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The Business Model Canvas

Key Partners
- Artists - Itunes - Cinram (Physical Media Distribution) - Physical Media Distributors (Retailers, wholesalers etc.) - Online and Mobile providers - Venues - Paraphernalia manufacturing (expanded rights) - Synchronisation (Spotify, MTV network, TV, radio etc.)

Warner Music Group

Value Propositions
- Music Experience (ie. New artists, live shows) - Provides Music (including specific artists), recorded live, digital, synchronised formats (ie. Part of TV shows, movies, radio etc.) - Paraphernalia (ie. Manages specific well-known artists, fan clubs, live shows and expanded rights)

Key Activities
- Music recording - Music publishing - Marketing & promoting - Licensing - Managing cash flow extraction & debt reduction - Attracting, developing & retaining artists and songwriters - creating new business models & products (eg. Remixes, digital distribution)

Customer Relationships
- Artists websites - fan clubs - Synchronisation agency

Customer Segments
- Individual Customers/fans Segment 1: Digital, physical, live customers Segment 2: Baby boomers, Gen X, Gen Y) - Licensees - Synchronisers - Expanded rights (selling paraphernalia) - Publishers (generate royalties) - Older fans (buying pre-recorded music i.e. The Stones; account for 40% of recorded music sales)

Key Resources
- Artists & Songwriters - Goodwill & brand - Copyrights (songs) - Fan clubs websites (expanded rights)

- Digital channel (eg. Internet, online and mobile); i.e. Itunes. - Physical channels (eg. Retailers & wholesalers) - Live venues (eg. concerts) - Free internet radio (eg. Spotify)

Cost Structure
Royalties (Artists, producers, song writers, other copyright holders) A&R (artist & repertoire), fan club costs. Product costs (manufacturing) Distribution & selling costs Marketing & promotion costs General administration costs

Revenue Streams
1. Recorded Music (82% of revenue) Physical, live, broadcasted Performances etc. 2. Music publishing (18% of revenue) Synchronisation, radiogram, TV, merchandising etc. 3. Licensing fees
Note: 58% of revenue generated from international sources

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