Choosing RC Values For Active Filter

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Choosing Resistors and Capacitors for Op-Amp Active Filters

By Kenneth A. Kuhn Jan. 21, 2001. rev. Feb. 9, 2008 T e ei edl h ds nr imma J sf ai fr pro aco e g s e : uti t n o a esn lh i ic o c After all analysis and calculations have been performed, design ultimately requires that the designer makes an intelligent choice of a component value. Typically, the result of a design is component ratios rather than absolute values. In some cases there is only a single specific value and we do not have a choice. Those situations are the easy ones and this paper is not applicable. But when you have component ratios then this paper will guide you through the logic of choosing practical component values. Since an equation does not exist for this process, then how does the designer justify the choice made? The solution set to a design is generally infinite and any choice made can be shown to mathematically work perfectly even if in practice the choice is unworkable. Thus, in practice, the solution set is less than infinite. The question is, can we establish a practical bounds on the solution set so that any choice made within those bounds works both mathematically and in practice? The answer is yes. The process is empirical rather than mathematical and involves human opinions. The end result is a mathematics that gives reasonable bounds to stay within. Since we are going to strive to stay well within the bounds there is no point in attempting to compute the bounds with high precision. Our goal is to determine the rough center of a good zone to be in and we will make our choices about that zone.

Concept Illustration Let me illustrate the concept of establishing bounds by way of an example. The goal is to construct a simple RC circuit with a time constant of 1 second. There are an infinite number of resistor and capacitor values whose product is one second. One possibility is to use a resistance of 0.001 Ohms and a capacitance of 1000 Farads. Another possibility is to use a resistance of 1x1012 Ohms and a capacitance of 1 picofarad. Both of these examples are mathematically correct but extremely impractical. In one case the resistance seems to be too small and in the other case the resistance seems to be too large. The good news is that if one can identify values that are too small and that are too large then it is possible to determine medium values that are just-right. The medium value is the center of a good zone of values to use. We will define the medium or just-right value as the geometric mean (i.e. square root of the product) of the largest value deemed to be too small and the smallest value deemed to be too large. The designer may then shift the value towards one extreme or the other depending on other tradeoffs or considerations. Consider the issue of determining the largest too small value for the resistor. Clearly, 0.00 O m w s a t s a. oe sr aat o 10 l gr r O m T iia 1 h s a w yo m l S lt f o f 00 a eo 1 h . h s n o l t y cr r s improvement but still requires a 1 Farad capacitor and besides, 1 Ohm is not large

Choosing Resistors and Capacitors for Op-Amp Active Filters

cm a do ne nwr g eiac. o e sr aat o 10 l gr r 00 o pr ti r t in r s ne S lt f o f 00 a eo 10 Ohms. e he i st t y cr r This value requires only a 1000 microfarad capacitor and seems to be acceptable. We are not looking for acceptable values right now goal is to find where discomfort starts. the S , t bc of f t o 1 ad r 10 h s T ir u e a ol ak faa o f 0 n t 0 O m . h e i s 10,000 microfarad es cr y s qr capacitor which is rather large. Some people might consider 100 Ohms too small. Others may feel comfortable down to 10 Ohms. To bring this part of the quest to an end, let us declare that 100 Ohms is the largest value that we can determine that is too small. Now consider the issue of determining the smallest too large value for the resistor. Going down a factor of 1000 from the original example results in a resistor of 1x109 Ohms which requires a 0.001 microfarad capacitor. If we go down by another factor of 1000 we have 1x106 Ohms which requires a 1 microfarad capacitor. This seems acceptable but that is not our goal at the moment. So let us increase the resistor by a factor of 10. Now we have 10x106 Ohms and 0.1 microfarads. There is still room for the resistor to become l gro e snr s ib ao ef t o 1. o w hv 1016 Ohms and 0.01 a es li e et y nt ra o f 0 N w e ae 0x0 r t ca h cr microfarads. This is definitely at an uncomfortable extreme. Let us declare that 100 M is the smallest too large value. The geometric mean of 100 Ohms and 100 Mis 100 k So, the just-right solution is . 100 kand 10 microfarads. Note that there is a wide range of acceptable values. Anything from about 1000 Ohms to 10 Mshould give us good results. Depending on other criteria, we might want to use a larger or smaller value than 100 k The important . thing we have done is to establish practical limits to the infinite solution set. So we have our geometric mean value of 100 kbut we choose a value up or down of over an order o m gi d ad tl en h od oe f an ue n slb it go zn. t i e

A Mathematical Solution We do not want to go through the preceding exercise for every component in our design. The good news is that there is a general solution to the problem customized for op-amp RC circuits. The solution is based on the fact that external impedances in an op-amp circuit generally should be larger than about 1000 Ohms (limited by maximum linear source and sink currents) and less than about 10 M(with high impedances, parasitic conductances and capacitance can significantly alter desired circuit performance). Also, op-amp RC filter circuits are generally constructed in the 0.1 Hz to 100 kHz range. It is also desirable to keep capacitances under about 1 microfarad so that quality film type capacitors can be used (avoid using electrolytic capacitors in filter circuits). This information lets us develop a mathematical criteria for choosing component values. The result is a set of equations that define practical median values for resistors and capacitors. These equations have been derived based on the experience and opinions of the author and have been coerced into fitting the preceding criteria. At frequencies in the 100 kHz range, signal amplitudes tend to be small thus permitting impedances smaller than 1000 Ohms.

Choosing Resistors and Capacitors for Op-Amp Active Filters

Rmedian = 4x105 / sqrt(frequency) Cmedian = 4x10-7 / sqrt(frequency)

Eq. 1 Eq. 2

Or, when a specific time constant is involved, the above equations can be written as: Rmedian = 1x106 * sqrt(time constant) Cmedian = 1x10-6 * sqrt(time constant) Eq. 3 Eq. 4

where Rmedian is in Ohms Cmedian is in Farads frequency is in Hz and is either the cutoff, peak, or notch frequency of the filter time constant is in seconds The author recommends that the actual value chosen be within about one-fifth to five times the median value calculated. These limits can be exceeded as needed provided the consequences of high or low impedances are understood and dealt with appropriately. In second-order op-amp active filter circuits there are generally two resistors and two capacitors. Since only a limited set of actual capacitor values is available, the capacitors should always be determined first. Sometimes the capacitor values can be equal to each other and selected to be a standard value. Sometimes the capacitor values must differ by a chosen ratio ratio chosen conveniently to exactly use standard available values. the When the capacitor values differ by a set ratio, then the best overall solution is for the calculated Cmedian to be the geometric mean of the two capacitor values. This is achieved by first calculating Cmedian using Equation 4. Then, multiply Cmedian by the square-root of the target capacitance ratio (use the reciprocal as necessary for a greater than 1.00 result). Round this capacitance to a standard capacitance value. Then divide the rounded value by the target capacitance ratio and round that result to a standard capacitance value. The actual ratio of capacitances will probably be somewhat different than the original target but that does not matter as the calculations for the resistance take this into account and produce the required result. Once the capacitor values are chosen then the resistor values calculate to specific values no choice is needed nor possible. It should be noted that these specific resistor values wlgnr lb wt nh at r r o m ne bud poi d hth go e i i ee l e i it u o e m edd ons rv e t t em tc l ay h e h s c d a e r mean of the two capacitor values is Cmedian. The geometric mean of the two resistors will then generally be similar to Rmedian. Exceptions may occur when the Q of the circuit is higher than about 5 as component ratios can become large. That may require that you go back and shift the original median calculation towards one of the recommended extremes. Design is typically an iterative process.

Choosing Resistors and Capacitors for Op-Amp Active Filters

In closing, I hope that all readers were attentive enough to notice that the just-right set of values for a 1 second time constant were determined to be 100 kand 10 microfarads and that Equations 3 and 4 suggest the median values to be 1 Mand 1 microfarad. The difference is due to the additional constraints imposed by the author on the solution set for use specifically in op-amp filter circuits. It also means that there is not a precise answer. Still, either solution is good. The following table summarizes the range of values to use based on the cut-off, peak, or notch frequency of interest. Note the inverse square-root of frequency relationship. Frequency 0.1 Hz 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 Rmin 250k 80k 25k 8k 2.5k 800 250 Rmed 1.3M 400k 130k 40k 13k 4k 1.3k Rmax 6.3M Ohms 2M 630k 200k 63k 20k 6.3k Cmin 250n 80n 25n 8n 2.5n 800p 250p Cmed 1.3u 400n 130n 40n 13n 4n 1.3n Cmax 6.3u Farads 2u 630n 200n 63n 20n 6.3n

Table 1: Good values to use for the specified frequency range The concepts in Table 1 can be extended to frequencies in the range of about an order of magnitude higher or lower. Beyond that, this table may be less than optimum and should be adjusted as needed. Never use this table as a substitute for thinking and understanding.

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