Cape Fear

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Cape Verde: Origins/Geography/Tourists Spots

Cape Verde is an insular African country, from Vulcan origins. It's constituted of ten volcanic islands, from which one its uninhabited. It's located off the coast of West Africa Atlantic Ocean, 640 km far from Dakar, Senegal by West. Other neighborhood nations are: Mauritania, Gambia and Guin-Bissau. Ironically, the Cape Verde which gives name to the country its located hundreds of km far by east, on Dakar, Senegal.

Cape Verde: Origins/Geography/Tourists Spots

It was discovered by Portugal in 1460 by Diogo Gomes, at service of the Portuguese Court. He found the archipelago apparently uninhabited without clues of presence of previous civilizations. It was colony of Portugal from 15th century until its independence, in 1975. Because of this, its a Portuguese speaking country, aside from Cape Verde Creole (each island has its different type of Creole).

Diogo Gomes, navigator from Portugal

Cape Verde: Origins/Geography/Tourists Spots

The archipelago is divided in two groups: Northwards, the Barlavento Islands. From West to East: Santo Anto, So Vicente, Santa Luzia (uninhabited ), So Nicolau, Sal e Boa Vista. Southwards, the Sotavento Islands. From East to West: Maio, Santiago, Fogo e Brava.

Cape Verde: Origins/Geography/Tourists Spots

The biggest islands are Santiago, at Southeast and The Santo Anto Island, on extreme Norwest. In Santiago, its located Praia, the capital of the country. Praia its the most populous city from the archipelago, followed by Mindelo, on So Vicente Island.

City of Praia Capital of Cape Verde

Cape Verde: Origins/Geography/Tourists Spots

This country is constituted by small mountain islands. There is an active Vulcan, on Ilha do Fogo. Its the highest point of the archipelago with almost 3000m.
Inside the vulcan crater

Cape Verde: Origins/Geography/Tourists Spots

Pico do Fogo

Cape Verde: Origins/Geography/Tourists Spots

Some Tourists Spots:

Santo Anto Island: Cova: Its formed by a cratere of an extint volcano.

Cape Verde: Origins/Geography/Tourists Spots

So Vicente Island: Baa das Gatas:

Cape Verde: Origins/Geography/Tourists Spots

Buracona - Salt Island : A pool Sculpted on black lava rocks.

Cape Verde: Origins/Geography/Tourists Spots

Forte Real de So Felipe Santiago Island

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