Org Contr Negot

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ADVANTAGES Relatively simple for theCommunity to organise. DISADVANTAGES Responsibility for funds, materials, technical direction have to be carried by either the municipal authority or some other support agency. It could limit the development of the community and their ability to organise other works. Materials may have to be carefully checked to ensure that the quality is adequate. Technical assistance needed from Municipal Authority or support agency.


Labour and Material

Less responsibility is placed on municipal authorities.Communitie s gain more experience in management. Tendency to use local suppliers, boosting the economy in the area. All responsibility passes to the community including the technical execution of the works. This relieves any burden that may be placed on the Municipal authority.

Full Contract

Can only be done with technical assistance from the private sector, government or an NGO. The communities need to develop a good understanding of planning and organising the management and construction of the works. The community may not appreciate the need for good technical advice, and the cost of that advice if provided by the private sector. This could lead to heavy dependence on the support agency, which may or may not be a signatory to the contract.

Source: ILO/ASIST,1998

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