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Guidelines for writing essay items

1. Have in mind what mental processes you wan the student to use before writing
the question. Refer to Bloom’s taxonomy.

2. Write the question in such away that the task is clearly and unambiguously
defined for the student. Task should be explained in the overall instructions
and/or in the test item itself. Include instructions for the type of writing style
desired. whether spelling and grammar will be counted, and whether organization
of the response will be an important scoring element. Include the level of detail
and supporting data required.

3. Start essay questions with such words or phrases as: compare, contrast, give
reasons for, give original answers of, predict what would happen if, etc. Do not
begin with what, who, when or list, since this lead to only recall of information.

4. A question dealing with a controversial issue should ask for and be evaluated in
terms of the presentation of evidence for a position, rather than the position taken.

5. Avoid using optional items. That is, require all students to complete the same
items. Otherwise test validity and ability to compare students’ decreases.

6. Establish reasonable time and page limits for each essay item to help the
student complete the entire test.

7. Restrict the use of essays to those learning outcomes that cannot be measured
satisfactorily measured by objective items.

8. Be sure each question relates to an instructional objective.

9. Essays should consist of the application of essential knowledge to new


10. Develop a model response.

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