API Strategy - HR Business Plan 2010-11

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Human Resources Business Plan 2010/2011



Statement of Purpose

To enable the members, managers and staff of Portsmouth City Council to deliver quality services to the people of Portsmouth through the delivery of HR help & advice when needed, to achieve the right outcome in the right way.

Vision We want: Managers to be competent and confident in their management duties and responsibilities potential and existing staff to see PCC as a good employer to be delivering services managers want in the way they want them

Service Business Plan 2010/11

Review The second review of the HR service into managing absence, disciplinary, grievance, dignity at work and performance management processes took place in 2009/2010 with the phased roll-in of managing absence due to complete by the end of March 2010 and the other processes to continue roll-in as and when issues arise. This review, together with the previous review of recruitment, led to discussions about the role of managers and the role of the HR service. Concern was raised that some managers have been relying on HR too heavily to perform their people management duties and a report to Employment Committee on 1st December 2009 resulted in agreement on the role of the HR service and the need for PCC to enable managers to manage. Workforce Matters, the new people management strategy, sets out how we will deliver Portsmouth City Council's priorities, and the objectives which come from them, through our employees. HR, along with every other service, is responsible for developing this business plan to support the delivery of the key actions of the Workforce Matters action plan. The predictions for local government finances as a result of the recession indicate an emphasis on supporting significant organisational change for all HR teams over the next two to three years.


Environmental Audit Results of the STEEP analysis of HR are as follows: SOCIAL Continuing issues Reflecting the national demographic, we have an ageing workforce and need to establish effective workforce planning. The expectation of the younger generation, as well as for older workers and those with caring responsibilities, is for more flexible working. We have a role to play in increasing the skill levels of residents and staff to improve their employability. We have an absolute responsibility to safeguard children and vulnerable adults. New issues The public perception of local government pay and pensions has become increasingly negative. With the Equality Act due to be effective from October 2010, it is imperative managers across PCC as well as HR are aware of the staff groups and the need to involve and consult with them on key policies and strategies. The recent request by the Religion or Belief staff group for a quiet room should be considered by the Asset Management Board. TECHNOLOGICAL There is an increasing dependence upon e-based services e.g. e-recruitment and greater use of the Oracle self-service capability should be explored. However, care should be taken that e-based solutions are 'fit for purpose'.

Service Business Plan 2010/11

More flexible working patterns, facilitated by technological advances, will require a change to the way managers manage the service delivered by staff working mobilely, from home or varied PCC locations. The need to retain fast access to current staff files and to retain former staff files for the 20 year period will necessitate a medium term review of electronic storage. ECONOMIC The results of the recession have meant better and increased applications from those private sector areas hit by recession, but this has not been tested for HR staff. The proposed 0% national pay award also reflects the economic position, together with the predicted 'cliff edge' scenario regarding the future reduction in local government funding. The outcome of the Local Pay Review may have an impact on staff turnover and ability to recruit as well as staff morale and the financial position of the council. The removal of the "LPR salary protection" with effect from March 2011 may have a particular impact on staff turnover around that date. ENVIRONMENTAL The fabric of the city (Northern Quarter) including Civic Offices, is looking increasingly rundown and is not attractive to potential recruits. The severe winter weather replaced the fears of the 'swine' flu pandemic and led to the development of staffing guidance for business continuity purposes. POLITICAL The Hampshire Senate are progressing a project regarding shared services including HR which Portsmouth City Council is not currently engaged with. There is a clear role for HR in the drive for efficiency savings and Head of HR is a member of the newly reconfigured Efficiency Board. The potential for changes brought about by a new government and/or administration are not yet clear but indications are that there will be a reduction in budgets leading to reductions in staffing levels. This will have an impact on all the HR teams supporting the various aspects of managing change. The Trade Unions are currently supporting a high number of grievances and Employment Tribunals as a result of the Local Pay Review.

The SWOT analysis is on the following page.

Service Business Plan 2010/11

Results of the SWOT analysis of HR reveals:

Strengths Willingness of HR to embrace and adapt to change themselves whilst supporting service managers through changes to their services. There are complementary strengths in the HR Management Team which works well together in the HR structure. The professionalism of all HR teams and the respect given to them by the majority of service managers. Awareness of new issues/legal changes so that the necessary steps can be taken in time. "Can do" attitude, confronting problems and finding solutions. Ability to rebalance and adjust working protocols to absorb reduction in HR Management Team and to reorganise HR teams to maintain high quality services.


No capacity for delivery of new ideas/"nice to haves" with the loss of 1/6th HR jobs in last 2 years. Having taken on too much responsibility from managers for some aspects of people management e.g. absence and performance.

Opportunities Shared HR services with other local LAs and SMEs, but need to ensure there is benefit to PCC. HR re-positioning as an 'enabler' should strengthen professional standing. HR Reviews and structural change enabling HR to better meet needs of managers. Occupational Health Service to impact on long-term sickness absence and well being. HR reviews will instigate cultural change in people management across all services. HR expertise will be needed to deal with predicted 'cliff edge' issues. Recognition of importance of workforce planning and 'Workforce Matters' by Members, SDB and Heads of Service.

Threats Continuously reducing budgets put pressure on HR staff at the same time as increasing HR workload from other affected staff. The political view of HR as support service not organisational development. "Fire-fighting" other people's problems which could have been avoided had HR been approached for advice/support earlier.

Service Business Plan 2010/11


Customer Needs Analysis Further work will be undertaken in 2010/11 to establish what managers want the HR service to deliver in more detail. A review by District Audit into workforce management across the council found some improvement and some critical work yet to be done (see Workforce Management Review, March 2010 and agreed action plan). The actions for HR have been integrated into this business plan. The intervention approach used by HR in its reviews considers the service required by customers which is then used as the basis for re-design and on-going maintenance of the systems and processes. HR is committed to this approach and the new ways of working established. Following the recruitment intervention in 2007/08 there is now feedback taken from every manager and every successful applicant with regard to how well they thought the process went and any improvements the individual could identify. These are considered as individual pieces of feedback and then considered as part of an overall position to see if there are any trends from which potential changes to the processes or policies can be identified. The Diversity Staff Groups are becoming more established and HR will increasingly use their members in consultation regarding HR policies and processes. The on-going feedback from the BME Group has been most helpful with regard to the recruitment process. The work of the Schools HR team is determined by Service Level Agreements with individual schools and a survey is undertaken annually to determine the team's performance and any required adjustments.


Equality Review The Valuing Diversity survey has identified a number of issues that impact on the perception of PCC and its services. These have included several areas that can be addressed by the HR service in particular covering recruitment. In recent years less and less of the recruitment service has been designed to incorporate face to face contact. Whilst the core design will not change the recent relocation of the section has allowed the re opening of the reception facility. This will allow personal callers and this feature will be advertised from April 2010 onwards. The telephone service will be developed to ensure those who prefer to use that as their main means of communication are supported. This action will address at least in part the concerns of preferred access. However 74% of respondents quoted they believed they would suffer discrimination, this is an area that demands attention. A programme will be offered to the BME communities and offer support in terms of how to apply and practical interview practice. First steps have already been taken and the BME staff group is assisting in this regard. PRENO will also be used as a potential link to relevant communities. It is hoped this will be developed as a core offering by September 2010 The direct links to the communities will allow HR recruitment staff to provide managers with effective feedback on gaining confidence of the communities.

Service Business Plan 2010/11

A similar offering can be centred on our community centres and cooperation of job centre plus and economic regeneration unit will be gained to offer support to people at such venues. Core targets are already in place elsewhere in this plan to ensure equal pay issues are addressed and eradicated from within PCC if any are discovered. The removal of qualifications and no further use of application forms makes the job application process simpler. As the full detail of the positive action protocols are published then managers will be given guidance on the effective use of such initiatives. Contact will be made with Portsmouth Disability Forum to work with them on their members' perceived barriers to employment. A meeting has been arranged with Mencap to continue looking at the employment opportunities for those with learning disabilities. Introduction of Apprenticeships and the support of the Future Jobs Fund initiative will ensure young people are offered a range of ways to work within the city council. The operation of the temp agency by PCC has attracted a number of workers from the diversity groups covered by the survey and indeed 108 temp agency staff have obtained permanent work with PCC in the last four years. HR has a number of methods of obtaining feedback from those who are its customers. The initiatives mentioned here will open up regular involvement and feedback routes to those within the city not currently our customers but who aspire to work within PCC. 3.4 Performance Assessment Audit The Local Pay Review had a huge impact on the resources and morale of the LPR team in particular and also the operational HR teams. It is important to acknowledge the overall success of this project (albeit with some difficult outcomes for staff), learn from mistakes and to move on from this to deliver our new objectives. The Audit Commission's review of Workforce Management in December 2009 (see report March 2010) remained critical of workforce planning and performance management across Portsmouth City Council but recognised the policies set by HR to support workforce management are robust and improving in most areas. Where the recommendations relate to the HR service they are included in the objectives in this Business Plan. The Employment Committee ratified the work of the HR service based on a report to the 1st December 2009 meeting and the implications of this are seen in Workforce Matters and objectives in the Business Plan 2010/11. Progress on the key objectives from 2009/10 Business Plan includes: 1 Implementation of Local Pay Review achieved on time and on budget. New pay & allowances package put into salaries wef 1.11.09, backdated to 1.4.09. Difficulties in engaging Members and managers in establishing workforce planning across the council are now being overcome and progress made following the CMB session before Christmas 2009, with greater emphasis in the business planning process and meetings with each DMT. Good progress against the Learning Works action plan in the development of Portsmouth City Council as a learning organisation. MLE "live" in February 2010. The Member Development induction programme to operate from May 2010 and allocation of a budget will help deliver Members' requirements in terms of development.

Service Business Plan 2010/11

Good progress made in reducing sickness absence from 11.3 days to 9.9 days by January 2010 due to the Occupational Health team's intervention in long-term sickness absence. If the trend continues, the target of 9.2 by 2010 may be reached. The impact of the new Managing Absence process on short-term sickness absence will be reviewed in 2010/11. Little progress on re-invigorating the Well-Being agenda was made in 2009/10 but SDB endorsement was gained in 2009 and will remain an objective for 2010/11.

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Increasing diversity in PCC staffing will remain an objective for 2010/11. Good support was given to organisational reviews by HR and this was recognised by the Audit Review. It was disappointing that Joint Waste Management Partnership did not materialise and the progress of the Customer Access Strategy is held up by building discussions, however neither of these delays were caused or influenced by HR. In both cases HR was ready and able to meet the high level of support now expected in the Management of Change. Reviews of HR complete and new direction for HR service emerging.

Within recruitment the primary measure used is total "end to end" time of every recruitment. Over time an upper control limit evolves and each recruitment that exceeds that is examined in detail to assess the reason. This information is used to identify if any trends are emerging regarding system performance that may require management action. Supporting this is our feedback mechanism from managers and applicants which also provides information on emerging trends. The importance of meeting with recruiting managers and recruitment staff looking for ways to meet customer demands have led to a position where teaser ads are standard and the use of Twitter and radio ads commonplace. Appropriate measures will be put in place as part of the current HR intervention covering the HR Policies. The measures contained in the Developing a Learning Organisation Action Plans will be monitored to assess progress. Part of the HR service has a service level agreement with the schools in Portsmouth, currently this agreement covers 94% of schools in the city and the School Centred Initial Teacher Training provision. As part of the agreement evaluations on the HR Service are undertaken and published annually to schools. The feedback forms the basis for improvements to the service each year. The other areas of Operational HR evaluate the service provision by discussion with Service Managers. The planned employee opinion survey will inform HR and the wider city council of issues important to staff and implications for the future development of policies and strategies. 3.5 Projects The draft Customer Access Strategy will be available in May 2010 and this may result in additional HR resources being required. Projects which are instigated by the Efficiency Board may also require additional HR resources.

Service Business Plan 2010/11

Operational service reviews sometimes require additional HR support. Other services' business plans will be assessed to ensure the HR resource has been considered for future reviews/projects and the resource Estimation tool completed. ICT Discussions will begin in 2010 to consider the development of the Oracle HR system in conjunction with ICT & the Finance Oracle Team. Discussions are also being held with our IT Business Partner regarding a microsite for recruitment maintenance of MLE the introduction of electronic filing, particularly personal files

Service Business Plan 2010/11

Service Objectives, Targets and Strategies

Objective 1 Establishing new ways of working in HR Reason for objective: The reviews of the HR service over the last two years has prompted a wider discussion of how the HR service should be supporting Members, Managers and staff in people management issues affecting front-line service delivery of priorities. HR staff need to understand what changes may be needed in the way the service works.

Target: To develop the understanding of all HR staff regarding the current and future service required from HR by Members, Managers and staff. Lead Officers: HRMT Assessment of Target: The clear understanding of all HR staff as to how they need to deliver the HR service is critical to HR being 'fit for purpose' in the short, medium and long-term. Outline Strategy to achieve target: Annual 'AwayDays' for all HR staff to be resumed to ensure understanding of the new ways of working and how the HR teams work together. HR Managers to consolidate understanding in PDRs and supervision meetings. Annual Target: An all HR staff 'AwayDay' to be held early in the 2010/11 financial year to discuss the recent reviews of the HR service and the impact on future HR service delivery.

Target: To establish clear measures that will provide evidence of the HR service delivery and of related people management performance across individual services. Lead Officers: HRMT Assessment of Target: The HR service needs measures which reflect the work of the HR staff as distinct from the overall people management performance of the Council, but the monitoring of people management performance across services should also be maintained. Outline Strategy to achieve target: Similar measures to those introduced in recruitment need to be established in the other HR teams. These measures will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure HR service delivery is meeting the requirements of Members and staff and that managers are meeting their people management duties. Annual Target: Measures to be agreed in all HR teams in April 2010 and monitored by HRMT. Service performance to be included in corporate performance management process.

Service Business Plan 2010/11

Target: To develop the understanding of managers regarding the respective roles of themselves and the HR service in people management issues. Lead Officers: HRMT Assessment of Target: This will be an ongoing requirement as managers interact with the HR service on their people management issues. It is included in the action plan following the review of workforce management by the Audit Commission in December 2009. Outline Strategy to achieve target: As managers contact HR regarding their people management issues, HR staff will explain how we can support them. The new leadership and management development programme will underpin the role of the manager and the support available from HR. The demand placed on the HR teams to be measured and evaluated as to whether a 'value' demand and used as a baseline from which to work. Annual Targets: An increase in 'value' demand to be established from the newly set baseline. 50% of newly appointed managers seek leadership and management development within 6 months of appointment.


Service Business Plan 2010/11

Objective 2 To develop and implement corporate workforce planning Reasons for objective: The council needs to understand its current and future workforce needs to be able to deliver effective and efficient services in the short, medium and long-term. Whilst workforce planning is improving in services, a robust corporate workforce plan is required to maximise effectiveness. Corporate Workforce Planning underpins the 'Workforce Matters' strategy. Contribution to corporate priorities "improve efficiency & encourage involvement" and "raise standards in English & Maths".

Target: To deliver relevant, accurate, consistent and timely data from Oracle about the existing workforce to services. Lead Officer: Stephen Todd Assessment of Target: Baseline data from Oracle has started to be sent to services on a quarterly basis from January 2010. Outline Strategy to achieve target: Services will be consulted to determine whether the baseline data covers their requirements or whether more/different data is required and at what intervals. Annual Target: Baseline data to be sent in April, September, December 2010 and March 2011.

Target: To establish additional information to services from the Managed Learning Environment (MLE) and Skills Audits with support to managers on how to utilise it for the development of their staff. Lead Officer: Jan Paterson Assessment of Target: MLE went "live" in February 2010 and, with the results of the Skills Audit in ......, should provide relevant data on staff skills to managers for the first time. Outline Strategy to achieve target: Managers will have access to staff development information through MLE and from the Skills Audit. Managers and staff may need support and advice in how to utilise this new resource and recognising the commitment to access the equivalent of 5 days (pro rata) learning & development time. Annual Target: To establish a measurement process to identify the use of MLE in the development of staff's skills and abilities? Communication with managers and staff in the use of MLE.

Service Business Plan 2010/11

Target: To establish workforce planning in the 'People Plans' services and develop for every organisational change/service re-organisation. Lead Officer: Jacqueline Coonie Assessment of Target: People Plans detailing how organisational change/service re-organisation will be managed have become embedded in the change process. These now need to be expanded to include more detailed workforce planning. Outline Strategy to achieve target: A framework 'workforce plan' to be developed to provide managers and HR staff with guidance on what needs to be included in 'People Plans'. Annual Target: A workforce plan section to be included in each People Plan in connection with organisational change/service reviews in 2010/11.

Target: To develop a corporate workforce plan which will be updated on an annual basis, or as necessary. Lead Officers: Kay White/Jan Paterson Assessment of Target: Managers are being supported by HR in the development of the workforce planning element of their 2010/11 Business Plans which will form the basis of the corporate workforce plan 2010/11. Workforce Matters (people management strategy) has not been agreed in time to influence 2010/11 service business plans but the workforce planning element will be updated. Outline Strategy to achieve target: The 2010/11 service business plans will be reviewed against the Workforce Matters strategy and amended where necessary to ensure the aims, objectives and actions are consistent with SMART objectives and containing a sufficient range of workforce data. The service business plans will then be incorporated into a corporate workforce plan which will be updated on an annual basis, or as necessary when other relevant strategies are agreed e.g. Customer Access Strategy, Equalities Strategy. Annual Target: 2010 Corporate Workforce Plan to be developed by June 2010.


Service Business Plan 2010/11

Objective 3 To develop and implement the necessary policies/processes to support the development of the workforce. Reasons for objective: Developing the workforce to meet the future service delivery needs of the council is a key theme of Workforce Matters. With the challenges which face us over the short, medium and long-term the skills and attributes of the workforce are critical.

Target: To review the Personal Development Review (PDR) process with managers and introduce a revised process which delivers their requirements to effectively manage performance and identify and meet training needs. Lead Officer: Jan Paterson/Jacqueline Coonie Assessment of Target: Whilst there is some evidence of good work in some services there is a need to meet the demands of all services. Strategic Directors have identified PDRs as an underpinning requirement of Workforce Matters. Outline Strategy to achieve target: Managers will be consulted to determine the reasons for resistance to the current process and amendments made where necessary. Compliance with the PDR process will become part of the corporate performance management measures. Strategy Directors and Heads of Service will need to ensure PDRs are implemented throughout services. Annual Target: Revised process in place by December 2010 to ensure a full year's performance measure can be in place for 2011/12.

Target: To introduce a succession planning process which may include defined career paths where appropriate. Lead Officer: Jan Paterson/Jacqueline Coonie Assessment of Target: Succession Planning has previously been on an ad hoc basis in the council and managers require advice and a framework within which to work to introduce succession planning. Using examples from both public and private sector a framework process will be possible. The implementation of MLE will give managers access to the information they require for the development of their staff. Outline Strategy to achieve target: Research into public and private sector use of succession planning. Establishment of the needs of managers regarding the use of defined career paths for succession planning purposes in some/all areas. Communication to staff and managers how to use MLE to provide a clear pathway for people to progress and help with succession planning. Annual Target: An agreed succession planning process by December 2010.

Service Business Plan 2010/11

Target: To develop and deliver a leadership and management development programme for existing and new managers to enable managers to effectively manage staff. Lead Officer: Jan Paterson Assessment of Target: The new leadership and management development programme will need to be based on needs analysis, followed by the development of additional courses/programmes or amendment of existing ones. Decisions will be required to prioritise the corporate budget spend or additional funding be made available. Decision also required on any mandatory leadership and management courses for new and/or existing managers. Outline Strategy to achieve target: Consultation with CMB on 1st April 2010 as part of Workforce Matters consultation Consultation with Third Tier Management Forum in Summer 2010 Development of leadership and management opportunities with the City Leadership Group and other local partners. Annual Target: New leadership and management programme in place by April 2010 Demand based on individual need in place by October 2010 (PDR deadline) Mentoring programme based on experienced managers, introduced by March 2011.

Target: To embed the 'Values & Behaviours' and Portsmouth Principles in HR processes to underpin their practice in staff behaviour. Lead Officer: Jan Paterson Assessment of Target: This is a longer-term programme of cultural change across the whole authority including Members and Staff. "Buy-in" will need to be achieved over a number of years and assessment of progress will have to be established. Outline Strategy to achieve target: A Member led programme is being developed and will commence in May 2010 Pilot Staff workshops to be held in May/June 2010 using ambassadors from across the authority Assessed through observed behaviours and employee opinion surveys. Annual Target: 20% staff having attended workshops by December 2010 40% staff having attended workshops by April 2011


Service Business Plan 2010/11

Target: To improve the understanding of staff regarding the democratic process, the role of Members and the impact of the political dimension on decision-making. Lead Officer: Jan Paterson Assessment of Target: The success of this target may depend upon the timelines of information being cascaded to staff. Outline Strategy to achieve target: Review of content of Working for Portsmouth to ensure understanding of political dimension is robust. Review of new Member Induction process and delivery of new Member Development programme. Annual Target: Delivery of revised Working for Portsmouth programme in May 2010 New Member Induction process delivered in May 2010 following local elections. Use of Buddies fully established by March 2011.


Service Business Plan 2010/11

Objective 4 Rewarding the workforce. Reasons for objective: The first phase of the Local Pay Review has been implemented and the second phase a Reward Strategy is now required to ensure we can attract and retain a motivated and skilled workforce.

Target: The development and implementation of an agreed Reward Strategy. Lead Officer: Stephen Todd Assessment of Target: PCC has historically been a low paying authority and the financial predictions indicate that this is unlikely to change, so innovative and non-monetary rewards must be relied upon to attract and retain staff. Outline Strategy to achieve target: Gain an understanding of the impact of various non-monetary rewards to be included in PCC's "remuneration package". Annual review of market sensitive increments. Promotion of PCC's "Total Reward Package". Annual Target: Implementation of agreed Reward Strategy by September 2010. First annual review of MSIs to be completed by 30th June 2010.

Target: To conclude the first phase of the Local Pay Review by 31st March 2011 Lead Officer: Stephen Todd/Jacqueline Coonie Assessment of Target: The LPR appeals against job grading will be completed by 30th April 2010. There are100+ grievance hearings all stage 1, which will be heard by January 2010 and then will go to stage 2 and stage 3. Grievances on changes to sleeping-in payments will be completed by ..... LPR Equal Pay claims at Employment Tribunal will progress in line with the ET timetable. Outline Strategy to achieve target: The LPR grievance hearings are being scheduled for one day per week, three grievance hearings per day from 1st May 2010. Equal Pay claims will require legal support and will be determined by the Employment Tribunal timescale and process. Annual Target: All grievance hearings to have been completed by 31st March 2011.


Service Business Plan 2010/11

Target: The implementation of the new market comparison process for MSIs. Lead Officer: Stephen Todd Assessment of Target: In some circumstances hard to recruit posts may be related to the levels of remuneration available to city council. Where this is the case then a market supplement on top of basic may be approved. Outline Strategy to achieve target: The process has to be robust enough to protect the city council from equal value claims and the current market supplement policy will be applied. Annual comparison of PCC pay with other local authority employers in the region will be implemented. Where appropriate private sector pay comparison will also be undertaken. Annual Target: Annual review of Market Supplements as part of the LPR review of supplements, this will inform the future process for ongoing annual reviews. New applications for Market Supplements to be assessed as they arise and approved by the Human Resources Management Team.

Target: To ensure there is no discrimination between male and female staff in terms of pay. Lead Officer: Stephen Todd Assessment of Target: One of the main reasons for undertaking the Local Pay Review 2006 - 2009 was to ensure that the city council's pay and allowances are equitable in terms of gender and robust enough to defend any equal value claims. To ensure this protection remains in place a regular audit of gender pay comparisons is required. Outline Strategy to achieve target: Equal Pay audit to be undertaken annually. Annual Target: Development of Equal Pay Audit process to be undertaken once the 2 year LPR pay protection has ended in March 2011.


Service Business Plan 2010/11

Objective 5 A healthy workforce. Reasons for objective: Whilst there is evidence of a reduction in sickness absence through the management of long-term absence in particular, a pro-active health programme would be beneficial to maintain the health of staff.

Target: The establishment of a 'Healthy Workforce' Strategy and delivery of tangible actions to improve the well-being of staff. Lead Officer: Stephen Todd Assessment of Target: The factors which affect health at work are wide-ranging and care must be taken to ensure a realistic strategy is developed which can be delivered. The resignation of one of the senior Occupational Health Nurses may have an impact. Outline Strategy to achieve target: Healthy Workforce Strategy Group formed in late 2009 which will develop and monitor a realistic Well-being Strategy. Review of focus of Occupational Health service in 2010/11 leading to changes in service delivery. Assessment of Business Case for use of FirstCare absence management tool. Annual Target: An agreed Healthy Workforce Strategy by 30th June 2010. Achievement of Work & Health Well-being Hallmark by December 2010. Know your numbers event in September 2010. Increase in management fast-track referrals for musculo-skeletal and stress disorders. Development of HR staff Well-being group

Target: A review of the Health & Safety activity to support the Healthy Workforce Strategy Lead Officer: Stephen Todd Assessment of Target: The health & safety unit is highly regarded but the recruitment of a new health & safety manager is a good opportunity to assess the need for and to deliver improvements in service delivery. Outline Strategy to achieve target: A 'systems thinking' type review of health & safety can be started when the new Health & Safety manager begins in April 2010, and any new way of working begun by January 2011. Annual Target: New measures to be put in place to measure health & safety delivery.


Service Business Plan 2010/11

Objective 6 A diverse workforce. Reasons for objective: To increase our ability to recruit and retain staff from disadvantaged groups within our community. To enhance the life chances of those residents in the lowest economic groups and those with disabilities or with other diversity related issues that could affect their employability. To contribute to the corporate priority "Improve efficiency and encourage involvement".

Target: Effective policies for staff serving on various community groups. Lead Officer: Stephen Todd Assessment of Target: This target is to support the improvement of staff understanding of the needs of our diverse communities. It is an underpinning activity, the measurement of the improvement in understanding will be within front line service activity. Outline Strategy to achieve target: To review council policy on attendance at Neighbourhood Forums, becoming governors of schools and members of community groups. Annual Target: Reviewed policies in place by 30th September 2010.

Target: To increase participation by PCC using consultation and feedback from BME groups, Portsmouth Disability Forum and other disability support groups. Lead Officer: Jan Paterson Assessment of Target: The target is to assess the improvement of staff group involvement in policy development which began with the BME Group in 2009. Outline Strategy to achieve target: To consult staff groups on new policies and processes to ensure they have a positive impact (or at least no negative impact) on staff from diverse groups. To ensure links from each of the staff group sites to the people management policies. Annual Target: Ensure all new people management policies are reviewed before implementation by BME, Disabled LGTB, religion/faith and other minority staff groups by March 2011 To ensure this consultation is adopted as standard element of policy development by March 2011.

Service Business Plan 2010/11

Target: To offer Looked After Children opportunities for long term work experience, school based experience and access to apprenticeships. Lead Officer: Jan Paterson Assessment of Target: LAC remain a difficult group to engage with a higher proportion of NEETS and lower education levels. This initiative may help these young people view PCC more positively. Outline Strategy to achieve target: Close partnership work with Social Care to identify relevant placements and potential apprentices. Annual Target: 5 school based work experience and 5 longer term placements filled by looked after children by March 2011 1 Apprentice place filled by a looked after child by March 2011 5 Apprentice places created by March 2011.


Service Business Plan 2010/11

Objective 7 To support managers and staff in organisational change/service reviews. Reasons for objective: The annual budget process has meant that HR is experienced in supporting managers and staff in service reviews but the economic position and potential change in government may require greater support and experience of the 2010/11 budget process has highlighted some necessary improvements in the process.

Target: Staff are supported and the best outcomes for services and staff are achieved when service reviews result in redundant posts. Lead Officers: Jacqueline Coonie Assessment of Target: Redeployment has improved following the review of the recruitment process and worked well in the IT Review. Members of the Employment Committee require a higher emphasis on learning & development opportunities as part of the process and this needs to be established quickly. Outline Strategy to achieve target: Review of redeployment policy together with the role of the HR Officers, Recruitment Officers and Learning & Development Officers in the process. Annual Target: Revised redeployment process to be understood and rolled out by June 2010. Target: Staff to be appropriately informed and supported during the annual budget process Lead Officer: Jacqueline Coonie Assessment of Target: The current budget process does not allow HR staff to appropriately advise managers on the impact of their budget proposals, nor to undertake the required consultation with Trade Unions. A change in the communication of the budget process is required. Outline Strategy to achieve target: Discussions to be undertaken with HFS and service managers on the possible changes to be implemented in readiness for the 2011/12 budget process. Annual Target: New consultation arrangements in place by September 2010.


Service Business Plan 2010/11

Resources and Capacity

5.1 Finance & Efficiency & 5.2 96% of the HR budget is staffing costs and therefore strict vacancy management has to be followed. Staff duties and objectives will be continuously monitored to ensure delivery of the required service and efficiencies will be sought continuously. The requirement for further budget cuts is critical as all HR teams will be required to support service reductions across Portsmouth City Council. The efficiency savings (or budget cuts) included in the 2010/11 budget will be achieved by further reductions in staffing through natural wastage, redundancy and a new SLA with Schools for health and safety resources. The internal Temporary Staff Agency continues to bring in income from contracts with Fareham, Gosport and Havant. Discussions are taking place with the University of Portsmouth regarding the supply of temporary staff to them. 5.3 Value for Money HR is committed to using the HR Intervention approach to demonstrate that HR is providing value for money services as required by Portsmouth City Council. The measures which HR have introduced will ensure that we continuously review our service in the light of feedback from managers and clear evidence. Benchmarks with other HR functions will not deliver effective measures, however, information has been purchased and will be considered during 2010/11. 5.4 Human Resources (Workforce Planning) Workforce profile (August 2009) Headcount Headcount 116 Gender Female 99.00 Age <18 0 % 0.0% 19-24 6 % 5.2% 25-50 89 % 76.7% 51+ 21 % 18.1% % 85.34% Male 17.00 % 14.66% FTE 96.47

Ethnicity Non BME 100 Turnover Leavers Apr08-Aug09 18 % 15.5% % 86.2% BME 3 % 2.6% Undisclosed 13 % 11.2%


Service Business Plan 2010/11

Current learning & development needs Following the systems thinking review of the service there has been a structural change within the service reflecting the new way of working. The current challenge is to fully enable the people working in the new roles to understand those roles completely and therefore operate in the new ways. It has been discussed that there needs to be clarity on the skill sets required for the different levels within the new structure which will help this. The operations team have noticed a gap around making decisions based on the law rather than on policy and thus we have instigated a training session to ensure that the right people get an employment law update on a regular basis to ensure that they are aware of the most recent developments. Within the central/employee relations team it has been recognised that there would be some benefit to providing some negotiation training. The Health and safety team who have a new manager and will need continued access to the legal updates. Occupational Health have also recently undergone a staff change with the departure of one OH Nurse and thus their operations need to be reviewed against the organisational requirements. Within recruitment it was identified that there is a skills gap between recruitment officer and recruitment coordinator which should be assessed to understand the impact of this & propose any action required to address it. An area that has been discussed is about more formal job shadowing and or job rotation within the department areas to ensure that we are equipping our own staff with the skills & knowledge to work across the service. Service and/or Corporate projects/initiatives planned within the next financial year (or duration of the business plan) No service projects are planned within HR, although we will play a key part within other services plans. We are keeping abreast of the changes to the Governments Vetting and Barring Scheme (VBS) from July 2010 where all new employees and volunteers, and those moving jobs who want to work with children or vulnerable adults frequently or intensively will be able to register with the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA). The ISA was created to help prevent unsuitable people from working with children and vulnerable adults. They work in partnership with the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) to help ensure that there is no known reason why individuals who work or wish to work or volunteer with children or vulnerable adults shouldnt do so. From November 2010, all new employees and volunteers who want to work with children and vulnerable adults frequently or intensively in a wide variety of settings must be ISAregistered before they can start work. From then it will be illegal to employ people who are not ISA-registered. From April 2011 people who are already working in regulated activity may apply for ISAregistration. This will happen in phases up to July 2015 and employers will tell people when they should join. Employers, local authorities, professional regulators and other bodies have a duty to refer to the ISA, information about individuals working with children or vulnerable adults where they consider them to have caused harm or pose a risk of harm. These changes need to be incorporated in our way of working to ensure compliance at the highest level with these new measures and an additional 0.5wte is required to support the associated administration.

Service Business Plan 2010/11

Efficiency and Budget Savings During May 2010 there is a scheduled review of the recent system thinking review which will allow continued progression against this area of efficiency & budget savings. Succession Planning In addition to the job rotation and or job shadowing proposed under the first area we know that we need to use the appraisal process to look at possible options around succession plans for HR. In this way we hope to be able to ensure that we have the knowledge, skills & ability within the team to be confident around key/unique posts within the service. A professional development programme is assessed annually to allow appropriate staff to undertake professional HR/learning & development qualifications. Within Operational Team only one member of staff does not hold PQ Diploma in HR. Within Health & Safety the Health & Safety Officer Officers are qualified and their development will centre around CIPD. In the Central Team and Recruitment. Learning & Development day release opportunities have been approved to support further professional qualifications. Workforce Diversity The HR workforce is representative of the demographics of PCC: the community it serves. Where the roles are customer facing recruitment will continue to deliver the right person in the right job at the right time. Recruitment is working with the staff diversity groups to widen our recruitment from the various communities council-wide. Recruitment and Retention The posts that have been difficult to recruit to are Assistant Heads of HR and interim specialist staff. There has been no recent requirement to recruit in these areas and the market will have to be re-tested. Recruitment is working with the staff diversity groups to widen our recruitment from the various communities council-wide. Absence Management Absence in HR is in the lower quartile and each absence is followed up and managed at an individual level. Working Practices An area that would make significant impact for HR would be around electronic filing & mobile working. Both of these will be researched over the next year. Learning and Development For the operational & central teams a workplace investigations course has been planned with Butterworths/Lexis Nexis. Additionally Employment law updates are being scheduled to ensure knowledge is kept up-to-date. A whole service Awayday will also be scheduled for summer 2010. Values and Behaviours HR will continue to play a key partner role with Customer Services to look at the values & behaviours work with Councillor Buggy. Additionally through the workforce strategy HR will continue to be there to deliver the change for services as required and embrace the Portsmouth Principles.

Service Business Plan 2010/11


Assets The relocation of recruitment, learning & development to Floor 1 and HR teams to two locations on Floor 3 & 4 will result in more effective working but further improvements can only be made if the HR service could be located all together.


Service Business Plan 2010/11

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Other Key Corporate Issues Section 17 requirements to consider Community Safety The service contributes to Section 17 of the 1998 Crime and Disorder Act in the following ways: supports staff who are victims of crime ensures that our staff vetting procedures are sufficient to protect clients/public from victimisation/abuse monitors racial/sexual harassment in the workplace and ensures access to support services has policies on violence in the workplace and the use of drugs and alcohol provides personal safety guidance/training for all staff including those working out-of hours and/or in dangerous situations integrates crime reduction issues into recruitment procedures


Sustainability & Climate Change The service contributes to the authority's sustainability and climate change policies and targets in the following ways: ensuring that the relevant HR policies are in place and fit for purpose to enable all services to meet the authority's requirements As a service we will: Review how our staff travel to work and where appropriate utilise flexible working policies Review how our staff travel for work and investigate alternative, equally efficient alternatives, ensuring that car travel is only undertaken where other options are inappropriate. Ensure staff are switching off electrical equipment when not in use. Only printing where necessary and using MDF printers unless there are confidentiality issues. When using other printers we will print double sided. Ensure all staff have flat screen monitors.


Equality and Diversity Equality Impact Assessments will be undertaken in line with the new EIA guidance. Duty to Involve The BME Staff Group are contacting their own communities to consider taking up Recruitment's offer to run workshops on applying for PCC posts and recruitment and selection generally as the offer to all named communities has not elicited any involvement. The other Staff Groups will be approached for similar advice. The resident survey will be used when viable. The results of the employee opinion survey in June 2010 will be evaluated and appropriate action taken. SDB, CMB and Third Tier will be used to gauge demand as our customers.



Safeguarding Human Resources is the lead agency for safeguarding issues surrounding the employment of staff, with responsibility for checking information and data associated with recruitment and selection and appraisal, leading on the vetting and barring requirement under The Safeguarding of Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, and undertaking relevant checks. Working with Children, Education and Young People's Services to ensure the safeguarding element is incorporated into staff induction, training.


Service Business Plan 2010/11

The Operational Head of HR also has the role of Local Authority Designated Officer which is a strategic role within the framework of "Working Together" which requires all Unitary and County Authorities to have a role to advise, oversee and report on allegations management for the whole of the Children's workforce in the City of Portsmouth in liaison with the Police and Children's Social Care. HR has the lead role in the dissemination of information regarding 'safer recruitment' activity and information around CRB and ISA for PCC workforce taking account of the 10 strands for effective safeguarding within the Portsmouth Safeguarding Compact.


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Risk Management, Counter Fraud and Business Continuity Risk Management The Risk Register for the HR service is in Appendix 1. Counter Fraud This questionnaire has been completed and forwarded to Internal Audit. Business Continuity The adverse weather conditions in January 2010 tested the HR Business Continuity Plan and the general HR advice given to all staff was updated. The HR Business Continuity Plan will be reviewed again in June 2010.




Service Business Plan 2010/2011

Risk Register Appendix 1

Risk Owner


Net Risk Score

Control Owner


Changes to HR policies causing confusion

Reduction in people management.




Services unable to provide info on workforce needs Sickness Absence not reduced

Inability to plan how to resource for the future Continued impact of absence on the efficiency of services







Communication of change at each request for support from Managers. Inclusion in management learning & development programme. Green L&D meetings with DMTs to support Workforce Planning Green Roll-in of new managing absence process Amber






Risk Description

Outcome(s) of Risk

Controlled Score

Red = Uncontrolled Amber = Partially Controlled Green = Controlled


Linked to Objective Number

Effectiveness of Controls

Control Measures Risk Number



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