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PERFORMANCE STANDARD LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA Learning Outcomes Band Performance Standard Descriptor Evidence Present information to different

audiences by writing directions, instructions, recounts, announcements, using appropriate format and conventions. 3 B3 Use knowledge acquired through listening, speaking, reading and writing B3 DT1 Writing short description B3 DT1 E1- Able to write a short description using adjectives/adverbs in a paragraph

Situation : In the class Instruction : Work in pair to get ideas. Write about one of your friends. Include 4 adjectives/adverbs in writing a short description about your friend. Sample Answer: (At least a paragraph) I have a close friend. His name is Peter. Peter is tall and polite. He greets teachers whenever he meets them. Furthermore, he is also a helpful person and most teachers like him. Besides that, he also involves actively in co-curricular activities. He is the role model for us.

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