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Renee Reed 5-22-12 LS-264 Journal Entry 32 Area of Self-Assessment 1. Accepting personal responsibility 2. Discovering self-motivation 3.

Mastering self-management 4. Employing interdependence 5. Gaining self-awareness 6. Adopting lifelong learning 7. Developing emotional intelligence 8. Believing in myself Score #1 54 46 22 40 44 31 34 35 Score #2 78 77 70 56 76 75 71 72

1. 4 Es: Examples, Explanations, Experiences, and Evidence a. I found after doing the second assessment that I really have improved. I feel like a much more attentive and motivated student after this class. Before, I would find myself neglecting the school work that took too much time or got in the way of time with my friends, but now I find that I am much more fulfilled when I am on top of my work. If I use my time with friends or other extra-curricular activities as rewards for hard work done, then I enjoy my life even more than if I were to ignore the important due dates and just have fun. I also feel like Im much more aware of the role I play in my own success. I am more of a creator in my life now after taking this course! 2. I want to continue improving my employment of interdependence so that I can continue to grow. I found that I do my best when I work with others; I just still find that when I work with others I let people down or vice versa. I dont enjoy feeling like a burden and I very often do. I let my inner critic control me instead of my inner creator. 3. I finally found out that I am a capable student. For the longest time I thought of myself as mediocre and not as good as other students on a whole. I finally feel like Im a successful student and that I deserve to succeed. I am really glad to have found this class. This semester I did a lot of soul-searching and I realized that even though I do still fail sometimes I am always learning. I also noticed that things always get better. I almost got straight As this semester and it really is because of this class. I understand self-management a ton more now.

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