Report Philo Socio

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DANIEL B. PEA MEMORIAL COLLEGE FOUNDATION Graduate Studies Tabaco City Subject: Topic: Reporter: Professor: EDUC.


COMMON FAMILY PROBLEMS is any conflict that occurs among members of a family - such as, parent and children, husband and wife, among siblings, or the extended family like aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. Common Causes of Family Conflict

Adjusting and learning to live as a new couple. Birth of a baby. Birth of other kids. A child beginning school. A child growing to become a young person. A young person becoming an adult.

Types of Family Problems

Separation or divorce. Infidelity Addiction Domestic Violence Sexual abuse Clash of egos. Friction among family members. No happiness in the family. Lack of communication among family members. Mental health problems such as depressions, anxiety or phobias Lack of family time and togetherness. A child or teenager asserting his or her independence. Children showing disrespect towards family members. Frequent disagreements among siblings. Dispute on whom or how to handle chores. Difference of opinion over career direction, land disputes, or transfer of property. Difference in age, gender, and culture between family members. Resentments Unwanted separation due to job Change in financial conditions, division of income, or disagreements over money. Needs or requirements of one or both partners that dont get met. In-law challenges Intolerance of differences Stepfamilies Teen Issues

Steps in Dealing with Family Problems

Assess if the conflict is worth addressing Include all family members Improve yourself to react positively Make sure all communication channels are open Learn to forgive, forget, and let go.

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