various illnesses, mental disorders and negative personality changes. If a person feels offended during the last moments of his life, there can be a dangerous increase in the proximity between the two worlds. Perhaps for this reason it is taken for granted that the last will of a dying person should be fulfilled. If a woman has an abortion before giving birth to a child, the field of the dead embryo can easily join the field of the child and, as a result, the child will suffer from illnesses, uncontrollable fears, and obsessions. Once while vacationing on the sea shore I met a family with two children. The youngest daughter was very afraid of heights and cried at night. I tested the case and found that the mother previously had had an abortion and the field of the unborn child had joined the field of the girl. I explained her guilt to her. She accepted it, went to church and begged forgiveness from the unborn child. Consequently, the girls field straightened and she stopped crying at night. This was one of the first cases where I realized the power of the word and witnessed its healing potential. A woman visited me for a session. Her field had a serious distortion that is usually called a jinx or an evil eye. She had created this disorder herself, since she had a strong negative attitude to her grandfather who had died long ago. As a human field contains information about all his relatives, this offense was preserved in the womans field, and, as a result, the grudge against her grandfather was levelled against her and distorted her field. It is very dangerous to take offense and to hate the people who are close to you energetically - parents, children, relatives, and other loved ones. The more intense love and sympathy one has for another person, the more dangerous a negative feeling for him will be. Once, while in Moscow, I was to see a woman who felt quite ill. She believed she had diabetes. The physicians disagreed, but could not find a proper diagnosis. I analyzed her field and saw that energy was flowing out from her like water from a hole in the region of the solar plexus. I wanted to know why this was so. The woman told me that a month before she had lost her grandmother who had been a professional sorcerer. Before her death, she had wanted to see her granddaughter, but the woman failed to get to her and the grandmother died with her wish unfulfilled. The woman had very close contact with the astral body of her grandmother and this was the reason why she was losing such a great amount of energy. Also, she was suffering from a subconscious fear, a usual symptom of this condition.

I started to think about what could be done. I suggested that the woman light a candle in church for the soul of the grandmother, but she told me that she had done this many times. Then I dared to attempt an unusual experiment. I am able to contact the dead in a nonverbal way and test their attitudes to the living ones. I suspected that the grandmother had wanted to say something to her granddaughter before her death, and so I decided to organize a meeting between them. I concentrated, evoked the soul of the dead grandmother, put her energy field in contact with that of her granddaughter and left the room. When I returned after a few minutes, the woman told me that her hands had moved by themselves, palms up and something had happened. The womans field was completely restored and the feeling of fright left her. This meant that the grandmother did what she had intended to do. In time the woman noticed that she was starting to feel better and peoples attitudes toward her also changed positively. I believe that some knowledge and experience had really been passed on, but I never repeated this kind of experiment. The next patient asked me to help her daughter who was bothered by strange dreams: in all of them she saw her grandmother who had died a year and a half earlier. The grandmother talked to her granddaughter, gave her advice, and discussed events that took place after her death. After forty days had passed since her death, her grandmother said: Tell me how I was buried. I dont remember anything about it. When the grandmothers belongings were taken to their summer cottage, she started to reproach her granddaughter: Why did you take my things away? The granddaughter explained that since the grandmother had died, she did not need these things. No, I have not died yet, responded the grandmother. This is a typical example of the fusion of fields of the living person and the dead person. It was caused by a strong resentment the granddaughter held for her grandmother. Anger against a dead person is one of the factors that hampers the normal blocking of interaction between the fields. Sometimes a person who died long ago has some information about events in the world of the living, and can even somehow influence those events. I remember an interesting incident. I met a woman who had extraordinary energetic potential. She had lost her father many years before and then unexpectedly he began to appear regularly in her dreams. At first she was terrified, then got used to it, talked with him, and he often warned her of future events in her life and gave her advice about how to respond to them.

I had been planning at that time to go to the Southern seashore. I was not feeling very well, and I had a premonition that something bad might happen. I met the woman and asked her to talk about my situation with her father, hoping that perhaps he could help me if I really was in danger. Several days of my vacation passed without incident but then, while swimming far from the shore, I felt pain in my knee so strong that I could hardly imagine how I would make back. Later, I found out that the joint in the knee was badly sprained. When I tested the whole incident afterwards I discovered that I had been saved because of the indirect help of my friends father. I therefore, managed to escape grave danger with only a minor leg injury. It is also deduced that I was punished because I had been angry at a certain woman just before I left for the seashore. According to ordinary logic she was the one to blame, but I had no right to hold a grudge. This was a test I had failed to pass, and so I had to be punished either by having a misfortune, an injury or an illness. When I returned, my friend told me that she had seen her father once again in a dream sitting next to me. We were both smiling and my right leg was somewhat awkwardly turned aside. While later analyzing the karmic fields, I realized that her father had managed to change the course of my punishment. Instead of a serious misfortune for my relatives, I experienced only an injured knee, which in these circumstances was the least possible punishment. But how he did it remained a mystery to me. The main cause for my injury was my strong anger, which I had not been able to overcome. It had become more and more intense until it turned into hate. My relatives began to suffer because of it. I felt as if some alien spirit had entered my body, overcome my will and stimulated my negative emotions. I had to pay dearly for this violation, but my friends father helped me evade a terrible outcome. Cause Number Six Not so long ago, while treating one of my patients, I discovered another factor that exerts great influence on the health and destiny of people and their descendants over many generations. Perhaps previously my own karmic field was not clear enough and I could not obtain this information. To put it briefly, even a casual thought of suicide is dangerous and destructive for an individual and his descendants. I treated a woman who was suffering from terrible headaches that could not be alleviated by drugs. The physicians had failed to diagnose her and she wanted to try bioenergetics. When I looked through her karmic lines, it became clear that her father had committed an act bordering on suicide. The program of suicide had functioned in the womans field deforming it enormously. Such programs can be preserved in the subconscious for years. The woman had such a strong program of self-destruction that the organism used these painful headaches to block it. After two corrections of her field

structures, the headaches became less and less intense. I then decided to determine what percentage of people had such a program and found, shockingly, that on average one out of every two patients had in his field a program for subconscious suicide. It was manifested by apathy and depression, and sometimes as an explosion of aggressiveness that the person could not control. The state that physicians call depression is nothing more than a hidden lack of will to live. It can provoke many illnesses, change the future and the character of a person, and burden his life with complications. What can be the reason for the slow process of the extinction of the will to live? Most often this is a program of self-destruction formed in the field of ones ancestors who had suicidal thoughts for a long time or attempted suicide. Even if it took place three or four generations ago, the program would be stable enough and could be inherited by the next generation. This program can also originate from parents unwillingness to have a child. A persons field is usually well defended against the outer world but is completely open to his parents. Even the slightest negative feelings directed toward the future child during pregnancy can form a program of destruction in the childs field. This program is long-lasting, since it was created by the parents. If the parents are dissatisfied with a child because of his shortcomings in size, strength, health, appearance or behavior, and if this dissatisfaction is not compensated for by love for a child as a gift from God, this feeling of discontent enters the subconscious and the machine of destruction starts to function. When the parents concentrate on negative emotions towards their child, they lose control over these feelings and fail to realize how dangerous they are. The parents field starts to destroy the field of the child, and the child reacts with two counter-programs: for the destruction of his parents and for self-destruction. A fathers strong disappointment about having a daughter instead of a son will result in several suicide attempts by the daughter years later, and this tendency can be inherited by her children. This is true even if the fathers disappointment was only fleeting. The subconscious programs a child keeps in his field over the course of time, and especially at the period of sexual maturation, can enter the childs conscious mind and create a conflict for the child. Five minutes of rejection can cost many years of alienation, reproach, resentment and hatred. That is why keeping strictly to high principles is much more important than treating the body with compresses and injections. One should keep in mind another important factor. A suicidal program can be also formed by the aggressive influence of any powerful external program intended to

change the persons behavior. The organism reacts to such violence with a decline in the will to live. I wanted to know whether an external program, introduced into the subconscious for some special purpose, could exert a negative influence on a person or produce an undesirable by-product. I discovered that any powerful external program can stimulate resistance in a form of a program of self-destruction. What about treatment for alcoholism or smoking by the encoding method? an assistant asked me. I tested a few people who were encoded and discovered programs of suicide that appeared in their fields immediately after the moment when the person was encoded. This slowly developing suicidal tendency makes itself felt in anger, extreme irritability, suicidal thoughts and other negative changes in the persons behavior. A woman asked me for advice about whether she should further attend an intensive English course. I am going to the United States, and so I started to attend an English class where the students learned the language under hypnosis. After a few lessons I felt somehow uneasy. Can I go on with this course or will it do me harm? I looked through her field: the distortions had reached the highest stage, as when a serious illness was imminent. I also checked her field before the course: the distortions were minimal. I was intrigued, and wanted to know the reason for such a drastic change. After testing, I found it. The change was caused by a process of programming that was a violation of the information law. When information is introduced forcibly into the human subconscious, the field structure is considerably deformed, and that can result in a serious illness some time later. It is known that in Bulgaria people studied languages using a hypnotic method via television. The results were excellent, but after three or four years the same people began to complain of loss of memory, drastically impaired immunity, and other negative symptoms. A young woman told me that she wanted to go to a psychic because she had fallen in love with a young man who was indifferent to her, but then she noticed that her health began to deteriorate. I analyzed the womans field structures and found out many curious things. A few days after the woman got an appointment with the psychic, her field structures contacted the psychic on the energy level and his subconscious started to influence the young man, forcing him to meet this woman. On the level of consciousness, neither the woman, nor the young man were aware of this influence, no action was taking place in the physical

world, only the woman had her own designs on the young man, but the field structures of the three people began to interact and the process of the enchantment of the young man was under way. A powerful program was being introduced into his subconscious. Since this program was introduced externally, his subconscious reacted with a counterprogram of self-destruction. The woman who loved him received similar field distortions and fell ill. The psychics field was also considerably distorted. Thus unprincipled action created a tragic situation, though no one involved in it knew its true cause. Violence can lead only to more violence. Many people asked me my opinion regarding the patients of the famous Russian parapsychologist Anatoly Kashpirovsky. I tested some of them and, unfortunately, could only confirm my worst suspicions once more. Any external program introduced hypnotically can switch on a program of destruction if it is counter to the persons internal convictions. Of course, in todays world it would be wrong to suggest that all forms of programming human behavior be forbidden. Perhaps it would be enough to forbid all treatment that provides only limited help, but tangibly aggravates the general karma of humanity. The system of encoding the patients should be allowed to exist, but we should direct our efforts toward gradually replacing the violent methodology so popular with the modern medical science. There should be a shift toward the natural development of human spirituality and the restoration of the individuals harmony with the world. About a year ago I focussed on the issue of whether it is possible to cure people of alcoholism in a natural way. I was asked to help an intelligent and gifted man who could not stop drinking and was on the verge of chronic alcoholism. He had lost all hope that he could be helped. I met with him and said: Do you know why you are drinking? A person should love the world around him. If this feeling is absent, he starts to feel discomfort and his soul suffers. He tries to suppress this mental pain by some physical means. This results in drug addiction, alcoholism and other kind of substance abuse. However, the cause of drug addiction and alcoholism is the lack of love in a human soul. This state emerges as a result of a feeling of resentment and the deliberate suppression of love for others. I showed him how his parents had destroyed love in themselves and others, and how he had done the same. After a correction, his field straightened out and the deformation, which had been significant, disappeared. A few days later I checked him again: his field remained clear

and my patient had no need to drink. I tested him six months later and found that the man was completely cured of alcoholism. I had an interesting encounter in the Crimean city of Yalta, where I was lecturing. A man approached and told me of how a neighbor of his got started on a drinking bout and was unable to stop. I met him and decided to use your method. I asked him: What happened just before this bout began? What stands out in your mind? In the period of food shortages in the Crimea, they were distributing potatoes where I worked, he answered, but I got nothing, and I was very offended. I told him: Beg forgiveness for your anger. He begged forgiveness and stopped drinking. The case, of course, is anecdotal, but it provides a correct idea of what a person should do when when he tries to get rid of similar addictions. First of all, it is necessary to give up all anger toward the world, to harmonize with it instead and to love the truth within ones own soul. Harmony is love. The past, present and future are objects of this Divine feeling. One should try to develop this emotion in ones heart. When he succeeds, there will be no need to drink. The condition of the modern world has much in common with the present-day spiritual state of humanity. Increasing amounts of money are being spent on drugs and the war against drugs, but the results are negligible. Drug addiction is becoming more and more widespread because people do not realize that drugs are not the enemy. We need to fight the causes for addiction, and the basic cause is a low level of internal love for humanity. And also through violation of many laws, the love in people became cold was said two thousand years ago, but it is fully applicable to us today. The denial of love has become commonplace. We deny love to God and the Divine emotions. We deny love to our parents, our children, our spouses, and ourselves. We deny love to inanimate nature and the entire world around us. All these violations culminate in a program for the destruction of love, and, as a consequence, cruelty is snowballing. This process can not be suppressed by alcohol or drugs. To escape from the present-day crisis and to liberate ourselves from its plagues, people must learn to love God, other people, the Universe, the world, the past, the present and the future. God is love. Some people believe that it is the easiest thing in the world to say I said that I would love and fell in love. But in reality love is a most difficult art and must be mastered through constant hard work. To function properly, each cell of our organism must work continuously, and also abide by the laws of unity within the whole. A human being is a cell of the Cosmos and its task is to fulfill ones functions, and also to tirelessly aspire toward contact and unity with the Universe and love to God. Our contact with the Divine is conditioned by our

desire and our faith, and also by the purity of our souls and bodies. We all have contact with the Divine, but the levels are different: The purer an individual, the greater the contact. My six-year-old son approached me and complained that his leg was aching. Do you know what God means? Put your hands on your knees and beg forgiveness for your Daddy who didnt want to live when he was eighteen years old. Thats why your leg is aching. He begged forgiveness, and I saw that his field was in the process of being restored. Recently, I explained to my patients that only adults have karma, but that a child has a good defense system up to thirteen to fifteen years old, and his resentments have no karmic consequences. Only after sexual maturation does a child become responsible for his actions and transgressions. Recently the energy field of the Earth has changed so considerably that now seven-tonine-year-olds, and even babies a year or two old are launching energy attacks and destroying each other as adults do. I inspect the field of my daughter and see that she is under the influence of the evil eye of some blond-haired male. She is nine years old and the aggressor is obviously a ten-year-old schoolboy from her class. What will happen to our children when they grow up? We have destroyed their barriers of defense, and they have inherited distorted field structures from us. What diseases are in store for them? What will happen to their psyches and their children if even now, when they are so young, they are beginning to attack one another on the energy field? When I say to people: You suppressed love in yourself, they often reply: But I never loved this or that person. Each time I have to explain that love is a vast feeling which encompasses all of us, that it should have as its object the whole world, and that in the purest sense, it is love for the all-embracing organism whose name is Universe. The main commandments of the Bible are the laws of the spiritual world and of bioenergetic interaction between people. When a mother destroys her children with a word, a look or a gesture, to say nothing of an action, she does not realize that she is creating a program that, a year or two later, can hurl a child under a car or evoke a serious illness. If units of a single system begin to compete among themselves, paying no attention to the center, the system disintegrates. When the feeling of love disappears in a human soul and is replaced with some other emotion, the blocking mechanism ceases to function and negative feelings can then lead the person down the path of destruction. I remember an old parable. A monk came to a woman and said: Let me in, I have no place to spend the night. The woman replied: Ill let you in but you should do one of

three things: cut the throat of a goat, sleep with me or drink some wine. Make your choice. The monk thought: Killing a living being is murder, sleeping with a woman is a sin, but drinking wine is a lesser sin. So he drank the wine, and after that fulfilled the two other desires of the woman. The monk compromised his principle of avoiding sinfulness. In the same way, love is our main principle. While it is secure, no other violation will result in a catastrophe. A person may think that love is one of the emotions at his disposal, but this is false. Love is not part of us, we are a part of it, and it embraces the whole world. Love and life are given to us and we have no right to abandon them. When petty possessiveness begins to triumph over us, and we start to kill love in the soul, we are destroying the highest spiritual structure that unites us with the Universe. Or, in other words, we are putting something at our disposal that is by no means our property. Cause Number Seven We have retrogressed very much during the last few decades that we can no longer understand even the simplest of truths. How many people today can say what food is? Food exerts a direct influence on human field structures, and this influence forms the individual. I tested the energy field during the process of eating, and was utterly astonished when I realized that it is the first chakra which reacts to our food consumption. A person can be cured by the right diet, whereas the wrong diet can detsroy him as easily as adopting the wrong world view or improper behavior. And God said, Behold I have given you every herb-bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the world which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. The Bhagavad-Gita forbids us to consume food more than three hours after it was prepared. It is dirty food, as it can be used only by the body and contains nothing for the spirit. In the Jewish tradition there is a term non-kosher meat. It is meat that contains blood, and its consumption is categorically forbidden. Because the blood preserves all the information about the life of the physical body, its illnesses, and its sensations, including the emotions experienced by animals when they are killed at the slaughterhouse. Once a woman asked me to analyze the reasons for a strange behavior of a seven-yearold boy she was related to. He had begun to smoke, was very attracted to alcohol and tried to flirt with grown-up women. There was nothing childish in his behavior, only earthliness in the worst sense of the word. I investigated the reasons. All parameters of spirituality were

drastically low, and it looked like what people call demon possession. I soon found out that this was all produced by the boys father and not by his karma, but by his way of life. The parameters for his fathers thoughts, actions and diet were extremely low. It was difficult to imagine how he could survive with such negative parameters and what he had done to destroy his sons field so radically. What does the boys father do for a living? I asked the woman. He lives in a village, he is a butcher and slaughters pigs. I checked the level of the boys subconscious aggressiveness. It was practically absent. This meant that the father did his job indifferently, without any emotions. But he likes to drink the animals blood, said the woman. Then it all made sense. The fathers field structure absorbed with the blood of the animals all the information about their suffering at the moment of death. Our remote ancestors were much more literate than we are when they prayed before the killing of an animal and begged its forgiveness before using it for food. In this way they blocked all the negative consequences which we now swallow without a thought. I could not understand why reading was usually forbidden during the process of eating. I became interested in the fact that folk culture forbids reading during meals. It soon became apparent to me that eating with a book, in front of a TV screen or while discussing politics or family problems can easily traumatize a persons soul, since information freely enters the subconscious during eating. The sacrament of communion is based on this. The believer partakes in the Divine. If a priest were to think about his own worldly problems while administering the Eucharist, there would be no sacrament at all. In each human being there are two different natures, one spiritual and saintly, the other material and beastly. In the normal state the body is nourished by the soul, the soul by the spirit and the spirit by God. One should not exclude any element of this sequence in return for a life based solely only on sustenance of the body with food. If one has no contact with the higher levels of existence, his decline is unavoidable.




Many facts have been accumulated concerning the successful prediction of future events and the behavior of animate and inanimate objects. Animate objects are no problem, since their behavior can be analyzed, summarized and predicted. Inanimate objects are different, since, in the physical world they seem to convey no behavior at all. They seem to lack programs for changing their structures and developing in time and space. Their state at any particular moment is conditioned only by the physical influence of other objects. Nevertheless, my own studies show that this is not quite so: programs determining the future of inanimate objects also exist. They are formed in the process of interaction between programs in the objects individual field and in the field of other objects. The genetically enhanced behavior of living organisms differs from the behavior of inanimate objects solely in the parameter of time. Therefore, when we are dealing with extremely long periods of time, the distinction disappears. As we analyze the evolution of animate organisms on our planet, we see that this process is speeding up. This greater speed of the differentiation of objects is connected with speciation, i.e. the separation of an object from the surrounding environment simultaneously with the intensification of the field unity. The main programs responsible for the physical state of animate and inanimate objects are the informational-energy structures. Analyzing them, we can predict the future rather accurately. Both animate and inanimate objects have two bodies: the physical and the temporal. The temporal body realizes itself in the physical body and is formed by informational-energy fields, which enable us to state that inanimate objects have information programs for their existence, while animate organisms have field programs and genetic programs which interact. By influencing informational-energy structures, we can change the physical state and the behavior of any object and also predict its future. Telekinesis, remote diagnostics and the field correction of animate and inanimate objects are possible as a result of this mechanism. But if the information program is realized on the physical level, then the reverse process should be possible, and this is in fact a necessary pre-condition for the very existence of the Universe. Therefore any object can be protected on the level of informational-energy fields, moved to any point of the Universe (as there is no space in the information field) and realized once again on the physical level. Teleportation and influence on distant objects such as clouds are based on this principle.

As the climactic, geochemical and tectonic characteristics of our planet are determined by the informational-energy processes, people will be able to directly influence the events and objects of the surrounding world. The coming series of cataclysms will be evidence of ecological change, and also of the deformation of the informational-energy structures of the Earth. We are now trying to control the weather and influence inanimate objects, and, as a result, we are introducing our negative influence into the feedback system of the biogenetic sphere, which causes deformation of the informational-energy structures of the Earth. Testing shows that even dissatisfaction with weather has a negative influence on the field structures of space and consequently on the human race. All studies of the animate and inanimate objects should be based on highly accurate diagnostics. There should be frequent analysis of the possible consequences of our intrusion into the processes of nature. Traditional methods of technical diagnostics are directed toward discovering preexisting defects which for some reason were not detected by the observer or the experimental apparatus. By studying the field structure, we are able to predict the future physical deformations of objects, as the sequence of events on the physical level is preconditioned by the field program. An analysis of various levels of the field programs guarantees a high accuracy of prognostication. But diagnostics are always an invasion of the field of the object involving a forced interaction with the field. A technical diagnostician with programs for destruction and self-destruction in his own field can well introduce them into the field of an inanimate object and in this way create favorable conditions for its annihilation. The energy feedback system reacts with a counter-program for the destruction of the diagnostician. An influence on inanimate objects through the informational-energy structures can present a danger to all mankind, since all humans are unified on the subtle field level. The technical diagnosticians principles and the purity of his karma are no less important than those of a healer in the process of medical treatment. A high level of subconscious aggression in the information structures of humanity can cause a series of global catastrophes in the near future. It would be impossible to prevent this even with the highest technical ability of the personnel involved. The problem of the ecology of the spirit is of crucial importance, since it is the determining factor for the state of our environment. I first used psychic testing to diagnose inanimate objects in Yalta in the spring of 1991. I decided at that time to check the possible results of testing in this particular field, all of which was new to me. I was asked to locate, on a map of the Crimean peninsula, favorable places for vineyards. After testing with a metal dousing rod, I determined that

such places were located near the coastline, which was confirmed by an agronomist present at the experiment. According to my results, the most favorable place for the cultivation of apple trees was the center of the peninsula, far from the sea. This projection was also confirmed. Then I tried to locate places that were favorable for the human habitation, where the water and air were quite clean. I also indicated regions on the map where it was advisable to build health spas, and I pointed out what illness would be easier to cure at this or that place. The results were rather interesting. All the pre-revolutionary buildings, especially mansions, had been erected in the areas I had found to be favorable for the health and well-being of people. The new residential areas, on the other hand, were located mainly in unfavorable places. It seemed that in the past, city planners intuitively sensed where they should erect houses and mansions. The unfavorable areas had been used for cemeteries, parks and recreational zones. The places of permanent dwelling have, as a rule, very high degrees of biofield comfort. I indicated a place on the map where the inhabitants were afflicted with the highest rate of illness, including ontological disease. These studies showed that the surface of our planet is not homogeneous, and that there are favorable and unfavorable zones for human habitation, and that these characteristics have nothing to do with geochemical or tectonic factors. This mechanism is still unclear to me, but it is obvious that here we are dealing with a natural phenomenon that influences peoples lives. In the Crimea the favorable zones were located by dots on the map, but in St. Petersburg the situation was totally different. In 1991 a professor from the Polytechnic Institute consulted me. He was interested in my method and wanted to use it for technical diagnostics. He was engaged in studying the ecology of the Petersburg region and wanted to conduct a series of experiments to discover whether it was possible to investigate the water resources of the region through psychic testing. Similar experiments had been conducted by Uri Geller, who pointed out the deposits of mineral resources of a region while flying over it in a plane. It was also possible to do this sort of work using a photo or a map. We took the most detailed maps and began our investigation. Our task was to find out where the water of the Neva River was polluted with phosphates. I believed that the phosphates were accumulated at the mouth of the river, but it became apparent that its main concentration was at its source. It turned out to be the same with nitrates. The reason was simple - phosphates and nitrates were flowing to the river with water from the adjacent agricultural regions where chemical fertilizers were being used in abundance. There was a strip in the river where there were neither phosphates nor nitrates; the level of pollution there would first go down to zero and then rise again. This meant that there was a zone of completely

pure water located perpendicular to the flow of the river. This phenomenon was wellknown to the experts, but there was no one who could explain it. Scholars from abroad also knew about the clean water effect observed at places where, according to calculations, the water should be strongly polluted. I then started to investigate the shores. The parts of the river-bed where the water suddenly became clean coincided with the shoreline areas of a ring favorable for human habitation. In the energy structure of the city there is a specific factor that keeps the water clean and exerts a positive influence on the people living there, but there are also places extremely unfavorable for human beings, and they also constitute a kind of ring. In St. Petersburg, in contrast to other places, there are powerful ring-shaped energy structures which overlap. These studies can be helpful for building residential areas and also for finding proper places for especially dangerous technical objects. Next I started to investigate Lake Ladoga. The area of nitrate pollution in the lake was shaped like a long pointed tongue, and the area of phosphate pollution looked like an ink-blot in the very center of the lake. The tongue-like structure you drew is quite right, said the professor. It is flowing into the lake from the Volkhov river. It carries a great amount of nitrates because a big plant producing protein concentrates is located on its shores and there are also a great number of state farms there. And the phosphates should also form a tongue-like structure. I checked my results and, once again, the blot was right in the center of the lake. We created a program and the experts spent two months working with our data. What I had done in 2-3 months would take several months with traditional methods. So long as we were working with a map, the real amount of phosphates in Lake Ladoga and its distribution in different parts of the lake were not yet known. Later several ships were sent to investigate the same problem and experts working on them confirmed my conclusions: the maximum area of phosphate pollution proved to be just at the place I had indicated. My findings were original, for the researchers at the time had no facts to contribute to my study. As of the final count, however, their results and mine coincided 80% of the time. My next project was connected with the Oktiabrsky concert hall in St. Petersburg. There was water leaking into the hall, and I was asked to find out where the water was coming from. I asked for a diagram of the building and found the places where the water had accumulated. Some of the places that I pointed to were undergoing repair and the floor had been removed there, as I found out. I found other problem areas which needed

to be repaired so that new leaks would not occur. I was asked whether the water was coming from inside the building or from the outside. I felt that the water was moving from the outside, from a pipe that was located a short distance from the hall itself. As I checked the water pipes in the building, I could clearly see the flow of the water and the condition of the pipes. I could even tell what metals were contained in the water. This was a new sphere of investigation for me. I realized how easily an expert skilled in the method of psychic testing can switch from medical diagnostics to technical diagnostics. When I discussed my results with the researchers from the institute, I explained that there was nothing supernatural in these investigations. I was merely dealing with laws of nature that are presently unknown to most people. The main point is that when I do psychic diagnostics, it is the field of the physical object that I am working with, not the physical objects themselves. The field contains much more information than the physical object and is more accurate. So would it have been possible to predict beforehand what happened at Chernobyl? I was asked. My testing shows that two years before the explosion, some serious deformations emerged in the field of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and these deformations led to a catastrophe. Can damage at any other nuclear plant be predicted? Yes, but at present I cannot do it as my own karma is not clear enough. I am working hard on changing myself, but my internal subconscious ethical principles are not yet high enough. While testing an object, it is necessary to contact it on the field level. If some curious people try to diagnose a nuclear power plant using psychic methods, they should not be surprised if they suddenly lost their hair, but this is not the main problem. As the informational-energy fields are not homogeneous and have different sublevels, I can create much harm if I diagnose an object while my karma is not sufficiently clear. I might disrupt the normal field structure of an object, and this leads to unfortunate consequences. The management of an organization asked me to test the professional abilities of their employees using questionnaires. Using bioenergetics, using only a handwriting sample or a photograph, one can discover much about a persons professional qualities, health, his future and other aspects of the persons life.

I started to test the employees and to give recommendations regarding compatibility and the formation of a highly qualified team of professionals. The result was unexpected: the employees were so infatuated with their work that they were reluctant to go home, and they stayed late at the office which caused problems with their wives and numerous complications in their family life. In another research center where the employees were chosen in accordance with the energy field testings, the work became so intense that the director could not manage it, and his subordinates demanded his replacement. The fields of animate and inanimate objects have identical qualities and interact on a subtle field level, where each negative thought, emotion or action exerts influence on an inanimate object and can harm it. When the information structure of a human being is co-operating with the information structure of an inanimate object, a program of destruction created by people can easily enter the field of the inanimate object. That is why pilots, technicians at nuclear electric stations and other professionals engaged in especially responsible fields of work should be kind and completely free of subconscious aggression. If they are not, they can produce dangerous situations despite the best of intentions. The level of aggression in the human subconscious is presently rising throughout the world in terrifying proportions. This could well bring about the most devastating catastrophes in the near future. All well-qualified psychics and healers have extremely low level of subconscious aggression. Otherwise their contacts with the information fields of the Universe could be very harmful. An attempt to increase the number of healers through intensive training without taking ethical principle into account can only lead to negative results. The human subconscious controls the entire universe, but it is especially intense within a radius of sixty meters around a particular person, for at this distance a person can influence all animate and inanimate objects and interact with them. Even nearby books are involved in this process, as the subconscious can extract the information from them bioenergetically. This phenomenon takes place even more easily when the person is asleep; it is dangerous, therefore, to keep detective novels near a sleeping childs pillow. The field of each animate or inanimate object preserves information about the object and about everything that happens around it. The field structure of any room or hall accumulates information, interacts with our fields and influences them. A person involved in a quarrel in a particular room does not suspect that in this way he is harming the health of everybody who is present in the room. The information structures of a place accumulate the negative energy.

When a person emotionally destroys the field structure of an object, he receives an energy counter-attack in return. The field structure of an inanimate object is as autonomous as the field structure of an animate one. An inanimate object can influence an animate object, actively exert influence on it, and exchange information with it. After treating a number of patients, I noticed that my watch had stopped, even though I had wound it. I recalled the work of Uri Geller and held it for some time in my hand until it once again began to work. I was intrigued, tested the field structure around the watch and discovered a large hole. It was clear that our emotions are able to deform the field structure of an inanimate object and, in such a way, actively influence it. Recently an assistant of mine told me that her parents television set was out of order. Her father often watched TV and reacted emotionally to the economic and political events going on in the country. I tested the televisions field and found that it was distorted by a program of hate. She told her father: You should understand that everything around you is alive: the TV, the refrigerator and all other things in the house. If you treat them badly, they react in the same way. The father was utterly astonished. So I have such great abilities that I can influence TV? Now everybody has great abilities. It has nothing to do with you. It depends on what is happening on Earth. But what should we do? Realize that you are guilty and beg forgiveness for these negative emotions of yours. After half an hour the father acknowledged his daughters wisdom and the TV started working again. Our belongings and our clothes accumulate information and preserve it. If somebody envies me because of something I own, this envy might leave a trace and harm me, but my own internal kindness can serve as a reliable defense. Once a woman asked me to help her find a gold chain. The chain was very beautiful and the woman had liked it, but it suddenly disappeared. I am not interested in such problems, I replied. It is apparent that you were supposed to lose it, because it could have seriously harmed you. In its field there was an extremely strong program of self-destruction that could be switched on in proper circumstances. The woman did not believe me at first, but then she discovered that the chain had belonged to a woman who had tried to commit suicide during the siege of Leningrad.

The woman had not worn the chain, but she kept it in her room, and the memory of the remote events was preserved in its field. A woman came to me complaining of an allergic rash. I could not immediately discover the cause of her indisposition, and I failed to help her at the first session. During the second session I was more successful, and discovered that the allergy was being caused by plants in my patients room. She felt poorly at home, but fine everywhere else. I asked her to draw a diagram of her apartment, and I then pointed to a place in the kitchen near the wall where the plants were located. The woman confirmed that there were several potted plants there: aloe, tulips and daffodils. After the investigation of the field structures, I found that the plants were treating their owner badly. While the womans mother was pregnant with her, she had hated plants, and this continued after her child - now my patient - was born. My patient had inherited this program, and she subconsciously attacked the plants. They then counter-attacked her in turn. Our allergies to plants, fish, or animals are caused by the negative emotions of our ancestors towards the same objects. Inanimate objects react to irritation or hatred vented against them, and they can also produce allergies. These negative emotions of a persons ancestors and of his previous lives remain blocked until he emotionally revives them by complaining about the smell of varnish, cursing a rotten fish that made him sick, or even by getting fed up with the dust in a room. The list of inanimate objects that affect human beings is endless. A woman spent her vacation at a resort with her children, but the weather was bad, and they had to stay in her room a lot. The children watched television and the woman tried to read the books she had brought with her. The TV programs interfered with her reading, irritated her and provoked negative emotions. When she returned home, she suddenly fell ill. No physician was able to diagnose her disease, since it had begun with her struggle against the television for two weeks and by a counter-attack against that inanimate object on the energy field level. Another woman had many physical problems, and her field structures were considerably deformed. I analyzed her case. The woman had worked with copy machines over twenty years and intensely disliked them. She explained: But those machines were so old and in such bad shape that they were constantly breaking down. I hated my job and all because of them, she explained. Still, she was the one who had to pay for all this anger.


A girl was irritated and angrily extinguished her cigarette on the hood of a car. She had no idea that this action would give her a terrible headache a few hours later. She had initiated a program of hatred for an object, and it had launched a counter-attack, since animate and inanimate objects react in the same fashion on the energy field level. Any kind of negative emotion toward an inanimate object can produce a distortion of human field structures. People usually dont realize this. If a child hits his head against a table leg and the mother hits it back and says: Dont cry, you see I made it hurt, too, to console the child, she is actually giving him a negative attitude toward the world. This will cause him many problems in the future. I had rather complex interactions with the computer on which I composed the text of this book. Once, upon entering my office, I discovered that the computer was displaying strange distortions on the screen. I wanted to correct the computers field, but when I contacted it, I felt physical discomfort. After I did a diagnosis, it became clear that my field structures were deformed in the area of the chest. This deformation usually appeared when I had offended another person. In order to restore my health, I had to find out who had taken offence at me and why. After a few minutes I realized that I had offended the computer. This was due to a program of destruction present in my field. Three years before my birth, my father had held a grudge against a man who had offended him. I inherited this program and it made itself felt through disease and injuries. It also attacked any person who was in contact with me, including my own children. The computer was also attacked, and it attacked me back, disrupting my field. Whenever I pushed the program out of my subconscious, the computer became normal again. I was astonished to discover that the machine could change its attitude when other people approached it. The computer reacted badly to users who had negative karma and a great number of programs of destruction and self-destruction. It virtually hated one user who had more problems with it than anyone else. I noticed many years ago that some people have a bad influence on technical devices, and in their presence everything breaks down. Once a friend complained of kidney pain and asked me to discern the reason. I started to study her field structures. The disruptions were emanating from an inanimate object in her room. I pointed out a dot on the diagram of her apartment where this object was located. There were icons there, and two of them were antique icons. The others were drawn on cardboard and had been bought in a church. I investigated the icons attitude toward this woman. I discovered that two of them, depicting the Savior and St.Nicholas, were burdened with programs of hate and destruction. This sounded like blasphemy: how indeed could the

image of Christ feel hatred and launch a destruction program against the owner of the icon? After a detailed testing, it was revealed that the artist who created this particular icon did not wish to have a child who nevertheless was born afterwards. A man with this program in his field had no right to paint icons. The artist who had created the icon of St. Nicholas had rejected his feelings for his children and his father. As a result he also encoded the icons field with his emotional rejection of the Divine. When I had explained all this to the woman, she realized why she did not like to stay in this room for a long time. In the past, only certain painters were allowed to paint icons. Those who were responsible for this intuitively chose artists with clear karma, but even this was not enough. The artist guarded his karma from all negative influences and managed to do so by defying all worldly attachments with long fasting and sincere prayers. He worked on the icon only in a state of religious illumination, using paints dissolved in holy water. Such icons could heal. Their very presence could harmonize the field structures of an ill person and affected the body and, even more importantly, the soul. When such icons were in a room, they influenced the character, health, and future of people in a positive way. The small icons sold today, painted by a person in an ordinary state of mind can do harm to their owner, even if they are sanctified in church. The harm can be great indeed, as everything connected with the name of Jesus Christ and of the saints enters our subconscious directly. I tested the influence of printed versions of icons issued by a publisher, and found that they also were far from perfect. Only genuine icons and their photos can produce a profound and positive influence on human beings. I remember an interesting case. I took my radio to my workshop and noticed that the quality of sound was very bad. I thought that it was broken and took it home, but at home it worked fine again. When I took the radio back to my workshop, it stopped working and stayed that way for a while. I wanted to unravel this mystery. The testing showed that a certain inanimate object was having a negative influence on the radio. After a search I found this object, an icon was hanging on the wall a few feet away from the radio. Once I was asked to diagnose a boy from one of the Baltic states. His field was seriously deformed and he was on the verge of illness because two years before his birth his father had committed an act of blasphemy. I talked with his mother and asked her whether she remembered any events connected with icons or some objects of worship. She told me that just two years before the birth of her son, her husband had placed an icon on a bar with alcoholic drinks. From an energy field point of view, this was a blasphemy, an act of hatred toward an inanimate object and toward the Divine. The

action was determined by a fathers informational-energy structure, and the son who inherited it would have to work out his spiritual imperfection. Though it seems improbable, any inanimate object reacts through its field in a personal way to any other object, including human beings. This is especially true of objects of worship, which is why people who come in contact with these objects, such as archaeologists and religious painters, often die before their time. In most churches today there is a lively trade in Christian literature, candles, icons and other objects of worship. It seems that these people forget the words: And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all those who sold and bought in the temple... I tested to see what trade introduces into the churchs energy field and found that a church, which should be a house of worship had now been transformed into a house of trade. The priests cannot or do not wish to stop this practice. Perhaps they dont realize that trade destroys the energy field of a temple. My bioenergetic analysis indicates that all trade should be moved outside the churchs walls to restore its energy field. Someone told me an interesting story about the island of Kronshtadt, where there is a dilapidated church which authorities once tried to blow up. Explosives were set off several times, and the walls in adjacent houses suffered cracks, but the church suffered minimal damage. The order for the destruction of the church had been given to be carried out by a young and handsome officer who died soon, after that his wife then died, and his son was sent to an orphanage. A few years ago he died in his apartment at the age of thirty, even though his health had been perfect. The family line had died out. It is interesting to note that the boys father was also thirty years old when he had been in charge of destroying the church. I was interested in this case and began to analyze it. I discovered the following. The officer had begun the demolition work indifferently, but when the building refused to cave in, began to take it personally, and performed his duty with enthusiasm and emotion. At that time he came into conflict with the protective aura of the church, which, containing programs of love and unity, can close ranks and fight back against aggressive programs. The officer received his own program of destruction which killed him, his wife and his son, who were closely connected with him on the field level. After a trip to the Moon, an American astronaut said that he had realized during his mission that the whole Universe is a living being. The Earth is also a living and intelligent being. Now a casual remark. Once, while walking along the street not far from Liteiny Avenue in St. Petersburg, I cast a glance at a strange building that reminded me of a stalactite.

As I approached it, I was haunted with feeling of disharmony and danger. Then I tested the house and its influence on people. Its physical and psychic parameters were highly negative. Just looking at this building can cause a deformation of a persons physical structures. This incident is one more evidence that we have lost the intuitive sense of harmony while not acquiring a true understanding of the world. Therefore, we create buildings that harm us by the mere fact of their existence. My studies have indicated to me that since June 1987 some serious negative changes have emerged in the informational-energy structures of the Earth. The programs of destruction have become much more active and are forming a kind of unity. In these circumstances, the slightest negative thought or emotion is immediately enhanced by the negative programs of the information field of the Earth. People are now divided on the field level into two camps: those who aspire to love and good and those who are disintegrating and decaying because their biofield structures are filled with negative programs.




Everything that surrounds us influences us. We are influenced by the space around us, household items, books, movies, and theater performances. They all have informationalenergy fields of their own that interact with the field structures of human beings. By testing we can determine the degree and the quality of this influence. If a book or a movie contains an element of aggression, it can deform human field structures with obvious consequences. Since August 1945 the subconscious aggression in the information structures of the Earth have been increasing. The strategic reserves of spirituality are now almost completely exhausted and life itself adds new amounts of aggression each day. The level of aggression is especially high in Western mass culture, which is based on the principle of competition and the glorification of violence. When the flood of foreign videos in Russia became uncontrollable, their influence on our subconscious also went out of control. Even the seemingly harmless animated cartoons for children contain programs of violence, and, as they seem harmless and charming, they are especially dangerous. Information which calls forth positive emotions enters the subconscious easily, penetrates it deeply and is preserved for a long time. The subconscious works autonomously and can accept information independently and uncritically. I will offer parameters of the level of conscious and subconscious aggression to evaluate the influence of some Russian and Western movies. We have already stated that the value of subconscious aggression of any object should be negative. Great works of art always contain elements of humanism and their level of subconscious aggression is extremely low. In the poems of Alexander Pushkin, for example, the level of subconscious aggression is minimal. But let us come back to mass art. I tested the popular cartoon Tom and Jerry: its conscious aggression was zero, subconscious aggression +80. In Disneys classic Snowwhite and Seven Dwarfs, the conscious aggression is -40, the subconscious aggression +60. Despite all their external kindliness, these cartoons contain internal elements of cruelty which they introduce into the subconscious. After watching them, the

subconscious aggression of a child increases several times over. Unfortunately, today children are beginning to be responsible for violations of higher laws. This means that the soul, the psyche or the body must begin to disintegrate. When this process begins in the first year or two of life, it leads to the degradation of the childs personality, and it will make it difficult for the child to survive. Why then do we complicate and aggravate a childs life with destructive art? Let us see what movies were popular until recently in our cinemas and on TV. Cinderellas conscious aggression -50; subconscious -20. Prisoner of the Caucasus -160 (conscious) and -100 (subconscious) respectively. Just You Wait! +20, -120. The White Sun of the Desert: -10, -50. Solaris: zero and -210. Andrei Rublev: +30, -240. These are examples of what we called Art. In testing the level of the subconscious aggression of various social groups, including political leaders, popular singers, and other performers, I was impressed once again by the impeccable functioning of the system of the energy feedback. It is determined in this particular context because a person on stage exerts an extremely strong influence on the subconscious of the audience. Therefore, only a person with a minimal level of subconscious aggression and maximum of love can come in contact with a mass audience without harming the spiritual structures of the spectators. Actually, all of our stage, theater and movie stars without exception, have a very low aggression level. Even a slight rise in aggression excludes a person from this kind of activity: a performer can lose his talent, suddenly fall ill, have an accident or some unexplainable set-back in his career. Therefore, the high professional level of a singer or an actor should include not only talent in the narrow sense of the word, but also internal kindness and the ability to love, which are necessary for a performer to continuously work on the development of these qualities. Also it may seem surprising, but the same mechanism operates in the sphere of politics. A politician with high subconscious aggression has no future. His will power and intellect are of secondary importance. Subconscious aggression is very dangerous for young women. This is especially true of pregnant women, since the spirit of a mother turns into the body of her child. The more deeply her aggression penetrates, the more dangerous the consequences will be. A woman who does not consciously reject violence harms only two percent of her psyche. But if, after a year or two, she gives birth to a child, the childs psyche can become 80% deformed, as the body of a child is formed by the thoughts of its mother.

People have always known this. During the Renaissance, pregnant women were taken to art exhibitions and surrounded with beautiful objects, music and expression of love. In Russian villages, everyone knew that everything the future mother saw, thought, or felt would have a direct influence on the child, and the people kept her away from the eyes of a stranger. Let us now imagine a woman of our time being verbally abused while waiting in line, squeezed in an overcrowded bus, and later relaxing by watching the latest Western video. Our ideas about karma are oversimplified, so we usually cannot grasp the whole process of the field self-regulation and how accurately it works. Ethics and a highly principled spiritual life should be the result of a profound understanding of the world and its laws. The major problem resides in the difficulty of combining such opposite notions as idealism and materialism, religion and science, logic and intuition, high spirituality and pragmatism, the permanent love for the world and people with the emotions of everyday life. Peoples influence on each other has now become an uncontrollable process, and modern art played an important role in this transformation. Since the middle of the nineteenth century, i.e. since the emergence of impressionism and other schools of art tending to affect the subconscious, it has become more and more difficult to guard the subconscious mind from aggressive invasions. Most paintings by contemporary Western artists have low levels of spirituality and high levels of subconscious aggression. Such works of art deform the biofield structures and, in fact, are harmful to people. Some pictures deplete peoples energy. People leave such art exhibits tired and exhausted and have no idea why they feel so worn out. An exhibit of ritual pictures by Australian aborigines last spring was a revelation for me. After testing a few of them, I was astonished by the force of their positive influence on the main human parameters, such as the feelings of love and unity with the Cosmos. I stopped in front of one of these pictures. No real objects were depicted in it, only points, lines and spots. While I was looking at it, I felt that it was interacting with me. I came nearer and found myself within the information field of the picture. It was a strange sensation. I felt enchanted and everything around me seemed unreal. I tested the parameters of the pictures influence and they were excellent: extremely high spirituality and a minimal level of both conscious and subconscious aggression. This picture evokes no conscious associations, but it heals a person on the energy level, giving him information and interacting with him as a living being. After visiting this exhibition, I tried to heal with drawings and was impressed by the force of their influence. I understood then why amulets, mandalas and icons were so popular in

various religious traditions. With their active field structures they harmonize not only the spirit, health and destiny of human beings, but also the space around them. An icon created by a person with high spirituality helps an individual to make contact with the Divine, heals him and guards him. All paintings should be created in this way, since the main problem of our world is the lack of spirituality. By blindly following the tendencies of Western art, we are merely equating our economic chaos with the disintegration of the spirit. The great spiritual potential accumulated by Russia during decades of intense suffering is being wasted. If in the past, paintings were, on the energy level, like mighty trees with long roots and dense foliage, those of our time can be likened to those miserable little trees growing in a swamp. They have only a trunk, i.e. the technical skill. Our world lives by the requirements of the ego and these activities can be compared with the tip of an iceberg, wherein the invisible part, filled with love, Cosmos and spirituality, is thrown away as it cannot produce immediate results. When I made a few drawings addressed to the subconscious, I realized that it would be possible to create a completely new kind of painting whose influence on the human spiritual world would be a hundred times more powerful. But for this art to develop, society would have to require from a painter much more than it does now. An artist should be a person with a rich inner world, high ethical standards and impeccable professional skill. Some painters are in fact trying to create a healing art form even now, but such attempts are senseless if they take into account physical healing and bodily health only. Our bodies always depend on spirits and they can be healed only by images of spirituality and love. I analyzed the means of spiritual growth and renewal, and decided to test several countries to define their potential for spiritual development. I also tested the terms culture and civilization. The word culture derives from the word cult in its religious meaning as it denotes something higher than the material world that unites all human beings. So, culture emerges as a result of aspiring toward unity and the Divine as the highest symbol of this unity. Only when unity is formed it is possible to disunite and materialize it, and give rise to civilization. Culture determines the permanent spiritual renovation of the nation, while civilization stimulates its physical renovation. Culture creates civilization, but at a certain stage civilization starts to deny culture and to destroy it. To make the process of spiritual renewal permanent, it is necessary to accumulate spiritual values. Society should build structures which allow for a regeneration of culture while rejecting the total embracing of physical and material well-being. As we are today almost totally devoid of such abilities, this task is all the more timely and important.

It is interesting to analyze the terms culture and civilization from the point of view of the energy field. On the basis of this testing I received the following data. The parameters of culture are: conscious aggression amounts to +10, subconscious aggression -210. The parameters for civilization are different: conscious aggression is -50, subconscious aggression +50. Bioenergetics confirms our conclusion that culture deals with construction, while civilization contains within it some elements of destruction. I tested the parameters of several countries to evaluate their potential for the development of culture and civilization, and I used as a criterion the parameters of aggression. The results were as follows:

, Conscious Aggression, Subconscious Aggression Germany, -50, +50 USA, 0, +200 Japan, -40, -10 Russia, +180, -210 Analyzing these data, we can say that Germany is a country that almost ideally suits the model of civilization. The United States of America is a country of a highly developed civilization, but to progress further it must lower the level of subconscious aggression. Japan aptly unites culture and civilization and has a promising potential for the future. There is no civilization in Russia now, but there is internal culture and the potential for development is enormous. After considering those numbers, I realized why so many clairvoyants prophesize that salvation will come from Russia.




People are tragically unaware that the truth, an unstable substance which changes with time, manifests itself in everything. The truth of five thousand years ago radically differed from the truth of today. Since the world is constantly changing and the rate of change varies, there must be an ongoing effort to make sense of the processes of change. When people do not understand the laws of the world and therefore violate them, the result is a deformation and disintegration of field structures accompanied by an emergence of the negative programs that exist autonomously in human information field structures. The idea of demonic possession has existed in many religious traditions. Now it can be studied and analyzed on the energy level through psychic testing. We know that human thoughts constitute an information system and include a great number of positive and negative autonomous programs. Programs of evil and destruction are present in the information field as an independent entity which obeys specific laws. I would like to describe how I came to know these programs and started to work with them. My studies and analysis of field structures showed that, in the information field of a single man, and of humanity as a whole, there were massive concentrations of intense programs of self-destruction which have been created by people over many years. These programs act like a disease and are almost independent of human consciousness. They can move from one field to another and even receive support from the central store of human programs. These programs remain neutral until the conditions arise to make them active. If an individual switches on negative emotions, or it becomes necessary to remove these programs in the course of treatment, they quickly become activated. This usually happens in a rather peculiar way, through some activities in the sphere of subtle information structures. A human being has no means to detect these processes, and so they develop unnoticed. One can call it a disease or a virus, but this virus of destruction behaves actively, and includes the programs of destruction belonging to a particular individual. When an organism violates the highest laws and turns away from the path of evolutionary progress, its energy structure is distorted, the system of defense is broken and it becomes the easy victim of a virus that acts in this situation as an

instrument of punishment. One peculiarity of this punishment is that it involves the multiplying of viruses to form new structures. When humanity begins to deviate from the correct path (and that path is toward unity with the Universe), it is punished by the activation of negative programs which multiply, attach themselves to the spiritual structures and destroy them. As the body and the spirit constitute an integral informational-energy system, the infection on the level of the spiritual structures destroys first the persons soul and only then begins to consume the body. The programs of self-destruction can unite and exist as autonomous structures and, staying for many decades in the common field of humanity, they try to invade the human psyche forcing people to activate them on the level of behavior. The programs act as a typical virus that first enters a single cell, then multiplies and eventually tries to destroy the entire organism. An information virus on the level of the field (i.e. the spiritual level of humanity) is in fact the Devil which is spoken of in the Bible. If an individual does nothing to promote his spiritual growth and begins to defy the laws of the Universe, he inevitably turns into a victim of such a virus. Such viruses are always waiting for our errors. I personally felt how this virus exerts influence and how it develops. I have to confess that this experiment was very dangerous, since my errors could have seriously harmed me personally and the group I was working with. But let us start from the beginning. In the course of my studies I noticed that since 1987 negative programs had become active in the fields of virtually all my patients. In the past a violation of natural laws caused certain deformations of the patients structures, but after 1987 the deformations became much greater and standard violations began to be punished in a harsher way. This means that when an individual does something against himself or another human being, the effect of the action will be increased dozens of times and will become active in his field. The force of all the negative thoughts will also increase manifold. As a thought is an information unit, both bad and good thoughts are joined together, first on the level of the structures, then on the level of information systems. Over the last six years the human information field has seen the activation of some structures directed toward survival, and others tending toward destruction. The structures of destruction behave in a rather peculiar way. First of all, they try to destroy the primary spiritual structures that block the physical disintegration of the organism. If a person has high ethical standards and wants to preserve his spirituality, they attempt to harm his physical body, and the individual falls sick. Serious illnesses are not always the instruments of evil, as they do save the persons spiritual structures from destruction. But it is different when an illness begins as a result of the decay of spiritual structures and the ensuing physical breakdown that follows. The following case was my first experience of a program of destruction.

A young man who was mild and kind-hearted suddenly displayed aggressive behavior toward a friend. My analysis showed that his behavior was determined mainly by his father. The father had a program of destruction in his field, and his son had to act it out on the level of behavior. I tested the case thoroughly, finished my work, then, while strolling around town, I suddenly felt some kind of attack. It was as though someone were stirring the brains around in my head with a stick. Everything began to float before my eyes and I felt very weak. It was like I was swirling around in a washing machine. With each minute my physical state became worse. Then I realized that I could not go a step further, so I sat down on a bench and slept for a quarter of an hour. When I woke up, I was still very weak and I walked with difficulty as if I were wading through syrup. It was very difficult to walk, and I felt like I was carrying a heavy burden on my back. This was the result of an energy attack launched by the father of the young man. He knew nothing about it, but his field, which I had made contact with, attacked me insistently, and with professional skill. The program of destruction incorporated into the field of this man could work against him as well as against other people, and it worked on the physical level of the tangible world. I had no other choice but to influence this aggressive structure. These structures are nourished by the violations of natural law in relation to others, by doing harm to them and destroying the feeling of love. I analyzed all the cases when natural law was violated by my patients father and his ancestors. Then I made a correction, and only after that the attack did stop. This case helped me to learn that when one makes contact with a negative program, he can easily become an object of strong aggression on the information level, and on the energy level as well. What is evil? It is our imperfection. One and the same action can have different meanings in different circumstances. But what is the difference? From the point of view of the karmic mechanism, evil is destruction and good is construction. The development of something new is possible, however, only through the destruction of old structures, but this inevitable destruction should always be under control. We can therefore say that evil is in fact good which is out of control. If the destruction has a spiritual basis, then it can be directed toward creation. However, when spiritual reserves are exhausted, the destruction becomes uncontrollable. In this way, a civilization that has exhausted its spiritual reserves destroys itself and everything around it. I was watching TV and heard: Never before has evil been so sexy. This was an advertisement for a new American movie. But what does this mean? Information received through the first chakra is neither held back nor controlled. If the aggression

goes down to the first chakra, the system of self-regulation blocks it with a womans infertility, death, or the serious illness of her children. The mechanism works slowly, sometimes over the course of a few generations. But now the same processes take much less time, the rhythm of life becomes more intense, and the influence of people on each other is increasing tremendously. Because of this, the system of feedback sometimes lags behind the events and aggression is accumulated in the individuals hereditary information structures. Violence has become one of the main topics of art, and this tendency can be traced throughout the world, but especially in America. In the last few years violence is increasingly more often accompanied by sex. What happens to a person who watches a movie which glorifies violence? His aggression moves down to the first chakra and becomes uncontrollable. I recently diagnosed an interesting case. This was a dog which was ill with unnatural fits of aggression. Its master had been advised to give the animal drugs. Under the influence of the drugs its aggression disappeared and the dog was a kind and quiet creature. For quite a while. After a few months, the dog gave birth to puppies and ate them. Its owner was forced to shoot it. I analyzed the situation. The dog had a strong center of aggression in the area of the head that had been formed by the conscious aggression of her master. Under the influence of the drug, the dogs center of aggression moved to the first chakra. As a result, the pups were born with a very high level of aggression that multiplied in their field. The genealogical line of aggression was interrupted, but its source remained intact. I treated three patients one after another and felt that their negative programs had become extraordinarily active. This meant that there was a certain aggressive environment in the field of mankind that was nourished by violations of the highest laws. I decided to check whether this was a violation of the highest laws by humanity as an integral organism. As soon as I tried to tackle this problem, I felt a strong attack being launched against me. I had to know who the attacker was. Usually I was able to find an individual, test his field structures, make a correction and the attack would stop. But in this particular case I had no personal enemy, and it became clear that I was attacked by an impersonal program of aggression. When I tried using my method to find out how I could help mankind, I felt a furious resistance. This was an attack launched by the central negative program. I regard this program as the entity that is usually called the Devil. I tested its parameters. The results were as follows: its conscious aggression

was -210, its subconscious aggression +210. The conscious mind could not perceive this program, but it was extremely aggressive on the level of the subconscious. And it was obvious that this illness knew how to resist. In such cases shamans say: It is necessary to exorcise the evil spirit. This program of destruction is an evil spirit from the bioenergetic point of view. One who violates the highest laws admits this program of destruction into his field and it becomes active on various levels, including the physical one. A shaman knows all this subconsciously, and so he can straighten a persons field structure,but he may not necessarily be giving him any precepts about the right conduct. When folk healers and sorcerers told a man he had done something wrong, and therefore evil spirits had possessed him, they were stressing the close connection between human health and abiding by the rules of ethics. When I work on the subtle field levels and try to locate an illness, it behaves as a living being, resisting me and trying to attack me. I defend myself and a duel begins between the illness and the healer. I suppose that many skillful healers have had the same experience. An illness is not a hunk of dirt that one can throw away; it is a living organism that can be very aggressive. If a healer fails to find the cause of the ailment and begins to treat it the wrong way, he will either leave his patient uncured or take the illness on himself, which means that he will receive the negative basis of the program of destruction that stimulated the illness in his patient. But the disease that tortures mankind on the spiritual level, sometimes called the Devil, behaves in a much more sophisticated way than the illness of the body. The programs that act on the physical level are somewhat weak, but their colleagues from the subtle field level are quick, aggressive and ingenious; they even manage to introduce the program of selfdestruction into the human subconscious. A person who tries to struggle against a negative program receives a charge of destruction that can annihilate him as an information system. When my group started to work with such a program on the energy level, a violent attack was launched against us almost immediately. We felt as though something had descended upon us smoothly and unobtrusively, but at the same time, this something felt strong enough to draw everything out of our bodies. Negative programs can defend themselves in various ways. My next case showed how strong, dangerous and unexpected these defense reactions can be. I was talking to a journalist about bioenergetics and mentioned demonic possession. By then I was no longer so skeptical about it as I had been. The church authorities believe that by now a great number of unmotivated murders are caused by possession, that is, by the Devil entering the human psyche. In bioenergetic terms, the idea of violence has now become such a strong factor in a human mind that the negative programs accumulated by humanity begin to function and force human beings to commit unmotivated actions. I

tried to explain all this to my visitor and uttered a few phrases which could have been harmful to uninformed readers, because they contained information which could have been difficult for the conscious mind to accept. The point is that one should maintain high principles in all things, including the handling of information. My phrases were in conflict with this rule, and, as soon as I realized that, I suggested erasing the last two minutes on the tape. We rewound the tape and started to erase it. It took only a few minutes, but then we discovered that the most dangerous phrase remained intact. We tried again, but the pernicious phrase somehow escaped being erased. It seemed that it was floating from one end of the tape to another. Finally we destroyed about ten minutes of the recording, but the phrase in question remained intact. I had never experienced such a strange situation before. Only after I started to influence the sentence energetically did it finally disappear. After testing the case I realized that there had been a program of destruction in my field and it had desperately resisted my efforts to annihilate it on the physical level. Much of this may sound like mysticism, but this story is completely true. It is obvious that the danger usually referred to as the Devil exists within ourselves rather than in the external world. In the field of any human being, even if he is very kind-hearted, easygoing, highly principled, a program of destruction can exist. It is difficult to detect it through ordinary methods and so it develops and overpowers the soul, deforming and disfiguring it. What is happening is that the program for the destruction of mankind has become active. The spirit and soul of a human being contains a great amount of energy and even after committing an immoral action, a person can feel physically quite well. The illness may not begin until many years have passed, and the children and grandchildren of the perpetrator will suffer because of his spiritual disintegration. The person who commits a crime is usually unaware of the program of destruction, since, once it is turned on, it develops in the field structure quite autonomously Not so long ago I decided to find out why our subconscious is now extremely aggressive. If in the past aggression was nourished by cruelty on the level of actions, nowadays it lives off the trivial and almost insignificant details of our life: a building constructed in a way that harms our sense of harmony, a movie with a high level of subconscious aggression, like Tom and Jerry, a pincushion in the shape of a person. All these trivialities are the elements of aggression and the program for the selfdestruction of humanity is being activated with their help. Professional abilities, intellect, and talent are not the most important qualities of a human being. When an individual develops only his professional skill, he can well end his life as a complete failure. To develop ones talent without understanding the spiritual

laws of the Universe and without proper ethical principles is dangerous and even suicidal from a bioenergetic point of view. As a result, our children now have many bioenergetic abilities, but are incapable of using them properly. Our dark subconscious forces are out of control, and they can not be tamed with the naive decision to become a good person tomorrow. I am acquainted with a young man whose destiny taught him what it means to have strength without ethical principles. It all began when I was using the remote method to diagnose a group of sailors at sea. A man approached me while I was taking a break and asked me to help his son. I agreed. A young man about twenty-two entered the room, and he looked around with indifference and despondency. He had been treated repeatedly with insulin shock but there was no improvement, and his doctors could not determine the nature of his ailment. I asked him to tell me about himself. I noticed in childhood that I could predict some events and I tried to develop this ability. While I was in the army, my gift of influencing people became much more pronounced. I started to read the thoughts of people, and I could force them to do this or that. Once I was standing guard, he continued, and saw several men trying to climb over the fence where it was forbidden. When I gave the order Fall! in my mind, they fell to the ground. Another time I saw a man carrying a bag with empty bottles. I ordered him to fall and he was immediately on the ground with all his bottles broken. I noticed also that whenever somebody wanted to ask me about something, I knew the question beforehand and began to answer before they even got the question out. I could even look at a cloud and disperse it. I looked through the young mans parameters of aggression. They were extraordinarily high, and all his energy structures served the idea of destruction. The young man went on with his story. Gradually I began to realize that all my abilities were destructive or harmful to people. A friend advised me to go to church and to be baptized. During the baptism rite as I was going through to the other side of the altar, I felt an incredible sense of sadness and pain. For a few days I was in a terrible state, then I came to the priest that had baptized me and told him that I was dying. The priest advised me to put a Bible under my head. The next morning I felt even worse, as if I had had a heavy weight on it all night. When I began to pray as the priest had advised, the doors and windows in the room opened by themselves and it started raining. After several weeks of this suffering I ended up in a psychiatric ward. Is it possible to help my son? the father asked. I went with him into the adjacent room and explained that the young mans disorder had originated with his parents. Can your wife come here?

Yes, of course. She will be here in two days. The patients mother was tired and exhausted. Your sons problems were determined mainly by your own distorted world outlook. He can be called a black magician. On his paternal side, he inherited a great energetic potential. From you he inherited a feeling of hatred toward others. Why did you feel such strong hatred for your husband while you were pregnant? He is a very cruel person, and he did his best to break my will. He has strong hypnotic skills, and the whole family knows that his grandmother was a sorcerer. All experiments on the energy field level should be strictly controlled by a persons principles. If they are not, his abilities can overwhelm his personality, which is what happened to your son. Imagine a car speeding up while the driver is gradually falling asleep. What can you expect from a ride like this but a disaster? The abilities and internal selfishness your son inherited from his father were aggravated by your resentments and hatred. Your sons fields lost their natural order and he turned into a machine of destruction. In the past such behavior was often not punished until the persons subsequent life, but now this process only takes several years. A few years ago, when I was using my hands for healing and did not understand the cause of disease, I tried to cure a three-month-old girl. She had an infection and antibiotics did her no good. I lit a candle in church for her health and, only a few minutes after that (as I discovered later) she fell into a coma, and was taken to the hospital and put in intensive care. The girls mother had noticed whenever she got very angry at a person that person died. The concentration of hate and anger caused a re-coding of the girls fields and, when the mothers murder mechanism conflicted with the energy of the church, the girl nearly died. The situation with your son is similar, I explained to the mother of the young man. You should remember all the times you took offense at somebody or were filled with hate in the past, especially while you were pregnant. Apply to God in your thoughts and beg forgiveness for that, then forgive all those who offended you. Also beg forgiveness of all those people whom you might have offended in this life. Your husband should do the same. Two days later, the parents of the young man told me that their son had started to feel better and that there was hope for his recovery. I realized once again that the level of a persons spirituality should always be higher than the level of his abilities. People today have only the vaguest idea of what the subconscious really is, and many attempts to penetrate this extremely complex and hazardous sphere are being done by unprincipled world-class psychics on the stage as entertainment. The subconscious is a region of the spirit, and it is much too serious to approach it with anything but firm

ethical principles. Any violation of this rule immediately turns against the violator. Carelessness regarding ethical principles can be dangerous to those who actively attempt to study this problem. They can easily find themselves caught up in programs of self-destruction. I tested the influence of sorcerers. How do they work? When a sorcerer wants to harm his victim, he destroys his defenses. The best of all defenses is to become one with the Universe, for when we are a part of the Universe, we cannot be harmed. Destroying a persons defenses means obstructing these contacts. This can be done only by utilizing that persons violations of higher laws. How does this happen? Let us imagine the following situation. My father or my mother hated or offended someone which means that they defied the Universe and the principle of love. I inherited a part of these violations, but then they were strengthened and enhanced in my subconscious and started to influence my behavior. I begin to violate the laws myself, my ties with the Cosmos become weak and fragile, at that very moment the negative programs start to work me over, and they do it with great ingenuity. If a human being strives for unity and love and abides by higher laws, he matures spiritually in a short time and his field structures are harmonized. This is the source of his defense, his immunity, and his good health. His children and relatives will be happy. On the other hand, if a person is aggressive, full of selfishness and hatred, he will support the program of destruction that is in an embryonic form somewhere in his field. As a result, his spiritual structures will soon be destroyed and his personality transformed. If a man is not going to God, he is going to the devil, says the Church. All our actions are recorded in the information field and influence our behavior and our future. Everything that acts against the laws of unity and love severs our ties with the Universe and enhances the programs of destruction. Even an accidental action can affect our destiny. We should follow the main ethical principle and abstain from accumulating negative karma, which, upon reaching a critical stage, will become extremely active and start to destroy us and our children. I was asked to help an eighteen-month-old boy. The case was complicated: the child had stopped developing. I investigated the cause and found it to be the destruction of love. His parents were destroying their love for each other a few years before their son was born. This destruction of spiritual structures that was very powerful and precisely directed formed an autonomous program within the childs field. His field structures were so deformed that he had only one goal in life - to harm other human beings. His organism had blocked the program with this severe illness. If medical science ever manages to heal all the illnesses of this kind, humanity will soon suffer from complete degeneration. The number of individuals who live only to harm others will be increased dramatically. I am not calling for physicians to stop curing people; they must simply do

so in the right way. Otherwise the famous prophesy of Nostradamus will come to pass: At the end of this millennium there will emerge devil people who will live only to destroy other people. The number of children suffering from various mental and psychiatric diseases has recently increased sharply in St. Petersburg. This means the blocking mechanism is now operating through the disintegration of the psyche and the body. However, medical science is now powerful enough to stop these therapeutic illnesses, and the medical profession does not yet realize what an evil force they are setting free. The worst part of it is that it is very dangerous even to come in contact with a child who has an active program of destruction. When I started to treat the child, I felt that an attack was being launched against me. I soon realized that the attack originated in his subconscious. I found his deformations in my own field and they were multiplying rapidly. At first, I felt physically ill, but then this passed, and my subtle spiritual structures began to disintegrate. In trying to cure the child, I had received his program of destruction which began to undermine my own field structure. Some psychic healers treat such patients without knowing what they are doing and how they are doing it, and have no knowledge of field structure diagnosis. These healers can easily become contaminated with the program of destruction, and unless they are endowed with the highest spirituality, they can decay very quickly. Unfortunately, we can all too often see this process happening today. The virus of destruction in spiritual structures forces an individual to continuously perfect himself. The virus plays the role of a friend in disguise, in that it destroys only the organism that is incapable of survival. When I see complete spiritual disintegration and a high level of aggression in the field structures of children, I understand the function of baptism from a bioenergetic point of view. Baptism has always influenced human field structures, since the energy structure of a church and its interior are directed primarily at the main parameter of our essence, which is spirituality. That is why a child with a negative field coding is radically changed when his parents take him to church to be baptized. The churchs energy structure eliminates the deformations of the childs subtle energy field. Sometimes this was achieved at the expense of the childs physical health and he fell seriously ill after the baptism, but, in the long run, his spiritual structures were cured and the childs future and the future of his children could be happy and free from danger.



CONCLUSION It was known by our ancestors that human spiritual life was based on three great fundamentals. The ten commandments constitute the first of them, the seven mortal sins constitute the second, and the three virtues constitute the third. We all have some idea about the first fundamental, but few of us are able to name the seven mortal sins which are enumerated in the following order in the first epistle of St. John: envy, greed, lust, gluttony, pride, sloth and anger. I attempted to determine the hierarchy of these vices in the energy structure energetics of today and arrived at a different sequence: pride, gluttony, anger, greed, sloth, envy, lust. But the world has considerably changed over the last two thousand years, the list of human sins has become longer, and some of them are more mortal that the ones named by Saint John. Let us enumerate the crimes and vices that are more destructive than the sins known to our remote ancestors. 1. The greatest of all sins today is to interrupt pregnancy in the fifth month of fetal development. While growing in the womb, a human embryo repeats the entire course of the development of our Universe, and it makes contact with the various entities such as the other worlds and the Divine. The closest contact takes place during the fifth month of pregnancy. The spiritual and physical state of a woman during pregnancy strongly influence the future of her child, and the mothers behavior must serve the interests of her child, which means that she should be careful to abide by the following: - As the spiritual structures of a child are formed during the first six months of pregnancy, the mother should concentrate on the highest emotions, i.e. on love, kindness, humbleness and mercy. She should consume only dairy products and vegetarian food, as these foods will not hamper the spiritual growth of the child. During the first two months she should reduce her daily ration to a minimum. After six months she may eat fish and meat, but rich foods are permitted only after seven months. - The fifth month is of special importance, since this is the time when the child and God are one. - A woman should be quiet and patient during pregnancy, and she should be free of all of negative emotions. She should reconcile herself with the present, not regret the past and not be impatient with the future.

The morning sickness that often plagues a pregnant woman is caused by errors in her own mentality and world outlook. If a relative rejects the child, he creates the most dramatic distortions in the childs field. The negative attitude of a husband toward his wife during pregnancy is also very harmful. These are the main principles and rules that must be abided by. Otherwise, the childs health and future will be seriously endangered. 2. Thoughts and deeds that kill ones own highest emotions and those of others, such as the rejection of love for the sake of material benefits, distort the childs field directly and in the most drastic way. 3. Parents should not deplore the past or present, nor try to accelerate or slow down the course of events. Such an attitude is a crime against time. 4. The violations caused by hate or a bitter grudge are especially destructive. Recently I wanted to make a call to Belgium. I dialed the international operators number and then heard the angry voice of the operator: No Belgium today! she shouted and put an end to my call. I dialed the number again. This time a calm and pleasant voice explained that she could not take my order today, but that I could call again the next day after 5:00 a.m. I thanked her, and then looked through the field of the first operator. After her talk with me, it had become dissected and distorted. She will probably fall ill or suffer from some other trouble in the near future, as my field was well balanced and her rudeness returned to her and harmed her field structures. How many times do we torture ourselves like this each day? 5. When we say something deleterious about animate and inanimate objects, we seriously distort our energy fields. To be filled with love is the main rule of our spiritual hygiene. It normalizes our biofield structures, since love is the highest embodiment of unity and universal harmony. An individual can exist in a normal and productive way only if he is continually growing in spirit. This process is based mainly on love for the Universe as a whole and for ones parents, children and ones own self as parts of the whole. This process should permanently pulsate from the whole to its parts and vice versa. It will then be correlated with the worlds harmony and the person will be able to enjoy life and be healthy. And now it is time to mention the virtues. They are three Faith, Hope and Love, but Love is the greatest among them. Everyone should be careful not to commit the errors I have referred to above, but there are also some special warnings to those who want to use the method of karmic diagnostics themselves.

I have to warn them once again that this method is complex and extremely dangerous. It is possible to learn the techniques of ponderomotoric writing. The problem is that to put it into practice, a person should be endowed with high spirituality; he should constantly check each new situation and be extremely careful all the time. Otherwise, this practice will result in some unpredictable consequences. This method is dangerous for a poorly trained healer, even more so for his patient. The healer should always abide by certain important rules. To violate them would endanger the healer and others. A negative energetic influence on animate nature is dangerous in that it can evoke an immediate response. With inanimate objects, the reaction is slower and goes almost unnoticed, but its consequences are much more destructive. As an example, I can present the comments of a young man who persistently studied the Lazarev method, and then decided to practice it himself. I started with diagnostics based on the Lazarev method, he recalls. Everything seemed easy and encouraging. One success followed another so I was playing with my karma, eliminating defects and freeing myself from vices. I liked it. My attitude to many things and events changed completely. I could find the causes of all my physical troubles, even insignificant ones like a headache or a slight back pain. I felt like I was being encouraged by some unknown force, and my experimentation became more and more active. I decided to put an end to all my sins, and to achieve this goal, I began to study the behavior of my ancestors year by year. I wanted to bring to light all their actions that had influenced me and had created negative karma. Some insights resulted, but, at the same time, my wife and children started to suffer, as if they were responsible for my daring enterprise. When an attack was launched against me, they also became the victims. My youngest son who I loved very much was harmed even more than all the others. I did my best to improve the situation. I cleansed my karma, did some diagnoses and after that cleansed my karma again. My son felt better, but at that moment my relationship with my wife was marred by some senseless conflicts. It was a new problem, and I tried to solve it by putting all my other studies aside. Soon Lazarev warned me that a poorly trained healer using his method could harm many other people. I didnt listen to him; instead I felt offended by him. The punishment for it was terrible: half of my field disappeared entirely. It was very unpleasant, and soon I discovered that my youngest son was suffering from the same deformation. I was frightened, since I knew that my whole family was endangered. I realized that we all could die at any moment, but Lazarev virtually dragged me out of this situation. I should have stopped at that point, but I was ambitious and went on with my experiments. Catch up with them and overtake them! the Communist slogan that I had known since my early childhood rang in my ears. I started to work with inanimate nature. I found out what was wrong with printed boards, automobiles, and many other objects. Each time I received a

revelation, it was followed by a complete deformation of my field. In this state, one can at best have a fatal heart attack three or four months later. Using Lazarevs method, I found myself on the very brink of a precipice. I worked every day non-stop, but received the impression that my ancestors violations of the divine laws were so numerous that all my efforts to neutralize them would be futile. I then discovered that I was beginning to make errors in my diagnoses. I had suffered unpleasant physical sensations, my head ached, as if it were damped in a vice. I felt like there were nails piercing my body, and sometimes I felt that there was no field above the top of my head. But the most painful of all was to watch the sufferings of my children for whom no medication would have been of help and to know that I created all these troubles myself. I would not wish the same experience go on anyone who begins doing psychic diagnoses. I think that this quotation from this young mans memoirs is quite enough. The main essence of the bioenergetic method is not the technical skill of the healer, but his development of a specific worldview and ethical principles. The gravest error one can make is to use the method in a pragmatic way. The rhythms of the Universe must not be violated. Any human being striving for the Divine would be filled with the highest energy that he could realize and transform into material well-being after his return to the Earth. But if a person fails to internalize the spiritual laws and does not transform them into a world outlook and a way of life (if he or she wanted an immediate material realization) then it would create an interruption of pregnancy instead of a childbirth. Excessive pragmatism can well result in spiritual and physical sterility. I always stress these possibilities when I teach other people the method of bioenergetics. At the beginning, I treated the problem in a rather simplified way. Unfortunately, very few people can master the method, if in fact it can be learned at all. I will give one example of the difficulties a healer using this method can face any moment. I tested a woman and found out that her main problem was the violations she had been guilty of two incarnations back. I was investigating her case, when suddenly I felt that I could nor evoke the correct information. I analyzed the situation and realized that my capacity for the objective evaluation of information fell to almost zero. This meant that similar deformations were present in my own karma, and they were distorting the information I was receiving. I had to correct my field, and only then I could continue performing diagnoses. I was saved many times from errors because I could control situations and turn defeat into victory. In this particular case, it meant that the failure itself forced me to cleanse my karma in such a way as to improve my abilities.

I always control the quality of the information obtained while many healers are simply unaware that it is necessary to do so. A young healer once told me: I always ask whether I can do the work or not. And who gives the answer? The Divine, perhaps, he replied but there was doubt in his voice. And are you sure that it is so? The young man was obviously confused and said nothing. Do you know when you are getting clear information and when it is distorted? He remained silent. Many are trying to heal with the same level of training that you have, and they dont think about the consequences. To obtain clear information, you should be open to the Divine. But with soiled karma, thinking of nothing but material wealth you can do little. One can heal and obtain clear information only when ones karma is closed. And what is karma? It is the mechanism of retribution for worldly actions, therefore, to close ones karma, one should dissociate himself from worldly actions with the soul and the body. Healers and the masters of psychic contact should follow a strict diet and fast from time to time, and they should not depend on material benefits. The true healers always were saints and prophets. The karma of humanity at present is so polluted that to close it is much more difficult than it was in the past. Since the conscious mind and the subconscious, like knowledge and faith, are dialectically united in the method of karmic diagnostics, one should use it cautiously and only after much careful consideration. The young healer I cited above was rather careful and his field structures were wellbalanced. He thus saved himself from a disaster, but his general attitude was a typical one-sided thinking. I will be happy if the reader of this book realizes how distorted our idea of the world is and what he should change in his life to avoid creating new problems. The main lesson to be learned now is to stop at the brink of the precipice. An individual can block his or her karma by a reasonable diet and behavior and these are the tasks he should set for himself. The evil we are confronted with daily is in ourselves, not the external world. In an old Chinese philosophical treatise I found the idea that every man should regard himself as the savior of the world. In a Soviet manual of psychiatry, on the other hand, this statement was considered to be one of the first symptoms of paranoia.

Presently, while watching the energy interaction of the fields, I can positively state that each person who strives toward the Divine and actively works for the salvation of the world is really the one who saves it. I have mentioned that the processes taking place in the Universe are of a dual nature. The striving for God, which is the starting point of the Universe, should enhance spirituality and the development of unity on the field level, but this process is impossible without material differentiation. Mass, space, and time are the main parameters of the development of the material world, and, therefore, its development means that all these entities are being expanded. As time is connected with space, the main processes in the Universe should result in its expansion on the physical level, and that is exactly what is taking place at the present time. Each process and each object can be developed and preserved only if there is a physical partition plus the simultaneous enhancement of field unity. A mere differentiation on the physical level, i.e. the development of needs and connections of the body with the environment will result in self-destruction unless there is a spiritual basis. The differentiation of the body is the development and fulfillment of its requirements and this process will end in destruction and the death of the individual if it does not include the strengthening and development of the spirit. Modern civilization is an embodiment of the spiritual search of humanity over thousands of years, and it determines the interaction of the material and spiritual aspects of the world. If this principle is applied to an individual case, i.e. to a discovery of ways and methods of healing in the modern world, then it is obvious that the great potential of spiritual influence should be combined with the achievements of medical science. We should bear in mind that modern medicine would not exist at all if it were not the culmination of a spiritual search that has been going on for thousands of years. In recent decades medical science has reached the stage where its spiritual potential has been exhausted. In order to develop further, it must return to its sources, as the Prodigal Son in the Bible, and realize that without understanding and determining the true cause of disease, no further progress is possible. Our task now is not to oppose traditional medicine, but to combine it with the method of spiritual influence, while preserving the achievements of both methods. An illness is a means of the spiritual development, but because of our imperfections, and because we are not able to perceive the spirit in its entirety, we can not treat an illness only by spiritual means. Therefore everything that cannot be achieved by our imperfect spirit should be the province of medicine. The medical trends of early diagnosis and disease prevention is a good first step on the way to spirituality, since most diseases originate on

the information level. More and more facts are being accumulated in our world that prove that spiritual influence can be more radical than medical influence. Our only chance for survival is to return to the spirit, spirituality and culture. This is a return to our true Father, and we are slowly but surely finding our way back to Him.


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