Grand Elder Hoyt Wynn - A Disgrace and The Meeting

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Grand Elder Hoyt Wynn: A Disgrace and the Meeting by Marcus A.


414 N. Orchard El Dorado, Kansas 67042 (316)244-1464

FADE IN: INT. THE LUCIFAE CLUB, NIGHT (YEAR 2033) THE LOVE THAT IS FORBIDDEN A Nightmancer, Hoyt Wynn, is sitting in the far corner of the bar, his usual drink, blood spice punch, in front of him. He stands as a figure in a trench coat and widebrimmed hat enters the room. HOYT Tuul mahajhet, my friend. STRANGER Tuul mahajhet, Master Hoyt. Why the urgency? I was supposed to be in hiding, or do you not remember that? HOYT I have a story to tell, Young Meichland--MEICHLAND Oh, we go. Our Grand Elder has fucked things up again, has he? HOYT I am most displeased with your brutal sarcasm, young one. No matter; what lies ahead is much graver. MEICHLAND [More serious] It must be, seeing as you called for me instead of my sister. HOYT That is exactly the problem, and Khali willing, I shall not be killed for my sin. MEICHLAND Sin, Grand Elder?! [he is shocked] HOYT Yes. Your sister and I have fallen in love, even though it is forbidden by The Vampyric Order. She is half-mortal, but still this great shame may get us both killed... [Hoyt shakes his head sadly]

MEICHLAND Grand Elder! Tell me this is not true! This cannot be! You know my sister and I are the last of our kind! If this gets out to the Argoroths, they will have reason to try and take over the mortal realm, kill you, me...and...and...Meika. There will be no one to stand up to them! The realms will be in chaos! HOYT Tis true, Khali forgive me, tis true. We must come with some way to hide your sister from this atrocious affair... MEICHLAND What if we were to move her discreetly to New Haven City? There are plenty of Immortal clans that are allies of your familys that will surely watch over her!!! HOYT That is a wise decision...the further from me she is, the safer and better she shall be. Prepare your loading party and make sure your Government knows nothing of this meeting. MEICHLAND [Holding a radio wave blocker] Ten steps ahead of you, Sir. With that, Meichland got up and quickly disappeared out the door he came.


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