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Two distinct numbers are chosen at random from the set of first 30 natural numbers.

The probability that a^2 - b^2 is divisible by 3 is??

{C(10, 2) + C(20, 2)}/C(30, 2) = 235/435 = 47/87 any two multiples of 3 in C(10, 2) ways We can choose non-multiple of 3 in C(20, 2) ways, as square of numbers of form 3k + 1 and 3k + 2 is of form 3n + 1. about an hour ago Unlike 4 Alok Jha 10 no. in form 3k+2 10 no. in form 3k + 1 10 no. in form 3k and choose 2 no. from type 1 and type 2 thus soln is (10c1*10c1 + 10c2+10c2+10c2)/30c2 ...= 47/87 Sanjeev Neo Jaiswal

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