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A predator-prey system (shark and fish) Introduction A predator-prey system is a simplified ecological model of two species.

It is one most interesting application of model system of differential equation as it shows the relationship between the predator and prey. There are many instances in nature where one species of animal feeds on another species of animal, which in turn feeds on other things. The first species is called the predator and the second is called the prey. In our project paper we consider shark as predator which feed on the prey that is fish. It is logical to expect the two population to react in such way as it two influence each other size of population. Sharks appear to be a major threat to fish. The number of population of fish made the sharks decide on where to live. Theoretically, the sharks can eat all the fish that will lead fish to extinct. However, if this happens the shark will also become extinct since, as we assume, it depends on the prey for its existence. But if at some point the shark is become less this will cause the fish to increase. The relationship of this two species is can be describe as the cycle in the graph below:

Shark (S:1) Fish (F:1) Thus, we identify the problem of this project paper is how does the two species effect each other in content of the population size by using systems of two differential equations. We will study the Lotka-Volterra System. Assumption Before we create a mathematical model which described the relationship between the shark and the fish in the ocean, we assume that: 1. 2. 3. 4. Fish only die by being eaten by sharks, and of natural causes. Unlimited resources in ocean for the species Sharks only die from natural causes. The interaction between Sharks and Fish can be described by a function.

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