Al Koran

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It is from an old book we stumbled on in an old bookstore many years ago.

The very special book is by Al Koran titled - The Magic Of The Mind In Action, published in 1972 by Tandem Publishing Ltd. UK. Chapter Two is dedicated to the loving art of Tithing. The Chapter draws on Al's earlier book - Bring Out The Magic In Your Mind in which Al explained that tithing was a most critical key to gaining great wealth and success. It is included here because WEPI believes that Al's wishes are to share his wisdom with the children of the world. Here is the paraphrased version of what Al had to teach us about the magical loving art of tithing all those years ago. The magical art that will open the limitless wealth channels of Life to deliver even greater wealth, joy and success to you; Give a tenth of your money and wealth to the sick, the poor and the needy. If you do not do this, you will stop the flow of great wealth to you. Because wealth is a universal energy that must be shared, when you stop its flow by not giving, it finds others who are genuinely unconditionally loving and flows to them, and they are the wise ones who become very wealthy. Ten percent of your wealth must be put aside for those in distress. Your tithe must be put aside for the poor who come to you for help. Your tithe is the possession of the poor, if you fail to give it to them, you also will become poor and miserable. Your intuitive super-conscious powers will draw you to those who need your help, so have the courage to follow it without question. You cannot LOAN that money, you must give it UNCONDITIONALLY to those who you have been led to, to help. Think and empathize with someone who is passing through the dark of the soul to have someone come and say - "Here, brother, forget your worry, you will not be thrown out of your home." You pay his rent for the fist week, and the second and the third, if need be. Do this unconditionally. It is important that you prove to Life that you are truly a worthy and unconditionally loving person. Your super-conscious mind has led you to that person or family who genuinely needs your help, and it is your duty of love to help them until they are able to get back on their feet again, and what a blessing it is. How many are in this position today because somebody has failed to do their duty? In being kind you give others faith in life and humanity again. That is why some people are so wealthy and able to give vast sums to help their world.

It is because wealth is flowing into their lives so fast they do not know what to do with it. And even more wealth keeps coming in because of their magical wealth attracting powers of their magical tithing gift. I have never known anyone to tithe properly, and not receive a thousand times more than they have given in return. It may not come back all at once, but it certainly does come without fail. Remember that your tithing gift to your world must be a genuine unconditional gift of love. If you give your tithe with a condition attached to it (even if your agenda is kept as a secret to yourself and you tell no other person), then the magic of tithing may desert you and go to those more worthy with their pure hearts who do not have a hidden agenda attached to their loving gift. You cannot fool Life. You must tithe unconditionally. When Life rewards you for your tithing gift you will get great rewards heaped up, pressed down, and running over. The first time that I tithed I received not only a bigger sum in actual cash than what I had given, but more wonderful opportunities for even more wealth came from the most unexpected sources. What a supreme sense of uplift you will experience when you tithe for the very first time. You know in that glorious moment that it is divinely right and that you must follow it. You feel that at long last you are taking the right step that will empower you and free your heart, mind and soul from the comparison game. TITHING FULFILS THE LAW OF INCREASE Your supply of money will be greatly increased and it will become limitless if you keep giving and asking Life to give you more solutions to better fund your tithing habit. Charles Filmore started forty years ago with seven pennies in this world, but he blessed those seven pennies and he began to tithe even on that small amount. Every day he would go into the silence and bless humanity - it only takes a moment or two. Now he has property valued at more than eighteen million dollars (1970's value). And he still continues to receive money from all over the world. That is exactly what you can do as well - go out of your way each day to bless somebody else with your unconditionally loving gift of tithe, and watch as the magic of Life reciprocatesyour love by giving you even more wealth to distribute to others and give them greater joy.

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